FRIDAY, DAILY EXPRESS 'APRIL r. r1938- TELECRAPHIC ADDRESS-DAILY EXPRESS. LONDON All the selections In tlils table SAFETV BET. , .are copyrlclit. NEWBURY 2.0—Marydeld r. N.G.R.S. ADMIT Newbury Mile ".1.0. 2.30. 3.0. 3.30. 4.30. 5t. ' . 2111. If. 1111.,.: - .\ 31. sr. Alarjliflil K ronller Glcn Uhli c Xlie Shaver,, THE SCOUT (iiiip) (If al) tif all Mlrza 11.. (If nb - tir ab V Waterbird (n.b.) Rasiiberr.v> FlylliR Muscat 1 silver Tissue) Hesperian) THREE LONDO!^ WHAT THE roQlier (nan) Caniplim Apolda Ipsden May Not Stop -BOOK SAYS I'i' SoDi; and nance Waterbird TAITENIIAM Enipfrc Fruit 0l3'nipus (Ifab WooUon's Kl. j llf ab BiUelie'c (nan) (If. ab (ir ab (S. Express) Cheers) Scottish Union)- Uncouth) Lovely Woman) TRACKS THE SCOUT'S TOTE DOUBLE:—Mlrza ll.-ana The Shaver (alt. Hesperian). By J, S. BRADFORD Mirza 11. TIJEETING in London yesterday of the National Gre- By THE SCOUT iCyril Luckman) . hound Racing Society may have paved the way f LEICESTER, Thursday. Probables Aiid Jodteys (he long-sought ideal of unified control of greyhounH racing in Great Britain. C UNSHINE is good for the backs of young horses, 8tewir<]s:.M«J SUpiftton-Brrhi^ton^Sir S Scott, Brlg-Oen Hon C g_3Q_BE(ntliAJfPrO,N STAKES (2 ^.O.), CSOO .cHrf. Five furlonfi, Representatives Irom all London and Provincial track.? n ;TpTE DOUBLE: 3.0 And 4.O.' • B..k .itai'.(»r° Hy«^•.,?f:»^';,^••.•:•• but not their legs, and several trainers will •-•* "-Till, 9 under N.G.R.C. rules attended this meetlnR—with one excentin ' ^. .* .Denotes tpprentice. I. McVlUie, ..Herbert There was, I was informed by an official ot the "Socletv" probably think twice before risking their three-year- •SI"..?-'".:? <MJ.L«-J^Hf mpl • 'flu' 2,0—JUVENILE (S) rLATE,"i:200. FiTefurlanes. fJ, •xeuiwiciH*.,. 3 representative of the G.RA. present. They remained absent CiledmiUii (Mr J A D??'"!. ' OnUat. 9 olds in Newbury's Greenham Plate tomorrow. U'iiy Wonk (Mr W Hutchinsonl. Rflyson, 9 sumably, so ithat other members ot the society could discnj. iw" ' f Cheers (Capt D- Roeers), Boters. 9 G.R.A.'s plea for all "possible" tracks to be admitted to Nni.-' Noel Cannon went down there today to examine the , .. _ .„ _ .Bcsry Nippy Joyce (Mr R W Buck), Buck. 8 It —— , G raves rules dispassionately. "•°'S-C, FeS?San f (Mr O E Clokc), Lave. 8 H C Ricli«ril, • ••P neas c; course, and Scottish Union seems more likely now to run. F»rld» (Mr R O Dftwaonj, B Dawwn, 8 11 ....Bsrltara Ruslle-f (Mrs O BeaUyl. LaWBon 8 l—oNV"*" At the close of the meeting, which lasted for three houri. 2 Ruspberry Mrs R Dliib?), McVlttle, 8 XI i""!""* Princess .Veda (Mra Benson). M HartlK«n, 8 11 .... C Rlcbards official statement announced that three "new" London tro v " It was made clear to me earlier in the week that Carslake's new Ls.t Act I (Mr E OnfllH, Owllt. 8. 11„ Knoek-en-SoIelt (Mr R W Buclt), Buck. 8 11 BrescU (Lord-Httrewoc-,. ..- --. JlKn-s Choice (Lord 0«raarvon)F barling, 8 11 Walthamstow, Romford and Wandsworth—should be admitt»/i T'T mount would probably not tackle exceptionally hard ground. A Sasham Cat f (Mr* L Olbbs)w. HJarvis Hartlgan, 8 1, 1S 11 Richardson Maber i> it - Wt'lJef U'ockV8"il".V.V N.a.B.C. MlstletolI .r (Mr C« E Howard), Hlgw, .8 II • IJSJ £«»So« i-.-Gethln the fold under certain conditions. clash with Mlrza II. could tell us much about the stamina ol two e>, Scoble. 8 11 —D , sKe? Tissue |L^«1 Monck). F^"S Butlers, 8 11 .R A Jones Mr O Jarvls), O L Ward. 8 11 ., Fancy Bread Lady RaUl), O Bel .8 11 ...8 Wragg high-class coltS; sure? Collar 7MrflO Rich). W NluhUneair, S 11 Applications from four oth. Mirza II. (H. Wragg) and Campion 3 If (Capt D Rogers). D Rogers, 8 11, „ ... tracks were referred back t« tkl Ne Plni llllr. r.-lMlMK y'silpfeUm M.rUnl.,^ii, neTlTar-(LorT6aiaftcsbury).,P Hartlgan, .8. 11 .. (Gdn. Richards) seem amonamong the COPYRIGHT SAFETY BET Ch-*orlainWo c I (Mrs EH SpottJBwpo<lc),.pwln,_ 8^_11 generaCPTiArnl purposennmricors- committee'til certainties__, but W. Jarvis now NEWBURY B«r|rj;V.iirlil (Miss KjUurraDi P~»,-.8.'ll ;„,..,D Balchtr. ^rinde'ii 'iii P'WerthelmVrir'jr'HirflrinV'B il ] Fading.* <Mra B WWlbum). Cottrlll. 8 11 TRAINING further consideration. This iZ reckons It wiser to keep the King's 2.a-MARYFIELD g All Abotil r. (MlM R Murf.y),. Pcui:, 8 li, j..:..p ' .Odn Richards ridca Caledonian « Hobson'a Choice, Smirke rldet not Infer In any way that thfu Air Flow ior old Newmarket turf and Doubtfl : EuBlr. rcrr (Mrs J .putnwm, P-Hapug.n.-.B'lil .........illne RerlrsI or Larande I(. '• iSM-rjfVA of mK , nriicb (Mr J A at.HOUuohOd). P flM, 8 Ll —^.1 tracks may not ultimately h, run him In the Craven Stakes next Maryfield g and Walerbird ; I Tlr-T«Tlr-Toek (Mr(Mr HH Sinylhl,_H_am}fUi,^8^.1Smylht, H Smyth, ...l .....i.- • "^i" .T Falloiving Are Also Engaged:— week. flrduok f (Mr V Bmyth). V Stnyth. 8 11 , nulelle c (Sir M McAlplne), V Smyth " approved." " April I, I9J8. THE SCOUT. | 5 Empire Fnilt (Mr 6 V. Taborj.' n»bor, b IL ..... ' »elearner (Mr E T Thomlon Smllbl. Temole HINTS KJnRclere's hope. Campion, wound Hyperion BlU (The laie Mr O W Forsworn f iMr Fa.Templemwili Templeman. 8 11... lur Orria (The late Mr Q W H»nd,Sr»yr°;;.::::::::i : A host of IcchnlcalltlM hare i. up with a good nursery win on the C»lrnlon,'(Mr E T -niornton-Sinlth), Tempienuin. B .Ui Mirth g (Mr P L Johnson), O Peck NEWMARKET.—As far as we are be compiled with before "apDnmii. course. Fred Butters's Derby winner, Mid­ to four lengths, despite being bumped • -^FolIoiHnr-^ra Also Enfared:— : ' -M lbs Sweet ,CcyIoneie (Mrs Macdonald Buchanan). F Darling concerned the Oreenham Plate to­ day Sun. had not nsgood credentials this twice, and her turn cannot long be de­ 0 Tommy the Guessrr (Mr J Balrd), Moloney - q 0 Betting ForecasL—3 If. 4 Lady Abbess c, 11—2 Rustle f Cale­ morrow rests between Mlrza II. and by Vhe society and the club iTunli, Wary. I. (Mr- O BcebyJ, Bceby ; 11 donian (or Hobson'a Choice), 8 Spadasaln. pabbs. 10 Agathea. Sailor' time last year as Campion. The stable layed. »heU Bay lMr P Bre»taiiei_ „ . Andrew_ s ; ^ 11 Delight, 100—8 Princess Veda, 100—6 others, Olympus, wires the Dally Express won three races at the spring meoUng Hanley's Irish importation, Golden _1 Marsb Matdeo-fr (Si(Str_r D Broughton)Brougmon),, CottrlJCottrllIl ^ ;: 8 11 resident corre^ndent. UNIFIED CONTROL AHEAD Dial, was only another head away third, l-Orcy.Galway f (Mr Hartl8ftn}.-,F HartlgaQ i. 8 21 ' 1937; orris c (Herbert, Bsl), 13—2. Sa t 'I'll last year. MLrza It. sAvc satisfaction when tcated T HAD hoped that wmethlnj in, u,. • * * and there was no excuse for the favourite ^^Q-IDERKSHIRE irCAP PLATE (3-Y.0.>. £S0O. Seven furlongs, over seven and a-ha» lurlongs with Tahlr Scamadale. for Gordon was well enough 120 Jubilee (his Majesty), WJtn'lB; 9 Crpm end All Pasha, but I do not think he will placed to come through. ,0 Soarole (Mr OoIIewl,^ Private *....-..........."..— v-8 31 r Raising Hopes BctUnr Forecast.—5—2 Raspberry, 4 Bnpiro Fruh; 11—2 Orduclt 010 Comana (Sir Hugo Cunllfic-Owen). O Bell, 8 11 H _;?rWraK prove oaiwble of sivlna: the welKht to Wrltlne HI an onlooker, ll jccm. «. m Knight's Armour started at the liberal f. 7 Last Act t, outers. 100—12 Parid«,.MaUdor. 10 Breacda. l(X)—8 Gctbin Olympus over the Newbury MUe. to IK the Uiln Kluc ol a dcMniWe il,?' OFTEN look foi- one of the maidens odds of 8—1, as it was thought the geld­ Pearnan f, Saxbam Oat f,. 100^—6 others.--i- Strongly fancied Popher should carry 1937: Bare Acres (Weston, Bit 11Ib«>, Jl—1 UaT), Cotirtll. ^ SFe''Je^.!e^Sr°J^A"&1^i"M the prospect ultlroaloly of unlBM I to beat the crncks at 131bs. in the ing might not have got* back his old Gdn. Richards successlully in the Comp- trol. and that control cierclwl li, pip Two Bi«r.^Mr. ^.l^^^^^^li,^^^^^ Greenham. which has not gone to dash. It will encourage the Scottish 2^30—COjHPTON <S) irCAP PLATE, C200. About two miles cue lon Handicap, and the speedy Watcrblrd strone. all-powerful club, the NOBP !LD Pagetl, W_NlghirngaIl. 8.1. hould be returned the winner of the Derby winner since the leased Minoru Union "fans." , Ilawcroft 000 Daydawn (Sir-Laurence PL.-.-^-;,. who win for the Brat time ever bi m. scored In the royal colours. Noble Kihg 4(X) DurexMUr S Woottont, s'wootton, &, 9 300 TIckll&g (Mr H E Cram EwlngV Has Chleveley Handicap. im^lel with lie Jockey Club In Snl Herbert was full of praise for his win­ 5. 8 12 Wood# 000 The Shaver (Mrs M Uoman). Taborabor. B . 8 1 SpragneBeai * *(1936) and Falrford last year raised Daydawn Is a landed runner for -the ning mount. "He stands at the gate R DawBon, 7 15 Bartlam Berkshire Handicap, and If mceUns with classic hopes, and Pairford was the big­ like an old sheep, but will jump you out 000 Slip On (Oapt L MoalA|ni),Earl, 7, iz Nere^' wa'yfed"""""'"""-" "•• •""'Utl, «» "3 ao?JS?f."i'.,S,.lf[n: l'9°..'..v.-.-.v.v.-..B s».u: 330 Uncouth (Mr H L CoUrlll), Cotlrlll, 7 11 Tabiner better luck than came bis way at Liver­ gest disappointment Cottrlll ever had.
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