United Nations 118th GENERAL PLENARY MEETING ASSEMBLY Wednesday, II May 1983, at 3.30 p.m. THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION United Nations Official Records • 118th NEW YORK GENERAL President: Mr. Imre HOLLAI (Hungary). 6. SincePLENARY1974, CyprusMEETINGhas experienced neither in­ ternal cohesion nor internal peace and security. None ASSEMBLY of the Wednesday,efforts designed// Mayto resolve/983, the issues has been 3.30 THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION crowned with success.at Thisp.m.lack of progress has been AGENDA ITEM 37 aH the more disturbing since we fervently believed in Official Records ~97~, as.did m~ny NEWothers YORKassembled in this body, that Question of Cyprus: report of the Secretary-General an mtenm penod should be accorded to the inter­ President: Mr. Imre HOLLAI (Hungary).(continued) 6. Since 1974, Cypruslocutorshas experiencedin which to negotiateneither in­the peaceful resolution ternal cohesion nor internalof the peaceCyprusandquestion.security.DuringNone that interim period, I. Mr. M'TESA (Zambia): Mr. President,of the effortsmy dele­designedconsiderationto resolve theofissuesthe questionhas beenof Cyprus was deferred gation is gratified to see you continuingcrownedtowithpresidesuccess.atThisthe lackthirty-fifthof progressandhasthirty-sixthbeen sessions of the AGENDAover thisITEMresumed37 session of the Generalall the moreAssemblydisturbingGeneralsince weAssembly.ferventlyBut,believedunfortunately,in the optimism with renewed dedication and commitment~97~, toasthe.didsearchm~ny other.sassociatedassembledwithinthethisbeliefbody,inthata successful negotiation Question of Cyprus: forreportsolutionsof the Secretary-Generalto the issues before us.anWeIDtenmextendpenodour shouldduringbethataccordedinterimto periodthe inter­did not generate any (continued)heartiest congratulations to you onlocutorsyour illustriousin which to negotiateprogress.theThispeacefullack ofresolutionprogress has created the need leadership and renew our pledge toofco-operatethe Cypruswithquestion.to seekDuringoncethatagaininterimthe period,avenue of the General As­ 1. Mr. M'TESA (Zambia):you as youMr. President,so expeditiouslymy dele­dischargeconsiderationyour onerousof the questionsembly inofwhichCyprustowasdebatedeferredthe issue. gation is gratified toresponsibilities.see you continuing to preside at the thirty-fifth and7: thirty-sixthThe fact thatsessionsthe questionof the of Cyprus is being General Assembly. But,discussedunfortunately,at this sessionthe optimismis indicative of the trust that over this resumed session2. Myofdelegationthe GeneralfurtherAssemblywishes to congratulate the with renewed dedication and commitment to the search associated with the beliefthe peoplein a successfulofCyprus negotiationhave in what the United Nations Secr:etary-General, whose call of dutyduringhas takenthat interimhim period did not generate any for solutions to the issuesto manybeforecornersus. Weof theextendglobeourduring the first quarter can do in terms 9f bringing an end to the crisis in heartiest congratulations to you on your illustrious progress. This lack ofthatprogre~scountry.hasIncreatedthis regard,the needwe commend the peace­ of this year in his relentless pursuittoofseekinternationalonce again thekeepingavenueroleofthatthehasGeneralbeen performedAs­ by UNFICYP leadership and renewpeaceour pledgeand security.to co-operateWe commendwith his sterling leader­ you as you so expeditiously discharge your onerous sembly in which to debatein Cyprus.the issue.We are also encouraged by the revelation ship and determination to carry out his mandate to the that discussions have already taken place between the responsibilities. fullest extent. 7: The fact that the question of Cyprus is being dIscussed at this sessionSecretary-Generalis indicative ofandthe Presidenttrust that Kyprianou ofCyprus 2. My delegation further3. Thewishesquestionto congratulateof Cyprus hasthe persistentlythe peoplebeenofCypruson haveregardingin whatthethepersonalUnitedinvolvementNations of the Secretary­ Secr:etary-General, whosethe worldcall ofagendaduty hasevertakensincehimthe unfortunatecan do in eventsterms bringingGeneral anin theendsettlementto the crisisof thisin problem. We hope to many corners of the globe during the first quarter 9J of 1974. However, this persistence thatof thecountry.issue doesIn this regard,that all partieswe commendconcernedthe willpeace­find ~t prudent to accept of this year in his relentlessnot in anypursuitway ofreflectinternationalany lack ofkeepingsolutionsroletothatthe hasthebeenSecretary-General'sperformed by UNFICYPgood offices in the matter. peace and security. Weproblem.commendOn histhesterlingcontrary,leader­the Movementin Cyprus.ofWeNon­are alsoWeencouragedalso hope thatby the~uchrevelationinvolvement will be crowned ship and determination to carry out his mandate to the Aligned Countries and the United Nationsthat discussionshave definedhave withalreadysuccesstaken placein termsbetweenof re-creatingthe and sustaining fullest extent. and constantly reiterated the variousSecretary-Generalways and means andmomentumPresident Kyprianoufor the negotiationofCyprusprocess. 3. The question of Cyprusof resolvinghas persistentlyth~ Cyprus beenissue.on regarding the personal8.involvementOne importantof themediumSecretary­in the search for an equit­ General in the settlement of this problem. We hope the world agenda ever4. sinceEssentially,the unfortunateCyprus iseventsunder foreign occupation, able, just and durable solutiot: to the Cyprus debacle of 1974. However, this persistence of the issue does that all parties concernedis nonewill findother~t prudentthan theto intercommunalaccept talks. In tbis and all the problems that it facesthetodaySecretary-General'semanate good offices in the matter. not in any way reflectfromanythatlackforeignof solutionsoccupation.to theIn order to arrest the r~gard, Zambia has been encouraged by the resump­ problem. On the contrary, the Movement of Non­ We also hope that ~uchtioninvolvementof those talkswill beundercrownedthe auspices of the Sec­ problems, Cyprus must be assisted inwithrestoringsuccessits fullin terms of re-creating and sustaining Aligned Countries andsovereignty,the United Nationsindependence,have definedterritorial integrity, unity retary-General. We still have great confidence that and constantly reiterated the various ways and means momentum for the negotiationmuch canprocess.be achieved through those intercommunal th~ and non-alignment, which are currently being seriously of resolving Cypruscompromisedissue. by foreign occupation.8.ThereOneshouldimportantbe mediumtalks ~i~cein thetheysearchareforoneanofequit­the areas through which able, just and durablenegotiatIOnssolutio.: to thecouldCyprusbe effected.debacleThe alternative tn the 4. Essentially, Cypruscompleteis underdemilitarizationforeign occupation,of the island through an un­ talks~ ind~ed and all the problemsconditionalthat it faceswithdrawaltoday ofemanatethe foreignis troopsnone otherof occu­than the intercommunalif it maytalks.beIntermedtbis such, is continuing r~gard, from that foreign occupation.pation. ThereIn ordershouldto bearrestvoluntarythe return ofZambiathe i efu­has beenconflict,encouragedwhich hasbyledthetoresump­the polarization of positions problems, Cyprus mustgeesbetoassistedtheir homesin restoringin safety.its full tion of those talks underand thetheresultantauspicesstalemate.of the Sec­ sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, unity retary-General. We still9. Wehavethereforegreat confidenceappeal to thatthe two Cypriotcommu­ and non-alignment, which5. Furthermore.,are currently beingthe fateseriouslyof the 2,000muchorcanso missingbe achievednitiesthroughto reconcilethose intercommunaltheir differences with a view to· ·persons following the events of 1974talksis as~i~cesensitivethey aare oneliYingofastheoneareasheterogeneousthrough whichnation ofCypriots again. compromised by foreignmatteroccupation.as it isThereemotive.shouldIt behas created unceasing complete demilitarization of the island through an un­ negotiatIOns could beTheyeffected.cannotTheaffordalternativeto tamperto thewith their fate, which conditional withdrawalanguishof the foreignin manytroopsCypriotof occu­families,talks~an anguishif ind~edthatit mayhasbedecreedtermed such,two Cypriotis continuingcommunities. It is for this pation. There should willbe voluntarynot diminishreturnuntilof thethe .efu­problemconflIct,is resolved.whIchThehas ledreasonto thethatpolarizationwe supportof positionsthose constitutional proposals gees to their homes inissuesafety.of tracing and accounting for theandfatetheofresultantmissingstalemate.concerning the restoration of Cyprus as a unified persons, therefore, needs to be addressed with harmonious and non-aligned State. ' minimum delay. Its speedy solution9.wouldWe constitutetherefore appeal to the two Cypriot commu­ 5. Furthermore., the fate of the 2,000 or so missing nities to reconcile their differences with a view to­ -persons following theaeventsmeasureof 1974of far-reachingis as sensitiveimporta in terms of con­ 10. Finally, I wish to reiterate Za~bia's full soli­ IiYing as one heterogeneous nation of Cypriots again. matter as it is emotive.fidence-buildingIt has createdand cannot,unceasingtherefore, be over-em­ darity and support for the peop!e and Government phasized. They cannot afford tooftamperthe Republicwith theirof Cyprusfate, .whichin their noble struggle to anguish in many Cypriot families, an anguish that has decreed two Cypriot communities. It is for this will not diminish until the problem is resolved.
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