TANZANIA ECOBOMA A Climate Resilient Model for Maasai Steppe Pastoralists ECOBOMA, a Climate Resilient BACKGROUND 2019 Model for Maasai Steppe Pastoral- The livelihoods of pastoralists in dryland ists is one of five projects, which areas depends entirely on the availability of fragile ecosystem services. In the Maasai ARUSHA falls under the European Union Steppe, there is clear evidence that climate funded Global Climate Change Al- change has already dramatically affected liance. The project encompasses the ecosystem. This is supported by data Zanzibar SEPTEMBER showing a marked decrease in rainfall over the eco-village approach, and has the last 20 years, which has coincided with DAR ES SALAAM made strides to increase and di- a deterioration of the living conditions versify incomes, and strengthen of pastoralists and high vulnerability of livestock herds. Northern Tanzania resilience and reduce vulnerabil- continues to experience unpredictable ity to climate change. The target- weather patterns with serious drought in ed 2000 households are located 2016-2017, followed by severe flooding in 2018 and drought again in 2019. in Arumeru District and depend MAIN ISSUES in water management through newly on the ecosystem for their liveli- established technical committees. Quality hoods, which are increasingly be- • Intense grazing and a decrease in assessments and the ecological monitoring coming threatened due to climate suitable pastures of the rangelands has been conducted with a view to increasing resilience by reducing the change. • Declining water points for humans and livestock vulnerability of the target pastoralist systems. • Increased population within pastoral A group of women and youth have been The project has contributed to societies trained to become leather artisans. Tanzania’s poverty reduction • Poor information on the impact of The group processes leather and sells strategy and improving the climate change handmade leather products. Capacities of local government has been strengthened livelihoods of communities. ECOBOMA has introduced 16 technologies to cope with the impacts of climate change, and innovations for different sectors - ECOBOMA is aligned with and community members and citizens have targeting water, rangeland management, Sustainable Development Goal 13 increased their knowledge and awareness livestock, crop cultivation, energy and thanks to specific campaigns. A climate (SDG 13) – CLIMATE ACTION. education. change centre of knowledge has been Four rehabilitated earth dams have been set up and is now managed by the Nelson finalized. The water storage availability has Mandela African Institution of Science and increased by 47,000 m3. In a good rainfall Technology (NM-AIST) to raise awareness year the total rain harvested is at least and harness discussions about how Tanzania 81,000 m3. Communities are engaged can adapt to the impact of climate change. KEY INFORMATION Sector: Climate Change Lead Partner: Istituto Oikos Other Partners: Arusha District Council, Meru District Pastoralists are seeking other ways to earn a living as land for livestock Council, Nelson grazing becomes more scarce Mandela AIST, Oikos East Africa Budget: € 1,796,262 Duration: 2015 - 2019 PROJECT DETAILS Covering a geographical area of cir- ca 280 square kilometres the overall objectives of the project has been to Expected Results domestic use of firewood, a time consuming increase vulnerable Tanzanian com- and environmentally damaging practice. munities’ capacity to adapt to the ad- • Access to ecosystem services protected verse effects of climate change and and improved • 119 households have daylight thanks to ‘li- contribute to poverty reduction in • Economic assets of pastoralist communi- tre of light’ solar bottles installed rural areas. ties developed • Skills development and creation of arti- • Local government capacity to cope with sanal cooperatives of women and young Specific objectives have been to im- Climate Change increased men to tan leather (15 people) and cure/ prove livelihoods and the resilience dry meat (168 people). In two years, the • Knowledge about climate-related vulner- of the Maasai communities of North- leather group sold leather products with a abilities and impacts of Climate Change ern Tanzania through the application turnover of €11,000.00. of the ECOBOMA model: a low cost, adaptation solutions increased • Introduction and adoption of smart agri- culturally acceptable, replicable Achievements culture techniques for 60 households model of holistic solutions to vulner- able pastoral systems • Four earth dams have been rehabilitated • Set up of two land use planning units (36 and their volume increased by 47,000 m3. officers in total) in Arusha and Meru DC Target groups include: Local communities were trained on im- • Facilitation of the incorporation of climate • 2,000 families of pastoralist proved water management. change adaptation interventions in dis- and agro-pastoralist (about 250 • Community-driven data collection to meas- tricts’ planning and budgets bomas/homes) ure rangeland’s health and promote good • Involvement and capacitation of 150 Local • 500 women and youth to be rangeland management, production of eco- Government Authorities at all levels logical vulnerability maps for communities. empowered • Facilitation of five comprehensive village by- • 6,000 children attending eight • Installation of three meteorological sta- law packages for rangeland management primary schools in the target area tions for installation in the project area and registration of two new Community to engage in activities that increase • Establishment of around 200 ha of commu- Owned Water and Sanitation Organisations. climate change preparedness nity forests • 25 exchange visits, technical workshops • Local authorities in four villages and • Training of 30 Village Game Scouts who and dissemination events organised in- seven sub-villages and traditional patrol over 23,000 Ha, coordinated by the volving Local Government Authorities, leaders to manage activities village government and in partnership with universities, journalists, students, teachers • Scientific journalists from national the District Game Officers. and the general public for a total of more and local media to publish/ than 135,000 individuals exposed to cli- broadcast content • 40,000 indigenous trees (e.g. Commiphora sp. and Euphorbia tirucalli) planted to fence mate change knowledge The aim is to reduce poverty and vul- and protect 110 bomas and four dams from • Capacity building for 13 livestock service nerability of marginalized pastoral wind, animal intrusion, and soil erosion. providers (para veterinarians) and 45 communities and increase the capac- skinners ity of local government authorities in • Scientific networks established with inter- • 4,600 pupils increased their knowledge on Arusha and Meru District Councils in national and national experts to share the climate change and risk management addressing the challenges of climate ECOBOMA approach to rangeland’s con- change. servation. • 85 knowledge products designed en- • Construction of 20 biogas digesters to pro- suring high visibility to GCCA Tanzania The project design has been the re- duce cooking gas, reducing dramatically the stakeholders sult of a collaborative and participa- tory contribution from Istituto Oikos and the Nelson Mandela African In- Sustainable Future stitution of Science and Technology, ECOBOMA included a gradual and thorough hand over process to its partners, two highly experienced partners in LGAs, and to community members. An agreed action plan amongst all key the field of pastoralist community stakeholders: Arusha and Meru District Councils, NM-AIST and the Regional development, ecological monitoring Secretariat, appointed the District Authorities to drive the exit strategy, with the and wildlife protection. ECOBOMA team providing technical assistance. This approach has facilitated the internalization of the project’s investments into the LGAs assets. A Memorandum The overall methodology has wit- of Understanding (MoU) between Oikos, Arusha and Meru Districts has defined nessed the utilization of a participa- tory climate change vulnerability as- the commitment of the two Districts toward the long-term sustainability of the sessment and the prioritisation of the activities initiated by the project and the framework for further cooperation among guidelines of the ‘Climate Vulnerability the parties on the scale-up of successful climate resilient approaches. Thanks to and Capacity Analysis’ (CARE, 2009). the ECOBOMA collaborative experience, both District Councils have incorporated Climate Change Adaptation actions in the District Development Plans. For more information please contact: Name: Ifura Ukio, Project Manager Address: Istituto Oikos c/o Oikos East Africa, P.O. Box 8342 Arusha, Tanzania Email: [email protected] Website: www.istituto-oikos.org This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Joanna Martin, V&C Expert for NIRAS Finland and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union..
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