NASAC_t80875 COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS WITH THE SPACE STATION VOLUME !il- SUPPLEMENTAR_ECHNICAL REPORT FEBRUARY 1988 ........................... NASA ......................... Lewis Research Center Contract No. NAS3-24253 ................. N88- 163cl4 ($ASA-C_- 180_ 75) CC_SU_ICA_I£ _S SAtELlitE 2¥STE_5 C_£_A_ICNS _I_E T_I EIAC£ S_ATICN° '_F.C.E_ICA_ %-CLrO_l£ 3: SU_ILE_EI_IAF_ BEPO_I Unclas _inal _e_ort, F_. - Eec. I cjf:3 (_o_d G3/18 01218/40 i _[_ace and Cc_=uricatic_.-" Cozy.) 221 P "_..__ PRIN_TON ..................... SYNERGETICS THE EGAN GROUP _ _or_ _,.ospac_ & _ J_ iNC. Communications Corporat_n II i_ Report Documentation Page Nat_al Aeronaut,s a_ 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. CR 180875 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date February 1988 Communications Satellite Systems Operations with the Space Station Volume III- Supplementary Technical 6. Perlorming Organization Coda REport 7. Author(s) B. Performing Organization Report No. K. M. Price, P. Russell, C. Weyandt 10. Work Unit No. 480-43-02 9. Performing Organization Name and Aodtess Ford Aerospace Corporation, Space Systems Division 11. Contract or Grant No. 3939 Fabian Way NAS3-24253 Pal o Alto CA 94303 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Final 12. S_n_ring Agency Name and Address Feb 1987 -- Dec 1987 NASA, Lewis Research Center 21,000 Brookpark Road 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Cleveland OH 44135 15 Supplementa_ Notes NASA Contract Technical Manager: Mr. Steven M. Stevenson Two other volumes: Vol. I Executive Summary (Feb 1987), CR 179526 Vol. Ii, Technical Report (Feb 1987), CR 179527 16. Abstract See Attached (page i) 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18 Distribution Statement communications satellites servicing of satellites satellite retrievability Publicly Available modular satellites space station 22, Price" 19. Secuqty Clas.sif,, Jof this report) 20 Security Classif, _.of this page) 21. No of pages unc/assl T1 ea unc/assiTied NASA FORM 1626 OCT 86 "For sale by lhe l'4ai.:Jaul Techn,cal It Jlo_it_a;_on Serwcc. Spr,ngholcl. VfrgJnia 22161 ]lli NASA Contract No. NAS3-24253 COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS WITH THE SPACE STATION VOLUME III- SUPPLEMENTARY TECHNICAL REPORT January 31, 1988 Prepared by FORD AEROSPACE CORPORATION Space Systems Division, Advanced Systems Department 3939 Fabian Way, Palo Alto CA 94303 PRINCETON SYNERGETICS INC. 900 State Road, Princeton NJ 08540 THE EGAN GROUP 1000 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Washington DC 20036 Program Manager: Kent M. Price Major Contributors: Wen Doong John Egan (The Egan Group) Joel Greenberg (Princeton Synergetics) Paul Russell Charles Weyandt Prepared for NASA, Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH 44135 Z I Ii ABSTRACT The NASA Space Station has the potential to provide significant economic benefits to commercial communications satellite operators. The initial reports NASA CR179526 and CR179527 quantified the benefits of new space-based activities and assessed the impacts on the satellite design and the Space Station. This report gives results for the following additional tasks: 1. Quantify the value of satellite retrievability operations and define its operational aspects. 2. Evaluate the use of expendable launch vehicles for transportation of satellites from the earth to the Space Station. (The initial study assumed use of the Space Shuttle only.) 3. Quantify the economic value of modular satellites that are assembled and serviced in space. The major study results are as follows: The newly developed DOMSAT HI financial model which explicitly considers satellite system reliability predicts greater benefits for use of the Space Station in the launch of commercial communications satellites. Not only is return-on-investment improved (16.3% vs 9.9%), but also financial risk (defined as the standard deviation of the return-on-investment) is reduced (1.7% vs 4.8%) The financial risk is lower for the Space Station scenario because of the greater overall reliability achieved by use of the Space Station, in particular the greater reliability of the space-based OTV launch versus the solid rocket upper stages of the ELV. In-orbit, at the Space Station, and return-to-earth repair scenarios are analyzed with the result that there is no improvement in economic performance (increased rate-of-return or reduced risk) for the particular scenarios considered. In general, space retrieval operations are not financially viable for commercial communications satellites. However, specific "high value" or "easy" cases may still be attractive to retrieve, and thus while retrieval/repair operations are judged to be infrequent, NASA should have capability for retrieval and repair at the Space Station. • Cost analysis shows that using ELVs in place of the Shuttle changes launch costs, but does not change the value of the APOs compared to business-as-usual ELV delivery to GEO. • An ELV system is needed to support the Space Station. Additional studies should be initiated as to the feasibility and requirements for an ELV that can dock with the Space Station. Three modular satellite designs are analyzed. The result is significantly better economic performance provided that the satellite development and transportation costs are not greatly affected. The planned Space Station infrastructure will support on-orbit assembly and servicing. The Integrated Orbital Servicing System should be used for the first generation remote servicing system since the Orbital Spacecraft Consumables Resupply System is too large. A smaller refueling kit or OMV scavenging system should be developed. On orbit assembly and servicing can be supported by the Phase II Space Station. However, at least one OMV should be added to the fleet to allow for extended remote operations. Also the fueling platforms should have their own dedicated robotic systems for automated fueling. TABLE of CONTENTS SECTION I- INTRODUCTION 1 Background I- 1 2 Previous Work I - 1 Approach I- 2 3.1 Task 1: Develop Satellite Financial Model ........................ I-2 3.1.i Develop Basic Financial Model .......................... I- 2 3,1.2 Impact of System Characteristics on Financial Model Output ......... I- 2 3.2 Task 2: Determine Economic Performance of Business as Usual Scenario, 1995 . I- 2 3.3 Task 3: Economic Assessment of New Space-Based Activities for 1995 ........ I- 2 3.3.1 Postulate New Space-Based Operations ..................... I-2 3.3.2 Evaluate the Economics of Space-Based APOs ................. I- 3 3.4 Task 4: Develop Space Station Scenarios and Requirements .............. I-3 3.5 Task 5: Satellite Retrievability .............................. I - 3 3.6 Task 6: Impact of Use of ELVs .............................. I- 3 3.7 Task 7: On-Orbit Assembly and Servicing ........................ I-4 3.8 Task 8: Precursor OTV - Communications Satellite Interface Requirements ..... I-4 4 Organization of Report I - 4 SECTION II - SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK 1 Financial Model II- 1 2 Baseline Economic Performance II - 1 2.1 Definition of 1995 Systems ................................. H- 1 2.2 Economic Performance ................................... II-2 2.3 Discussion of Economics .................................. II- 2 3 New Space-Based APOs II- 2 3.1 Postulation of APOs .................................... H-2 3.2 Economics of APOs .................................... H-4 4 Space Station Scenarios II - 4 4.1 Spinner Satellite Scenario ................................. H-4 4.2 3-Axis Satellite Scenario .................................. II- 6 4.3 Assembly/Servicing Scenario ............................... II - 6 4.4 Sensitivity Analysis ..................................... II - 7 4.4.1 Launch Insurance .................................. II-7 4,4.2 Launch Costs .................................... II-7 4.5 Conclusions .......................................... II - 7 Space Station Requirements II - 8 5.1 Hardware Requirements .................................. II-8 5.1.1 Servicing and Storage Bay ............................. II-8 5.1.2 Automated Transfer Facilities ........................... II-8 5.1.3 Fueling Facilities .................................. H- 8 5.2 OMV Requirements .................................... II- 8 5.3 OTV Requirements ..................................... II-9 5.4 Operations and Policy ................................... II- 9 6 Recommendations II- 9 6.1 Need for Space-Based OTV H-9 6.2 Study of Retrieval Missions ................................ II- 10 6.3 Modular Satellite Design Study ......... II- 10 6.4 Study of ELV Use II - 10 6.5 Technology Developments ................................. II- 10 6.6 Purpose of Space Station : H- 10 SECTION III - SATELLITE RETRIEVABILITY 1 Previous Work III - 1 2 Satellite Failure Database III- 4 3 Domsat III Financial Model : III- 4 4 Transportation Scenarios III- 6 4.1 Transportation Scenario 1 ........ ........................ III-7 4.2 Transportation Scenario 5 ................................. III-7 4.3 Transportation Scenario 7 ................................. III-7 4.4 Transportation Scenario 8 ................................. III-7 4.5 Transportation Scenario 9 ................................. HI-8 5 Baseline Satellite Design III - 8 Economic Analysis III - 8 6.1 Baseline Cases (A & B) .................................. III-10 6.1.1 Baseline Case Results ............................... HI-10 6.1.2 Comparison With C&L Model ........................... III- 10 6.2 Repair In Orbit ....................................... IH- 11 6.2.1 Case F (Launch
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