The Fifth Estate 3roadcasting i Sep 3 USSB, the only broadcaster licensed by the FCC for high - powered DBS. The first to receive a DBS viewer an unprecedented televi- license for US continental cover- sion opportunity -a minimum of age, The United States Satellite six channels of the most diverse Broadcasting Company's dedica- programming and services ever tion to satellite-to -home television available, many which are exclu- service has been reaffirmed by its sive to DBS technology. USSB and recent commitment to RCA -Astro DBS... broadcasting for the future. Electronics for the construction of USSB's satellite system. Within just a few short years, USSB will bring to the American United States Satellite Broadcasting Company, Inc. Z119f lv ilwxvr, 50121 DCIr 2Z1 w0(Di SVS-iftV 47f//UN NCW 479£21 Z119f THE PEOPLE'S LOVE N.I.W.S /EXTRA COURT CONNECTION The pre- eminent In session for its fourth The demographic hit of weekly news service hit season, "The People's the class of '83=84 is in syndication has gotten Court" is seen on over now entering its second even better with the addi- 165 stations representing "lovable" season. This half - tion of "EXTRA:' Sold to 95% of all U.S. TV homes. hour, unpredictable reality over 160 broadcasters A Ralph Edwards Produc- strip is an Eric Lieber worldwide. tion in association with Production in association Stu Billett Productions. with Telepictures. Sold in over 130 markets repre- senting 85% of the country. COMING SOON COMING SOON THE TELEPICTURES COMING SOON ANIMATED PRIME THUNDERCATS" TIME SPECIALS MASTERS OF FURY All-family, FIRST-RUN, The $15,000,000 animated OFF -NETWORK quality first -run children's strip 15 knockJem -dead Kung prime time animated custom made for the early Fu action titles starring specials. A holiday gift for fringeaudience. A Rankin/ the masters of Kung Fu your viewers. Perennial action and accompanied Bass Production. Already all- family programming in 70% of by a full kit of promos, cleared over the debuting in local syndica- country for a September sales tools and exploita- tion in the 1985 -86 season. '85 debut. tion materials. COMING SOON As you can see, we've added some exciting new features to our collection TELEPICTURES 3 since NATPE. And we've even improved a few of our classics. So if you're The long- awaited sequel building a collection of your own, talk to Telepictures. to our Telepictures 2 We're not hard to pin down. movie package including blockbusters like "The Dollmaker" with Jane Fonda and "World War Ill" starring Rock Hudson. 28 films in all, accompanied by fully- researched promo- tional support tools. New York Los Angeles Chicago Dallas Atlanta Paris Munich Sydney Tokyo Toronto Vol . 107 No 10 (Broadcasting c. Sep 3 Rich fall syndicated programing harvest Theatricals losing blockbuster appeal on television Advance on the Eastern Cable Show FALL HARVEST O Crop of syndicated fare rich in problems, but show's principals are still bullish on game shows and music video programs for fall. program. PAGE 48. Shows targeted to specific dayparts on the wane. PAGE 33. LOCALIZE IT O RINDA study foresees increase in local production in both programing and news MVN MOVES IN O Ted Turner announces he will over the next 10 years. PAGE 50. introduce new music video service on Oct. 26. PAGE 36. ONE -INCH UNVEILING O Ampex set to show new one -inch videotape recorder and time base CPB VETO Reagan vetos CPB funding for years corrector at IBC show in England. PAGE 51. 1987 -89 PAGE 37. EXEMPTION RULING Federal court says Turner's BIRDS IN BAYOU COUNTRY O Satellite users WTBS Atlanta and its satellite carrier, SSS, are conference in New Orleans finds international exempt from copyright liability. PAGE 52. satellites, DBS hot topics of discussion. PAGE 38. WAR OF WORDS O FTC commissioner Pertschuk DBS MONIES USIA sets aside funds to study and Chairman Miller have heated written possibility of direct broadcast satellite service. exchange as former bids farewell. PAGE 53. PAGE 40. INDIES SHARE O INTV says independents took 54% BLOOM IS OFF O Theatrical movies, with increasing of spot television market in first half of 1984. PAGE exposure on pay TV and videocassettes, are 57. losing audiences on television. PAGE 42. ATLANTA BOUND o Eastern Cable Show set to INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT O Intelsat upset over open at World Congress Center this week. PAGE 61. feeds Turner Broadcasting received from Moscow's Friendship Games. PAGE 44. LEVEL PLAYING FIELD D CBS's Jankowski says some media more equal than others where RATINGS BUST Republican national convention regulation is concerned. PAGE 66. turns out to be the least watched political convention in television history PAGE 46. PSA DRIVE Radio and television networks launch campaign to persuade citizens to vote in AT THE HELM Randall Bongarten takes over as upcoming election. PAGE 67. president of NBC Radio. PAGE 47. SPANNING THE GLOBE O Comsat President Irving HANGING ON O New one -hour version of MacNeill Goldstein has established himself as an able Lehrer hasn't made much of ratings dent on the diplomat in the political arena of world network ratings and hour format is causing some communications. PAGE 89. INDEX TO DEPARTMENTS Business 57 Datebook 20 In Brief 90 Programing 42 Business Briefly 12 Editorials 92 In Sync 55 Riding Gain 54 Cablecastings 8 Fates & Fortunes 85 Law & Regulation 52 Stock Index 60 Changing Hands 65 Fifth Estater 89 The Media 61 Technology 51 Closed Circuit 7 For the Record 68 Monday Memo 16 Telecastings 56 Broadcasting (ISSN 0007 -2028) is published 51 Mondays a year (combined issue at yearend) by Broadcasting Publications Inc., 1735 DeSales Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington. D.C., and additional offices. Single issue $2 except special issues $350 (50th Anniversary issue $10). Subscriptions. U.S. and possessions one year $60, two years $115, three years $160. Canadian and other international subscribers add $20 per year. U.S. and possessions $170 yearly for special delivery, $100 for first -class. Subscriber's occupation required. Annually: Broadcasting D Cableraning Yearbook $80. Across the Dial $6.95. Microfilm of Broadcasting is available from University Microfilms. 300 North Zeeb Poad, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 (35mm, full year $55). Microfiche of Broadcasting is available from Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Division, Old Mansfield Road. wboster, Ohio 44691 ($37 /yr.). Postmaster please send address corrections to Broadcasting. 1735 DeSales St.. NW Washington. D.C. 20036. )EX TO ADVERTISERS The American Trucking Associations Foundation, Inc. 24, 51 D Americom Media Brokers, Inc. 68 0 Associated Press Broadcast Services 12 D irclays American Business Credit 26 D Blackburn & Co., Inc. 64 D Blair Television 30-31 0 CBS News 29 D Chapman Associates 67 0 Classifieds 75 -84 o Columbia Pictures revision 10 -11. 18 -19 0 Continental Electronics 14 D Conus Communications 27 o Doubleday Broadcasting Co. Sixth Covero Encore Programs 130 The Fetzer Stations 320 stmark Financial 71 D Gammon & Ninowski Media Brokers. Inc. 66 01st International Music Video Festival of Saint -Tropez 59 0 International Technology Underwriters Fifth Iver 0 Kalil & Co., Inc. 690 Lester Kamin & Co. 700 Lorimar 150 MCATV 6, 130 MGM /UA 21.22 -230 Multimedia Entertainment 250 Panasonic 43 0 Professional Cards 730 oil L. Richards. Inc. 65 0 Services Directory 72 0 Howard E. Stark 28 0 Telepictures Corp. Second, Third, Fourth Covers 0 The Tobacco Institute 9 o TV Extra 45 0 United Iles Satellite Broadcasting Co.. Inc. Front Cover o Westwood One 17 0 Joel Rothstein blfson 53 o WVTM -1V 41 0 FIRST THERE WASIJAK! Before The Rockford Files, Quincy Brennan, Morgan Fairchild, John Rit- and Magnum, there was Kojak, lead- ter, Veronica Hamel, Geraldine Page, ing the way for a whole new genera- Irene Cara, Eric Estrada, Martin Bal- tion of action dramas! sam, Sharon Gless, and many, many Kojak has it all: the realism, more. Together, they make Kojak one the action, the characters, of the most promotable series in all of the humor that makes it television! a natural for today's syn- dication audience. By today's standards, it's a lollipop of a show! And, besides the bravura KOJAK 118 HOURS perfor mance by Telly Savalas, t Kojak has an incredible roster of FOR TODAY'S VIEWERS top guest stars: Dan Ackroyd, Sylves- ter Stallone, Richard Gere, Lynn Red - MCATV grave, Christopher Walken, Eileen c 198E UNIVERSAL CITYSTUDIOS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CC1osedm Circuit M/A -COM, Zenith and Digital Video Addressable Television Systems Inc. -leafs on Systems. NBC already has scrambling (CATS), which is owned by Klein (20 %) capability within its Ku -band satellite and Domestidyne (80%), joint venture louse Oversight and Investigations of distribution network. Frame Domesticom ìubcommittee staffers last week Corp., provider of pay synchronizers used with system are services to nterrogated Bruce Fein, FCC general television lodging industry, and capable of reshuffling picture lines, :ounsel, and several other commission Microdyne Corp., telecommunications although at this point corporate decision to manufacturer. taffers on origins of FCC's inquiry into hardware Klein has agreed send out scrambled feed is unmade. to relinquish his 20% interest in etention, modification or repeal of its CATS, will 'airness doctrine. Subcommittee staffer but how that be done has yet to be worked out. lescribed interviews as "routine" follow - Legalized bird watching tp to earlier request for all documents House Telecommunications tenerated in drafting notice of inquiry. Still another tepresentative John Dingell (D- Mich.), Subcommittee will hold hearing at end of :hairman of subcommittee and of parent, this month on earth station bill (H.R.
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