![Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), 1894-10-16](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
. ~. U. I," "WjiIlJIE IW,SE" miD ",SWEEllI na,SE nUD" - JtlJDrttr. CIC~RS' ATri - l\'ee~ly ~ew 1!:Iller Mli hed by [lIden[ of tho uirtr ill' of IOlln, J\ re the Be't in the Cily. FRED Zlmmnu. V OL. 27. IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1894 NO 12 Henry Ceorge. wages had noL illel'ea 'ed, hut on the II sult~. and thr hall i, kit'kl'(] rort,\' t Z'II(, clt'IIl"II1'! upon llll' l'haractl'r ur Th '1i 1"L Icctnl'c()f1'I'rcd hy thc , .C. cOIILrarY,mell \\'I're willinl{ I') work .Iat'll~ Inio f\l'Plllf'r\ hand" \\110, ,,('II thl' '1)I,re ('a' or sP01'II1lKlu1l1. ')'111' 1. Lccture BUl'cau wa~ g-il'cll at the for ales l.art. of thclr carnln~~ than gual'!l tI, ('r'l~~(' tile lill(' . for a ((Il1t'h 'f')Jllrnt!oll IIr til!' lrlul'~'of t111',C ,ult· Opera ]I Ollse, lasL CI'CII i n~ , by the (,I'el' berol'~. WaKe., arc luwer (o-da,) c1uwll. In Jut th t'('e III I IIl1 I('~ frolll ordl'r, i., <l1'! l'rl.llrwd III the I'ran '(" nutI'd expoundcr of Lilt' single Lax ~hall thcy WCl'l' 111': ,1' ycars aJ.!u AI~o, th fll',L )Jlay Llttl).( ki('k gonl. nl('nt of tlw"llor' ('UJ;..,Ull'.., 1l1)()11 tltl' Iheor,l', lT ellr), (;eo rj.!e, The housl' tnt cre~t has noL IIl ('rca~ccI, hut ren\' ']'h('I)(',lrCI'., "r the old golo] allllll{ fmud, and UplHI till' cIHII'al'(('r or tilt' wa~ fairly well flllc I, huL iL Should has incr aSl'd el'cry wh re, \tcnt, h tht'sid(' IIne<; an' "c('omittg' Nllhtt..,l- ittlllhlttm Ill" n'CmUrHIli\C'('OU;., ('0\ (,t'i Ill/' hal'c I,cell paelwd. '1'h c execeding said, camc from natural law. lL is a~tI(', allcl agaill the tllenlin up, Saw- of til(' rrull cI()l~. 'fhi., '11I-.,ltI'ul1r1ll Adopted 1894 low price aL whicll HcaLs are offcrcd thc price which an,\' particular piel'1' yer g'('1. the hall rrolll th(' kkk olT,llncl wa sexplallll'lI al'iOIlH'1 tlj.(lh II lid WI'II J"ur lllclceture ' ill thc cour~ should oflanCl will yi'leI lothe ('xcrtionsof afl r a 1ll00l'lll''lwai tlIakc;;a hn'al. i11llslratl'lI IIJ 1l101lIltrr!I\IW('lnll' n .. , BY TilE till Cl'c ry ~caL, Whethe" Mr. George labor and capital al)ol'c thaL which for till' Ilorth j.(llal. lIerc llll'rt' is Wllit OIIl' ('X('('ptiOIl, II(' 'IH'cl('~ 1'01- (ntercollegiate is rig-ht in his theory 01' noL i~ a quel- thr tllle labor and CalJilal ('an pro- ..,o'lle mild url{lIlllC'nt with th 'UllllJire, II.'I't('d do 1I0\, oC'('tlr In allY part or th Association, liOll, of COllrsc, upon which Lhcrc is a ducc on thc pool'est picce of land in huL thl' line soon for'll~ at tw IltY'1I1 1 I ' II itl'lI Stall" ('XC'llt In Sl)lIth('rli dil'C!'sityof opinion, It is ul1ieien ~ existence, Hthcrehc arrealil'cand yards. ,'.l, J.l1lakl', rnd lllay..,,,ith ],'Iorilla wlll'rc abltll II half 1I0zC'1I games. to say, howevcr, thaL hc is apP<LrcnLly gOl'crning intclligcnce wllo gal' ItS '''Ithel' largc j.(ain~: till' tackling I., Ihal 'l' h'l'lI founil. '1'h(' rt'j.[lull r'OIII nn ardcnt heli,l'et' in Lhc docLrine only thc raw matcrial, bllt gal'c Ull high a HI look fOIlI, hut Ill) onc "C(' tlI~ which thl'Y w('rc obtaltwrlls:l IItlrm" Frice. In~ll!i~r,$ 5.00 whkh h proposes, and has givcn thc Lhe powcr of' adaptability, h' ha to carll, ~oon n Crl'lg i, [HI h 'II Ol'cr strip Olll' hUtldr d miles Inll' and t' • cluestioll a lif'e lime of loolwd npon II wiLh eye. The the linc with till' af(er which t n(lilll{ al,out six on I' Spalding's Complete rod ~Ludy, ~(l'lal uall, rnlJ,,~ It h ~hll' Ball Catalogue Sent Free. Th f;P ak r was introduccd in a righL Lo the IISC of thc carth musL h Littig sCllds IL ol'cr the !loal. of till ~all ,/U:III HII' 'I', a.nd i~ wuntlt'r- Spalding" Official Foot Ball vcry appropriate manucr 11.1' Dr, Bar- an r(]uull'i!{hL. Mcn strire to get land Pratlieally til(' same plays Tollnw fully ri('h In f rn lir('. TIl!' \ari- ~~\iW~... Guide, 1811~, b¥ Walt .. ~ C.mp, containing the 1'ctl. After a bricf inLrodnction, in to-day, no~ for its natural U 'c, hut for until \ve lose th ha!1 on do\Vn~, IllIt allull in flll'lII,lIlodc or ~rowth nlHl Hew fules, and other which Lhc spcakcr spoke of Lhe im- rcaping the increa cd I'alue which the rfgllin iL aftcr thrc frniLle ' ~ play on bahita(, ('reo wllhln til!' limit. of Il , ..t'!~.,.....- \.llunhle inlormalion, by mail. 1',ico, IOe:, pOl'tancc uf thc suhject which be wa ~ growing populaLion will gil'c It In thc part of Cornell. Thcn line plays ~ingle gCllll~, is surprising. ,'Ottl or to discuss, hc procceded to contl'ast thc adl'anccment to Lhe we L el'cry- rolloII', and again H errig i puslwd thr fcrn ur lr ('s, on ' ll'cil'~ attaln­ ~,G.SP~I2DINu &'BRQ5 t he gloric and magniflccnc attcnd- wherc thc pcculator has prcc'ded the ol'er th lin fo,' it touch down. Goal inK a h Igbt oC 12 tn I~. f , l wltll It 'l:i'lI:W'.YORK \CI1ICA(iO""- ~ PMIt!ADEi;EtllA". ing th hicago Expo iLiotl with the labo,'cr, is kicked , 'awy r gCl lhc hall from thick, spiny lrunk, and with rrOtlc1~ misery and su fferi ng which Lhousands At Lhis poinL Mr, Gcol'ge ush ered the kick otf, and withouL its oncc J:i fceL long. Hom(' arl' \'int's, ('!lOtIJ­ :r-~~~~~.~.~.~•• " ••" ••: of Chicago'~ people \Ve"r obl iged to ell- forth the si nglc tax Lhcory as Lhc only changing side IV cros th' Hcfd tCJ i ng to a hcight or ,iO rPN, alld xcerd ­ durc on account of pOl'crty, All o\'cr fundamental reform. He said thcre score anothcl' tou 'h down and goal. ingly graceful in appearancc, ()thcr~, i Browne's Blackstone : the t:i vi lizcd wodd wc advance und i m- wcre othe,' t'cfOl'ms, bu t noLh ing coulJ ' 1. retlll'n th' k i k olT, gl I'i ng agal II, aI" Ics~ than an irH'h or Lwo lit i : Ill'O\'e, ,\'et the sLrugglc for existence al'ail unLii this i ' done, Wherever rol'llcll ('11' bull , which, with ,om' hcight Some iiI' in t.he wah'r, 'lOtiif' .. ,AND Browne's Kent : docs noL become ca~ i cr, buL 011 thc I' ilL is put to itt; natural usc every good plaYH, Lray I toward the so uth on til\' uleak hillsides, sume on till' i : (!ontrary iL lccolllcs mol'c hittcl'. onc's harc would be mOl'e than whaL goal and iK lhell kicked o\'cr th line. hlftlng sands or Lh mountain lop",' Are two books that every American IIcl'e MI'. GCOI'!{C inquired why it hc co uld earn, ]']vcI'Y where in Lhc 'rhe men arc up at th twenty-live while oth rs will grow ollly in till' law student of to-day needs not only • • :i• to study but to posess, They gi\'e :: wa" that thesc material improvc- UniLed Latcs we flnel opportunities yard linc, H. U, I. ' nd - thc ph roid riche toil. Pcrhap one third or th ~ essence of the great Commen­ ments did not bring I'elicf to thc mas- are half lIscd or not u cd at all. ftrty yard ' through the air, Cornell I' - th marc eplphytcs, Ifrowlng on lIl!' taries in the most concise (orm, anl 'C~, as it was formcrly thought Lhey Aftor pcaking 101' olle hour lind C!iil'ing it: buL Lhe umpirc .l'ncl'l all trunk and Iimh or tree:- and <lerll­ : without tbe ab'!Olute parts, Price, : WOlll(1. lie asserted thaL thcrc was a flftecn minutc' thc spraker aid ho back to thc tw nty tlVC yard mark ing their Hub tane alnro L entirt'l.' $5.3°, each, de:iI,t! rt!,I. i i j;olllLion fot' Lhis prohlcm and an ea y was open toqtlcstions from anyone in 'I> rnell !!et' thc ball, and urter two rrom the ail', aflt'I' thc manner or 01'- f111C. ,ome say thaL Lhi ' sLrugglc i the audicncc, This pal'\' of Lhe pro- nnSL1CCCS 'ful line vIal'S kicks it hack 'hid, • We have also pllbli ~ ltlld a new • (litO to an OI'CI' producLion of wcnltl1, gram bccame ex~ rcm ely intercsLing. into Lhe encmy 's Ilands. Conl'er:e I pon a :si nglc calaba h trc', not • edi tion oC the standard work, • llUL Lherc can bc no ol'cr production of (~ucst i ons came immecl iately from gain thil'ty yard s by a good run, H cr- 0\' I' fHtce n fe t bigh, w re ronnel : weaHh unLiL all human wants arc I every part of Lhe house. MI'. Georgc is r ig helps ouL with fOl'Ly y'lrds. WiI- ' om tift l'n difT r nt pI'cl s of fern~.
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