MAKE-UP URBANISM: The gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis (Brazil) Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doktor-Ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.) an der Fakultät Architektur der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar vorgelegt von Adriana Gondran Carvalho da Silva, M.Sc. geboren am 22. April 1979 in Florianópolis Weimar, 2010 Gutachter: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Dieter Hassenpflug Prof. Dr. Gilcéia Pesce do Amaral e Silva Tag der Disputation: 02.12.2010 MAKE-UP URBANISM: the gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis/Brazil Gedruckt mit Unterstützung des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes – DAAD ii MAKE-UP URBANISM: the gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis (Brazil) PREFACE Make Up Urbanism: the gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis (Brazil) is a text about the contradiction between the advertising campaigns of cities and their realities, written by an architect with no political orientation and exploring the fields of urban planning, tourism, law and marketing (and a bit of public administration and sociology), for urban planners, actors involved in the construction of cities, academics, and every urban resident and/or tourist. It starts from a general overview about the definition of city marketing and its practice and focuses on the case of Florianópolis in Brazil. Florianópolis is the object of this research for several reasons: it is my natal city and the place where I have lived for 26 years. I have studied architecture and urban planning there and it was also the theme of my master thesis in the field of tourism. This could give the impression that my approach is not impersonal enough and there are some traces of subjectivity which is not desirable in the sciences. Nevertheless, this background is exactly what made me able to identify the problem of this research which would perhaps not be possible for a tourist, as we will verify later. Since the main theme of this dissertation is city marketing by which cities are produced and sold as any other product, citizens, tourists, or users are considered here as consumers whose rights should be also guaranteed by the consumers‟ defense codes. Thus, my main interest is to use this dissertation as a means to discuss the current Brazilian urban planning paradigm which I consider a kind of make-up of products at the urban level, or “make-up urbanism”. “Make-up urbanism” is an illegal practice according to our Consumers‟ Protection and Defense Code and its promoters must equally respond for their misconduct. Now, one could argue that there is a trace of an ideological principle behind this dissertation. And, actually, there is; but not behind the scientific research. And this is the reason why I chose the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, a university that has a long tradition in proposing new ways of thinking the areas of architecture and urban planning. iii MAKE-UP URBANISM: the gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis/Brazil ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank all persons and institutions that have supported me during the 4 years of execution of this research: DAAD, professors, friends and family. iv MAKE-UP URBANISM: the gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis/Brazil ABSTRACT In the last two decades, many cities have faced changes in their economic basis and therefore adopted an entrepreneurial approach in the municipal administration accompanied by city marketing strategies. Brazilian cities have also adopted this approach, like the case of Florianópolis. Florianópolis has promoted advertising campaigns on the natural resources of the Island of Santa Catarina as well as on its quality of life in comparison to other cities. However, due also to such campaigns, it has experienced a great demographic growth and, consequently, infrastructural and social problems. Nevertheless, it seems to have a good image within the national urban scenario and has been commonly considered an “urban consumption dream” for many Brazilians. This paradoxical situation is the reason why it has been chosen as the research object in this dissertation. Thus, the questions of this research are: is there a gap between the promise and the performance of the city of Florianópolis? If so, can tourists and residents recognize it? And finally, how can this gap be demonstrated? Accordingly, the main objective of this research is to propose a conformity assessment approach applicable to cities, by which the content of city advertisement campaigns can be compared to its performance indicators and satisfaction degree of its consumers. Therefore, this approach is composed by different methods: literature and legislation reviews, semi- structured and structured interviews with experts and inhabitants, an urban centrality development analysis, a qualitative discourse analysis of advertising material (including images), a qualitative content analysis of newspaper reports and a questionnaire survey. Finally, the theses are: yes, there is a gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis; this promise is a result of city marketing campaigns which advertise its natural features and at the same time hiding its urban aspects, supported by some political and private actors, mainly interested in the development of tourism and real estate market in the city; this gap has been already recognized by tourists and more intensively by residents; the selected methods worked as a kind of conformity assessment for cities and tourist destinations; and last but not least, since there is a gap, it designates the practice of “make- up urbanism”. Research limitations are the short time frame covered by this analysis and small and non-representative samples. However, its relevance lies in the attempt to fill in two disciplinary lacunas: a conformity assessment approach for cities and the creation of knowledge about Florianópolis and its further presentation at an international level, on the one hand. On the other hand, the transfer of this approach to other cities would help explaining a (common) contemporary urban phenomenon and appeal for more ethical conduct and transparency in the practices of city marketing. Key-words: City Marketing; Florianópolis; Conformity Assessment; Make-Up Urbanism. v MAKE-UP URBANISM: the gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis/Brazil ZUSAMMENFASSUNG In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten sahen sich viele Städte zunehmend einer Veränderung ihrer ökonomischen Basis ausgesetzt, was zum Aufgreifen unternehmerischer Ansätze mit Strategien des Stadtmarketings führte. Brasilianische Städte wie Florianópolis haben diesen Ansatz ebenfalls adaptiert, u.a. durch Werbekampagnen über die natürlichen Ressourcen der Insel Santa Catarina und eine höhere Lebensqualität. Diese trugen allerdings auch zu einem demografischen Wachstum mit begleitenden infrastrukturellen und sozialen Problemen bei. Dennoch scheint Florianópolis insgesamt ein gutes Image zu haben. Diese paradoxe Situation ist der Grund, weshalb die Stadt als Fallstudie für die vorliegende Dissertation ausgewählt wurde. Die Forschungsfragen sind deshalb folgende: Gibt es eine Diskrepanz zwischen dem Versprechen und der tatsächlichen Performanz der Stadt Florianópolis? Falls ja, können Touristen und Einwohner diese wahrnehmen? Der Hauptfokus liegt auf dem Erarbeiten einer auf Städte anwendbaren Konformitätsbewertung, durch die der Inhalt von städtischen Werbekampagnen mit ihren tatsächlichen Performanzindikatoren und dem Zufriedenheitsgrad ihrer Konsumenten verglichen werden kann. Der Ansatz basiert dabei auf mehreren Methoden: der Auswertung von Literatur und Gesetzen, halbstrukturierten und strukturierten Interviews mit Experten und Einwohnern der Stadt Florianópolis, einer Analyse über die Entwicklung der Stadtzentralität, der qualitativen Diskursanalyse von Werbematerial (inkl. Bildern), der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse von Zeitungsartikeln sowie einer Umfrage mittels Fragebogen. Die Thesen sind dabei folgende: 1. Ja, es gibt eine Diskrepanz zwischen Versprechen und tatsächlicher Performanz der Stadt Florianópolis. 2. Dieses Versprechen ist das Resultat von Stadtmarketingkampagnen, welche ihre natürlichen Eigenschaften bewerben, dabei aber gleichzeitig urbane Aspekte verbergen. 3. Die ermittelte Diskrepanz wurde bereits von Touristen und Einwohnern wahrgenommen. 4. Die ausgewählten Methoden stellen eine Konformitätsbewertung für Städte und Touristenziele dar. 5. Da es eine Diskrepanz gibt, ist diese bestimmend für die Praxis einer ‚Make-up-Urbanistik„. Als Forschungsgrenzen sind der enge analysierte Zeitraum sowie verhältnismäßig kleine und nicht repräsentative Beispiele zu benennen. Die Relevanz der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt jedoch in dem Versuch, zwei disziplinäre Leerräume zu füllen: Zum einen durch den Ansatz einer Konformitätsbewertung für Städte im Allgemeinen mit der Generierung von Wissen über Florianópolis im Besonderen sowie zum anderen durch den Vorschlag einer weiterführenden Übertragung dieses Ansatzes auf andere Städte, um ein allgemeines urbanes Phänomen dieser Zeit zu erklären und dadurch Anreize zu schaffen für mehr Ethik und Transparenz in der Praxis des Stadtmarketings. Schlagwörter: Stadtmarketing; Florianópolis; Konformitätsbewertung; Make-up Urbanistik. vi MAKE-UP URBANISM: the gap between promise and performance of Florianópolis (Brazil) CONTENTS PREFACE .................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..............................................................................................
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