. , •, ., . • HONOR PRIZE PROBLEM FRED SPRENGER NeW York CIty • WHITE MATES IN FOUR MOVES • TH E OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AMERICAN CHESS FEDERATION S~reen Stars Who Play Chess • Games from Semmering! THE PAUL MORPHY CENTENNIAL TOURNAMENT. • PAUL H . LITTLE THE CHESS MIND •.•• LAJOS STEINER WOMEN IN CHESS _ . _ _ . EDITH L. WEART MY FAVORITE END·GAME COMPOSITIONS ~ ~ - IRVING CHERNEV .-. , ~--. I OcrOBER, 1937 MONTHLY 30 <ts. ANNUALLY $3.00 '":Ihe BY THE WAY We believ~ that w~ ar~ in no danger of being contradi ct~ d when we claim that no chess club has had as r~ma rkab l e a genesis as that of Evanston, III . About a year ago, Mrs. Arthur McGeoch Flint of that dty suffered such sev~ re injuries REVIEW from ~ falling ~~d shelf that her recovery was OFfICIAL ORGAN OF THE despatred of. The five months fo llowing the AMIlRICAN C H ESS FEOERATION accident ~e re I.i k~ a living d~ath :' she rec~ nt l y told an mtervlewer from Th, Chicago Daily NewJ. "And when they took the ban(lages off ISRAEL A. HOROWIlZ, EJilor my face and I l ook~d in the mirror at a perfect S. S. COHEN, Managing Editor stranger I was petri fied. lif~ was a blank. I was neither happy nor sad. I did n· t care FRED REINFELD, AJlo(;ale Editor wheth~ r people said hello or good.by." BARNIE F. WINKELMAN, AU()ciale Edilor H ~r d<;Ktors. w~ r ~ ~Iarmed by her apathetic , sta t ~, until a fmnd hit on the idea of teaching R. CHENEY, Problem Editor h~r how to play chess. He "brought his chess BERTRAM KADISH, Art Director set out to t~e hospital and she took her first l ~s son peermg out from beh ind bandages. From that day her h~a l th im proved with Iler Vol. V, No. 10 PHblisht J MOHlhl, Ocwber, 1937 game." So enthusiastic did Mrs. Flint become that By the Way - • • • • • • 221 she took the initiative in organizing·a chess Screen Stars Who Play Chess • • 223 ~ l ub in Evanston. In only two months of ex. The Paul Morphy Centennial T ourn't 224 Istence, the club membership has risen to 65 Women in Ch~s . • • • 230 players!-a tot~1 which might well arouse the The Semmering Tournament 231 envy of clubs In much larger localities. My Favorite End.Game Compositions m "Ghess is an adventure which ca rri es me The World Champion . - m compl~~ l y outside of mysell," she says. "I It The Chess Mind . • • • 233 know s supposed to ~ a man·s game, but the fact that the Queen is the most powerful ero" Country • • • 23' What Do You Want to Know? m piece on t~ board should be a challenge ro Game Studies • • 236 any woman." Bravo, Mrs. Flint! Problem lkpartment • • • • 239 Quite a few readers must have rai~ their eye. brows as they played over Reu ben Fine's " loss'· to J~ [ ge nsen of Norw~y , given in the Septem. ber Issue. Actually, Fme had the Black pieces Published monthly by T HI! CHIlSS REYIEW, ~~ w"[ 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Tdephone Wisconsin and won the game, as was clear from reference 1-3142. Domestic subscripli()ns: One Yea r $3.00; to his individual score. There seems to have T wo Ye:trs S ~.~O; Five Ye~rs $1 2.50; Six Momhs been some fatal quality in this game as at least ,l.n. Single copy 30 (IS. Foreign subscriptions; one other magazine made the same :nistake! $ 3 .~ 0 per ye,r except U. S. Possessions, Canada, Mel" ico, Central and South America. Single copy 3~ as. Copyrighl 1937 by THR CHESS RIIVIEW The fo llowing incident, related by the Brit. ish Cheu Magazine in its accou nt of the Stock. ··Entered as second·class maner January 2~, 1937, at holm Tourney, giv~s one a vivid impression of the post office at New York, N. Y., under the Iw of MHch " 1879:· the fierce tempo at which the Team Tourna. ments ar~ conauct~d. It seems that iI·l ·the fiL teenth round, Landau, "t i r~d out with hard play and journalistic work combined, fell asleep at the 11 th move. Sympath~tically realizing the CONTRIBUTING fDITO.1S: situation, Dunkelblum shook him gently by the LAlOS STE INER N. 1. GREKOV arm and suggested a draw. 'Yes: said l andau, J. B. SNETHLAGE IR VING CHERNEV 'and please don't wake me again.''' It sounds lAMES R. NEW MA N D. MACMURRAY more like a dance marathon than a chess tourna. PAUL HUGO U TILE EDIT H l. WEART ment! 221 222 TH E CHOSS R EVIEW We understand that one of the competitors and seems co have had time, despite bile exact. in the Ladies' Tournament put up a conspic_ ing nature of his tour, to mull over the exciting uous sign requesting spectators to maintain games Alekhine lost to Euwe (at Amsterdam, their distance; but myriads of the curious per. last year) and to Keres (at Margate. this year) . petually dangled around her table to read the A particularly delicious feature of the letter was placard! that Steiner evidently saw nothing remarkable in the fact that his friend Piklet (an excellent Budapest chess player) was leading an otches. How many 01 you know that in 1883 the tra in-of all places!-Penang! We hope to chess team of Cambridge University contested print at least part of the letter next month. a correspondence game with an insane asylum -and JOII! Here is the game: Play~d by Corr.'pond,nee December, 1883 • Ma rch, 1885 The NOVEMBER luue of THE CHESS SICILIAN DEFENSE REVIEW will be chock.full of interelt. Cambridge aedlam ing futurec-. The Chief Item will of White Black course be th.e return Match for the World Champlonlhlp, which begll n on 1 P-K4 P_QB4 14 B·Q3 K.R1 October 5; there will be 11 thorough cov_ 2 Kt.QB3 P.K3 1S Q.R5 P.B4 erage of thll event, with gllmOl, lInnota. 3 Kt-S3 Kt-QBS 16 Kt-K2 Q.Q3 tlonl, plcturll, anecdot .. lind Impottant 4 P.Q4 PxP 17 Kt.Q4 Q.K4 opening innovation I. WI hope to rlceive 5 KtxP B-KtS 18 Kt.SS Q.Kt2 lome games from the Botvlnnlk-L.even. 6 Kt.Kt5 Kt.BS 19 Kt.R4 R.KKtl fish match (allo Itarted on Octoblr 5) 7 P-QRS BxKtch 20 P.KKt3 Q·B3 in time for Inclusion In the next I ..ue, 8 KtxB P.Q4 21 P.KB4 R·Kt5 Other features will be: Or. H"nnllk'i r. 9 PxP PxP 22 QR.Kl QR.KKt1 port of the Semmerlng Tourn"ment, 10 B-KKt5 8.K3 23 Kt.Kt2 R(1).Kt3 which we were unable to publlih In thia 11 8.K2 0 .0 24 R)(B PxR iaaue becaUse of the postponement of the 12 0.0 Kt. K2 2S 8·K2 R.R3 tourney <It started on September 8 in· 13 BxKt PxB Rellgn, 'stead of on Augult 25, AI originally an. Not bad, although WhIte 's resIgnati on is pre­ nounced); Lajo. Steiner', letter from mature. Penang ; another uticle on film _tar. who play che.. ; review. of Or. Euwe'. book (we hope! ) and Reinfeld'. eollectlon of Glancing throug h an article on gangster the bOlt gamll of PaUl Klr,, ; gam .. an. notated by Or. Euwe, Fine, K". hd"n lI nd types in the movies, we noted the following: Polland; interllting I plcimenl of tho "Gaumont was shocked when it imported a play In the Ladie.' Tournament at Stock. batch of American film gangsters for Jessie holm; our new featurl, "What Do You Mathew's new musical, 'Gangway,' at the Roxy, Want to Kn ow?"; and plenty of plcturOl! and then discovered that it was entertaining a Such out.tanding content' ehould make our combinatio n offer of THE CHESS lot of highbrows with a consuming interest in REVIEW and a wooden Inlllid ch .., boa rd cathedral towns and Roman ruins. The studio even more attract ive_if pOltll ble! expected something else of Nat Pendlecon in his off hours than an absorption in the Margate chess tourneys." (New York EII ,ning POll. ) Isaac 1. Rice, Jr., has donated to the Rice This issue contains an interesting article on film celebrities who play chess. There will be Progressive Chess Club several hundred copies more articles on the subject in coming issues. of a de luxe edition of the outstanding book on the Rice Gambit. Toward the end of August, we received a letter from Lajos Steiner which he had written in Penang. W e had a vague idea that Penang ATTENTION CHESS . CLUBS ! was somewhere or other in the Orient. For the first time since the 7B Geography exam, we Mr. I. A. H orowitz is p lanning a coast. consulted the Encyclopaedia Br;uan;ca and dis. to.coast tour starting November 5th. If covered that Penang, or Prince of Wales Island, interested in obtaining his services for belongs to Great Britain, and is situated at the lectures, simultaneous exhibitions or con. north entrance of the Straits of Malacca off the sultation g ames write at once for further west coast of the Malay Peninsula. Lajos has details. Address: T he Ches; R811i81V, 55 some very interesting things to say about the West 42nd St., New York, N . Y . chess players of Sumatra and such.like places, SCREEN STARS WHO PLAY CHESS ."" Star MYRNA LOY, Met ro·Gol dwyn.Mayer Star Started playing chess while attending Colum_ B~came interested in chess after watching bia University, and its logical prinri/,Ies were Regmald Owen and Frank Morgan play.
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