ESTIMATION OF NET GROUNDWATER USE IN IRRIGATED RIVER BASINS USING GEO-INFORMATION TECHNIQUES A CASE STUDY IN RECHNA DOAB, PAKISTAN Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. R.A. Feddes Professor of Soil Physics, Agrohydrology and Groundwater Management, Wageningen University, Wageningen Co-promotor: Prof. dr. W.G.M. Bastiaanssen Visiting Professor in Application of Remote Sensing in Water Resources Management, ITC, Enschede Members Examination committee: Prof. dr. ir. P. A.A. Troch, Wageningen University Dr. ir. P.J.M. de Laat, IHE, Delft Dr. ir. M.G. Bos, Alterra-ILRI, Wageningen University and Research Centre Dr.C.J.Perry,IWMI, Colombo ESTIMATION OF NET GROUNDWATER USE IN IRRIGATED RIVER BASINS USING GEO-INFORMATION TECHNIQUES A CASE STUDY IN RECHNA DOAB, PAKISTAN Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad Thesis to fulfil the requirements for the degree of doctor on the authority of the rector magnificus of Wageningen University, Prof. dr. ir. L. Speelman, to be publicly defended on Wednesday 18th December 2002 at 15:00 hours in the auditorium of ITC, Enschede ISBN 90-5808-761-1 ITC Dissertation number 94 Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad, 2002 Estimation of net groundwater use in irrigated river basins using geo-information techniques: A case study in Rechna Doab, Pakistan/ Ahmad, M.D. Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen University – with references – with summaries in English and Dutch. To my Parents CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ix LIST OF FREQUENTLY USED SYMBOLS xi ABSTRACT xv 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Groundwater for irrigation 1 1.2 Available techniques for recharge and groundwater use estimation 5 1.3 Research objective 7 1.4 Outline of the thesis 7 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA 9 2.1 Geographical settings 9 2.2 Irrigation system 11 2.3 Data collection 13 2.3.1 Field scale 13 2.3.2 Regional scale 14 3 WATER FLOW IN THE CONTEXT OF CONJUNCTIVE USE 17 3.1 Water flow in porous media 17 3.2 Soil water balance 19 3.3 Net recharge and net groundwater use 23 3.4 Summary and conclusions 25 4 SUSTAINABLE USE OF GROUNDWATER FOR IRRIGATION: A NUMERICALANALYSISOFTHESUBSOILWATERFLUXES 27 4.1 Introduction 27 4.2 Materials and methods 30 4.3 Results 34 4.4 Conclusions 43 5 SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE OF EVAPORATIVE DEPLETION ACROSS THE INDUS BASIN 45 5.1 Introduction 45 5.2 Study area and climate 46 5.3 Theoretical background 47 5.4 Results 51 5.5 Validation 55 5.6 Evaporative depletion in the Indus Basin 58 5.7 Conclusions 61 6 RETRIEVING SOIL MOISTURE STORAGE IN THE UNSATURATED ZONE FROM SATELLITE IMAGERY AND BI-ANNUAL PHREATIC SURFACE FLUCTUATIONS 63 6.1 Introduction 63 6.2 Soil moisture 64 6.3 Study area 66 6.4 Field scale results 66 6.5 Outline of a new simple parameterisation of matric pressure head distribution 68 6.6 Application of new parameterisation at regional scale 72 6.7 Summary and conclusions 78 7 ESTIMATION OF DISAGGREGATED CANAL WATER DELIVERIES IN PAKISTAN USING GEOMATICS 79 7.1 Introduction 79 7.2 Materials and methods 81 7.2.1 Data collection 81 7.2.3 Water distribution models 84 7.3 Results and discussion 89 7.4 Conclusions 96 8 NET GROUNDWATER USE IN RECHNA DOAB FOR SUSTAINABLE POLICY AND DECISION MAKING 97 8.1 Concept and basic equations for net groundwater use 97 8.2 Conventional techniques 98 8.3 Geo-information techniques for unsaturated zone water balance 100 8.4 Comparison between conventional and geo-information techniques 107 8.5 Summary and conclusion 110 9 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 111 SAMENVATTING EN CONCLUSIES 117 REFERENCES 123 ITC DISSERTATION LIST 137 CURRICULUM VITAE 143 viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study would never have materialized without the contribution of many individuals and organizations to whom I have the pleasure of expressing my appreciation and gratitude. First of all, I gratefully acknowledge the persistent support and encouragement from my former supervisors at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Prof. G.V. Skogerboe, Dr. S.A. Prathapar and Dr. P. Strosser. They helped me to pursue my Ph.D. studies at ITC, The Netherlands by facilitating a sandwich programme between ITC and IWMI. My deepest and foremost gratefulness is due to my advisors: Prof. W.G.M. Bastiaanssen and Prof. R.A. Feddes. Their intellectual inspiration, guidance, encouragement and regular lengthy stimulating discussions have been invaluable to me. They made me determined to continue, to revise, and strive for improvement. Their continual willingness to listen, discuss and render critical judgments helped me to produce this dissertation in its present shape. I also had the honour to work with Prof. A. Stein for a part of my research. I am indebted for his expert advices and the time he spared me. I extend my profound gratitude to Dr. A.S.M. Gieske and Prof. A.M.J. Meijerink for taking keen interest in my research and our valuable scientific discussions. The fieldwork for this study was conducted at the experimental plots of Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad and Soil Salinity Research Institute (SSRI), Pindi Bhattian, Pakistan. I appreciate the help and support provided by these institutes. As a part of this study, secondary information was collected from various government agencies in Pakistan, including the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), the Punjab Irrigation Research Institute, the SCARP Monitoring Organization (SMO) and the federal Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). I highly acknowledge their positive attitude towards sharing their valuable databases – free of cost – for my research purposes. IWMI funded part of the fieldwork through their Conjunctive Water Management Project. I am thankful to the team members of this project, and especially Dr. W.A. Jehangir, Dr. S. Ejaz, Mr. H. M. Nafeez, and Mr. K. Ullah, for their help and kind cooperation. Also my particular thanks to Mr. A. Iqbal and Mr. M. Arshad for their assistance during the field data collection. Special thanks goes to Mr. A. Rauf for helping me in the installation of Bowen Ratio Towers. Further more, I am grateful to Dr. M. Aslam, Dr. A. Sarwar and Mr. I. Masih for sharing a part of their dataset, which was used in Chapter 7 of this thesis. I would like to thank the IWMI Pakistan RS/GIS Group, and particularly Mr. S. Asif, Ms. S. Ali, Mr. Y. Chemin and Mr. A. Hussain, for both their help and providing me a harmonious working environment. I extend my deepest gratitude to a number of ITC staff: Where the administrative and financial arrangements are concerned, I want to express my gratitude to Ms. L. Colenbrander, Ms. G.M.J. Allessie and Ms. B. Geerdink from student affairs. I sincerely ix appreciate the help and positive attitude of the ITC Library staff, in particular Ms. C. Gerritsen, for timely arranging research articles from other libraries. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for the technical and logistical support I received from the Mr. J.P.G. Bakx Remote Sensing Laboratory, computer cluster managers Mr. G.J. Polman and Mr. J.A. Mulder and secretaries Ms. R. Hummel, Ms. T.B. Boogaard, Ms. J. Walet and Ms. H. Al-Malih. I am grateful to Mr. A. Mennings who helped me to finalize the cover of this thesis. I have been fortunate in having a number of IWMI colleagues here in the Netherlands. I am thankful to all of them in particular to Paul-William Vehmeyer for his hospitality and care throughout our stay in the Netherlands. I am thankful to Mr. R. Waters for quickly and carefully editing the English in my thesis. During my stay at ITC-Enschede, I also received considerable support and friendship from my colleagues Dr. M. Bakr, Dr. H. Farah, Mr. M. Kheirkhah, Mr. L. Chandrapala, Mr. O. Obakeng, Mr. P. Debba, Mr. J. Pillai and the Pakistani student community. I express my deepest appreciation to my parents and other family members. This research would not have been possible without their prayers, encouragements and good wishes. Lastly, I express my gratefulness to my wife Sadia and daughter Manaal for their support and care during the period of my studies. Mobin-ud-Din Ahmad December 2002. x LIST OF FREQUENTLY USED SYMBOLS Symbol Representation Dimensions A Area L2 dh Change in depth of phreatic surface L E Actual soil evaporation rate LT-1 e Vapour pressure L-1MT-2 -1 ETa Actual evapotranspiration rate LT -1 ETo Reference crop evapotranspiration rate LT -1 ETp Potential crop evapotranspiration rate LT -3 G0 Soil heat flux density MT H Sensible heat flux density MT-3 hm Soil matric pressure head: matric head L -1 Icw Irrigation rate with canal water LT -1 Ingw Net groundwater use rate: LT ↑ ↓ I= I + q= − q = ngw tw (hm 0) (h m 0) -1 Irr Irrigation rate LT -1 Itw Irrigation rate with groundwater withdrawal by LT tubewells K↓ Global radiation at the surface MT-3 P Precipitation rate, Perimeter (in Chapter 7) LT-1,L -1 Pn Net precipitation rate i.e., the fraction of LT precipitation which actually infiltrates q ↑ Upward soil water flux density LT-1 q↓ Downward soil water flux density LT-1 ↑ Upward soil water flux density at the phreatic LT-1 q = (hm 0) surface: i.e. capillary rise ↓ Downward soil water flux density at the phreatic LT-1 q = (hm 0) surface: i.e. recharge rate -1 qbot Lower boundary flux density at the bottom of the LT SWAP-column 3 -1 Qcw Canal discharge rate L T xi Symbol Representation Dimensions 3 -1 Qin Lateral groundwater inflow L T -1 qnr ↓ ↑ LT Net recharge rate: q= q= − q = nr (hm 0) (h m 0) 3 -1 Qout Lateral groundwater outflow L T r0 Surface albedo - -1 rah Near-surface aerodynamic resistance L T R = + + λ MT-3 n Net-radiation flux density: RGEn 0 H S Sink term for root water uptake L3L3T-1 3 -3 Sr Specific retention L L Sy
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