June 2008 www.newedinburgh.ca Photo: Garth Gullekson, Darlington Mediaworks Runners in the ING Marathon were welcomed by a colourful crowd at the Stanley Park cheering station, organized by the Crichton Community Council. City Council Ignores NE Views By Paul McConnell and mended against the demolition possible alternatives that would Inge Vander Horst and new construction because it have been more in keeping Co-Chairs, NE Heritage and was too massive, too dense, and with the Heritage Conservation Development Committee eliminated all the green space District guidelines. Instead, PEC Council met in April and, against on the property. LACAC pre- chose to follow the pro-intensi- the wishes of the New Edinburgh sented this view to the Council’s fication mantra of city staffers community, approved Larco Planning and Environment and - against the wishes of the Homes’ request to demolish the Committee (PEC) in March, people and their own advisory bungalow at 132 Stanley Avenue together with impressive presen- group - voted to recommend that in the NE Heritage Conservation tations from NECA, neighbours, full Council approve everything District and fill the lot with six Councillor Legendre and others the developer requested. 3-storey townhouses. objecting to the proposed rede- The project came before In February, following inter- velopment. Council on April 9. Councillor ventions by the community, However, PEC chose to ignore Legendre spoke forcefully Council’s own technical adviso- completely the arguments against ry committee (LACAC) recom- the proposed project and the Continued on Page 46 Beechwood Village: Trouble in Paradise? By Jane Heintzman profiled in this issue). Several some time ago with a tentative Much as we appreciate the loy- other area businesses are also plan to demolish the existing alty and resourcefulness of our reported to be struggling with structures and develop a mixed local business community, as a combination of rising costs, commercial/residential facility well as the amenities it affords high rents and variable shopping on the site, City staff indicated us within a reasonable walking traffic. that this proposal has not been distance, it seems to even a casu- Store fronts remain dark and pursued by the owner and the al observer that all is not entirely empty in the former homes houses remain in shabby limbo. well in the shopping area along of Upward Dog Yoga (which Fewer and fewer of the busi- Beechwood Avenue. Business departed many months ago), nesses in the area are retail mer- closures continue to take place Jazz’oo Café, Berry’s Pet chants, as medical and profes- New Edinburgh Community Alliance with increasing regularity, and Food, and Prêt-à-Reporter sional offices move in to occupy most recently readers will have consignment shop. As indicated the available commercial spac- noted the departure of the New in a recent report from NECA’s es. While these are welcome ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Edinburgh Newsstand, an insti- Heritage and Development amenities, they are “destination tution on Beechwood for almost Committee, the derelict build- businesses” as opposed to the two decades. Owner Richard ings at 84-86 Beechwood con- majority of the small retailers Wednesday, June 11, 7 pm Primeau reported that he was tinue to be an ugly scar on the whose role is to supply our daily Stanley Park Fieldhouse squeezed out by a combination streetscape, making it doubly needs, and who rely on walk-in of unmanageably high rents and difficult for businesses on that traffic to remain viable. The lat- a radical decline in cigarette block to create a welcoming ter depend on proximity to other Come and hear about what’s happening sales brought about by the boom streetfront. However, kudos to retail outlets—which collective- in the Burgh: development issues, traffic, in contraband cigarettes. immediate neighbour Victoria’s ly help to attract shoppers to the parks, property. Early this year, rising rents and Salon and Spa which has done area—for their business. other cost pressures very nearly much to beautify its exterior Several years ago, the Rideau- cost us our flagship community with a handsome awning and Rockcliffe Ward Council com- Refreshments will be served! bakery, Bread and Roses, (res- a display of colourful flowers. missioned a study of the area cued at the 11th hour by “white While the owner of the buildings All New Ed residents welcome. knight” Chris Green who is reportedly approached the City Continued on Page 44 Become a NECA member. Special Pull-Out Section Heritage Walking Trail of Historic New Edinburgh Page 2 NEW EDINBURGH NEWS June 2008 sures for the City to introduce in blessed event due New Edinburgh. Composed by The May 11 Rideau River clean- Michael await the birth of their NECA Julie and committee, this letter up was a distinct success, as third child, due in September. in draft form was printed in the some 70 volunteers mustered at Our sincere best wishes to Julie President February New Edinburgh News three separate Rideau locales— and family at this exciting time and has been posted on the New in New Edinburgh, Vanier, and for them. Ed website. Mailing of the letter South Ottawa—to pick up gar- Annual general meeting David Sacks was reasonably delayed while bage and help beautify the riv- NECA’s annual general meet- NECA canvassed residents along erbank. The event was funded ing (AGM) will be held on Reports a segment of Stanley Avenue to by a City grant and organized by Wednesday, June 11, at 7 pm gauge their support for one of Urban Rideau Conservationists’ in the Stanley Park Fieldhouse. the letter’s suggestions: a speed Martin Canning and NECA Each and every New Ed resi- As New Edinburgh motors, too Council are apparently pursuing hump to be created in the street. board member Gemma Kerr. dent is invited to attend: We will quickly, it seems, toward sum- the “intensification” doctrine Any response from the City to The New Edinburgh team leader hear brief reports on issues of mer, we at NECA look back on (that is, favouring of high-den- our letter will be announced in was NECA Webmaster Andrew concern in the burgh, elect some months that have been largely sity development) to the exclu- a future installment of this col- Kerr, who oversaw collection new officers, and enjoy refresh- productive, sometimes frus- sion of other existing guide- umn. of a large pile of garbage and ments. Here’s a chance for trating, never dull. The fight lines for infill and for heritage recyclables. Also, on the week- you to find out more about our to stop the proposed construc- Another NECA letter, on the preservation. Similar tales have future use of the vacant former end prior, May 3, NECA board community and the difference tion of six townhouses at 132 come out of Centretown, for member Madelien Lang led a that residents’ involvement can Stanley Avenue has not gone our Canada and the World Pavilion instance. NECA is investigating at 50 Sussex Drive, was sent small but eager volunteer group make—also a chance to become way to this point. NECA and whether the City’s systemati- in cleaning and weeding the a NECA member. The AGM is many burgh residents consider recently to the Office of the cally one-sided approach might Prime Minister. NECA’s send- park. (See the full reports on open to anyone, but in order to the design plan wholly inap- give grounds for some kind pages 5 and 10 of this issue.) vote there you would need to be propriate to the local streetscape ing of the letter followed a of formal complaint, perhaps May 7 Ottawa Citizen article In other news, NECA will enrolled as a member. You can in terms of height and mass, in concert with other Ottawa soon say goodbye and thank easily join right at the AGM, or and see it as a terrible legal reporting that stewardship of community groups. However, the vacant, physically troubled you to Julie Sunday as chair of in advance with the member- precedent. Yet despite strenu- such an action would be long- our Traffic Calming Committee, ship form that’s nested in this ous effort by concerned neigh- building had passed (in a sur- term and not a solution for 132 prise move) from the National a post she has held quite ably issue of the paper. Membership bours Joan Mason, Tony Roth, Stanley. Meanwhile NECA will since January 2007. Although in NECA is absolutely free and Julia Wayand, and Peter Capital Commission to the PM’s continue to help support local office. Our letter urged the Julie will remain on the NECA without obligation. Boehm, and by NECA Heritage residents who are in opposition, board, she will step down as We urge everyone to come to & Development Committee co- PM to consider as possible ten- as the Stanley Avenue battle ants only organizations that can traffic chair as of the date of our AGM. I hope to see you chairs Paul McConnell and moves through Committee of our annual general meeting (see there. Regardless, best wishes Inge Vander Horst, and by ensure continued open public Adjustment and probably to the access to the historic Rideau below), while she and husband for a pleasant summer! me, the proposal to construct Ontario Municipal Board. was approved by City Council’s Falls Lookout, and asked if the Planning and Environment Letters of merit PM could provide us with an Editor’s Notes Committee in March and by Warmer weather brings kids assurance on that count. Past As I have mentioned in previous all of the delivery volunteers Council itself in April.
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