CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM CANADA-UKRAINE PROGRAMME PARLEMENTAIRE ÏÀÐËÀÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÀ ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÀ ÊÀÍÀÄÀ-ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÀ Established in 1990, CUPP was Canada's First Program of Assistance to Ukraine AUTUMN 2012 In this issue... A Gorillia has joined the elephant in the room Why we don't like Ukraine Dictatorship will not lead to prosperity Ukrainians in Irkutsk CUPP in Third Decade CUPP 2012 NEWSLETTER 2012 CUPP NEWSLETTER A "Gorilla" Has Joined the Elephant in the Room! ...............................................3 CUPP Interns ..............................................4 Why We Don't Like Ukraine ....................31 Is Ukraine's Youth Plunging Into Deep Career Individualism?.............................34 Implication of the Fact that a Significant Number of Ukraine's Population do not Consider Themselves Ukrainian Either in the National or Civic Sense .......................35 Etude About Post-crisis Ukraine: Seven Main Challenges – Opportunities ...........38 Wither the Bologna Process: The Coming Educational Crisis in Ukraine .................42 The CUPP Alumni Planned a Series of Conferences to Create a new Model of Governance for Ukraine ..........................44 Do Ukrainian Universities Need Autonomy? ..............................................46 Quo Vadis, Україно? – намагались On October 24, 2011, the first Ukrainian Day on the HILL took place in the House відповісти в Оксфорді ........................52 of Commons. Captioned are CUPP 2011 Interns who performed a concert in the Ukraine Loses Its Way.............................56 Rotunda of Centre Block for MPs, staff and visitors. Balcerowicz: Dictatorship Will Not Lead to Prosperity ............................................57 Бальцерович: диктатура не призводить до процвітання ..............60 Orwell's 'Animal Farm" and Ukrainian Refugees ...................................................64 History of CUPP to work and study in the Canadian Par- "Ukraine at the Crossroads" ...................65 th liament, and gain experience from which On July 16 , 1990, the Ukrainian generations of Canadian, American and Ukrainians of Irkutsk – A Part of Parliament adopted the Declaration of Multiethnic Siberian Society ...................68 West European students have benefit- Sovereignty which declared that Parlia- ed. On the basis of academic excel- Russian Youth's Pllitical Conderns .......70 ment recognized the need to build the Electoral systerms in Ukraine. Our lence, knowledge of the English or Ukrainian state based on the Rule of French and Ukrainian languages, and Experience and Our Prospects ..............72 Law. On August 24, 1991, the Ukrainian The Overbearing Governmental Regula- on interest in the parliamentary system tion of the Economy as an Inhibiting Parliament adopted the Declaration of of government, university students from Factor on Democratic Development of Independence, which the citizens of Ukraine can apply for a CUPP scholar- Ukraine .....................................................73 Ukraine endorsed in the referendum of ship. It is hoped that CUPP will contrib- The Value of a CUPP Internship in December 1, 1991. Also in 1991, Cana- Canada's Parliament ...............................74 ute to the education of future leaders of dians celebrated the Centennial of Ukraine. A Century of PLAST ................................76 Ukrainian group immigration to Canada. In 2012, during the 22nd year of CUPP Alumni Updates ............................77 To mark the Centennial, organizations CUPP's operation, 33 students arrived Higher Education: East OR West ...........81 planned programs and projects to cele- from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to EURO 2012: Failure or Success? ..........82 brate this milestone in Canada's history. complete a two-month internship with CUPP Alumni Updates ............................83 The Chair of Ukrainian Studies Members of Parliament, Ministers and Foundation of Toronto decided to mark Where the Land Ends and the Sea Senators (please see Issue 1 of the Begins: the Case of Ukrainian Migration the Centennial by establishing the Can- Newsletter for complete list of CUPP In- to Portugal ................................................84 ada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program for terns). In the course of the Program, the university students from Ukraine. The Interns meet with political and social Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program opinion-leaders of Canada. Contact Us gives Ukrainian students an opportunity Chair of Ukrainian Studies Foundation 620 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario, The image of the Canadian Parliament (Centre Block of the House of Com- Canada M5S 2H4 mons) is a 19th century engraving by an unknown artist. Photo Credit of the Tel.: (416) 234-9111 engraving to The Devil's Artisan: A Journal of the Printing Arts. Colour Fax: (416) 234-9114 separation design by Kristina Hicks a student at the Ontario College of Art and Design University of Toronto. Cover Design by Andrei Bezruchonak, www.KATEDRA.org CUPP 2012 Intern from Belarus. 2 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM CUPP 2012 NEWSLETTER CUPP in Third Decade circumstances. It would be effective, if make a change, their Russian peers unlikely to possess one under the people were at least somewhat satis- are totally oblivious of the civil rights Medvedev-Putin tandem rule. In this fied with their lives and were expect- granted by the Constitution. "They regard, it is high time young Ukraini- ing their lives to gradually change for have plunged in 'deep career individu- ans ask themselves: will they enjoy better. Today, a lot of people realize alism'," says Irina Khakamada. An ex- more rights and opportunities to influ- that not all of those artists are agitating politician representing official opposi- ence the life of their country, if they for Tymoshenko right from the heart," tion to Vladimir Putin and now radio stay coach potatoes and watch the says Shayhorodskyi. anchor and writer, Khakamada admits elections the older generations will If young Ukrainians are less con- that young people in Russia do not make a decision about? scientious of how to use their power to have any political positioning and are Implication of the Fact that a Significant Number of Ukraine's Population do not Consider Themselves Ukrainian Either in the National or Civic Sense Pavlo SHOPIN CUPP 2006, 2008 Walter Tarnopolsky Scholarship recipient, Mazurenko Family Scholarship recipient MP: Michael Ignatieff, Ontario (Etobicoke–Lakeshore) MP: Andrew Telegdi, Ontario (Kitchener–Waterloo) B.A. and M.A. in English from Taras Shevchenko National University of Luhansk in 2008 Fulbright Visiting Researcher at UC Berkeley in 2009-2010 Internt in the German Bundestag in 2011 M.Phil. in European Literature and Culture at the University of Cambridge The Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary lenges have appeared. Now the Ukrai- amount of time in a small room trying Program Washington "Model Ukraine" nian language is being ridiculed by to answer all those numerous queries. Conference, which took place at the Prime-Minister, and Minister Tabach- One of the older ladies was having George Washington University on nyk's Ukrainophobia is an outrageous trouble with the question about identi- Feb. 12-14, 2010, was a perfect op- disgrace for Ukraine. ty, a foreign word to any Ukrainian, as portunity for CUPP Alumni to discuss Recently I have been to the Con- you may probably know. She did not their vision of Ukraine and see if they sulate General of Ukraine in San Fran- hesitate to ask a young man beside can arrive at common goals and val- cisco to cast my vote in the first round her, "What is "identychnist" [identity]?" ues which could be shared by every of the Presidential Election, and no- "Well, being identical, being similar, I Ukrainian. I am very grateful to Mr. ticed two things. I saw that all the elec- think." "You know, that's what makes Ihor Bardyn, Director of the Program, tion committee members were wear- you Ukrainian," another helpful Ukrai- and all the organizers of the confer- ing traditional Ukrainian shirts and nian prompted. The CUPP Alumni ence and believe that the meeting was not surprised at all. But when I gathered to try to find an answer to a there was both rewarding and useful left the Consulate, I wondered if Ger- similar question and I hope that we for all the participants. Here I present mans would wear their Trachten for have achieved at least an under- my address to the participants of the the same occasion. standing of the initial (or ultimate?) Washington Conference. Sadly, the Secondly, people who came to question and will work towards further problems discussed in this paper have vote were asked to complete a ques- interpretation of what it means to be been only exacerbated by the current tionnaire compiled at Oxford Universi- Ukrainian. I would like to believe that government, and many more chal- ty and we spent a considerable our generation of Ukrainians, having CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 35 CUPP in Third Decade CUPP 2012 NEWSLETTER experienced the governance, civil so- 2009 World Chess Cup Sergey was ic sense. For me a Ukrainian is some- ciety, education abroad and the reality asked how the Ukrainian side let him one who lives in Ukraine because be- of life in Ukraine can work towards de- go and here is what he said, "My col- ing Ukrainian in a civic sense is what veloping a better if not new Commons leagues understood my decision. We makes a society. Ukrainian national- and Commonweal for Ukraine. still have very good relations. As for ists claim that a
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