MEC Section II 1914 page 1 Moss &~Change Club . SECTION 11. REPORT~ FOB T'HE YEAR 1914. Drs'rRIBUTER : Mr. G. B. SAVERY, Silverton, Exeter. SECRE)TARY : Mr. D. A. JONES, F.L.S., Rock House, Harlech, N. Wales. TREASURER: 1\iir. J. B. DUNCAN, Bewdley, "1.,.orcestershire. BEWDLEY· W. E. TOLLEY, PRINTER, 2(;>, LOAD STREET. MEC Section II 1914 page 2 MEC Section II 1914 page 3 3 . LIST OF MEMBERS, 1914. Mosses Hepatics Total. Mr. W. Bellerby, 8 Burton Stone Lane, York ... 146 146 Mr H. Bendorf, 9 Brundretts Rd., Chorlton ....cum-Hardy, Manchester Miss Florence Bentham, The Towers, Scarborough Rev. H. Boyden, B.A., 46 St. Leonard's Road, Exeter 19 19 Mr. H. C. Broome, Netherthorpe, Failsworth, nr. Manchester 19 87 106 Miss L. R. Cooke, Rodono, 1 Mayfield Road, W allasey Mr. R.H. Corstorphine, B.Sc., Hillside House. Arbroath, N.B. Mrs. M. Corstorphine, Hillside House, Arbroath, N.B. 29 56 85 Mr. J.B. Duncan, Bewdley, "rorcestershire ... 89 80 Rev. T. E. Evans, Braeside, Aberdare, Glam. ; .. 28 28 Mr. J. Glover, Sea View, Kirkcubbin, Co. Down 105 25 130 Mr. G. T. Harris, Kelso, Knowle Park, Sidmouth 12 12 Mr. J. "\V. Hartley, Mill Head House, Oarnforth 48 48 Rev. H. H. Harvey, Clawto:ri, Holsworthy, Devon 15 15 Mr. A. R. Horwood, The Museum, Leicester ... 73 73 Miss E. M. Hough, Oodsall Wood, near Wolverhampton ... ·· Mr. J. D_. Houston, 15 Church Place, Lurgan, Co. Armagh 37 37 4 81. Rev. R. Jackett, St. Ishmael's Vicarage, Milford Hav~n · .. 77 Mr. D. A. Jones, F.L.S., Rock House, Harlech, N. "\Vales .. 92 75 167 Mr. J. Mennell, 27 Neville Street, York 37 2 39 Mr. G. W. Moses, 19 Victoria Street, Bishop Auckland Mr. W. H. Pearsall, Dalton-in-Furness, Lanes. Mr. P. G. M. Rhodes, M.A .. 33 Duchess Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham 164 164 Mr. F. Rilstone, The S~~oolhouse, Polperro S.O., Cornwall 89 89 Mr. G. B. Savery, Silverton, Exeter 79 79 Mr. H. Stansfield, 20 Park Grove, York Mr. W.R. Sherrin, 12 Rockmount ~oad, Norwood, S.E. 39 39 Mr. R. 'V. Smitham, Fowey, Cornwall Mr. W. N. Tetley, Portora, Enniskillen 37 43 80 Mr. W. G. Travis, 9 Barton Road, Liverpool 45 33 78 Mr. J.C. Wilson, F.L.S., 1500 Ashton Old Road, Manchester 57 42 99 MEC Section II 1914 page 4 4 ' - . REPORT OF SECRETARY (1914). The Club continues in a. ftourshing condition, and in spite of rather unfavourable circu1nstances, members have shown con­ siderable activity. Messrs. G. T. Harris, J. D. Houston and H . .. Stansfield have joined recently bringing the total membership to 31. The duties of the distributer are still heavier than they should be, and it is deeined necessary to call the attention of :.members to the necessity ·for adhering more closely to the rules . of the Club as regards. the preparation of specimens for the annual distribution. The following are the chief omissions:- ' . 1. Catalogue No. and names of authors of spec'ies are· not 'vritten on the. packets. In some instances ~he first edition of the Hepatic Catalogue _is still in use . 2. One specimen is sent, instead of a m1n1mum of ·two. 3. Packets of the- same plant are not tied together in bundles with string or rubber band, but are sent loosely. 4. Tli~edg~s of the paper when turned are either too narrow or too wide. 5. Specimens are too snmll or scrappy. In all these cases, it falls to the lot of the distributer, whose duties are already onerous to make up for the default of men1bers. The Club is greatly indebted to Mr. G. B. Savery _for his thorough work as -distributer and as referee of the mosses. He .has kindly promiE?ed to act in both capacities for another year.. Subscriptions are due for the year 1915. 'Will members whose subscrip.tions are in arrear kindly remit at onee to the Treasurer. D. A. JONES, :March, 1915. Hon. Sec. 5 REPORT OF DISTRIBUTER (1914). This year there was a considerable improvement in the number of contributors, twenty-two members sending in speci­ mens, an increase of six on last year. The total number of packets of mosses sent' in was 400 greater than at the last distribution, but there was a decrease of 91 in the hepatics. The distribution took place in March, when twenty-nine parcels were sent out. The contributions contained a large number of very interest­ ing species, but a few specimens were· sent which were not much wanted by the members. A list of the unwanted mosses may save the men1hers some trouble in preparing useless specimens. Unless·· the material is unusually good or shows s.ome marked peculiarity, the club does not require specimens of the following nlosses:-26, 32, B6, 37, 55, 56, 67, 80, 82, 93, 94, 99, 104, 106, 114-, 116, 117, 119, 128, 135, 143, 145, 147, 155, 179, 181, 185, 186, 191, 901 295 297 93•> 93° 234' . '>39 946 .;:i·3 ·255. 966 979 '>80 984 - ' - ' - ' - -, - .~, . ' -· . - ' -<>· ' ' - ' - -, - ' - ' 289, 29B, 310, 347, 865, 371, 373, 379, 387, 409, 4-16, 433, 434, 45..J., 456; 466, 47 4, 4 75, 487, 504, 515, 52 I, 522, 528, 529, 535, 537, 549, 551, 556, 562, 577, 579, 585, 595, 602, 610, 611, 617, 618. The numbers are from the Census Catalogue. In the case of new vice­ county records, specimens of the above species will be acceptable. The Club is again much indebted to 1\-Iessrs. H. N. Dixon and '\V. E. Nicholson for a large nun1ber of interesting specimens, to 1\ilr. \V. Ingham who contributed through :Mr. Bellerby some rare mosses, and to Mr. H. H. Knight who sent specimenR of Haplozia caesj>iticia. These donations included some 400 packets and greatly increased the value of the pa.reels distributed. This year Mr. Jones has written a very full report of the hepatics in addition to refereeing them and helping with the mosses. 1\'Ir. J. A. \Vheldon has verified the more critical Harpidia· and Mr. Sherrin the Sphagna, while l\Ir. H. N. Dixon has determined a. few of the most difficult mosses. G. B. SAVJ1JRY, Distributer. March, 1915. MEC Section II 1914 page 6 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT_· FOR ·YEAR EN.DING 31st MARCH,_ 1915. R¢C¢ipts~ €x p¢ndtturt. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance from last year's Account 4 14 9 Prin ting Report (1913) 2 0 8 ,... 11 Subs. for 1914 1 ' 6 ,, Postcards 4 4 8 Subs. for 1915 1 .0 0 Secretary's Expenses 15 7 Arrears paid 5 0 Distributer's · ,, 15 6 Treasiirer's 2 2 ·, . " Balance- in hand ----3 9 0 £7 7 3 £7 7 3 J. B. DUNCAN, 31st March, 1915. Hon. Treasurer. 7 MOSSES. Sphagnum obesiim (\Vils.) \V., Hartlebury Common (37*), April 1914, P.G.M.R., teste W.R.S .. Andrecea alpina Smith, Cwm Glas, Snowdon (49), Sept. 1914, \V.N.T . Andrecea crassinervia Bruch var. Huntii, rocks near Brewet Bridge, Penrhyndeudraeth {48), Jan. 1915, D.A.J. "After re­ examining this plant, I fiud that the inner perichaetial bracts are scarcely sub-obtuse, nor is the papillosity sufficiently marked to justify it to be called Var lfnntii. It had better go under the type." D.A.J. Andrecea· nivalis HoDlc, Ben Nevis (97), Atig. 1909, J.C.\V. and D.A.J. comm. J.C. \\T. and D.A.J. · Oligotrichum hercynicum Lam., Cw1n Glas, Snowdon (49), Sept. 19 14, "\V. N. T. Polytrichum gracile Dicks., Skipwith Com1non {61 ), :March 1897, \V. Ingham, eornrn. \\'.B. Diphyscium foliositm :Mohr., Cam1ough Mountains, Carlingford, (I. i~l), l\Iay 1918, J.G. Ditrichum zonaturn Limpr., Cwm Gribin, Glyders (49), Oct.] 910, D.A.J. "Some of the leaves may be slightly papillose, approxim­ ating to the var. scahrifolium." D.A.J. Seligeria recurvata B. & ~., Cwm Gribin below Glyder Fawr (49), June 1910, D.A.J.~ P.G.1\1.R. and J.C.W. Sae~ania ca3sia Lindb., rocks, Vellauer Tal, S. Tyrol, :\lay 1913, F. Savery, com1n. G .B.S. Rhabdoweisia creniilata Jameson, above Harlech (48), June 1913, D.A.J. Dichodontiiim .fla'vescens Lindb.~Alltmawr (42), Oct. 1914, R.J. "These specimens belong to D. pellucidum Schp." G. B.S. Dicranella r?.~fesceri.s Schp., Ram's Clough, Delph (63), March 1918, H.C.B. Oampylopus Shawu \\'ils., Adrigole (I. 3), Aug. 1905, J·.B.D., S. J. Owen aud D.A.J. Oampylopu,s setifolius \Yils., Tyn-y-groes (48), Sept. 1904. J.B.D. MEC Section II 1914 page 8 . Oampylopus introflexus Brid., sunnv granite rocks, Ascona, Lago Maggiore, Switzerland, April 1914, F. VSavery, comm. G.B.S.; rocks, Vellauer Tal, ~1eran, S. Tyrol, F. Savery, comm. G.B.S. Dieranu_m molle \Vils., summit of Ben Nevis (97), Aug. 1908, H. H. Knight and J.B.D. · JJ_icranum Bergeri Bland., Dovrefjeld, Norway, Aug. 1909, P. Ewing, comm. \V. Ingham. · Dieranurn MiihlenlJeekii B. & S., on ground in a wood (alt. 6000 ft.), St. Luc, Val d'Annivier, Valais, June 1914: P.G.Jl.R.. Dieranum Seottianum Turn., Crornaglown, Killarney (I. 1), Ang. 1911, 8. J. Owen and J.C.W.; Bsir of \Vhealt (I. 33), April 1914, \V.N.~r.; c.fr. Correll Glen (I. 30) July 1907, \V.N.T. Dicranum flagellare Hedw., rotting stumps, Zinkenbach Valle~·, Salzburg, July 1912, F. Savery, comm. G.B.S. Dieranum montanum Hedw., decaying stumps, Vigil J o~h, .Meran, S. Tyrol, May H11 a, F. Savery, comm. G.B.S.; deeaying trees, Gaisberg, near Salzburg, June 1913, l( Savery, comm.
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