VOLUME 4 NUMBER 5 ` e/p SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER Recording the Frank Sinatra TV Special and album: "OL' BLUE EYES IS BACK" RELATING RECORDING SCIENCE TO RECORDING ART TO RECORDING EQUIPMENT www.americanradiohistory.com c__ (G---,-=1 www.americanradiohistory.com Altec, we challenge you. Any company that achieves a position of leadership must be prepared to meet the challenge of innovation. In the recording industry, this is a particularly crucial factor - because constantly evolving musical material demands ever newer and better recording techniques. For nearly 30 years, one name has dominated the studio monitor market. Altec. In 1973, Altec had more than twice as many speakers in recording studio use in the U.S. than its nearest competitor. And nearly as many as all other brands combined. (Source: Billboard's 1973 International Directory of Recording Studios.) That's leadership without question. Now someone is about to challenge that leadership. Us. Our first step: introduce three all -new monitor loudspeakers. They're a whole new breed, designed for tomorrow's recordings. And they exceed the performance characteristics of every monitor ever made. Including Altec's. They're packed with improvements and specs guaranteed to satisfy the goldenest of ears. Improved accuracy and definition. Better transient response. Flatter frequency response. Greater bandwidth. Greater power handling. And much more. Add to all that our 37 -plus years in the field of sound reproduction, and we think we're ready to challenge the leader. Even if we have to do it ourselves. AL.TLG fáe aund of experi9 z . 1515 S. Manchester Anaheim, Calif. 92803 The challengers. From front to back, it's the 9849A, the 9846 -8A and the 9848A. If you listen for a living, you should know more about them. Write or call. We'll send you all the facts and figures. Circle No. 101 Re/p 3 www.americanradiohistory.com ED t, "COMPLIMIiER "" PERFORMANCE: The SPECTRA SONICS Model 610 "COMPLIMITER "TM czn accomplish, independently or simultaneously, limiting and compression functions with performance that is unequalled by most linear ampl.-jiers. The minimal noise irherent in this system assures a low threshold of -40dBM and permits an input sersitivity substantially greater than other systems. Through the use of the most advanced circuitry, the Model 610 "COMPLIMITER "TM has the fastest attack time (100 nanoseconds to 2 micro- seconds). The "COIVIPLIMITER "TM allows undistorted recording and transmission at levels that are measurably higher than those commonly in use. In tape recording, for example, this "limit ng only" mode eliminates approximately 6dB usually set aside for tape overload protection. RELIABILITY: The extensive use of the "COMPLIMITER "TM in the audio industry con=irms the highest order of confidence in reliable, consistent operation. Today's competiticn can only be met through the most advanced designs - "Beyond The State Of The Art." For more information on audio products of superior performance contact SPECTRA SON ICS at: 770 Wall Avenue 6430 Sunset Blvd., Suite 1117 Ogden, Utah 8440e- Hollywood, Calif. 90028 (801) 392 -7531 (213) 461 -4321 P[[TUH TONICS L E A D E R IN A D V A N C E D T E C H N O L O G Y www.americanradiohistory.com RECORDING engineer/ producer - the magazine to exclusively serve the recording studio market ... all those whose work involves the recording 1973 of commercially marketable sound. SEPTEMBER /OCTOBER VOLUME 4 - NUMBER 5 - the magazine produced to relate .. RECORDING ART to RECORDING SCIENCE ... to RECORDING EQUIP- MENT. Editor /Publisher.... MARTIN GALLAY Associate Editor WAYNE YENTIS Engineering Editors RON MALO WILLIAM ROBINSON GARY DAVIS Business Manager V.L. GAFFNEY Circulation Manager D.S. WI LLIAMS Recording the Art Director ...DENNIS LEATHERMAN FRANK SINATRA TV SPECIAL and ALBUM . interviews with MGM's ED GREENE and GOLDWYN'S RECORDING engineer /producer is pub- DON MACDOUGALL 15 Wayne Yentis lished bi- monthly and is sent free to qualified recipients in the United States. Subscriptions for other than qualified MASTERING FOR individuals or companies may be pur- TAPE DUPLICATION 25 Peter Butt chased at $5.00 per year. (All foreign subscriptions: $6.00 per year.) Material appearing in R -e/p may not be repro- THE duced without written permission of the TUBE VS TRANSISTOR Publisher. CONTROVERSY 35 Russell O. Hamm Letters and Late News 8 Notes on Demagnetizing 13 RECORDING engineer /producer is not responsible for any claim made by any person based upon the publication by New Product News 43 RECORDING engineer /producer of ma- terial submitted for publication. Classified 51 about the cover: FRANK SINATRA as Controlled circulation postage paid at portrayed in bronze Los Angeles, California. by renowned sculptor RECORDING engineer /producer ROBERT BERKS 6430 Sunset Boulevard P.O. Box 2287 Hollywood, Ca. 90028 (213) 461 -7907 Re /p 7 4. Circle No. 102 www.americanradiohistory.com - q05 Pin 4 o LETTERS and LATE NEWS i<105 Pin 5 From the 1005 Pin 8 READERS 002 131n 5 An editorial material rating of emove wire from Pin 17, KI05 the most useful feature article, as And conned here gathered from the Reader Service Cards received prior to press time. Conned This wiry to vacated Pin 17, K1o5 JULY /AUGUST ISSUE: -o o- I'M OKAY...OKAY Cue YOU'RE OKAY .. by Gary Davis 34.1% FROM: retained on one button, not two (edit Dave Michelson and start), and cue control is on its Production Supervisor own button. A SIMPLE LOW -PASS FILTER Bonneville Program Services Installation of this button is best by Wayne Yentis 10.5% Bonneville International Corp. made 2- inches to the right of the exist- As an alternative to the suggested ing edit button where, conveniently e- CREATIVE MIXING FOR BETTER modification for the Scully 280 editing nough, Scully has seen fit to pre -punch function by Peter I the DISC MASTERING Butt, would like to transport plate for easy installation. contribute the enclosed schematic which, All one need is (v Kulka, do drill a hole through the MacLeod, Malo 50.8% I believe, is a more practical solution to pot -metal face cover. the problem for the non -motion sense The necessary relay installation can A MODIFIED EDITING FUNCTION machines. also go in a factory pre -punched hole to FOR THE SCULLY 280/284 This system adds one more button to the right of the existing relays on the the transport, ala the old Presto, the best SERIES DECK transport chasis. editing machine ever built, for cue fun- I hope this idea may be of some by Peter Butt 04.6% ction. Thus the edit -spill function is benefit to your readers. As the industry has grown, so or PAL data rate selectable. A pro- has the demand for larger and vision for optional data display and larger tape systems. Unfortunately lever -wheel code preset allows as the number of tracks increases, vious: unlimited track expansion SMPTE hours, minutes, seconds the signal to noise, cross -talk, etc., with great audio specs! The cost? and frames to be read and /or pre- gets worse. And if that's not bad About half the price of a 16 track. selected. Optional accessories of- enough, the price of a 24 track Our basic system features fered include a Motor Drive Am- machine is almost double that of SMPTE Generator, Reader, and plifier and "Search and Find" a 16 track. Synchronizer. Operating in con- match -up system. A few years ago people started junction with the TCS Reader, the The Synchronization Genera- to consider the benefits of syn- TCS Synchronizer provides the req- tion has arrived - and it's about chronizing multi -track machines. uisite speed up or down error sig- time! The result? The birth of a new nals to capstans that can be either generation of tape synchronizing AC Synchronous or DC Servo con- *TCS -Time Code Synchronizing System equipment. The advantages are ob- trolled. The TCS Generator is NTSC QUAD /EIGHT ELECTRONICS Re/p 8 Circle No. 103 www.americanradiohistory.com Pete Butt's reply: the two channels together. Under the MCI's JH -16 and JH -24 tape machine. terms of the agreement, CBS will make Mr. Michelsons' alternative approach available (in their own studios only) the UREI APPOINTS WARRANTY REPAIR to modification of the Scully 280 EDIT use of CSG's or Quadrature units to any- REPRESENTATIVE mode is quite applicable to the non - one desirous of availing themselves of Associated Sound Systems, 5558 Ca- motion -sense models. It appears to grow these time and money saving devices. huenga Blvd., North Hollywood, Calif- a little more complicated when applied HAECO will also provide CSG units on a ornia 91601 has been appointed exclusive daily rental, or long -term lease basis to to motion -sense models, however. Factory Authorized repair station for any recording studios. Neither HAECO both warranty and non -warranty service can only blame my Mr. I neglect of nor CBS has any plans to market these of UREI, Universal Audio and Teletronix Michelsons' method upon my reluctance units in the immediate future. Aside products, according to D.F. (Bud) Morris, to drill holes and to my parsimonious from the stereophonic CSG units, HAE- UREI vice president and general manager. nature. CO will also be leasing a CSG -4 which Associated Sound Systems, headed by In addition, working with both types will permit discrete quadraphonic pro- Michael Ragsdale and Michael Levey, has of decks, I wanted a single modification gram mixes such as CD -4 to be combined for several years performed contract elec- procedure equally applicable to both into near-perfect stereo and mono mixes tronic maintenance for recording and types of machines. without going back to the mixing con- film studios in the greater Los Angeles sole.
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