O H A r^gc DaUj N*t P i^ Ros For tho Woek Undedi Aiifiut e, IfM 13,871 Manchester^A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXV, N a 280 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1966 Bayonet-Holding Guardsmen Shield Wauwatosa Marchers New Protest Set Tonight At Same Site MILWAUKEE, Wis. (A P )— Civil rights march­ ers, shielded by National 2 Guard bayonets from screaming and taunting throngs of whites, picketed in suburban Wauwatosa last night for the 10th night in a row. T he marchers, who returned to Milwaukee with hundreds of battle-dressed guardsmen on all 9 sides, plan to go back again to­ night to Wauwatosa — the sub­ urb' dubbed the "CSty of Homes.” “ It wouldn’t take much to touch it off,” said Adj. Gen. Ralph Olson, commander of the Rockville Family Homeless After Fire Wisconsin National Guard. "All it would take is a little spark.” Smoke rolls from the roof and windows of a house at 147 West Main St. Much Bo far the tension has Armed with rifles and with bayonets fixed. Nation­ waukee suburb of Wauwatosa. They ended the of the second floor was gutted by the flames, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Charles produced no violence and only a handful of arrests. The 477 al Guardsmen line up to prevent jeering spectators demonstration after a short time with only one Sutherland and their 10 children homeless. Story and other pictures on Page guardsmen, ordered into Wau- from following civil rights marchers in the Mil­ minor injury. (AP Photofax) 8. (Herald photo by Saternis) watoaa Sunday after . Gov. Warren P. Ki||OwleB had failed to~'get civil rights leaders to agree to a cooling-off period and Filter Report a conference, were put on a Soviet Embassy in Peking standby basis pending today’s WASHINGTON (AP) — Faith on Fringe developments. Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, Knowles must decide today chairman of the Senate whether to send them back into Commerce Committee, urged Target of Guards’ March the area. the Federal Trade Commis­ “We’re going back because sion today to investigate a TOKYO (AP) — Thousands of Lhasa, the ancient capital of names with **a revolutionary we have a problem out there,” Of ^Taming\Area cancer researcher’s report young Red Guards demonstrat­ Tibet. meaning” to propagate Mao’s said Nate Harwell, 23, publicity that certain filter cigarettes Large portraits of Marx, Len- thought and “ reflect the spirit ed in front of the Soviet Em­ winds lashed a g ig u M c MO-mile ry had returned to their bases chairman for the Milwaukee have more tar and nicotine in, Stalin and Mao Tze-tung of the socialist era.” MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Yeuth Oouncil the National bassy in Peking today but heed­ wide circle. / over the weekend from Florida. of than the same brands' non­ faced the Soviet Embassy build The purge is designed to wash Hurricane Faith, churning Association for the Advance­ "It’s a real eliffhanger,*’ . said ‘ i t ’s a e<Mnplex -and mam­ filter cigarettes. ed official warnings against vio­ Ing as the Red Guards prepared away old ideas, old culture, old the Atlantic with 120-mile ment of Colored Pieople. “ Judge Herbert Licb, chief information moth project,” Lseb said. “ Our Mag^nuson noted in a lence. to rename the street leading to customs and old habits, the winds, hovered today on Gannon haa gbt to bend.” statement a report made officer of the govemment'a planes are scattered. But fra Japanese newsmen reported the embassy. Known, as the pgency said., ’ The council’s protests against public by Dr. George E. the edge of an area in Project Stormfury, as soimtists think we can get everybody to­ from the Chinese .capital that ^ ? « t of the P rin ^ ^ W ell, ft ft . Tobacco, (^frettes, wine and mumbarahip. by Chrcuit Judge Moore, director, o f New which the world’s first remained on the aM^ for a pos- gether on short notice. We win tens of thonsiandB of-, yi^ing t*eiUUTI€!fl' JPrGVtAAt liquor are among items baimed Rnbarf C- Camion in the al- York’s State’s Cancer Re* large-scale effort to tame aible attempt ta eaed the atom not abandon tfaia project aa' kmg Chinese marched on Ote'embai- sionisni .Qtbbel. since the revolutionary move* j^adly raoialiy restricted Fra- search Center. a hurricane may still be wttift silver iodide partteles. aa .mere ia a chance.’* sy shouting “ antirevisioniit” The Soviet government lodged ment began nine days ago. Jap­ tamal Or<^r of Eagles reached Moore’s report, Magnuson For dajrs. Faith bad skirted d At 11 a.m.. Faith was cen­ slogans. Chinese leaders accuse an “emphatic” protest with the anese newsmen speculated nuule. an em ot^aJ peak Sunday night said, singled out Pall Mall large, whele-ehaped'erea e< the tered 330 mUea east-northeast of the Russians of revising Com- Chinese Embassy in Moscow whether the ban would be eb- RasidenU in the resort ialendt — tha 10th night of picketing in and Chesterfields. He re­ of the B eham u Mf Florida AtlanHe where eciantista •ha Salvador in tha Bahamas, munist ideology. over the weekend charging hotol- served by party Chairman Mae, OiuinoA’a tree-lined neighbor­ ported in his tests that Pall coast were kept in suitienae as decided the aerial bombard- and 010 mllea east of Miami. Iganism outside the Soviet Em- known as a chain smoker, hood Of Expensive brick and Mail filters yielded 43.3 However, the demonstrators Faith flicked them with fringe ment c«uld be made, without The storm had veered from d bassy and demanding effective The khaki-clad Red Guard is •tone homes. milligrams of tar, Pall Mali ~ in contrast to the rowdiness winds and thrashed around aim- danger to any land area, north ’’ to a nortii-northwest measures to protect Soviet dip- made up of pupils from what ' Maj. Gen. John Dunlap, com­ nonfilters, 32.7; Chesterfield of recent days — were orderly. lessly, giving no sign of which They’re not sure yet whether coorae and was moving on^r at lomats. would be junior high schools In mander o f the 33hd Infantry filters 27.6 milligrams, plain The official Peking People’s direction she might Uke. the seeding would weaken a about five ntiles an hour. The official Yugoslav news the United States, Di'viaioa, National Guard, esti­ Chesterfields 27.0 milli­ Daily said the Red Guards and Winds of hurricane force hurricane or make H run even , Sailors in tha Bahamaa wera mated that 2,000 to 3,500 persons grams. other demonstrators have heed­ agency Tanjug reported from ■ ■ ' ' roared over an area 100 to IBO wilder. Peking that Red Guard demon­ warned against heavy swells jammed aidewalks and curb- Magnuson had introduced ed official calls to maintain dis­ miles in diameter and gale Some key figures Of fltormfU- and aurf crashing into the north ^ 4*, u the predominantly Ne- leg;islation to require cigar­ cipline. strators occupied the street leading to the embassy Friday, and east sides of the eastern band of 200 marchers ette packages and adver- Red Guards planned two days Legislator, 32, making it difficult for foreign Bahamaa. O c ^ o n a l squalls talked lira miles through tisemmts to.,state tar and of demonstrations in front of the diplomats to attend a film show- whipped the l^ahds of Bleuth- nicotine contents. embassy as the current purge Quits Prison, Last U.S. Photos Due era and Oraad Turk, (Sea Page SigM) swept across China and into and cocktail party ai the ttoughcsitag surf also was embassy. Then Gives Up foraoast a^ong the aouth Atlantio Tass, the Soviet news agency, WH«>SOR, Vt. (AP). —Stats coast of the UB. mainland. said the crowd threw stones at a Rep. Donald G. Milne, 32, who Soviet Silence Ends, A hurricane draws ita power Soviet official and stopped an escaped Sunday from the stats from heat and moisture. When embassy car. prison farm, surrendered to silvar iodide crystals are re­ Two North Torpedo Boats, Newsmen,, . who, were ,roughed police today at Albany, N.Y., a Luna Orbit Revealed leased in the storm, water up in previous demonstmtions, y^^mont official said. forma around them and freezes, were given written in'vitatlons to ' The official added that Milno releasing some of the heat. Past the demonstration today. M oecow (AP) — Alter a si­ overahot or crashed into the was accompanied by an attor­ moon. But Britain’s Jodrell experiments have indicated this S^unk by U.S. War- Planes The Peking People’s Daily lence of M hours, the Soviet ney, who was not identified. government euinounced today Bank Radio Observatory report­ will weaken a hurricane’s cir­ said the demonstrators, warned culation. U.S. mine sank the American cargo against using force rather than development came as an that its unmanned spaceship ed Sunday night that new sig­ SAIGON, South Viet Nam One explosion near was issued for the leg;iBla- -------- —■ • •• “determined to Luna 11 had successfuUy gone nals' had been —picked up.- >ver the weekend, winds of (AP) — U.8. -planes - caught four Navy minesweeper caused no ship___® Baton Rouge Victory in the reasoning, are toi* who MT&s inissoA durixisr into orbit around the moon. Sir Bernard Lovell, director of gale force whistled through the North Vietnamese, torpedo boats casualties and only minor dam- same channel with a lose of sev- routine head count. tion army, model workers in Luna 11 was launched last the British space tracking sta U.S. space tracking station wi in the Gulf of Tonkin today, age to the ship.
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