24138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE October 27, 2005 silenced the Angels during the ALCS in records for their length and the hard Whereas the White Sox joined the 1990 Cin- five games. And we swept the Astros in battle that they brought to the mound cinnati Reds and the legendary 1927 New four games. and to the field. York Yankees as the only teams who have I had the privilege of attending game White Sox fans from my home State swept a World Series after playing every of Illinois and all around the world are game of the regular season while in first one of the World Series on Saturday, place; and the fans in and around the park rejoicing as the White Sox nation will Whereas the White Sox pitching staff tied were a cross-section of the city. There cherish this victory for decades to a Major League playoff record of 4 straight were plenty of folks old enough to re- come. complete game wins and did not allow a sin- member the ‘59 team. Almost everyone The South Side of Chicago is the gle run in the last 15 innings of the World Se- remembered the 2000 team that made gladdest part of town. If you go down ries; the playoffs. A few were even alive in there, you better be aware that the Whereas Manager Ozzie Guillen, General 1917. White Sox won the World Series crown. Manager Kenny Williams, and owners Jerry Reinsdorf and Eddie Einhorn have put to- I don’t want to belabor this issue. I I congratulate the White Sox players, their manager, the valiant Venezuelan, gether and led a great organization; know those of you who had to listen to Whereas all 25 players on the playoff Red Sox fans last year may have got- Ozzie Guillen, pitching coach Don Coo- squad, whose sole goal was winning the ten a little weary of those of us who per. What an amazing performance by World Series rather than chasing individual have all this pent-up energy when we the pitching staff, and so many White glory, contributed to the victory, including finally win the championship. Sox stars turned coaches such as Tim World Series Most Valuable Player, But I do want to say that the entire Raines, Greg Walker, Harold Baines, Jermaine Dye, as well as Scott Podsednik, city of Chicago and the entire State of and Joey Cora; general manager Kenny Tadahito Iguchi, Joe Crede, Aaron Rowand, Illinois are extraordinarily proud. Williams for putting together this Paul Konerko, Juan Uribe, A.J. Pierzynski, magical team, himself a former Sox Carl Everett, Freddy Garcia, Geoff Blum, I congratulate the entire White Sox Willie Harris, Timo Perez, Chris Widger, organization, in particular Jerry player who made key moves not only Pablo Ozuna, Mark Buehrle , Jose Contreras, Reinsdorf, Kenny Williams, and Ozzie in the off season but during the season, Neal Cotts , Jon Garland, Dustin Hermanson, Guillen. We will be celebrating this such as adding closer Bobby Jenks, just Orlando Hernandez, Bobby Jenks, Damaso victory for a long time on the South 24 years old, pitching in double A’s just Marte, Cliff Politte, and Luis Vizcaino; Side, around the city of Chicago, and a few months ago. And there he stood Whereas other players, such as Frank around the entire State of Illinois. on the mound last night pitching those Thomas and Brandon McCarthy, made im- Let me make one last point. While 99- and 100-mile-an-hour fast balls. But portant contributions to get the White Sox during the season, general manager to the playoffs, but were unable to be placed we were watching the game the other on the playoff roster; night, in the drenching rain Sunday Kenny Williams also added game 3 hero Whereas this current group of White Sox evening there was a sign held up by an Geoff Blum. To the owners and my players follows in the giant footsteps of the elderly woman 92 years old. She said: friends, Eddie Einhorn and Jerry great players in White Sox history who have I’ve been waiting for this for 88 years. Reinsdorf, congratulations for 25 years had their numbers retired, players such as I think it gave you some sense of how of dedication to their great moment of Nellie Fox (#2), Harold Baines (#3), Luke much this means to the city of Chicago victory. Everyone in the White Sox or- Appling (#4), Minnie Minoso (#9), Luis and to those blue-collar neighborhoods ganization richly deserves this World Aparicio (#11), Ted Lyons (#16), Billy Pierce (#19), and Carlton Fisk (#72); made up of Black, White, and Hispanic Series victory. The Sox organization has made citi- Whereas the city of Chicago and White Sox who were represented so ably by their fans have faithfully stuck by their team dur- team. It spoke to the diversity of this zens of Chicago and the State of Illi- ing the decades it spent in baseball’s wilder- country and the fact that we work to- nois proud by bringing home this ness; gether in ways that make us all proud. crown. And to those generations of Whereas a new generation of young fans in Senator DURBIN and myself will be White Sox fans who stayed faithful to Chicago and around Illinois are discovering introducing a resolution later today. their team even in the darkest days, I the joy of world championship baseball; and I want to turn it over to my senior say rejoice. The Chicago White Sox are Whereas the Boston Red Sox, the Los An- colleague from the great State of Illi- world champions. geles Angels of Anaheim, and the Houston Astros proved worthy and honorable adver- nois to maybe add a few other remarks I yield the floor. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous saries and also deserve recognition, and: regarding this outstanding team. Now, therefore, be it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- consent that the resolution be agreed Resolved, that the Senate— ator from Illinois is recognized. to, the preamble be agreed to, the mo- (1) congratulates the Chicago White Sox on Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I thank tion to reconsider be laid upon the winning the 2005 World Series Championship; my colleague from the State of Illinois table, and that any statements relating (2) commends the fans, players, and man- who is truly a White Sox fan from the thereto be printed in the RECORD with- agement of the Houston Astros for allowing the Chicago White Sox and their many sup- South Side of Chicago. We have town out intervening action or debate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without porters to celebrate their first World Series meetings every Thursday morning, and title in 88 years at Minute Maid Park, the from the beginning of this baseball sea- objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 291) was home field of the Houston Astros; and son, he has been rooting for his White (3) respectfully directs the Enrolling Clerk agreed to. Sox. As his fellow Senator from Illi- of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of The preamble was agreed to. nois, I want to congratulate him and this resolution to— The resolution, with its preamble, (A) the 2005 Chicago White Sox baseball the White Sox organization. reads as follows: Say it is so, Joe. club; S. RES. 291 Eighty-six years after the 1919 Black (B) White Sox owners, Jerry Reinsdorf and Eddie Einhorn. Sox scandal, and 88 years after they Whereas, on October 26, 2005, the Chicago White Sox baseball club won the 2005 World f beat the New York Giants in the 1917 Series; World Series, the Chicago White Sox Whereas this is the first championship for CONDEMNING ANTI-ISRAEL SENTI- are bringing the World Series crown the White Sox since 1917, when Woodrow Wil- MENTS OF THE PRESIDENT OF home to Chicago. It is amazing. The son was president and the United States was IRAN ghost of Sholeless Joe Jackson can fi- fighting in World War I; Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I nally rest in peace. Whereas this is the first World Series ap- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- pearance for the White Sox since 1959; Last night, the White Sox completed ate proceed to the immediate consider- their magical World Series quest with Whereas the White Sox posted a regular season record of 99–63 and dominated their ation of S. Res. 292 which was sub- a 1–0 win to complete a four-game opponents during the playoffs, compiling 11 mitted earlier today. sweep over the Houston Astros. But as wins and only 1 loss, and finishing with an 8- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator OBAMA has said, they were game win streak that included a sweep in the clerk will report the resolution by close games. Some of them broke Fall Classic; title. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:04 Mar 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00172 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK18\NO-SSN\BR27OC05.DAT BR27OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE October 27, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 24139 The legislative clerk read as follows: 1,200 miles. Jerusalem is 970 miles from There being no objection, the Senate A resolution (S. Res. 292) calling on the Tehran. proceeded to consider the bill which President to condemn the anti-Israel senti- The Shahab-3 is capable of deliverinq had been reported from the Committee ments expressed by the President of Iran on a nuclear warhead to Israel and to U.S. on Commerce, Science and Transpor- October 26, 2005.
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