Submittal SVZ-KP18NA SUZ-KA18NAR1-TH-H

Submittal SVZ-KP18NA SUZ-KA18NAR1-TH-H

06(5,(6 68%0,77$/'$7$SVZ-KP18NA 68=.$181$57++ 18%78+AIR HANDLER HEAT38036<67(0 -RE1DPH (QJLQHHU 3XUFKDVHU $SSOLFDWLRQ 6XEPLWWHG7R )RU5HIHUHQFH$SSURYDO&RQVWUXFWLRQ 6XEPLWWHG%\ /RFDWLRQ 6\VWHP'HVLJQDWLRQ 6FKHGXOH1R (OHFWULFDO3RZHU 93KDVH+] 5HTXLUHPHQWV 0LQLPXP&LUFXLW$PSDFLW\ 0&$ %UHDNHU6L]H 02&3 2XWGRRU ,QGRRU300$03 2XWGRRU4$03 $03 $03 $OOHOHFWULFDOZRUNVKDOOFRPSO\ZLWK1DWLRQDO &(& DQGlRFDOFRGHVDQGUHJXODWLRQV. ,QGRRU8QLW Indoor Unit: SVZ-KP18NA Outdoor Unit: 68=-.$181$57++ %ORZHU0RWRU (&0 F.L.A. 2.4 %ORZHU0RWRU2XWSXW W 121 $&&(6625,(6 6+)0RLVWXUH5HPRYDO 862.3SWK ,QGRRU8QLW ([WHUQDO6WDWLF3UHVVXUH ,Q:* 3 - 0.5 - 0.8 (OHFWULF+HDW.LW (+69=6 (OHFWULF+HDW.LW (+69=6 'UDLQSLSH6L]H2' ,Q PP (OHFWULF+HDW.LW (+69=6 (OHFWULF+HDW.LWIRUGHWDLOVVHH6%B(+ 2XWGRRU8QLW _MVZ_PVA_PVFY_SVZ &RPSUHVVRU '&,19(57(5GULYHQTwin Rotary &RQWUROV )DQ0RWRU (&0 F.L.A. 93 :LUHOHVV&RQWUROOHU 0+. $GYDQFHG:LUHG&RQWUROOHU 3$50$$ )DQ0RWRU3RZHU : 77 6LPSOH:LUHG&RQWUROOHU 3$&<7&5$8 $LUIORZ5DWH /RZ0LG+L 7KHUPRVWDW,QWHUIDFH 3$&86&1 ,QGRRU '5< 471-573-675 FRQVHTXHQFHVLQVXFKFDVHV 2XWGRRU8QLW Note: Mitsubishi Electric (MESCA) supports the use of &RROLQJ :(7 CFM 471-573-675 \ only MESCA supplied and approved Snow Guard / Wind RUDQ I )URQW:LQG*XDUG 0()5 Deflectors / Windscreens and accessories for proper 2XWGRRU &/*+7* 730,659 \ functioning of the unit(s). Use of non-MESCA supported Snow Guard / Wind Deflectors / Windscreens and 6RXQG3UHVVXUH/HYHO accessories will affect warranty coverage. ,QGRRU /RZ0LG+L 33-36-41 63(&,),&$7,216 QRUHVSRQVLELOLW &RROLQJ dB(A) 54 5DWHG&RQGLWLRQV &DSDFLW\,QSXW 2XWGRRU +HDWLQJ 56 &RROLQJ Btu/h / W DVVXPHV 18 1,440 $ ([WHUQDO'LPHQVLRQV 6& +HDWLQJDWR) Btu/h / W 2291,890 R +HDWLQJDW ) Btu/h / W 1161,470 ,QGRRU +[:[' [[ [[ *1.Rating conditions (cooling)-Indoor : D.B. 26.7°C(80°F), W.B. 19.4°C(67°F) Outdoor : D.B. 35°C(95°F), W.B. 23.9°C(75°F) In.(mm) (heating)-Indoor : D.B. 21.1°C(70°F), W.B. 15.6°C(60°F) Outdoor : D.B. 8.3°C(47°F), W.B. 6.1°C(43°F) 337/16[36[3 *2.Rating conditions(heating)-Indoor : D.B. 21.1°C(70°F), W.B. 15.6°C(60°F) Outdoor : D.B. -8.3°C(17°F), W.B. -9.4°C(15°F) 2XWGRRU +[:[' 8[42[330 &DSDFLW\5DQJH 1HW:HLJKW &RROLQJ Btu/h ,QGRRU 4318 Lbs.(kg) R 2XWGRRU LVVLRQLWEHFRPHVQXOODQGYRLG0(6&$DVVXPHVQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\FRQVHTXHQFHVLQVXFKFDVHV +HDWLQJDW ) Btu/h 7,722900 119 54) ([WHUQDO)LQLVK $·VSHUPLVVLRQLWEHFRPHVQXOODQGYRLG0( $+5,(IILFLHQF\5DWLQJ 6& ,QGRRU Black ((5 2XWGRRU ,YRU\0XQVHOO1R< 6((5 7.6 HGZLWKRXW0( +63),99 0.47.6 5HIULJHUDQW 5$3OEVR] J R &23DW ) 3.5 5HIULJHUDQW3LSLQJ )ODUHG R &23DW ) 2.3 /LTXLG +LJK3UHVVXUH In.(mm) 2SHUDWLQJUDQJH *DV /RZ3UHVVXUH 1/2 12.7 Indoor intake air temperature Outdoor intake air temperature Maximum D.B. 35°C(95°F), W.B. 21.7°C(71°F) D.B. 46°C(115°F) 0D[LPXP7RWDO Cooling Ft. (m) Minimum D.B. 19.4°C(67°F), W.B. 13.9°C(57°F) D.B. -10°C(14°F) 5HIULJHUDQW3LSH/HQJWK 100 3 Heating Maximum D.B. 26.7°C(80°F), W.B. 19.4°C(67°F) D.B. 24°C(75°F), W.B. 18°C(65°F) Minimum D.B. 21.1°C(70°F), W.B. 15.6°C(60°F) D.B. -20°C(-4°F), W.B. -21°C(-5°F) 0D[LPXP9HUWLFDO Ft. (m) 6HSDUDWLRQ 50 5 6SHFLILFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH KRXOGWKLVGRFXPHQWEHDOWHUHGRUFKDQ 6KRXOGWKLVGRFXPHQWEHDOWHUHGRUFKDQJHGZLWKRXW0(6&$·VSHUP 6 0LWVXELVKL(OHFWULF6DOHV&DQDGD,QF 3DJHRI )RUPSB_SVZ-KP18NA_SUZ-KA18NAR1-TH-H_201809 6SHFLILFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH Top 0LWVXELVKL(OHFWULF6DOHV&DQDGD,QF view Note: Electrical entrance for SVZ located on both left and right side of the cabinet. ø26 Knockout Hole See right or Left side view for knockout ø26 Knockout Hole locations. for electrical heat wiring 2-ø4.6 Burring Holes for electric heat installation Refrigerant piping flare connection(gas) Refrigerant piping flare connection(liquid) B(Duct) Secondary drain pipe (Emergency draining) ø19.05(3/4) 3/4"FPT C (Gravity drain) Air outlet Front ',0(16,216 (Horizontal left) view Primary drain pipe ø19.05(3/4) 3/4"FPT Top Primary drain pipe (Gravity drain) ø19.05(3/4) 3/4"FPT 3DJH ø26 Knockout Hole : RI Secondary drain pipe (Indoor/ Outdoor unit Secondary drain pipe (Emergency draining) connection) SVZ-KP18NA ø26 Knockout Hole ø19.05(3/4) 3/4"FPT (Remote controller transmission) (Emergency draining) (Horizontal Right) (Indoor/ Outdoor unit ø19.05(3/4) 3/4"FPT connection) (Remote controller transmission) Primary drain pipe (Gravity drain) ø19.05(3/4) 3/4"FPT Control box (Remove Blower Panel) Bottom )RUP Left side Right side view view S B_SVZ-KP18NA_SUZ- Bottom view Model Nominal Filter Size Duct Connection SVZ-KP12NA 508 x 406.4 x 25.4 376 x 402 SVZ-KP18NA (20 x 16 x 1) (14-13/16 x 15-7/8) KA18NAR1-TH-H_20180 Unit: mm(in.) Model A B C D E F G H J Gas Pipe Liquid pipe SVZ-KP12NA 432 376 281 224 1010.8 680 823 735.5 360 ø 9.52 (3/8) ø 6.35 SVZ-KP18NA (17) (14-13/16) (11-1/8) (8-7/8) (39-13/16) (26-13/16) (32-7/16) (29) (14-3/16) ø 12.7 (1/2) (174) 8QLWPP LQ 9 6KRXOGWKLVGRFXPHQWEHDOWHUHGRUFKDQJHGZLWKRXW0(6&$·VSHUP6KRXOGWKLVGRFXPHQWEHDOWHUHGRUFKDQJHGZLWKRXW0(6&$·VSHUPLVVLRQLWEHFRPHVQXOODQGYRLG0(LVVLRQLWEHFRPHVQXOODQGYRLG0(6&$DVVXPHVQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\FRQVHTXHQFHVLQVXFKFDVHV 6&$ DVVXPHVQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\FRQVHTXHQFHVLQVXFKFDVHV ZZZ0LWVXELVKL(OHFWULFFD 6SHFLILFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH Indoor-Outdoor S2-S3 24Vdc ................. Indoor remote controlle Indoor remotecontrolle Indoor-Outdoor S1-S2 Outdoorterminal block Open as a rule 0LWVXELVKL(OHFWULF6DOHV&DQDGD,QF Indoorterminal block 20 in. or more REQUIRED SPACE if the front and both sides are open Powersupply .r ................. .r 12Vdc power&control ...... Ground wire Groundwire Outdoorterminal block connecting cable indoor/outdoor 208/230Vac 4 in. or more/ 8 in. or more if there are obstacles to both sides 4 in. or more 20-9/32 DIMENSIONS: Drain 3 holes (ø1-5/16) 11-25/32 1-9/16 Air in 14 in. or more 2-19/32 1-11/32 2 Air in 13 15-9/16 14-3/16 68= 3DJH RI - .$ Air out 4-3/8 × 13/16 slot 19-11/16 Open as a rule 1 3-3/16 8 33-1/16 20 in. or more if the back, $57++ 4-25/32 both sides and top are open )RUP SB_SVZ-KP18NA_SUZ-KA18NAR1-TH-H_20180 33-7/16 2-9/16 30° 16-15/16 Liquid:1/4(flared) 35° Gas :1/2(flared) 3-9/16 8-11/32 8QLWPP LQ 9 6KRXOGWKLVGRFXPHQWEHDOWHUHGRUFKDQJHGZLWKRXW0(6&$·VSHUP6KRXOGWKLVGRFXPHQWEHDOWHUHGRUFKDQJHGZLWKRXW0(6&$·VSHUPLVVLRQLWEHFRPHVQXOODQGYRLG0(LVVLRQLWEHFRPHVQXOODQGYRLG0(6&$DVVXPHVQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\FRQVHTXHQFHVLQVXFKFDVHV 6&$ DVVXPHVQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\FRQVHTXHQFHVLQVXFKFDVHV .

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