Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Oct. 26 American middle class, keeping alive that most NOTE: The address was recorded at approxi- American of ideals: That all things are possible mately 5:55 p.m. on October 22 in the Red for all people, and we’re limited only by the size Room at the White House for broadcast on Oc- of our dreams and our willingness to work for tober 24. The transcript was made available by them. We need to do everything we can to en- the Office of the Press Secretary on October 23, sure that they can keep taking those risks, acting but was embargoed for release until 6 a.m. on on those dreams, and building the enterprises October 24. The Office of the Press Secretary that fuel our economy and make us who we are. also released a Spanish language transcript of Thanks. this address. Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in Baghdad, Iraq October 25, 2009 I strongly condemn these outrageous attacks ple and their determination to build strong in- on the Iraqi people and send my deepest con- stitutions. dolences to those who have lost loved ones. The United States will stand with Iraq’s peo- These bombings serve no purpose other than ple and Government as a close friend and part- the murder of innocent men, women, and chil- ner as Iraqis prepare for elections early next dren, and they only reveal the hateful and de- year, continue to take responsibility for their fu- structive agenda of those who would deny the ture, and build greater peace and opportunity. Iraqi people the future that they deserve. These Together, we will continue to work for lasting attempts to derail Iraq’s progress are no match security, dignity, and justice. for the courage and resilience of the Iraqi peo- Remarks at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida October 26, 2009 Thank you, everybody. How’s it going, Jack- Now, military communities like this one take sonville? Let me begin by thanking Secretary care of their own, your people, your families. Mabus for the introduction, for your service, But keeping you strong also takes the civilian Ray. I know we’ve got a lot of naval aviators community beyond the gate. So we want to here, and Ray is a former surface warfare offi- thank Mayor John Peyton and all your great cer. But don’t hold that against him. Don’t hold neighbors, the people of Jacksonville, for their that against him, now, because Ray Mabus is incredible support. Give them a big round of doing an outstanding job as Secretary of the Na- applause. vy. Keeping you strong also takes leaders in Con- I also want to thank all your outstanding local gress, like those here today: two great friends of leaders for welcoming me here today: Admiral yours, Representatives Ander Crenshaw and Tim Alexander, your CO, Captain Jack Scorby, Corrine Brown, who are here. Give them a big and your Command Master Chief, Jeff Hudson. round of applause right here. And a leader who To Chris Scorby and all the spouses who are fights for you as a member of the Armed Servic- with us, you hold our military families together. es Committee, Senator—and Army veter- We honor you and we are grateful to you. an—Bill Nelson is in the house. Now, it is great to be here at one of Ameri- Keeping you strong takes something else, a ca’s finest naval air stations. But we also have country that never forgets this simple truth: It’s folks from Mayport and Kings Bay. And we not the remarkable platforms that give the have every service represented: Navy, Army, United States our military superiority, although Air Force, Coast Guard, and United States Ma- you’ve got some pretty impressive aircraft here, rines from Blount Island. I got to admit. It’s not the sophisticated 1583 Oct. 26 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 technologies that make us the most advanced After months of exercises in the Pacific and in the world, although you do represent the fu- stopping narcotraffickers off South America, ture of naval aviation. No, we have the finest you, the Mad Foxes, joined the recovery of Navy and the finest military in the history of that Air France crash off Brazil. After hun- the world because we have the finest person- dreds of combat missions over Iraq and Af- nel in the world. You are the best trained, the ghanistan, when Somali pirates kidnapped best prepared, the best led force in history. Captain Richard Phillips, you, the Fighting Ti- Our people are our most precious resource. gers, were first on the scene. And others We’re reminded of this again with today’s among you, the Nightdippers, were part of the helicopter crashes in Afghanistan. Fourteen carrier group that brought our captain home. Americans gave their lives. And our prayers You’ve delivered medical care to people are with these servicemembers, their civilian around the world, as my wife Michelle saw this colleagues, and the families who loved them. summer when she welcomed back to port the And while no words can ease the ache in their Comfort, including those of you from Naval hearts today, may they find some comfort in Hospital Jacksonville. And like thousands of knowing this: Like all those who give their sailors in today’s Navy, you’ve gone ashore to lives in service to America, they were doing meet the mission of our time, like the Desert their duty, and they were doing this Nation Lions who served in Iraq. proud. They were willing to risk their lives, in Today we also send our thoughts and this case, to prevent Afghanistan from once prayers to all the folks from Jacksonville on the again becoming a safe haven for Al Qaida and frontlines at this very moment: pilots and air- its extremist allies. Today they gave their lives, crews around the world, Navy corpsmen on that last full measure of devotion, to protect the ground in Afghanistan. And those of you, ours. the Dusty Dogs, who’ll deploy next month to Now, it is our duty as a nation to keep their the Persian Gulf, you’re going to make us memory alive in our hearts and to carry on proud. their work, to take care of their families, to But there is no service without sacrifice. keep our country safe, to stand up for the val- And though few Americans will ever truly un- ues we hold dear and the freedom they de- derstand the sacrifices that you and your fami- fended. That’s what they dedicated their lives ly make, day in, day out, tour after tour, year to, and that is what we must do as well. after year, I want you to know this: Your dedi- So I say to you and all who serve: Of all the cation to duty is humbling. Your love of coun- privileges I have as President, I have no great- try is inspiring. The American people thank er honor than serving as your Commander in you for your service. We honor your sacrifices. Chief. You inspire me. And I’m here today to And just as you have fulfilled your responsibil- deliver a simple message, a message of thanks ities to our Nation, your Nation will fulfill its to you and your families. responsibilities to you. Now, being here, you join a long, unbroken That’s the message that I just offered to the line of service at Jacksonville, from the naval inspiring Gold Star families I met with a few aviators from World War II to Korea to Viet- moments ago, families who’ve made the ulti- nam, among them a great patriot named John mate sacrifice and whom we honor. And that’s McCain. You embody that sailor’s creed, the the message I bring to you and all our forces, “spirit of the Navy and all who have gone be- families, and veterans around Jacksonville and fore”: honor, courage, commitment. across America. In recent years, you’ve been tested like nev- You’ve made the most profound commit- er before. We’re a country of more than 300 ment a person can make, to dedicate your life million Americans, but less than 1 percent to your country and perhaps give your life for wears the uniform. And that 1 percent—you it. So as your Commander in Chief, here’s the and those in uniform—bear the overwhelming commitment I make to you. To make sure you burden of our security. can meet the missions we ask of you, we are 1584 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Oct. 26 increasing the defense budget, including spend- And finally, we pledge to be there when you ing on the Navy and Marine Corps. This week come home. We’re improving care for our I’ll sign that defense authorization bill into law. wounded warriors, especially those with post- To make sure we’re spending our defense traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries. dollars wisely, we’re cutting tens of billions of We’re funding the post-9/11 GI bill to give you dollars in waste and projects that even the mili- and your families the chance to pursue your tary says it doesn’t need, so that that money can dreams. And we are making the biggest com- be better spent on taking care of you and your mitment to our veterans—the largest percent- families and building the 20th—21st-century age increase in the VA budget, even when we’ve military that we do need.
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