[Photo by courtesy of "Soldier " THE PENINSULA GUIDON T H E HAWK REGIMENTAL JOURNAL OF THE 14th/20th KING'S HUSSAR S VOLUME I JANUARY, 1951 NUMBER 4 CONTENTS PAGE EDITORIAL 150 FOREWORD, BY LIEUT .-COLONEL R . J . STEPHEN, M .B .E 15 0 AN HISTORIC OCCASION . THE TROOPING OF THREE PENINSULAR WAR GUIDONS . 15 2 REGIMENTAL WEEK-END . 15 4 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TODAY, BY GENERAL SIR RICHARD L. MCCREERY, G .C .B ., K .B .E., D .S .O ., M .C. 15 5 AFFILIATED REGIMENTS . 15 7 "THEY TRAINED ON DUCK SHOOTING," BY MAJOR F . C . PEARSON, 8TH/ 13TH VICTORIAN MOUNTED RIFLES 15 7 "FORWARD, " BY CAPT . W . Q . NICOL, 2ND/14TH QUEENSLAND MOUNTED INFANTRY 16 0 THE 2ND ARMOURED REGIMENT ROYAL NEW ZEALAND ARMOURED CORPS . 16 2 THE 2ND BATTALION 6TH GURKHA RIFLES, BY MAJOR W. M. AMOORE, D .S .O., M.B .E. 16 3 THE DUKE OF LANCASTER ' S OWN YEOMANRY, FROM LIEUT.-COLONEL E . B . STUDD . 16 5 14TH/20TH KING ' S HUSSARS OLD SOLDIERS' ASSOCIATION REPORT, 1949 . 16 8 CIVIL EMPLOYMENT . 16 8 OLD COMRADES ' NOTES AND NEWS, FROM MAJOR G . H . SWALLOW . 16 9 MEMOIRS OF A " HAWK, " BY S.S .M. H . GREY, 14TH HUSSARS . 17 3 SERGEANTS' MESS NOTES . 175 RAMNUGGUR, 1950 . 177 HORATIO Ross, 14TH LIGHT DRAGOONS, COMPILED BY LIEUT. J . R . B . MAITLAND . 178 PERSIA, 1941, BY MAJOR P . F. W. BROWNE, D .S .O ., M.C. 18 1 YACHTING 18 3 " 100 PLAYERS, PLEASE," BY " FUMEUR" . 186 REMINISCENCES OF A RENEGADE SAILOR, BY "THE ADMIRAL" . 18 8 BAND NOTES 190 THE BRITISH MODERN PENTATHLON, 1950 . 19 2 EQUITATION . 19 4 ATHLETICS . 19 6 REGIMENTAL TUG-OF-WAR TEAM . 19 7 "CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS " . 19 8 FOOTBALL . 19 9 CRICKET . 20 1 HOCKEY . 20 1 RUGBY . 20 3 BOXING . 20 4 REVOLVER SHOOTING . 20 5 RIFLE SHOOTING, 1949-50 . 20 5 " FIFTY YEARS AGO " . 20 6 LIST OF OFFICERS . 207 NOMINAL ROLLS . 208 150 JOURNAL OF THE 14TH/20TH KING'S HUSSAR S EDITORIAL SHORT, SHARP and to the point. That is the golden rule for an editorial . I intend to keep it . There are, however, one or two matters to bring to the notice of our readers . Firstly, it is much regretted that the price of THE HAWK has had to be raised t o 4s . per copy. This is no profit-making move but is due to the cost of printing and making blocks having risen sharply, and we have no alternative if the Journal is to remain solvent. We do, however, believe that even at the new price we are les s expensive than the majority of Regimental Journals, and we shall certainly endeavour to ensure that you get your money's worth . We further hope that you will all continue your subscriptions as, not only is your support the life-blood of THE HAWK, but we also feel that the Journal does a real job in keeping past members in touch with the Regiment and provides a useful pocket history fo r present members to keep and read, one day, to their grandchildren . Once again our thanks are due to all contributors to this number of THE HAWK , without whom we should long since have perished . Next year it is hoped that the Editor's "In" tray will become so full that an assistant editor will have to be employed ! We would particularly ask for photographs of Old Comrades, serving member s of the Regiment and any interesting events . "A picture is worth a thousand words . " Poems, cartoons and short stories are other items which would be welcomed . There must also be many Old Comrades who have had interesting experience s since leaving the Regiment, and we would like to hear about them . Address your contributions to The Editor, THE HAWK, 14th/20th King' s Hussars, Menin Lines, Catterick Camp . Yorkshire . Finally, best wishes and good luck to all our readers for 1951 . FOREWOR D BY LIEUTENANT-COLONEL R . J. STEPHEN, M .B.E. ALTHOUGH the Regiment has progressed satis- Field-Marshal Sir William Slim, for this signa l factorily in all respects, there have been severa l honour . high-lights during the past year. It started well By the time this is published I hope that th e with our victory in the Cavalry Cup; let us hope days of our time as a Training Regiment will be . numbered. I know that the Regiment has ac - this will be the first of many wins quitted itself well in this role, but it is high time Then came the Trooping of the Guidons . It that we got back to active soldiering. Some wil l was a profoundly moving ceremony, carried ou t unfortunately have to be left behind, to form th e with machine-like precision . There is no doub t core of the new Training Regiment. They wil l whatever that ceremonial drill has a tremendou s not be forgotten ; their opportunity to rejoin th e effect on morale . I only wish that all Old Com- Regiment will come later . rades could have been present on this occasion ; If our home should be in the south I hope i t they would have been really proud of thei r will mean that many more Old Comrades wil l Regiment . visit the Regiment . Intimation has been received that official Ramnuggur, 1951, must be a bumper reunion , approval has been given to us to wear th e with the first really full house since 1930 . Crossed Kukris emblem on our dress . As far as For those to whom the Army List is not readil y is known this is a unique distinction and one tha t available, it may be of interest that, in mid-Nov- is especially gratifying to all who served wit h ember, 1950, the Regimental List of Officer s the 43rd Gurkha Lorried Infantry Brigade . Al - included one Colonel and no fewer than five though I have nothing to go on, I am certain Lieut.-Colonels . This number must almost con- that we are largely indebted to the C.I.G.S., stitute a record in Cavalry Regiments . JOURNAL OF THE 14TH/20TH KING'S HUSSARS 15 1 AN HISTORIC OCCASION Photo : " Northern Echo, " Darlingto n THE TROOPING OF THE GUIDONS " Darlington Photo : " Northern Echo THE COLONEL OF THE REGIMENT INSPECTING THE PARADE 152 JOURNAL OF THE 14TH/20TH KING'S HUSSAR S AN HISTORIC OCCASIO N The Trooping of Three Peninsular War Guidons ON Saturday, 29th July, 1950, the ceremony o f The fanfare, "Blasco Sancha," was the signa l the Trooping of three Peninsular War Guidon s for the Guidons to be marched on to the parade , of the 14th and 20th Light Dragoons was per - carried by Troop Sergeant-Majors . The N .C.Os . formed by the Regiment at Catterick Camp. This were then ordered to the front to receive th e was a unique and historic occasion, since the us e officers of their respective Guards . of Guidons in Dragoon and Light Dragoon Regi- The Regimental Band, resplendent in blu e ments was discontinued in 1834 and the cere- and red, with the sun gleaming on their instru- mony of the Trooping of the Guidons has no t ments, played the "Assembly" and marched and taken place for well over a century . counter-marched across the square . The officers Today, six Guidons of the 14th and three of were called on parade by the beating of th e the 20th Light Dragoons are still in existence ; "Drummer's Call" and marched in slow tim e some unfortunately are too old and battl e to their positions in front of their Guards . Th e scarred to be shown except under glass. The Regimental Call and Fanfare heralded th e Peninsular War was fought in Spain and Portu- arrival of the Commanding Officer . gal from 1808 to 1814, and the three Guidon s General Sir Richard L . McCreery, G.C.B . , trooped on 29th July are, naturally, very old K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., the Colonel of the Regi- and somewhat frail. It is doubtful if they will ment, was received with the General Salute and , ever be trooped again . after he had inspected the parade, took up The ceremony was held to commemorate the position at the saluting base . date in 1798 on which His Majesty King George The Band then trooped, first in quick and the n III was graciously pleased to approve the Regi- in slow time. The quick march played on this ment assuming the title of the 14th (or Duches s occasion was. the "Ca Ira," a French March of York's Own) Regiment of Light Dragoons, in which enjoyed, during the Peninsular War, muc h honour of Princess Fredrica Charlotte Ulrica the same degree of popularity amongst all ranks Cathrina, Princess Royal of Prussia and Duchess of both sides as "Tipperary" in the First, an d of York. His Majesty also conferred the honour "Lili Marlene" in the Second World Wars . of wearing the Black Prussian Eagle, the present The No. 1 Guard, preceded by the Band, es- badge of the Regiment . corted the three cornets to the Guidon Part y By coincidence, on the same day falls th e where the Guidons were handed over, while th e commemoration of the gallant action of Cpl . Band played the General Salute—"The King o f William Hanley of the 14th Light Dragoons i n Prussia ." 1812. It was on that occasion that this N .C.O . Next, the Guidons were trooped through the was commanding a patrol of seven men in pur- ranks of Nos .
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