REFLECTIONS WHAT IS “HEALING”?: REFLECTIONS ON DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA,NOSOLOGY, AND ETIOLOGY Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH This article examines the conceptual history and contem- multidimensional, impacting multiple systems from the porary usages of the term “healing.” In response to long- cellular to the psychosocial and beyond. Notwithstanding standing definitional ambiguity, reflections are offered on these usages, a review of medical texts reveals that healing is what are termed the diagnostic criteria, nosology, and rarely defined, nor is its dimensionality or determinants etiology of healing. First, a summary is provided of how described. Persistent lack of critical attention to the mean- healing has been defined within medicine. Second, the ing of “healing” has implications for medical research and dimensionality of healing is discussed. Third, healing’s practice. putative determinants are outlined. For biomedicine, heal- ing mainly concerns repair of wounds or lesions and is Key words: healing, natural history, etiology, nosology, unidimensional. For complementary medicine, by contrast, diagnostic criteria healing has been defined alternatively as an intervention, an outcome, and a process—or all of these at once—and is (Explore 2017; ]:]]]-]]] & 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) What is healing? This probably seems like an odd question. natural history of disease and have presented symptomati- The concept of healing and the word itself are ubiquitous in cally. Healing thus designates successful movement in a medicine and healthcare. In both biomedicine and the field salutogenic (rather than pathogenic) direction, one’s clinical of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), the term or epidemiologic status reverting back from diseased to not is invoked frequently. It appears, on occasion, in the title of diseased. This represents the ultimate goal, stated or unstated, peer-reviewed articles in the most prestigious medical of most therapeutic interventions. journals—over 200, in fact, within the past four decades in Notwithstanding these acknowledged conceptual parame- official journals of the American Medical Association, and ters, the word “healing” rarely appears in contemporary hundreds more if counting mentions in abstracts. It appears as medical textbooks, and where it is used in medical journal a keyword or indexing term throughout the medical literature—a articles it generally has a much narrower construction. The PubMed search on the term “healing” turned up, at the time term is invoked mostly in reference to adhesion or granula- of this writing, over 190,000 publications dating back to 1872. tion of a focal lesion, such as a dermal wound or a fracture or Yet, despite these usages, what do we really know about healing? an ulcer of some kind. Moreover, most biomedical research One article laments: which explicitly references a concept termed healing has tended to follow this perspective for as far back as current We all know that healing is something good, something biomedical journals can be searched. that we want, for ourselves and for our clients, but no In contrast is the prevailing conception of healing found in one has ever satisfactorily explained just what it is, how it fi happens, and how to get there. There could be no more the growing scienti c and popular literatures on alternative worthy scientific enterprise than finding answers to these health-related topics such as CAM, mind-body medicine, fundamental questions about healing. Yet, for all the consciousness research, spirituality and healing, and holistic writing on this topic, both popular and scholarly, there is and New-Age medical practices. In these arenas, the term still considerable confusion.1(p302) healing is invoked frequently, yet is almost never defined and is confusingly conceived of alternatively or, worse, simulta- Within Western biomedicine, the concept of healing has a neously as an intervention, an outcome or state, and a precise, generally agreed upon meaning. It refers to the curing process. This disturbing trend was described: of disease or restoration of health among medically ill individuals or populations. In formal terms, it is an outcome To some, healing is an intervention, as in Therapeutic of secondary-preventive actions directed at people who have Touch or Reiki. Healing is something done by healers—a crossed the clinical horizon within the pathogenic stage of the therapeutic modality delivered by a practitioner to a client. To others, healing is an outcome, such as recovery from illness or curing of a disease. As a result of treatment, whether conventional or alternative, we hope Baylor University, One Bear Place # 97236, Waco, TX 76798 to experience a healing. To still others, healing is a e-mail: [email protected] process—for example, Antonovsky’s concept of & 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. EXPLORE ] 2017, Vol. ], No. ] 1 ISSN 1550-8307/$36.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.explore.2017.04.005 Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Duke University from ClinicalKey.com/nursing by Elsevier on June 07, 2017. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2017. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. salutogenesis. When the pathogenic process is halted, we According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first uses of then ideally may begin healing—moving from a state of “healing” as a noun, designating “restoration to health; disease to a state of renewed health. recovery from sickness; curing, cure,” date to appearances in In some unfortunate pieces of writing, healing is all three the Gospel of Nicodemus (c. 1000) and Cursor Mundi (c. 1340); of these things at the same time. Healing is something the first medical use dates to an appearance in Lanfranc’s practiced by healers that initiates a healing process so 3(p53) Science of Cirurgie, vol. 68 (c. 1400). Rather, the goal here that we may obtain healing. All things to all people, healing, so used, as a construct for systematic research is is simply to trace the recent conceptual history of healing, in thus close to worthless.1(p302) its multiple contexts, and to bring a modest sense of order to a topic that, to now, has been confusing and not adequately In the CAM field, moreover, regardless of its definition (or documented. In so doing, we hope to make the case for non-definition), healing as typically invoked possesses two healing as a reasonable topic for basic and applied research in other notable characteristics. First, healing is usually asserted clinical, laboratory, and population-based settings. to be multidimensional, expressing itself at various “levels”— A central theme of this article is that programmatic research physical, bioenergetic, emotional, mental, spiritual, interperso- on healing has long been inhibited by (a) the conceptual nal, societal, cosmic, etc. One may obtain or experience narrowness of the prevailing usage (or, rather, non-usage) of physical healing, emotional healing, spiritual healing, and the “healing” in medicine and biomedical science, coupled with like. Second, the salutogenic process which engenders (or is) (b) the lack of conceptual clarity among those in the CAM healing is usually conceived as multifactorial—as having multi- field who have been more interested in issues ostensibly ple antecedents or determinants, analogous to the epidemio- related to a broader take on healing. In other words, logic concept of diseases of multifactorial etiology. Many biomedicine has been conceptually clear about what it means different things—different concepts, variables, factors—are by healing yet has not generally recognized this phenomenon said to cause or lead to healing. These twin assertions— or process as systemic or multidimensional, while proponents multidimensionality and multifactoriality—are supported of CAM generally have acknowledged a multidimensionality primarily by hypothetical presumptions or anecdotal observa- and multifactoriality of something which they refer to as tions, or are taken for granted, rather than validated by healing yet remain perpetually muddled with respect to an systematic empirical findings or postulated theoretical or actual definition. etiologic models. This is more than just a semantic issue. The words that we An interesting situation thus presents itself. use, how we language things like healing—our implicit On the one hand, biomedicine has a clear definition of definitions and conceptual models—ultimately drive the healing, and a narrow, circumscribed usage. The word “healing” questions that we ask and how we go about answering them. designates a concept primarily referencing the repair of a flesh Were the word healing reserved for the more circumscribed or tissue wound. Healing is thus considered unidimensional— usage, but in the broader context, then we would be better that is, conceptually limited to the repair of wounds—though prepared to undertake systematic investigation of the saluto- multifactorial in antecedents. Yet the word “healing” itself is genic or healing process. This matters, as research on the rarely used, nor is there anything like a defined field of basic or process of healing promises to expand our understanding of clinical research devoted to salutogenesis or healing-as-a- how ill people become well and how states of disease become process. Indeed, most physicians may make it through medical states of health, among both individuals and populations. school and postgraduate education with little exposure to the Medical and healthcare research, so focused on the patho- word “healing” or the underlying concepts, other than in genic process, must be better equipped conceptually and reference to closing of a wound. theoretically in order to focus on healing. Clarification of On the other hand, the CAM field has been much looser conceptual issues surrounding healing is a critical first step in with the term “healing.” It appears to mean whatever anyone jump-starting a science of salutogenesis. This in turn can wants it to mean. By consensus, it (whatever it is) is almost valuably inform efforts to model what has been termed the universally acknowledged as multidimensional and densely natural history of health,4 a theoretical counterpart to the laden with antecedents.
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