Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 6-30-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1983 Volume 68, Issue 165 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1983." (Jun 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. State tax compromise faces opposition ,5PRI:'\(,FIELD ,API nay-sayers. instructing a 10 Ht' <!:sitPd lawmakers !o ap­ 11.1n01S lawmakt'rs. \\ t'dnesda~ leglslatin' ally to "ork agam;: Bo~h items wert' reslort'd to night facPd a dec-Islon "hether tht' plan. Sf'nate ensurf'S pre...... a permanent in-orne lax the $96.1 million package. but to accept.3 nearly SI billion "You dnn't sacrifkt' even increasf' that would rane about through a fiscal sielght-of-hand. SI.6 billion in the fiscal year ~ales and 1~r.:Olllt· ... x .~ncr('ast' ;.;riociple the Democratk Part,. full federal "It is more of a pappr tran· or draft 3 doomsda)·. hudgt'l stand!: for for a bowl .of grut'l ;. starting fo'riday a,'u Increasing saction than anything else." amounts in futurt' years rl'qUlrmg dl'ep cuts In stalt' said Rep. Carol !l.loseley Brau~ tax cut. See said Hou')e Republican leadrr s('rvICE'S . D-Chlcago. Sinct' then. the plan con· Lee Daniels of Elmhurst. Page 2. sistentlv has been scalt'd down Leglslah\'t'. leadt'rs workPd Washington and those alIiPd to t'nticp reluctant Ipgislators to Into.t~t' evenmg fme-tunlng Ihe with him in Springfield com­ \'ot(· for it. s.-.. T:\X. Page 3 shak~ compromlst' plan they plaint'd thai th(' proposallackPd said he would rf'r.:,,;::mend it to Although Thompson and endors:<, earlier m the day. hUI sufficient money for Chicago fellow Democratic senators there. \\ ere no guarantees rank· and other nerov cities. 1;:"'JTI:lkers seernt'd to be nt'ar gus "I am going to encourage m~ agrl'ement latt' Tuesday. some ami-fIle lawmakers would go And they said the J-eent-a- mem!Jers on tht' basis that It i!; oC the leaders wt're unhappy II along. dollar increast' in the sales tax better than the dnomsda\' With that version. Thev met 'Bode The scalt'd-duwn. S963 mil!ion would hurt poor pt'Ople. budgt't. It is not as good as '1 again early Wednt'Sda~:. and pros~1 was runmng mto Supportt'rs said the sales tax would have wanted il," Rock declart'd afterward tht'\' han ~posltlon. f~om many 9uarters boost :",'ould be offset in part by said. come to terms . prlmanl) t'ducatlon mterests droppmg the rt'maining 2-eent Thompson proposed ill March The two primary sticking Gus says will thE're be a &all and others unhapr.; WIV •.the sales taC( on food and mt'dicine what has come to be known as pomts wor~Pd out Involved state inerra!le? How much will am~nt of money It would raise. Senate President Philip Rock the S13.9 billion "doomsdav" rever.ue snaring with local tuition be? What·!! the d~al on .Chl~ago MaY'I~. Harold of I)ak Park was nol t'n­ budget. but disavowt'd It "as go·.-er,·ments and a disputt'd draft sign-up and schljla~l!ipt? \\ashmgton added hiS VOIC'~ to thusi.)stic about the plan. but "unaccep ablt' " state school ait! pay'nent What's thE' shortest rout.> to Canada? SIU-C at stalelnate 'Daily 13gyptian as high court rules 80uthem Illinois University on tying aid to draft e~ Ginny Lee Thursd"j .•'une 30. I!I83-Vol. 68. No 165 . Foliowil't/. the Minnesota Staf' Writer Judgt"" ruling. Srl.'·C's.financial aid ornct' implemented a SlU-C's ilnaocial aid office is voluntary svstem of com· ooce again in limbo concerning pliance Students who had no a fPderallaw Iymg financial aid problt'm sigmng the statement to draft rpgi<;trallon. following a wt're encouraged to do so. but V.S. Suprem, I ourt decision no one was forced to. WPdnesday tempor,miy setting C.S. Rep Paul Simon. who a~.lde a federal district court sponsored a bill 10 delav the mjunction on the law. implementation of the law until "As far as what the Dt'part­ Ft'bruary 1984. saId Wednesday menl of Education will do. it's that it is his "hope that t the just a wait-and-see situation" ruling) is not going to have too said Dan Mann. assista~t much impact" on the delivery directOl' of the Office cf Student of financial aid to students. Work and Financial Assistance. "I hope we don't have too TM 5upreme C.ourt said that. mucb coniusion" becaUl!e of the pending Ita cOllSlderation of a fact that the nation's colleges lonnal appeal to be filed by the and" universities were federal government, the previl)usly un -fer ft'deral government may <OIltinue to diabict court o.-der not to require male studenta to sign demand that students sign the statem~t of compliance with statements, Simon. D-22nd Selective Senice requirements District, said. before they mlolY receive federal At this point, Simon, whose linancial aid. t¥1I is stalled in the House Ar. A Minnesota federal district med Services Committee, said court judge on June 17 plact'd a he will be keeping in close touch &air Pboto by Seett Slaaw per~anenl, nationwide in­ with what is happening, but Splish-splash ... jUDCtion on the law, calling it "it's very difficult to know on unconstitutional becauf e it appeal and court decisions" It was the ear: ""bo were takiag baths oa South rain. Darllsldes and the wet weather forced some forced men to in(,rimlnate how long a final det.ision will Vniversity Avenue P ....!y Wednesday afterDoaa as driven to Iwikb oa beadHgbta and driYe themselvt'S. take, the arto_:Vas eas.:v.deci .dtl! oae-tbird of aD incb of carerolly_ Mann said 'lis office will wait "But obvious Iv . we don't want for instructions from the to see people denied the chance ---------------------------- Department of Education City ntanager profile disclosed regarding the court's decision. ~ 0., .\FT, Page 3 Strong social service experience desirable Four arrested by FBI 8y Karen Torry government. the city manager's st'rvices experience af a:t in Chicago bomb plot SUI ff ft riter role and a list of "current and importanl qualification ill an future challenges" in the advertisement for the job, k. ~ CHICAGO lAP) - Four for the woman, in a hearing Carbondale's next city cOIT,m\Jnity, as well as plact'd in the July 12 edition Ii' alleged members of IJ'.e Puertc bef3l'e V.S. Magistrate Carl B. manager must be "an qU.tlifications ant:! persona! the International City Rican nationalist group F ALN Sussman. The four were being especially mature, eXpE'rie~t'd traits desirt>d in tJ~ new City Management Association were cbarged WedJY.$day with held in the Metropolitan municipal manager' "'Ith manager. Newsletter. .;echUOUB aupi!'1IC)' ill a plot to Correctiona! Center pending 8 npertise in finant'ial R~aume said virtuc;Uy every Social services experience is I)omb ,-..... installations ill July 8 heanng. management and ability to aid person he interw?wt'd o..u-essed "certainly desirable," said Chicago Oftl" the July 4 holiday U.5_ Attorney Dan K. Webb the City Council in policy and the ioportance of ;inding a Kelley. but requiring it could weekend. told SUssman that authorities budget decisions. manager with a strong fiscal forr.e some good applicants out They were ·arrestd by FBI bad "very specific, hard and That is a summury of a six­ managel.~!'"t backgrouno. It is of the running. and atate law emorcetPtnt compelling evidence" that the page recruitment profile the city ma.18ger's job each Fry, Carbondale's city ageuts Wednes1ay afternoon. suspects planned to "lay down a assemuit'd by Paul Reaume. a fiscal year to present an manager for 11 years, as a '.:ompiaillt against them series 01 pipe bombs" at the Chicago consultant hirt>d by the operating budget for City disagreed: "Any manager who WIIS t-Jeing filed in U.5, District U.S. Manne Corps Reserve City CounciJ to hElp fmd a CounciJ approyal. The 1983-84 comes to this city without ex­ Corm by special FBI agent building on the Northwest Side. repiacem"nt for City Manager fiscal year budget allocated $25 perience ill &Of III service is P.iclIard S. !lahn. Carroll Fry, who will resign million to the city'A programs dead the minute hI" gets here." The suspeets wen! identified Webb said a Chicago Transit Aug. 31. and operations. Fry, pointing out that the city by the FF.J as Edwin Cortes, 28, luthority bus bam cootaining The profile. assemt.lt'd from ~xrerien~e in muniCipal manager must find money for a clerk !!! the Illinois Depart­ large amounts of ps.:;Jine was Reaume's inf"'!niews with City SOCIa servJces programs IS social programs within the meat of Unemployment Iocat~ behind the building, Council members, city em­ considered importar;', too. rity's tm.iget eacb year. added: Compennti01l; Alejandrina indicating tbat the four I)Ianned ployees and member.; of an Carbondale, through its ., If Uhf! city manager) doesn't Torres.
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