![R;:~;;;Rative, Inc](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
cfea Count';! £/ectric Cooperative, .Jnc. P.O. Drawer 1447 1300 West Avenue D Lovington, NM 88260 GARY L HURSE TELEPHONE Executive Vice President For Our Customers' Convenience (575) 396-3631 & General :CVfanager 1-800-510-5232 (LCEC) FAX (575) 396-3634 April 17, 2014 NMPRC Records Management Bureau 1120 Paseo de Peralta P.O. Box 1269, PERA Building Room 406 Santa Fe, NM 87504-1269 Gentlemen: We are enclosing our completed Annual Report on our New Mexico System for the year ending December 31, 2013, a copy of our 2013 Annual Report, RUS Form 7, and NMAC Rule 17.3.510, Form 1. We have a new Power Requirements Study (load growth forecast), a Ten Year Financial Forecast and a Four Year Work Plan dated 2012 to submit as required by NMAC (A). The report required by NMAC Rule 17.3.510.12(8) is also enclosed. We are a rural electric cooperative and therefore have not engaged in any of the activities covered by NMAC references 17 .1.2.51 (E) and 17 .6.450. l 3(A) and (B). Respectfully submitted, ;r;:~;;;rative, Inc Michael L. Faris Manager of Accounting Enclosures RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES Annual Report 7J ::0 c:: ·-o o:;;, ::::0 O r- .. 0 -· N 3:0 Of N ~ 3: ::tJ r -- rn ,-,, (/) G) l ::D O (/) C: < ::3 -· ,- 2 i:i,. ' 4'L- -~ ) 0 z Lea County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Exact legal name of Respondent) Total System and New Mexico System TO THE NEW MEXICO PlJBL.I(~ REGULATK)N CC)MMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DEC;EMBER 31 l 2013 RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES Annual Report Of Lea County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Exact legal name of Respondent) Total System TO THE NEW MEXICO PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED [)E(;EMBER 3·1, 2013 LONG TERM DEBT (Accounts 221-228) To PUC INTEREST FOR YEAR Line Note Whom Decision Date of Date of Principal Amount AMOUNT OUTSTANDING For Balance No. I dent. Issued No. Issue Maturity Sheet Principal Deferred Interest Rate Amount l 4303 RUS Jun-80 Jun-15 $ 236,161 $ 2,665 $ - $ 2,665 2.00% $ 55 2 IB340 RUS Apr-94 Apr-29 $ 2,207.000 $ 778,093 $ - $ 778,093 1.50% $ 12.839 3 [8346 RUS Apr-94 Apr-29 $ 2.207,000 $ 1,115,365 $ - $ 1,115,365 5.12% $ 58.478 4 Total $ 4,650,161 s 1,896,123 (sec Note 1) $ 1,896,123 $ 71,372 5 6 HOOIO FFB May-03 May-38 s 5,970,000 $ 5,026.724 $ - $ 5,026,724 3.96% s 198,907 7 H0015 FFB Sep-05 Dcc-37 s 3,136,000 $ 2,560,213 s - $ 2,560,213 2.38% s 60.933 8 110020 FFB Sep-07 Sep-42 $ 4.833,000 $ 4,149.217 $ - $ 4,149,217 3.33% s 138,169 9 H0025 FFB May-II Dcc-43 $ 10,000.000 $ 9.290,796 $ - $ 9,290,796 2.36% s 219.356 10 H0030 FFB Feb-12 Dcc-43 $ 12,807,000 $ 12,214,268 $ - $ 12,214,268 2.63% $ 321,235 II H0035 FFB Mar-13 Dcc-43 $ 10.938,237 $ 10,773,530 $ 10.773,530 2.66% $ 176,603 12 Total $ 47,684,237 $ 44,014,748 (see Note 2) s 44,014,748 s 1,115,203 13 14 189566 CoBank Mar-I I Sep-16 $ 6,222,482 $ 4.865,964 $ - $ 4.865,964 4.50% $ 235,257 15 Total $ 6,222,482 s 4,865,964 (see Note 3) $ 4,865,964 $ 235,257 16 17 9001 CFC Dec-83 Oct-18 $ 2,741,000 $ 889,020 $ $ 889,020 6.85% $ 64,552 18 9002 CFC Jan-91 Apr-26 $ 2,359,000 $ 1,463,085 $ - $ 1,463,085 2.90% $ 44,665 19 9003 CFC Apr-94 Jul-29 $ 1.892,000 $ 888.667 $ $ 888,667 2.90% $ 27,318 20 Total $ 6,992,000 $ 3,240,772 (sce Note 4) $ 3,240,772 $ 136,535 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total $ 65,548,880 $ 54,017,607 $ - $ 54,017,607 s 1,558,367 32 Less: Advance Payments Unapplied-Account 227 $ 8,830,522 $ - $ (8,830,522) $ .. :11.11 .,.. ______ To1lall $ ,1(5, l 87.,0S.S $ $ 4:;:,n:i:7,iirn:;: I $ ll ,5Sll:.,]IJ,7 ...... ,.... , ..... ,.. , ..., .. ,.,, .... , ...... ..... ,., ... ,., .... , .... ,........... , ..... , .... .. , -, . -------··-··---...... ....................... """"""" . ......... """"""""""""""""'" ····································•············r·· ............. - .... 1···-··---······ i ------·------·--------·----·-------·--·-· ________ ,. ____ ,_,_, ____ ,___ ,., ....., ..... ,., .. ,... ,. .,.,.,. Note I:: l'rinciipal arno1.1nII inch.11.ks $ II 1U.OOO frK pri n1.:ipal paymcnls due wi1Ihii11 12 rr101llh:;:, RI JS II:om1 7 dluc.:·d lice: tbi'is amo11nI· :IIs u 1.:urrc11II liahiliily. Nntc 2:: l'rim:iipal :rnIu11nII includes $11 .. 152.,000 Elr princip:.11I p,I1y111cIIIls due wilhin 12 monlh:;: HUS Fonn 7 cl:issilks tlii:; rnnmmt as :.11 curr,;:11t liabilily. (,Jol.c 3:: l'rini:·iipal am,.1111I,I1 includes $526,000 for priincipal payment:;, due wi liliin ! 2 rnonlhs:: Rl. !S hmn 7 dl.is,,ifies this mnount as a ci..irn;nII I iahiliity. Nole 4: l'rinCipal ,11nounI1 i11cludcs $2 1)4,000 for prii11cipal paym,:nl.::,, due wilhiin 12 1urn1th:,:: RI 1:,; Form 7 da:-,,:iih::-; this mnnunl a c1urcn1I liahiliily. 4/14/201,4 ANN REl'I TOTAL SYSTEM Page 1 ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 1. Enter in the space provided the operation and maintenance 2. If the increases and decreases are not derived from pre- expenses for the year. viously reported figures explain in footnotes. Increase or Amount for decrease from Line Account current year preceding year No. la] [b] [c) 1 POWER PRODUCTION EXPENSES 2 STEAM POWER GENERATION 3 Operation 4 500 Operation supervision and engineering $ - 5 501 Fuel $ - 6 502 Steam expenses $ - 7 503 Steam from other sources $ - 8 5 04 Stearn transferred - Cr $ - 9 505 Electric expenses $ - 10 506 Miscellaneous steam power expenses $ - $ - 11 507 Rents $ - $ - 12 Total operation $ - $ - 13 lv!aintenance 14 510 Maintenance supervision and engineering $ - $ - 15 511 Maintenance of structures $ - $ - 16 512 Maintenance of boiler plant $ - $ - 17 513 Maintenance of electric plant $ - $ - 18 514 Maintenance of miscellaneous steam plant $ - $ - 19 Total maintenance $ - $ - 20 Total power production expenses-steam power $ - $ - 21 NUCLEAR POWER GENER<\TION 22 Operation 23 5 ! 7 Operation supervision and engineering 24 518 Fuel 25 519 Coolants and Water 26 520 Steam expenses 27 521 Steam from other sources 28 522 Steam transferred - Cr ( ) 29 523 Electric expenses 30 524 Miscellaneous nuclear power expenses 31 525 Rents 32 Total Operation 33 Maintenance 34 528 Maintenance supervision and engineering 35 529 Maintenance of structures 36 530 Maintenance of reactor plant equipment 37 531 Maintenance of electric plant 38 532 Maintenance of miscellaneous nuclear power 39 Total maintenance 40 Total power production expenses-nuclear power 4'1 MYDRAlll,IC 1'0\VEH GENERATION 42 ( )(.!l!/'/1//0ll 4:~ 515 Op1::rntio11 ,,upcrvioion and l'nginm:ring 44 '.:Uh W,tkr 11.ir power 45 :\37 I lydrnulic (:iqx:nscs 46 5:rn Elcctl'ic c,pcn.,c:, 47 539 M i,,c,.:llnm:rn.1,, I 1ydrn11lic p1.1wi.;r g1 .. :11,.:rn1io11 1,.:xpcn,:1i:, 48 ~i40 Rent:, 49 Tol,il opcnilion 50 Al,1i111e1w11,:e s·I 5-'1-1 M,iinlc11.:111u .. : :,:up,.::rvi:;ic,n ;md engineering S2 :'42. Mai11ll.:nanc1: ol ,,;l.rnct.1m:s ·J/ 14/20 I ,,1 ANN REPT TOTAL SYSTEM Page 2 ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Increase or Amount for decrease from Linc Account current year preceding year No. [a] [bl [c] 1 HYDRAULIC POWER GENER\TION (Continued) 2 543 Maintenance of reservoirs, dams and waterways 3 544 Maintenance of electric plant 4 545 Maintenance of miscellaneous hydraulic plant 5 Total maintenance 6 Total power production expenses-hydraulic power 7 OTHER POWER GENERA TlON 8 Operation 9 546 Operation supervision and engineering 10 547 Fuel 11 548 Generation expenses 12 549 Miscellaneous other power generation expenses 13 550 Rents 14 Total operation 15 Maintenance 16 551 Maintenance supervision and engineering 17 552 Maintenance of structures 18 553 Maintenance of generating and ekctric plant 19 554 Maintenance of miscellaneous other power generation plant 20 Total maintenance 21 I'otal power production expenses-other power 22 OTHER POWER SUPPLY EXPENSES 23 555 Purchased power $ 65_015,094 $ 9,495,502 24 556 System control and load dispatching $ - 25 5 5 7 Other expenses $ - 26 Total other power supply expenses $ 65,015,094 $ 9,495,502 27 Total power production expenses s 65,015,094 $ 9,495,502 28 TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 29 Operation 30 560 Operation supervision and engineering $ 189,126 $ 14,841 31 561 Load dispatching $ 252,443 $ (24,197) 32 562 Station expenses $ 231,058 $ 10,529 33 563 Overhead line expenses $ 42,524 $ (7,796) 34 564 underground line expenses $ 6,158 $ 6,158 35 565 Transmission of electricity by others $ - $ - 36 566 Miscellaneous transmission expenses $ 2,166 $ (1,063) 37 567 Rents $ 6,651 $ 940 38 Total operation s 730,126 $ (589) 39 Maintenance 40 568 Maintenance supervision and engineering $ - $ - 41 569 Maintenance of structures $ - $ - 42 570 Maintenance of station equipment $ 136,551 $ 11,113 43 571 Maintenance of overhead lines $ 5,403 $ (26,703) 44 572 Maintenance of underground lines $ 4,946 $ (4,327) 45 573 Maintenance of miscellaneous transmission plant $ - $ - 46 Tnt:il m11ink11,lll('e $ 1,,16,'100 $ f!9,,'H 7) 47 J'o!al 11~m~•;n1i:•;~•11011 expi.:n:..;c 1,; $ 1!77,02S $ (20,5(Hi) 4!1 DISTl{liH:TIO!'II EXPENSES 4!1 ( 1/'<'1',11/1!1/ p ··~ '7'") '7 5() .'iSO ( )p,.:1:.111011 s1.1p1.:rvis1oi1 :md ,.:11g1111.:1.:rirq~ $ (,til .838 $ '1.:..,J/.
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