F363(GT)v07en ECOCERT GREENLIFE S.A.S. - Capital 50 000 EUR - Lieudit Lamothe Ouest - 32600 L'Isle Jourdain - France Tél. + 33 (0)5 62 07 51 09 - Fax : +33 (0)5 62 07 74 96 - www.ecocert.com LETTER OF APPROVAL for Colourants / Textile Auxiliaries No. GOTS-ECOCERT-08-00011 ECOCERT GREENLIFE declares that the Colourants / Textile Auxiliaries listed below have been assessed for CHT Switzerland AG Kriessernstr. 20 / Montlingen (CH) on basis of their corresponding Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and on basis of further relevant information according to the applicable criteria of the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) - Version 5.0 with positive result. Accordingly the listed Colourants and/or Textile Auxiliaries are approved as inputs for application in the processing of GOTS certified textile products. Colourants: Acid Dye Trade Name of Input Type/Utilisation Date of Approval Date of MSDS Comments Restrictions BEMACID BEMACID BLUE E-T4R Acid Dye 2020-01-14 2016-04-04 BEMACID BLUE F-BL Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2016-04-06 BEMACID BLUE N-TF Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2017-11-21 BEMACID GREEN F-2B Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2018-11-30 BEMACID RED E-T2B Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2016-04-04 BEMACID RED F-4B Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2016-04-06 BEMACID RED F-LE Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2016-04-06 BEMACID TURQUOISE F-G Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2016-04-06 Cu 3.5% 4) Direct Dye BEMACID YELLOW E-T3R Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2018-09-06 BEMACID YELLOW F-G Acid Dye 2020-01-15 2019-03-19 Colourants: Disperse Dye Trade Name of Input Type/Utilisation Date of Approval Date of MSDS Comments Restrictions BEMACRON HP BEMACRON BLACK HP-LP Disperse Dye 2019-11-07 2019-01-28 AOX 0.9% 15) Letter of Approval, page 1/13, dated 2020-02-28 TVA Intracommunautaire n° FR 55 509 534 095 CREDIT MUTUEL 2200 20246201 29 - SIREN 509 534 095 RCS AUCH - APE 7120B F363(GT)v07en ECOCERT GREENLIFE S.A.S. - Capital 50 000 EUR - Lieudit Lamothe Ouest - 32600 L'Isle Jourdain - France Tél. + 33 (0)5 62 07 51 09 - Fax : +33 (0)5 62 07 74 96 - www.ecocert.com Letter of Approval no. GOTS-ECOCERT-08-00011 for CHT Switzerland AG Trade Name of Input Type/Utilisation Date of Approval Date of MSDS Comments Restrictions BEMACRON BLACK HP-LTD Disperse Dye 2019-02-22 2018-05-03 AOX 0.4% 15) BEMACRON BLUE HP-3R Disperse Dye 2019-02-22 2018-08-21 BEMACRON BLUE HP-LTD Disperse Dye 2019-02-22 2018-05-03 Cu 1.8%, AOX 0.4% 4) 15) BEMACRON CARMINE HP-2G Disperse Dye 2019-02-22 2018-08-21 BEMACRON CITRON HP-2G Disperse Dye 2019-07-05 2018-08-21 BEMACRON CYAN HP-G Disperse Dye 2019-07-05 2019-05-15 BEMACRON DARK BLUE HP-LTD 01 Disperse Dye 2019-02-22 2018-05-03 AOX 0.7% 15) BEMACRON ORANGE HP-LTD 01 Disperse Dye 2019-02-25 2018-04-16 BEMACRON RED HP-2BL Disperse Dye 2019-07-08 2018-08-21 BEMACRON RED HP-B Disperse Dye 2019-12-09 2018-08-21 BEMACRON RED HP-BS Disperse Dye 2019-02-25 2018-08-21 BEMACRON RED HP-FS Disperse Dye 2019-12-09 2019-09-30 BEMACRON RED HP-LTD 01 Disperse Dye 2019-02-25 2018-08-13 BEMACRON RED HP-SR Disperse Dye 2019-12-09 2018-08-28 BEMACRON RUBINE HP-3B Disperse Dye 2019-07-19 2018-09-12 BEMACRON RUBINE HP-LTD 01 Disperse Dye 2019-02-25 2018-08-21 BEMACRON TURQUOISE HP-B Disperse Dye 2019-07-08 2017-10-23 BEMACRON YELLOW HP-2R Disperse Dye 2019-12-09 2018-08-21 BEMACRON YELLOW HP-LTD 01 Disperse Dye 2019-02-25 2018-08-13 BEMACRON RS BEMACRON BLUE RS 01 Disperse Dye 2019-07-05 2018-11-09 AOX 0.6% 15) BEMACRON RED RS Disperse Dye 2019-07-08 2018-02-12 BEMACRON S BEMACRON TURQUOISE S-GF Disperse Dye 2019-07-08 2019-05-15 BEMACRON YELLOW S-6GF Disperse Dye 2019-07-08 2018-08-21 BEMACRON SEL BEMACRON LUMIN. ORANGE Disperse Dye 2019-07-05 2018-08-21 SEL-EN BEMACRON LUMIN. RED SEL-4B Disperse Dye 2019-07-05 2018-08-21 BEMACRON LUMIN. RED SEL-G Disperse Dye 2019-07-05 2018-08-21 Letter of Approval, page 2/13, dated 2020-02-28 TVA Intracommunautaire n° FR 55 509 534 095 CREDIT MUTUEL 2200 20246201 29 - SIREN 509 534 095 RCS AUCH - APE 7120B F363(GT)v07en ECOCERT GREENLIFE S.A.S. - Capital 50 000 EUR - Lieudit Lamothe Ouest - 32600 L'Isle Jourdain - France Tél. + 33 (0)5 62 07 51 09 - Fax : +33 (0)5 62 07 74 96 - www.ecocert.com Letter of Approval no. GOTS-ECOCERT-08-00011 for CHT Switzerland AG Colourants: Ink for Digital Printing Trade Name of Input Type/Utilisation Date of Approval Date of MSDS Comments Restrictions BEZAJET BEZAJET BLUE R MV3 Ink for Digital Printing 2019-12-06 2019-09-27 Reactive Dye Reactive Dye for Printing BEZAJET CYAN R MV3 Ink for Digital Printing 2019-12-06 2019-09-27 Cu 0.4% 4) Reactive Dye Reactive Dye for Printing BEZAJET ORANGE R MV3 Ink for Digital Printing 2019-12-06 2019-09-27 Reactive Dye Reactive Dye for Printing BEZAJET YELLOW R MV3 Ink for Digital Printing 2019-12-06 2019-09-27 Reactive Dye Reactive Dye for Printing Colourants: Pigment Trade Name of Input Type/Utilisation Date of Approval Date of MSDS Comments Restrictions BEZAPRINT BEZAPRINT BLACK DW Pigment 2018-07-20 2017-06-09 BEZAPRINT BLACK GOT Pigment 2018-06-05 2015-02-16 BEZAPRINT BLUE BT Pigment 2018-07-20 2017-12-06 Cu 4.3% 4) BEZAPRINT BLUE GOT Pigment 2018-06-05 2017-12-13 Cu 3.3% 4) BEZAPRINT BLUE RR Pigment 2018-08-20 2018-08-16 Cu 2.4%, AOX 0.6% 4) 15) BEZAPRINT BLUE RT Pigment 2018-06-05 2018-03-07 Cu 3.9%, AOX 0.8% 4) 15) BEZAPRINT BLUE TB Pigment 2018-06-05 2017-12-05 Cu 4.2%, AOX 0.4% 4) 15) BEZAPRINT BROWN TM Pigment 2018-07-20 2018-05-03 Fe 10.6%, AOX 0.5% 15) BEZAPRINT CITRON GOT Pigment 2018-06-05 2017-11-23 BEZAPRINT GREY BB Pigment 2018-07-24 2018-05-03 AOX 0.7% 15) BEZAPRINT NAVY GOT Pigment 2018-06-05 2017-12-19 Cu 2.7%, AOX 0.5% 4) 15) BEZAPRINT ORANGE GOT Pigment 2018-06-05 2017-12-19 BEZAPRINT ORANGE GT Pigment 2018-07-24 2017-11-29 BEZAPRINT PINK BW Pigment 2018-06-05 2017-11-29 BEZAPRINT RED GOT Pigment 2018-06-05 2017-12-19 Letter of Approval, page 3/13, dated 2020-02-28 TVA Intracommunautaire n° FR 55 509 534 095 CREDIT MUTUEL 2200 20246201 29 - SIREN 509 534 095 RCS AUCH - APE 7120B F363(GT)v07en ECOCERT GREENLIFE S.A.S. - Capital 50 000 EUR - Lieudit Lamothe Ouest - 32600 L'Isle Jourdain - France Tél. + 33 (0)5 62 07 51 09 - Fax : +33 (0)5 62 07 74 96 - www.ecocert.com Letter of Approval no. GOTS-ECOCERT-08-00011 for CHT Switzerland AG Trade Name of Input Type/Utilisation Date of Approval Date of MSDS Comments Restrictions BEZAPRINT RED HBB Pigment 2018-07-24 2017-12-01 AOX 0.3% 15) BEZAPRINT RED KGC Pigment 2017-11-23 2015-03-06 BEZAPRINT RED SGR Pigment 2017-11-23 2017-01-09 BEZAPRINT SCARLET RR Pigment 2018-07-24 2017-12-04 BEZAPRINT VIOLET FB Pigment 2018-07-24 2017-12-05 BEZAPRINT YELLOW 3GT Pigment 2017-11-23 2015-03-03 AOX 3.3% 15) BEZAPRINT YELLOW GOT Pigment 2018-06-05 2015-03-04 BEZAPRINT CC BEZAPRINT BLACK CC-N Pigment 2019-08-20 2019-06-06 BEZAPRINT BLUE CC-K Pigment 2019-08-20 2017-12-12 BEZAPRINT BRILLIANT BLUE CC-L Pigment 2019-08-20 2019-06-12 Cu 0.3% 4) BEZAPRINT CARMINE CC-E Pigment 2019-08-21 2019-06-06 BEZAPRINT FUCHSIA CC-I Pigment 2019-08-21 2019-06-06 BEZAPRINT GOLDEN YELLOW CC-C Pigment 2019-08-21 2018-10-03 BEZAPRINT GREEN CC-M Pigment 2019-07-19 2017-12-19 BEZAPRINT OCHER CC-B Pigment 2019-07-08 2018-08-31 BEZAPRINT ORANGE CC-D Pigment 2019-07-08 2017-11-29 BEZAPRINT PINK CC-H Pigment 2019-07-08 2017-11-29 BEZAPRINT RED CC-G Pigment 2019-07-08 2017-12-01 BEZAPRINT YELLOW CC-O Pigment 2019-08-21 2018-12-14 COLORMATCH COLORMATCH 106 YELLOW Pigment 2018-11-12 2017-11-22 AOX 3.3% 15) COLORMATCH 200 SCARLET Pigment 2018-11-12 2017-11-30 COLORMATCH 210 RED Pigment 2018-11-12 2017-12-01 AOX 0.3% 15) COLORMATCH 221 CARMINE Pigment 2018-11-12 2017-12-04 COLORMATCH 222 MARS RED Pigment 2018-11-12 2017-12-01 COLORMATCH 240 PINK Pigment 2018-11-13 2017-11-29 COLORMATCH 250 FUCHSIA Pigment 2018-11-13 2017-12-05 COLORMATCH 300 BLUE Pigment 2018-11-13 2017-12-05 Cu 4.2%, AOX 0.4% 4) 15) COLORMATCH 350 NAVY Pigment 2018-11-13 2018-08-16 Cu 2.4%, AOX 0.6% 4) 15) Letter of Approval, page 4/13, dated 2020-02-28 TVA Intracommunautaire n° FR 55 509 534 095 CREDIT MUTUEL 2200 20246201 29 - SIREN 509 534 095 RCS AUCH - APE 7120B F363(GT)v07en ECOCERT GREENLIFE S.A.S.
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