40234Ymi_Vaisala154 8.9.2000 20:22 Sivu 1 154/2000154/2000 Humidity, pressure and carbon dioxide measurement The New Vaisala DMT242 Dewpoint Transmitter For Low Dewpoint OEM Measurements Vaisala’s ppm Calculation of Moisture in Transformer Oil Using the HMP228 Transmitter PTB210 Series Digital Barometers For Measuring in Extreme Environments Outdoor Plant Growth Experiments In the Elevated CO2 Atmospheres in Japan 40234Ymi_Vaisala154 8.9.2000 20:23 Sivu 2 Contents Presidents’ Column 3 Dewpoint Vaisala has been awarded a contract by the Meteorological Low Dewpoint OEM Measurements 4 Service of Canada (MSC). Humidity Expressed as Dewpoint Temperature 6 Vaisala supplies electronic station barometers to replace U.S. National Weather Service Awards the mercury barometers Dewpoint Contract to Vaisala 8 currently used for weather observation throughout Humidity Canada. The PTB220 digital barometer is easy to maintain, Industrial Humidity Measurements 8 and can be exposed to Reliable Performance in Humid Air extremes of temperature Conditioning Applications 10 between -20 and +60 °C. Improved Maintenance for Transformers 11 Using Automated Long-Term Monitoring of Relative Humidity 13 Carbon dioxide is used to Vaisala Sensor in Radio Telemetry carbonate the beverages in the Instrumentation Systems 16 production of soft drinks. In the United States, OSHA Pressure requires that the carbon Reliable Barometric Pressure Measurement dioxide level remains at, or in All Wind Conditions 18 below, 5,000 ppm in the atmosphere of any filler room PMI20 Digital Barometer Display area. Big Springs Inc. is a - Perfect Partner for Vaisala’s Barometers 20 major soft drink manufacturer Measuring for Extreme Environments and a large local Coca-Cola franchise distributor located in Using PTB210 Barometers 21 Huntsville, Alabama. The Meteorological Service of Canada: company has successfully used Digital Barometers at Airport Locations 22 Vaisala CARBOCAP transmitters for more than a Vaisala’s Barometers Used to Track year in their bottling plant. Leakage from Nuclear Enclosures 24 Carbon Dioxide Dissolved CO Measurements 24 The Vaisala After Sales Service 2 for humidity, barometric GMM220 Series Carbon Dioxide pressure and carbon dioxide Measurement Module 26 products in Europe has Measuring Carbon Dioxide in the increased its range of services. In addition to service and Soft Drinks Industry 27 repair facilities, our European GMT220 Series Industrial Carbon Service Center offers factory Dioxide Transmitter 28 calibration facilities to customers in Europe, Israel Outdoor Plant Growth Experiments and South Africa. The first in Elevated CO2 Atmospheres 29 parameter in this factory calibration service is relative Others humidity. Services and Calibration at Standard Prices 32 Meeting the Demands of the Customer 34 Cover photo: Jussarö Lighthouse, Finland Vaisala in Brief Finnish Maritime Administration. – We develop, manufacture – We focus on market seg- Editor-in-Chief: Editors: and market products and ments where we can be Marit Finne Bellcrest Language services for environmental world leaders, the pre- Publisher: Services Oy and industrial measure- ferred supplier. We pay Vaisala Oyj Printed in Finland by ments. high attention on customer P.O. Box 26 Sävypaino, Finland satisfaction. Our main qual- FIN-00421 Helsinki – Purpose of those mea- ity discipline is Product FINLAND surements is to provide Leadership. Competitive Phone (int.): basis for better quality of advantage is enhanced by +358 9 894 91 life, cost savings, protection economies of scale and of environment, improved scope. Telefax: safety and performance. +358 9 894 9227 Internet: www.vaisala.com Design and Artwork: 2 154/2000 Non-Stop Studiot Oy ISSN 1238-2388 40234Ymi_Vaisala154 11.9.2000 08:17 Sivu 3 I President’s Column I Environmental Measurements for a Variety of Needs aisala’s Sensor Sys- the life of a transformer. Detect- In order to maintain high qual- tems Division (SSD) ing moisture in oil is an essential ity processes that can even be V specializes in a few part of a comprehensive trans- certified, measuring instru- selected parameters former maintenance program. ments must be well maintained. of environmental measure- Many Meteorological Services Instruments need to be calibrat- ment. These are many forms of are entering a new era of air hu- ed at regular intervals in order humidity, barometric pressure midity measurement and the to guarantee that operations are and gas measurements, selec- U.S. National Weather Service is of high quality. We have devel- tively. We manufacture this one of the pioneers in this area. oped our own operations to be type of equipment for demand- Delays in measuring data, even able to better face this chal- ing users, for use in various ap- in situations where the weather lenge. plications to improve produc- changes quickly, can be eliminat- We are already developing tivity, quality and safety. ed thanks to the new method. technology for working with Our aim has been to constant- Through Vaisala’s BARO- new gases and developing associ- ly expand our product range to CAP® technology, barometric ated technology. Through these, meet varying new requirements. pressure measurement has rein- in the future, we will be able to Humidity measurement solu- forced its firm standing among offer even more measurements tions already include hundreds professional meteorologists. for improving productivity and of applications. However, the Producing and using carbon safety. I same product is not suited to dioxide is fundamental for living every environment. Recently, we organisms. To optimize living have launched new products es- conditions for flora and fauna, pecially for measuring low hu- the correct concentration of car- midities, where the unit of meas- bon dioxide is essential. Levels of urement is the dewpoint. Besides carbon dioxide that are too high traditional HUMICAP® tech- can be hazardous, even danger- nology, we have developed the ous, so reliable measurement new DRYCAP® technology. and stability are important. In Moisture measurement in trans- this respect, Vaisala’s CARBO- former oil is also a new area of CAP® technology has been application. The presence of given the approval of the experts. moisture in liquid transformer Measuring instruments are a Pekka Ketonen insulation plays a critical role in part of our customers’ processes. President and CEO 154/2000 3 40234Ymi_Vaisala154 13.9.2000 08:36 Sivu 4 New DMT242 dewpoint transmitter for Low Dewpoint OEM Measurements Vaisala has launched a transmitter for low dew- he latest addition to urement instrument that uses point OEM measurements with unparalleled our dewpoint prod- the kind of technology that long term stability! One of the main assets of T uct range is the would not require the end user ® DMT242 transmit- of the equipment to carry out DRYCAP technology is its excellent long term ter, which is based on much maintenance. Until now, stability, and the new DMT242 incorporates DRYCAP® low dewpoint, thin the need for high maintenance DRYCAP® polymer technology. film polymer technology. The has mainly been due to the new product is geared towards long-term drift, which has OEM manufacturers, who are forced the end user to carry out looking for a dewpoint trans- maintenance on their drying Jan Grönblad, M.Sc. (Eng.) mitter with low maintenance systems, e.g. on a compressed Product Manager needs, that is simple to install air dryer, as often as twice a Sensor Systems Division and use, but who also expect the year, in order for the drying sys- Vaisala Helsinki high reliability that is synony- tem to maintain its high perfor- Finland mous with the Vaisala brand. mance specifications. The Vaisala DMT242 dew- In 1997, Vaisala launched a point transmitter is an ideal patented technology for low choice for industrial applica- dewpoint measurements, incor- tions where it is necessary to porating the DRYCAP® sensor control the dryer performance in a DMP248 dewpoint trans- in low dewpoints. The trans- mitter that had a wide range of mitter provides wide dewpoint features. The main advantage temperature measurements of the DRYCAP® technology is ranging from –60 °C to +60 its excellent long term stability. °C, with an accuracy of ±2 °C. The improvement is largely due to the fact that a polymer- DMT242 – a product based sensing material was cho- with excellent long sen, rather than the sensing term stability technology that was already on the market. The Vaisala DMT242 dewpoint The DMT242 dewpoint trans- Polymer itself is a very stable transmitter is an ideal choice for mitter was developed with the material. A polymer sensor also industrial applications where it is needs of OEM type manufac- makes it possible for so-called necessary to control the dryer turers firmly in mind, because autocalibration to be per- performance in low dewpoints. they require a very basic meas- formed at certain intervals. This 4 154/2000 40234Ymi_Vaisala154 13.9.2000 08:36 Sivu 5 basically means that, during au- rates. The number of transmit- to rescale the analog output tocalibration, the polymer is ter options has been minimized with a standard PC. warmed so that it is slightly to allow for a very cost effective The DMT242 product fulfils above the surrounding temper- product, but which nevertheless low dewpoint measurement re- ature and, based on widely re- provides high measurement per- quirements in a wide variety of cognized physical changes, the formance. It is, however, easy OEM applications including dry end (i.e. offset)
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