\.- . fj * r i- ' a •$ -■ ■■ 'K'V ■ ■ /■ f-i WEDNESDAY* FEBRUARY 19, 19BS I :_ v PAGE EIGHTEEN The Weather ' -r. iiattrijfHtVr lEttfitlng Ipralb ATcrEge D»ify Net Prow Run Peraeeat. ef C. S. Weather Beraea -f Fee'the Week Dadetl I rebruary IS, 1858 Fair, eentlaned eoM tonight. Lew Chamber Grotip aero to IQ above. Friday fair with About Town 12,635 little eJunge In teewperatore. H(gh Wiir Nominate Manaher ef the Audit Th* VFW win tpontor a Record In 8«w Hop at Ita Home Feb. 26, atarting Bureoa af OlrcnlBtiM / '■ M ancheiter~^A City of VUktgS Charm Six for Board ‘ ■ -■’* at 8 pm. A coihmittee -to nominate elx \ PRICE FIVE CENTS The Edith Cowle* Strickland Shown here are just four of the matty rtew items that are arriying aaily. M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N., T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 20, 1968 (Closallled .AdvarfMag airPaga 18) members for election to the Board V O L . L X X V II, N O . 120 (TWENTY PAGES) N ’- Group of the Second Congrega­ of Directors of the Chamber of tional Church will meet tomorrow Commerce will be appointed at a night at 8 o’clock at the home of Board meeting tonight. ^ Mra. Robert Foater. 393 Oakland ; Chamber President Edward H. St. I ^lenncy said the comrtiittee will New. Incident Quail Legend consist of not more than two mem­ The Polish Ladiea Alliance haa bers of the Board and three other Mef chaijts" to postponed ita meeting from to-; Chamber members. 'Adds to Paris, Gains Weight night until next month. , The list of nominees chosen to­ night will be mailed to each mem-^’ Auatln, Tex„ F*b. JO.tIPl— The Mother Cabrlni Mothers Cir­ ber of' the Chamber accompanied Tunis Wrangle For 10 year* Byron Lot^thart cle will meet tonight at 8:15 at | by notification that, in addition, White Elephant Sale and Dr. J. Gordon Bryaon the home of Mrs. Harry Smith, 1011 members of the organization may Tunis, Feb. 20/(fl>)— ^Tunis­ argued over 4hc legend quail E. Middle Tpke. name other nominees for election ian-French relations took an­ are *o rich you'd kill youraelf as directors. This must be done in m 80 day* If you at* one a An Ash Wednesday communion writing within live days and .at In Town other thm .for the worse tor service will be held at 7:30 tonight least 20 members must sign the day. The Tunisian govern­ ^Pekhart, 40-year-old Auatin at the North Methodist Church. Opens Office recommendatipn for each addition­ ment charged French soldiers attorney, ate hi* 81*t quail In al nominee. invaded a government build­ 81 day* yeaterday. He had Manchester Grange will meet to­ Atty. David M. Barry, 32 Scar­ If further nominations arc made, Washintton’s famoua myth-' ^ Police have been notlfle to atand them broiled, for breakfaat. ' /. by—}u*t In ca*e. , ' • ing In . southern Tunisia and night at 8 'O’clock in Orange Hall. borough Rd., has opened a law of­ the president will then mall a list leal “ white elephant” is head­ ' Dr. Robert Morriaon, n^ical fice at 750 Main St.. Hartford. He of all nominees "to the Chamber Some Speeial pargalaa kidnaped a Tunisian official TTie program will be arranged by Undoubtedly more than on#, . adviaor to the commItRe of the home economics committee, ia associated with Atty, William C. members. The election will take ing this way and is 8cheduled croniM who aat on the aide- Mrs. Grace Baker chairman. Re­ Bieluch. place before April 1. to arrive in Manchester Sat­ line* Of the demonatration, ex­ ins freshments will be served by Mr. Atty. Barry attended Canterbury Directors whose terms of office urday to symbolize the largest amined ’ Lockhart and an- and Mra. Alfred Dion and their School in New Milford and wa.a have expired are Edson M. Bailey, ^ down 15 Hiueetionlng following the blowing nounced: "He'a in no worao sales pro|Hotion ever at­ •hould-^ w Umg to plunk down »5 |m ^ ^ military Jeep by a committee. graduated from Kingsw’ood in West Walter Grusha. Stillman Keith, tempted by th f Manchester ahape than when- he atarted.” Releasie on Atty. Jay E ., Rublnow, William for a e l^ r ic | land mine. The French embaeiy He’d; gained alx pound*, Hartford In 1918. He grajluated leather Jacket fm $3.99 *Mm* like j TunWan* were re- The TWCA-sponsored slimnaa- Thornton and Walter Garter Jr. Chamber of Commerce. however. from Trinity In 1952 and received For the uninitiated, each year tlcs course for women will start his law degree from the Boston morf thgn •'V* ^ f ^ ‘ Uea»ed thi* morning and it con*ld- Friday night at 8 o'clock in the Univer.aity School of Law in 19.'>5. •tnoe 1#IQ invfite nation'* capttol hoM«ni ihouldn t h*lk P*y***^ j tht tneident cloied. Two August ’59 81 e*ph for (i»ed :yaahing eoldicr* were reported In- crafts room of the East Side flee. He was admitted that year to the a tramendoua "white elephant" Barbers Rej^ain | a. Ja hae baen held by the merehante, (Chinae. ' > . lured In the Jeep exploelon. F in flu C C Connecticut and Massachusetts i Waehljigton’e, birthday. Good* ' SpriDgfield, Ili., Feb. 20 (/P) • A meeting of the Hartford Coun­ Bar Assns. He is a member of the TV *et* will eell for 89.95 and | inriiient occurred ye*terday ty Soil Conaen'ation District will Connecticut.’ Hartford County and Lead in Touriiey | kve bean offerAI at "give-away — Nathan Leopold, surviving be held tomorrow night at 8 o’clock Manchester Bar Assn. go for *9.95; a uaed car i* priced, Tunlala. where a email Y O l C S l O J n . a i 8 e member of the Loeb-Lcopold At tlma* in the past Waahing- at the South-:Windsor Equipment He was recently discharged after Joe’s Barber Shop regained the i u.. 1 k ^ French poat ia located. It came aa thrill murder team of .1924, Co., Sullivan 'SJ., South Windsor. lead in the Elks setback tourna­ ton poHca had trouble handling the Other ^ h U * »«Ilth e Tunlalan* and the French ap-; aen'ing two yfars with the U S ment last night. They have scored |. crowd*, paopl* apent tfc* night aala wilt include 85.98 cameraa for j barking awav from ' X . F 0 O I 1 J 1 JJ.x 0 1 1 was granted a parole today. A panel diaciisifion will be held on Army. The niinois Parole and Pardon •'Water. Maximum yae of Farm 3,676 points. Last week’s leaders. il eampod outalde atoret'watting to 83.98: percale material, originally j cayaed by the French] . • Atty. BaiT.v/is the son of Mrs. the Four Dunces, are in second j | f t "flrat crack” at the bargain. 39 canta a yard, Juat 10 cent*.: bobbin- of a border town. Both na- -------- vBoard’a *nnouhcement aatd Leo­ P.inda." The meettdg ia open to ladle* cotton- - - ’* blouaea Wmaamhave nmJaaabeen tlon* hi’ve agreed to let the United ' Waahington. Feb. 30 f/?VThe | pold haa been granted ” a definite farmers and landowners in the May D. Barryj32 Scarborough Rd place with 3.637 points. | morchandiae and. In at leaat ,one and the late Dr. John F. Barry. eaae, a haraaoed clerk .Kkd to take reduced from 81.98 down to 50 Statea and Britain use their ’‘good; Senate Fihanca Committea ap- a^tenee parole.’’ county. Other scores: Oliva’s Esso, | R added'that "the location apd 3,634; Capitol Equipment, 3,605; I refuge on a table top to avoid the cent*; Swedlah Birch y*#!! akia. offleea" in an effort to smooth.re-j proved today the full 85 billion! cupation ’b f'’*ubjeel to be in- 4XXXX. 3.597; Qnish’s, 3,524; Wal-1| clutching finger* of wpUld-b# buy- formerly 813.95, have )>*«" dropped latlona fhooat in the debt ceiling asked b y! The trip which pupils of the I.,akota Council, Degree of Poca­ to 99-cent*: remnant*,'Will aell for atikated liy- parole aupervialon Buckley School had planned to take hontas, will meet this evening at 7 nut Clippers. 3.518; .Garden Res-; 'or*,' African protre orat^ , Eisenhower effective un- ] taurant. 3.308; Hoods Milk, 3,505; i. Whether or not aocH acenea will 11 cent* a yard, they/ were 39 The Tunlaian Foreign. Ministry; ,,, , - » .-.g \ Imrnedlately." " - today to the Lutz Junior Museum o’clock in Odd Fellows Hall. A TM t tneant Leopold cam get out has been postponed until March 12. combined decree rehearsal will be Woody’s Wonders. 3,489; Hartfqi’ri I bo rqteatad in Manchealor. Satur­ |CcnU; 813.50 shoes JO for 83; ] termed the Remada incident "ex- ,, j. ^ rejecting bv a Rd. Grill, 3,478; Prime Beef Boys.. day ta a matter for conjecthre. but 36-piece dlnnerware set* n«vehave been;ot-c , i,.cnieiytremely aenoua.aerioua” It cnarKcacharged Inin a “ . , monoaalrejecung. bv Chair-ioy a, of priWt after investigation o f hta held followl ig the meeting with arran g^ w t* for a Job and a home. Sunset Coun :il. A social time with ■3,477. ■ ! atore owner* have been bually re^c^-f™* BvJd t^ m- Also. Patten’s Builders. 3,475; ^ dropping price* to Lelow rock bolt iI Card tattle* will i:o •l*R»e! -officlallv reatricted to tnatr ‘ The D iv i^ a Faml* Suporvlslor^ refreshment; will follow, I*,:/ crease to S3 million NOW s H I I N y I o Bond Bread, 3,460; Pagani Cater-j| tom 'for thl* town’* «r*t .‘whitA"white |< ladle*' car coaU are toiA>old for bases throughput *runisia since the_ 'The committee acted on a bill, handles tw InveatlgkUon, an(f there was no.
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