E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 2018 No. 40 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Suppose widgets cost $1 in Canada, worth more to you than your cup of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- but $2 in America. That means you can coffee. When we make that exchange, pore (Mr. MARSHALL). buy twice as many Canadian widgets we both take away something of great- f by importing them. That is called er value than we had. abundance. But what happens if we slap a $1 tar- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO But some say that is not fair. We iff on that cup of coffee. Only two pos- TEMPORE need to slap a $1 tariff on Canadian sible things: I am either going to buy The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- widgets to level the playing field. That less coffee, or I am going to buy less of fore the House the following commu- means we can only afford to buy half as other things to afford the tariff. Nei- nication from the Speaker: many. There is no more perfect way to ther is good for the economy. WASHINGTON, DC, turn abundance into scarcity than by True, some governments subsidize March 7, 2018. levying a tariff on imports. their exports, and that puts our pro- I hereby appoint the Honorable ROGER W. Yet that is what was precisely pro- ducers at a great disadvantage. In ef- MARSHALL to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. posed for steel and aluminum. By slap- fect, these governments are picking up PAUL D. RYAN, ping a tariff on foreign steel imports, part of the tab for the stuff that we Speaker of the House of Representatives. the amount of steel Americans can af- buy. As Milton Friedman observed, f ford will diminish as the price rises, so, that is simply foreign aid to American too, the price of everything we make factories and consumers, paid for by MORNING-HOUR DEBATE from steel, from cans to cars. the unfortunate taxpayers in the ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- We are told this is necessary to save porting countries. The appropriate re- ant to the order of the House of Janu- American steel jobs. Well, Bastiat sponse for us is to say, ‘‘thank you.’’ ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- would tell us that what we cannot see Yes, that hurts the 140,000 American nize Members from lists submitted by is just as important as what we can. jobs that produce steel. But the other the majority and minority leaders for We see the American steel jobs the tar- 6.5 million Americans who manufac- morning-hour debate. iff has saved by blocking foreign com- ture products using steel can make The Chair will alternate recognition petitors. What we don’t see as clearly more of their products, causing their between the parties. All time shall be are the jobs that disappear in every producers to hire more workers and to equally allocated between the parties, American industry that uses steel as pay them more. Jobs will disappear in and in no event shall debate continue their prices rise and demand for their the steel mills, but they will reappear beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other products falls. as better jobs in industries that can than the majority and minority leaders Remember, every producer in a soci- now obtain more steel at lower prices. and the minority whip, shall be limited ety is also a consumer. No consumer What would happen if we had a war? to 5 minutes. benefits from higher prices, and no pro- Bastiat answered that question 150 f ducer benefits from scarcer materials. years ago. He said trade, by its very TURNING ABUNDANCE INTO Every country that has cried protec- nature ‘‘is a reciprocal dependence. We SCARCITY tionism has suffered terribly, including cannot depend on the foreigner unless The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ours. Thomas Jefferson thought high the foreigner depends on us.’’ If war Chair recognizes the gentleman from tariffs could fund the government and clouds should gather between Canada— California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) for 5 min- promote domestic manufacturing. That our biggest foreign supplier of steel— utes. caused a devastating recession that and the United States, we might face Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, nearly destroyed our fledgling econ- the prospect of losing their steel, but Frederic Bastiat, the great 19th cen- omy. Herbert Hoover responded to the Canada would lose all of the American tury economist, posed a simple ques- recession of 1929 with the Smoot- resources and products that their steel tion that we need to think about care- Hawley Tariff Act. It didn’t end well. exports buy. Trade reduces the risk of fully as we consider tariffs and trade Trade is simply the exchange of war because it increases the value of wars. goods, and both parties have to benefit peace. What is better: abundance or scar- from the trade or it just doesn’t hap- Bastiat marveled at how much we city? pen. If I pay you $1 for a cup of coffee, spend to build ports and harbors, rail- The answer might seem self-evident, I am telling you that your coffee is roads and highways, all for the sole but protectionists down through his- worth more to me than my dollar, and purpose of surmounting the obstacles tory just don’t seem to grasp it. you are telling me that my dollar is to trade that nature has created. What b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1445 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:17 Mar 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07MR7.000 H07MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H1446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 7, 2018 sense does it make to erect artificial According to The Washington Post: Even though this administration has barriers to replace the natural ones ‘‘The parents of First Lady Melania stepped up and has taken a strong that we have overcome? Trump have become legal permanent stance against Maduro—we have sanc- By that same token, President residents of the United States and are tioned a lot of individuals—there is Trump has set the stage for rapid eco- close to obtaining their citizenship, ac- still much more that needs to be done. nomic expansion by reducing the tax cording to people familiar with their And the first step is getting more ac- and regulatory burdens that were status. tion by making sure that my fellow crushing our economy, and the econ- ‘‘Immigration experts said’’—they— colleagues are aware of the ongoing omy is responding. What sense does it ‘‘very likely relied on a family reunifi- crisis in Venezuela and helping those make to ruin that progress by replac- cation process that President Trump who refuse to believe that Maduro can ing the taxes and regulations we have has derided as ‘chain migration’ and be that bad. Yes, he really can be that shed, with new ones? proposed ending in such cases.’’ bad. And we need to understand the f Remember, the in-laws are from Slo- suffering and the frustration of the BLOCKING IMMIGRATION venia, and that country won two med- Venezuelan people. LEGISLATION als at the Winter Olympics, so I guess The second step is urging the admin- they are okay. It is okay, apparently. istration to increase the pressure, to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Now, let us remember that the First use the tools that are available to us, Chair recognizes the gentleman from Lady of the United States is here in to hold Maduro and his evil cronies ac- Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. ´ this country because she applied for, countable. We have already seen how Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, yes- and received, an ‘‘extraordinary ability some of these tools are working, Mr. terday, I talked about immigrants visa,’’ which is often called the Ein- Speaker. Donald Trump doesn’t really care for, stein visa because we give it to Nobel Our sanctions are working, so much like the Dreamers who were raised in Prize winners. But I guess we also give so that Maduro is actively looking at the United States and are now vulner- the Einstein visa to musicians and art- ways to circumvent our sanctions, like able to deportation. Then there are the ists and runway models. this crazy idea of launching his own refugees from war and religious perse- The First Lady’s extraordinary abili- cryptocurrency. We are hitting him cution. He doesn’t really care for them ties are many, I am sure. Now, I want where it hurts, and we need to build on either. you to recall that one of the issues in that momentum. Let’s see, there are the people from Jared Kushner’s security clearance was But we must also not forget to advo- El Salvador, Haiti, or Africa—the peo- cate on behalf of the people of Ven- ple from shithole countries. Trump that he owes so much money to for- ezuela who are suffering, who are mal- would rather deport than protect them. eigners, that some people might be able nourished, and who are sick and poor.
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