Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 3-17-1976 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1976). Winona Daily News. 1430. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1430 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DevelopersBy TERRY named for two parcels BORMA renewal NN Morgan Block is $20,000 annually. Tax paid on the whole block In Staff Writer the last year it was privately owned was $33,000. ¦ ¦ Morgan, Steak Shop blocks planned Property tax on the housing development planned for the .. Three developers were named Tuesday night by the "Winona spring, Paul Brewer, past chamber president, (old HRA HRA meeting, and they presented their designs at the Tuesday Morgan Block's north half cannot be estimated in advance, Housing and Redevelopment Authority <HRA) to build com- members. meeting prior to getting HRA approval. according to Robert Bone, chamber executive vice-president, mercial, housing and banking facilities'on two urban-renewal Development oi the Latsch Block would complete the Winona Winona contractor Howard Keller said his commercial because of uncertainty about how many units may be parcels downtown. ¦¦ ' < downtown urban-renewal program, which is under a June 20 development dn the south half of the Morgan Block will cost subsidized. Subsidized housing is taxed at a different rate. The HRA designations are the first steps in a months-long deadline from the federal Department of Housing and Urban from $650,000 to $850,000. He and Bud Anderson, Moorhead, Estimates on the cost Of. a six-story, 118-iuilt apartment • process of .getting government approvals and assembling Development (HUD) to be closed out.' Minn., will develop the retail part of the downtown package. building on the block's north half range from $1.5 million to $2.5 financing for the projects On the Morgan And Steak Shop The Morgan Block developers had come forward at a Jan. 20 A rough estimate of property tax on the commercial half of the million. The Winona Ecumenical Housing Association ! WEHAV. blocks. All three developers lope to begin construction this with l fi member agencies, mostly local churches, is developer of summer. thesenior citizen apartments. The Steak Shop Block developer is to be First Northwestern Foraiw Winona Mayor Norrtian Indall is WEHA president : National Bank, which plans to build a large drive-in facility on Lund-Martin Co., Minneapolis, is the apartment project thej>arc§l, according to Curtis Holm(juist, barik president. manager. The banking facility will cost abotit $456,006, Holmquist The value of the development proposed for the Morgan Block ' ' ' ' ' - ; - ¦' estimated. A AA - . :. A, A A. - -:. y-yy,. :.;- ? ,., could range from 32.150,000 to $3,350,000 by the developers-' The WlnOna Area Chamber of Commerce ' designated last estimates. Nov, 18 as urban-renewal coordinator, "hopes to' "have ( ConttnUedon page 10a) something jn regard to (the Latsch Block) as well later on this _ Developers named ^ednesd ity^^- 6to15stores <«i? ¦ tMp^a^ -; C^ ^5^*^**' "J^*^^^^^*- - - ^ seen for complex Udall isn't angry 1 From six to 15 stores? may occupy the HRA executive director, that he and The federal government may have Its faults, but it ohe-story, enclosed - mall commercial Anderson can meet all " contract "is all we've got and we have, to make it work." building lie plans for the south half of the requirements in 120 days, which is what presidential candidate Morris Udall said Tuesday in Morgan Block downtown,-Howard Keller the HRA voted to allow them. That would Green Bay t TWis. The Arizona congressman is told the Winona Housing and expire in mid-July. considered the frontriinner in Wisconsin's April 6 ' Redevelopment Authority (HRA) In answer to questions from HRA Democratic primary. He said his campaign Tuesday, Chairman Royal Thern and member approach differs from; those candidates who are Keller, a Winona contractor designated William Doerer, Keller said he couldn't wooing votes by criticizing the government. "I'm - as developer of the haif-biock by the HRA, guarantee that his retail building would be not running against the federal government, " he showed slides to illustrate the "look of able to accommodate additional stories in ? said.; "and, that makes me the -sole progressive quality " he hopes to achieve in the 36,000- the future. A taller building would com- candidate available," Udall also visited Shebovea n to . 38,000-square-foot bu i lding. The plicate the process of getting HUD ap- • Rep, MerrteL'dall ? Oshkosh anjd Wausau: project's cost, including land, will be proval, he told Doerer. The building wHl be $650,000 to$850.000, he told a reporter, . 14 to 16 feet tall. ^teel product prices niay rise Brick and wood facings Will characterize Keller told HRA . member Mrs. Marie .'' President Ford's decision to limit imports of specialty steel could increase the building, Keller noted, botli oulsideand Horton that "almost all" the retailers he's ';¦ prices of some products te consumers becausfrthe imports arc 20 to 30 percent in the enclosed mall which will be an area talked to about leasing space would be new beloyv domestic prices. The exacteffect won't be known right away, but even "A of about 6,000 square feet: The? mall will to Winona. He also told Mrs. Horton that officials of the U.S. stfeel industry say prices cou|d increase iii theshort-run. The have an inclineid, wood-beamed roof with the number of windows facing sidewalks Ford Administration said Tuesday the President would seek negotiated limits glass skylights over the plantings, Keller remains to be worked out with prospective ¦ on specialty imports and If that step failed, he would then Impose import • said. " . tenants. ¦ . ' - ¦ Quotas.' ? ' ' ¦:• Keller and his partner. Bud Anderson, The condominium-style sale of space in Moorhead , Minn., are "very encouraged" the building, which had been talked of Law violated? Layoff approved about securing tenants and financing for before the 'HRA in January, turns out not The president of the. Minnesota Real The St. PauPBoard of Education the project, he said. They have set this to be permitted in advance of the project's . Estate Taxpayers-Association says voted 4-3 Tuesday to lay off 169 tiriietablcon the project: completion, Keller said today. ; the spirit of the open meetirfg law is non-tenured teachers next year, April 20 — complete prelim inary design being violated ait assessors' meet- : w:hile exempting minority teachers plans and submit a land-purchasecontract ings around the state Jerry Deal, from the cutback. Asa resultpMhe for approval. of the Renewal Wheaton, said Tuesday the meetings '. action^ a court test district's May 18— get approval from the federal BANKING The First Northwest- • are being held without public notice. affirmative action policy was seen Department of Housing and " Urban ern National Bank proposal is Revenue -Commissioner Arthur as possible. 'Development (HUD ) . - -The terminations were expected to provide three - way Roemer said he. will? review the undertaken because of declining June 15 — hold public hearing and get . benefits . .. .Page 3a . matter tp determine if the meetings enrollment aiid a projected $6 contract approval for land sale from HRA. come within the scope of the law. million budget deficit. July - "get approval of City Planning HOUSING Winona Ecumenical Commission. Housing Association's proposal is The 6,000-square-foot malt planned for Aug. 17—submit final plan and transfer dependent on federal rent sub- .; land deed. sidy.... ........... ...Page 3a Soviet officlal fired the Morgan Block commercial building ¦ Sept. 1— begin construction. ? As predicted during theXommunist party's 25th would have plantings beneath glass F>b. i-15 — open shops. TIMETABLES Timetables on ': annual Congress when he ups dropped from the Mall area skylights, and brick and wocd\jacings are "We think this schedule is a reasonable housing and retail development ruling Soviet Union Politburo, Dmitri Polyansky . > deslgrted to give the building a look of schedule that we can live -with," Keller wlll bedeemphasized... Page 3a has lost his post as agriculture minister. Polyansky : '' quality-' ' A ' A 'A .. -^- -.-- -- -told-tbe-HRA. But he told George Mayer, presided last year over the Soviet' Union's worst r ; grain?crop in a decade. Tass; the official Soviet news agency, said . he was freed froni his job in Foreign chief . connection with his transfer fo otberwork. It did not ) mention his new oost. "" ¦' .? : . ? . ?;.;Dmto Polyansky '?. - is favored to . SANMr^Hairstm^ FRANCISCO (AP) -' With her'father among the final Carter has set aside one full day for closing arguments and ^atnpaign lavwfevisjori vetoed witnesses; Patricia Hearst's trial for bank robbery appears all that could come Thursday, followed by the judge's instructions butassured of reaching the jury by week's end. to thejury. ' The Senate- rejected by one vote Tuesday a Republican move'. 'to limit revision of succeed Wilson " U.S. -DistrictCourt JudgeOliver J. Carter hintedTuesday that Carter has told the jurors, who have been sequestered since , the 1974 , campaign' financing law to a simple restructuring of the Federal?. LONDON (AP) — Foreign Secretary he would reject efforts by either U.S. Atty. James L. Browning Feb. 4, that they should ."deliberate, through the weekend, '.' if Election Commissioji the 47-t6 tally left the senate embroiled in" an election James Callaghan and four other cabinet | .Ir: or defense counsel F. Lee Bailey to carry testimony beyond necessary. law .battle that could lead to'shutting off the federal money spigot for ¦ ministers announced their candidacies today .
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