SCOTCH PLAIN'S PUBLIC LIBRARY y?& SCOTCH PiAIMS OUR 37th YEAR - ISSUE NO. IS rHETIME--Serving Scotch Plains and Fanwood Since 1959 _ S Thursday, May 2, Iff* mirwooo 292-4407 FIFTY CENTS Conversion of Mansion Hotel To Senior Citizen Housing Anticipated By Late Summer Building's 71 Existing Rooms to Be Utilized For Assisted Living Facility's Residents •y SUZETTE STALKEI Specially Written JorSTALKE IV TUrnMI ter, tea room, library, card room and widen an easterly driveway and in- The long-anticipated conversion of other sections conducive to a social stall a bench outside the South Av- atmosphere. the Mansion Hotel on South Avenue enue entrance, and the applicant's into housing for senior citizens is The 71 existing rooms on the sec- confirmation that low- and moder- expected to get underway by late ond, third and fourth. floors.aw « wilWilll bl&e ! B ate-income units required by law summer with t%<M r«»...~^-« **>— - refurbished to accommodate the .~r~wu «J gci underway oy late refurbished to accommodate the would be provided. uunsummeu rs wit memorializatioh the Fanwood Planninn lasgt facility's--—-•-•—.«*••»,mr.iycne future residents, Mr. Tycherr Mr. Tycher's partner, Herbert WednesdaBoard's ymemorializatio of its March 27 approvan lastl explainedplained, adding thalcacthat each floorfloor will nclIItnHelfich,, ioitolad mthee boarboard laslastt montmonth ofthWednesdae projecty o.f its March 27 approval be equipped with a nursesnurses ' station, mathat baSbaseedd oonn ththee siz sizee ooff ththee facilityfacility, FteprojectOfficials sin. ~.».«i; a^nuvcu examininimimng rooms and lounges. Nurses he expecteexoected t»"»<••"'''•'•o take in tw"o guests who preliminarOfficwlss.multaneouy and final sits eyipprovc plans, ads willbeondut-Jlbeonduty 16 hours a dayday, with a meet low- and moderate-incom,I1VU1I1eC re .- weleliminarl as conditionay and final usl esit ofe thplanse build, as- . night manager and other staff coverr-n«»- uuirememquirement• s_ established by the sstatt e ing, following last month's public ing^evemnThenine rearg hours parkin. g area will be modi-Council on AffordablA f*n«i«kue u_..-:Housing- -. hearing. The resolution adopted last fied,Therearparkingare with the currenat wil82l bparkine modig- The planned conversion received week, ,als: o confirme-r—V"-"*""""d several revi-" fied,sn«r^ «wit ««W-Jh the« curren~ «* —t 8J 2• parkin* g support during the public hearing sionweeks talso oth confirmee site pladn severawhichl werrevie- spaces reduced to 53, and landscap- frornRobertKraus.oneoftheprinci- new HOME FOR SENIORS-.Tbe Fanwood Planning Board lias approved the conversion of the Mansion Hotel on previousl* y' agreed upon by the appli- ingg addeadded to highlighhighlight ththe nenew ususe ooff »-!.-*-••'•'• • • SrattiAvtmielntoanaiitoedUvliigfadUtyfw cant. the building. The remaining parking pals of 313 South Avenue Condo- will be refurbished to hotue the senior*. The project is expected to be completed by late summer. -~Y.-K - T ""•—••>•••» i""""* minium Association, next-doorneigh- The applicant, identified as spaces will be kept where they are, bor to the Mansion Hotel, as welfas Fanwood Assisted Living, Limite_d. though the entire parking lot will be from the Fanwood Police and Fire Fanwood Assisted Living. Limited resurfaced and the stalls restriped. Departments, Environmental and Teachers Union President Calls LiabihtyCompany.willdevelopttie Handicapped parking spaces will Shade Tree Commissions and the tac.lity as hous.ng for senior ciuzens, be provided in compliance with fed- Department of Health, none of which 55 and over, who are no longer ca- era! regulations under the Americans offered any objections pable of living independently but do With Disabilities Act, according to • For Progress In Contract Talks not require nursing home care. Meals the applicant, and medical attention would be pro- A lighting plan submitted to and DEADLINES HELP Dr. Sheldon Refutes Charge That Board Has Been Procrastinating vided on the premises. «„- approved boy thtnee boarboardd callcallss forexistforexist-- PAPERS SERVE YOU By SUZETTTTESTALKEE STALKER «nlv» «. ..-!—•> •• "*"e concept originated in 1992 ijnBg liohtinlightinog •t«o *»—-:remain- :in- -place« •--•-, with Specially Written for The Times solve or unity" regarding the n Those preparing preu releases for as last week's regular meeting. —.theBoyfeCorporation.aMorris repositioned lighting fixtures to be organization's desire to have a new : submission to The Westfield Leader or The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board Morris H. "Butch" Gillet, who was County firm which previously owned installed along„ a_n. interna— •l =-island• •. •In TheTimet are reminded allcopy should contract. : of Education faced a united front reelected to his second term on the ,u.,.i~.~;i.T'i^yrthe building, receiveTd -»"'"«•approval t«o addition, a supplementarsupple y catch ba- be in the hands ofthe Editor at SO Elm Union members, many of whom during its regular meeting last Thurs- school board April 16 and is chairing develodeyelopo the hotehntrtl in#into« a«n- aasiate— *-•"d" sin and pipe system will be'connected Street. Westtleld. by 4 p.m. on the day, as approximately 75 members of wore blue T-shirts bearing the living center. An ordinance designat- to the existing system, Friday before the Thursday on which the negotiating team for the educa- ing the facility as a permuted use was Engineering aspects ofthe site plan they wish it to appear. the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Educa- association's emblem "Public tion association's contract, recalled tion Association and their supporters Schools Work," have steadfastly adopted, but the original applicant wenmont~..e»iwu in^g upni... ——•u ui m. «-.e su. «i-e pia—n Leader releases alto may be mailed • * • J . ' .7— ——.«»•/ ho»uw« fouluur years ago thtne district never proceeded with plans. were presented last month by Rocco to Pott Office Box 250. WettfieM, rallied to protest what they believe Palmieri of Schorr-DePalma of have been unnecessary delays in maintained that although they have wrapped up the school year with less Roseland Property Co., the 07091, and Times releases to Pott Of- been without a contract since last than $40,000 and warned it was im- Rowland company which recently Parsippany, the applicant's engineer, fice Box 368. Scotch Plaint. 07076, to reaching a contract settlement. summer, they remain "committed" to perative there be a "reasonable re- acquired the property, reactivated the who was qualified by the board as an meet the above requirements. Association President, Mrs. Bar- providing "quality" education to the serve fund within the budget" tocover project with the Fanwood Assisted expert witness. For event* which happen the week- bara McGuane, calling for progress district's students. emergencies. Living proposal, which the firm will Mr. Tycher reported his company d ri bliion, preu releaset Board President, Dr. Donald E. "• He explained the district could develop with a partner. expected to replace the current sign y in negotiations, alleged that the board develop witn a partner. iin fronfontt ~oofthC dwhoMe hotell "wTth'-n""^with an "oxter^- OSW^MWUI be take'an unti°£l Tuei had passed up several opportunities Sheldon, remarked that the school possibly have to pay for, as required DunngthepuMlchearing.Manhall nally lit. sandblasted wood sign, deco- last month to meet with a state-ap- board has also demonstrated restraint by law, the enrollment and transpor- Tycrter, a partner with RoseUnd Prop- raUvely lit from tha outaide. with a i For events which are plnnn^J week, pointed fact finder, in the latest phase by not responding to recent letters in tation of additional special education •tty Co, testified that the structure of seasonal color around it," as described or months in advance, we encourage of contract talks which so far have the\muv loca****-•»l* nevmpapttnin •• IIJIIIJW fromnxMn membermeinoers mtuJentm <W.m Scotch Plains and} the *uildiiu{ will remain the same, in the resolution memorialized last submission of stones as early as pos left both sides frustrated. o„«f• .uthe. associatio:—•n critica=-=-l• o-'f wage Fanwoodoutsidethedistrict,andthat although its function will have week. sible prior to the event. changed. The first floor will remain a The revisions to the final site plan The above deadlines are meant lo The association, which includes percent increases and the benefits sufficient funds would have to be package offered by the board. included in the budget to cover such common area featuring dining and which were incorporated into the enable us to prepare your copy care- teachers, secretaries and staff in the recreationalfacilities,anactivitycen- board's resolution included plans to fully. Scotch Plains-Fanwood school dis- "We would prefer not to negotiate mandated expenditures. trict, has been without a contract since in the press, but if we have to, we will Immediately following the discus- June 30 of last year. Negotiations respond publicly," the board Presi- sions, all but about a dozen members stalled late last year when the school dent said. of the audience simultaneously rose ffromm ththeiir seatts and exite id th he E Ever- Aviation Agency and Port Authority boarooarda anda inthe union reachercacncud an imim-- Dr. Sheldon stated the board was green School gymnasium where the passe over salaries and employee just as anxious as the union to reach meeting was held. medical benefits. Subsequent media- a settlement, but it would have to be Earlier in the meeting, the board Launch Investigations on Air
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