526 Mar. 18 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 all, if we remember when we are divided we serving the United States well. Thank you defeat ourselves; when we are together, very much. America always wins. As all of you know, I come here today pri- Thank you, and God bless you all. marily to stand with the veterans of Oper- ation Uphold Democracy, the men and women who restored freedom to Haiti. We NOTE: The President spoke at 11 a.m. at the Nashville Avenue B Wharf. In his remarks, he re- have been true to our word and true to our ferred to Irwin Joseph, president, Port of New mission because of your skill and profes- Orleans International Longshoremen's Associa- sionalism. The vast majority of our forces tion; Ron Brinson, president and chief executive have returned from Haiti on time, just as we officer, Port of New Orleans; Mayor Marc H. said they would. The last 500 American Morial of New Orleans; and Lt. Gov. Kathleen peacekeepers are now packing up and in less Blanco and Attorney General Richard P. Ieyoub than 30 days they too will be home. of Louisiana. You made history by showing once again that when America acts on behalf of its values and its interests, it gets the job done. You Remarks to the Community at Fort undertook a difficult task and every single Polk, Louisiana one of you who served in Haiti can say with March 18, 1996 great pride, mission accomplished. You made a difference for our Nation's security and for Thank you. General Shalikashvili, Deputy a neighbor in need. We and other nations Secretary White, General Sheehan, General will now have to help Haiti in the hard road Tilelli, General Shelton, Admiral Miller, ahead of it, but the military job was done, General Sherfield, Command Sergeant done by you and other allies who came to Major Austin, Command Sergeant Major work with you. And for that, every single one Laye; to the Members of Congress who are of you should be very proud. here, Senators Johnston and Breaux and Eighteen months ago our Nation faced a Congressmen Jefferson, Fields, Hayes, and serious challenge. Just a few hundred miles McCrery; to the members of the Joint Readi- from our shores a brutal regime was torturing ness Training Center, the members of the and murdering the citizens of Haiti. More Fort Polk community, to the Department of than 3,000 of them had been killed in a reign Defense civilians, and to all the men and of terror. The democracy that they had voted women of America's Armed Forces. Let me for in overwhelming numbers was stolen say I was very impressed by that recent ma- from the people. Tens of thousands were neuver where you rushed the ropesÐ[laugh- fleeing to America and to other nations in ter]Ðand I was very impressed when all the unsafe boats and rafts, and many died along people behind you rushed up behind you, the way. There was a clear threat to our bor- and I know you're a lot warmer now and ders and to the civility of our region. Because that's the main reason you did it. [Laughter] it was the right thing to do and because it I wish you were about 5 feet taller, you could was in our interest, we decided to intervene. be a wind breaker for us up here. [Laughter] We gave our word that democracy would be I am delighted to be the first sitting Presi- restored. And because the military dictators dent ever to visit Fort Polk. I know well the came to the United States and broke their Joint Readiness Training Center, as some of word when they promised to leave, you, the you may know, before it came here it was men and women of Uphold Democracy, kept located in my home State when I was Gov- America's word. ernor, in Little Rock at the air base there From beginning to end, this mission was and at Fort Chaffee. I must say when I was a testament to the skill and professionalism Governor and it was announced that we were of America's Armed Forces. The coup lead- losing the JRT Center to Fort Polk, I had ers knew from the outset they were facing some qualms about it. But from the looks the best trained, the best equipped, the best of things today, it's been a good move, it's prepared fighting force on Earth. When they stronger than ever before and the JRTC is learned that the 82d Airborne and other units VerDate 28-OCT-97 13:11 Jan 08, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P12MR4.019 p12mr4 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / Mar. 18 527 were on the way, they gave way. That en- where, those of you who served in Haiti went abled our troops to land on the ground with- above and beyond the call of duty. out bloodshed and prove once again that our I would like to mention just a few of those military might is the indispensable muscle in closing who went the extra distance and behind our diplomacy. You are trained to made the extra difference. Sergeant First fight. Time and again, you have stood down Class Joseph Register, Jr., saw a mob beating aggression and triumphed in battle. a Haitian man. Ignoring his own safety, Ser- In Haiti you came to a different kind of geant Register plunged into the crowd, mission and showed the world another side shielded the badly wounded man, and gave of America's magnificent military. You and him first aid. He protected the man despite our troops who are now in Bosnia have dem- great personal risk until other soldiers arrived onstrated a dedication to fighting for peace to help. And he probably saved that man's as great as your ability to prevail in war. life. For his brave actions, Sergeant Register You've paved the way for the return of Haiti's received the Soldier's Medal, the Army's democratic Government. You took guns off highest peacetime award for heroism. the street. You helped to develop a local po- Airman First Class Patricia Hasboun, who lice. You gave the people there a new sense we just saw receive the Joint Service Com- of security. You fixed the roads and bridges mendation Medal, used her own Creole lan- and bought the food and medicine and guage skills to help teach a Haitian town's cleared the way for a return to normal civ- police chief to drive as she distributed food ilized life. You gave the people of Haiti the and toys and clothes to orphanages through- breathing space they need to reclaim their out Haiti. democracy, to get their economy started, to While on patrol in Port-Au-Prince, Staff Sergeant Mark Maxwell and Sergeant Bill undertake the hard work that only they can Fitzpatrick, now stationed here at Fort Polk, do of building a free nation. Now Haiti has pushed through a crowd to find a woman enjoyed its first democratic transfer of power lying on the ground in labor and in great in 200 years as a nation, thanks to you. pain. Sergeant Fitzpatrick secured the area; While the country remains poor, while its Staff Sergeant Maxwell, using his skills from institutions remain fragile, this country now the combat lifesaver course, delivered that has better prospects for the future than at woman's healthy baby boy. any time in the past. You did the job. When Special Forces Staff Sergeant Jorge Ramos I sent America's troops to Haiti in September took it upon himself to restore the sanitation of 1994, joined by 27 other countries' troops, system and public washing facilities in the I said that the United States forces would town of Leogane. He organized local volun- remain through the inauguration of a new teers and gave a community that had been president. That took place on the 7th of Feb- badly neglected one of the essentials of a de- ruary. cent existence. And out of gratitude to the I want to now thank and ask you to join sergeant and his troops, the townspeople me in thanking the extraordinary men who painted a 4-foot-high replica of his Special led the U.S. and the U.N. efforts in Haiti, Forces patch on a nearby wall. General Hugh Shelton, General Dave Meed, These are only a few of the stories of Up- General George Fisher, and General Joe hold Democracy. We know that our success Kinzer. Let's give them a big hand for their in Haiti would never have been possible service and leadership. [Applause] without the strong support of the military There was a lot of extraordinary service families of Operation Uphold Democracy. from others in uniform as well, people like And I would like to now say a special word Army Special Forces Sergeant First Class of thanks to all of them. We Americans know Gregory Cardot, who gave the ultimate sac- that the burden of our leadership in the rifice. Today we remember his loss. We world weighs heavily on the families of men honor his devotion to duty. And we honor and women in uniform, here and around the that of all those of Uphold Democracy. Like world. We ask our troops to travel a long American service men and women every- way from home, to be apart from their loved VerDate 28-OCT-97 13:11 Jan 08, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P12MR4.019 p12mr4 528 Mar.
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