CATHOLIC REGISTER - ^ VOL. VI. NO. 24 DENVER, COLORADO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911 I1J0 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. PRICE FIVE CENTS. very lightly on them. A great number Archbishop Misquoted The Exiles of Erin are in active opposition to the Church. Holy Name Society Banquets Even those who attend the churches and Entharistic Congress ” .1 ______________________^ demand religious services from the Madrid, Jane, 1911 DID NOT SAY SOLDIERS ARE HIRED What lrish Clergymen Have Done And Are Doing for priests cannot be brought to contribute ASSASSINS. Feast for Four Handred at Traffic Clnb Follows Annual their share to the upkeep of religion. Retreat for Men of Cathedral Parish ithe Preservation of the Faith That duty they willingly leave to others, Tile Rt. Rev. Mgr. Heylen, Bishop of especially their Irish neighbors. They Namur, accompanied by his private sec­ Archbishop Glcnnon of St. Louis de­ have only about three hundred priests of nies having uttered the sentiment, “mil­ (By Rev. Ambrose Coleman, 0. P.) for a little sacrifice in the cause of re­ retary, Canon Tharsicius, has gone to The four days retreat for tne men of, with “Tliat’s Italian Ixive” and “Heait their own nationality to minister to .their itary men are hired assassins,” attrib­ For a nation the greatest title to glory ligion. ' , Spain to prepare the International Euc­ the Immaculate Conception parish closed of My Heart.” needs. Great numbers are lost to the uted to him in a report of a recent ser­ in the eyi^s of Catholics is its missionary The Irish and the Church in the Unitjed haristic Congress of ne.xt year, , Sunday afternoon with a reception of Father Bernard, 0. F. M. o f St. Eliza­ Faith, and proselytism finds many will­ mon, which was made the subject of a enterprise and the fruit of its work in States. His Lordship was received with much eighty new members into the Cathedral beth’s urged a federation of all the ing victims amongst them. Only that scathing article in the Army and Navy this direction. It is not its wealth or As it is in the United States that tjie courtesy and respect, wherever he stop­ branch of the Holy N ape Somety. The Catholic societies of the AVest. H i» Italian emigration began long after the Journal, published in Washington, D. C., material splendor, not its formidable great bulk of our exiles have made their ped, in Valencia, Burgos, Victoria, St. retreat was conducted by the devout and speech was in line with the suggestions Church had been fully organized in the in which the writer appeals to the Pope armaments or its foreign conquests, not homes, the evangelizing work they have Seba.stian and Irun. elcKjnent Father F. X. Barth of Steven­ made my Rt. Rev. Bishop Matz who States, things would be much worse witn to censure the Archbishop for his stric­ even its pre-eminence in science and art, done in that great Republic claims our At the Madrid station the President son, Mich, and was undoubtedly one of sounded the keynote of federation at the them than they are. The religious in­ tures 'on military men. When his atten­ that will fire the imagination and touch first consideration. What the first com­ of the Eucharistic Center in Spain, At- the most successful ever given in the recent Knights o f Columlms banquet. In fluence of these two-millions of Italian tion was called to the article, Archbishop the heart of a true Catholic, as will its ers sowed in sorrow and tears their eje- toriic)' Josq Babilan, Colonel Raphael city Unfortunately Father Barth was ath'oeating federation . Father Bernard Catholics is not at all proportionate to Glcnnon said: succeq^ in the propagation or preserva­ scendants have garnered in joy. What I Morenoy Gil de Borja and the Command­ unable to remain for tlie closing ser­ hoped people would not misunderstand their numbers. Thus, taking all these “ Much criticism has reached me, and tion of the Christian Faith. And so, indeed would the Church in the States er of the navy„ Luis de Pando, were wait vices, the death of a beloved priest in the intentions or motives behind the facts about other nationalities into ac­ just criticism, too, on the summary of Spain holds the honoreed place she does be only for. the Irish? Two-thirds or ing for them in full uniform. Michigan having called him East Satur- movement. It was to be Mucational—• count, an inqiartial witness is driven to my New Year’s da}- sermon, as printed. ■ with us all, owing to her wonderful spir­ more of the churches, cathedrals, schoofls, Bishop Heylon was moved with the doy morning. The Rev. Rector of the both^or Catholics and others, and would the conclusion that to our Irish exiles My remarks had no reference whatever itual conquest of the New World in the orphanages, and other charitable instifiu- attentions of the public authorities of parish, F’ather MeMenamin preached the (lonceFn itself with the essential vital is due’more than to any others the proud t^ the soldiers of the United States, or Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries. Her tions have been built by them, withoiut which he was the recipient. closing sermon ,summing up in a beaut­ questions of the day. I* was not to be position held by a Church numbering at to the armies of any other nation, or to intrepid navigators, soldiers, and colo­ the aid either of government or of rijeh The Congress will be held in Madrid iful way the lessons tliat liad been political like urbanizations in foreiga present more than fourteen million souls. any scjldicr who fights for vindication of nists were accompanied on their e.xpedi- men. Ijook over the "clergy lists and you under the high presidency of His Emi­ laught and encouraging the men anit countries, but would »e political in the The French Canadians. a principle. The -words I used were tions by zealous missionaries, and no will see that the majority of bishops and nence the Cardinal of Toleda and the Ixiys to presevere and profit by w hit sense—that political parties must con­ Turning to Canada, towards which these: sooner was a new country discovered priests have Irish names. And the dis­ 1 Bishop of Madrid will preside over the they had learned. During the receirin^ sider the moral aspect of questions Irish emigration set strongly in the A soldier who fights for pay, and and partially exploded than Spanish mis­ proportion between them and other Ra­ Spanish se<'tion; the Infanta Isabelle will of the new candidates Mr. Walter G. when dealing with them. The Catholics Famine times, we must acknowledge the is willing to fight on either side and al­ sionaries set to work to introduce the tionalities was still greater before tSie preside over the l.adies’ Committee; Bis­ Foreman sang “ Be Thou Faithful Unto would never be unreasonable in their de­ debt of gratitude due to the French low his decision to be determined by the blessings of civilization and religion to recent influx of emigrants from Middle hop Heylon will lie the general active Death” from Mendelssohn’s “St Paul.” mands—and would be aggressive only in Canadians who did so much to relieve amount of money he receives; the old- the inhabitants. And thus, in half a cen­ and Southern Europe. I do not wish lo president. Immediately after lienediction, the men Having their views respected. Father the spiritual and temporal necessities of time soldier who fought for money and tury from the Conquest, many millions detract from the splendid work done by - Their Majesties, the king and >Rueen, and boys, four hundred and fifty strong, Bernard tliought the daily press could the fever-stricken people, adopting num­ not for principle; such a one is little o f the natives of America had bien the German element in the States, em­ have expye.ssed their satisfaction that the formed a line two abreast and marched be educated to print only news fit to bers of Irish orphans. The Irish in Can­ better than a hired assassin.’ brought into the Fold of Christ. The bracing as it does three millions of Cafili- Congi^ess will lie held in the capital, and to the Traffic club. • The sight was an oe read in the home circle. He hinted ada occupy a well-defined religious po­ “ I spoke in opposition to the idea of transformation that ensued was a mir­ olics, who, like the Irish, have built no­ have .accepted the honorary presidency. inspiring one and pedestrians were im- that if their “ heart and soul” could not sition, having their own priests and training the small boy in the use of fire acle of ■ human endeavor under Divine ble churches and schools and-are splem- The Congress will be held from June ])resscd as they passed aldng. A t the A l­ be touched, their pocket-book^ould, churches. Newfoundland i.s a jitirely arms, because such training leads to the Providence. Churches and cathedrals, didly organized. And it is a remarkable to Jiifie 2fl. The program o f the pa­ bany hotel a gentleman courteously and suggested that patronage be with­ Iri.sh colonial Church. It was cradled in perpetration of crime and often to the schools and orphanagecs, arose in all the fact that nearlv a third of the clergy pers and speeches will lie taken from the asked Thomas Tully who was in line, if drawn from unworthy papers and given have German names, showing how abun-' «"'> f-T'*"' inlsii'.e and vigor loss of life, hy perpetuating the popular splendor of Christian art, while well-at­ decrees of Pope Pius X on frequent the procession was of members of the to worthy one.s.
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