E2130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2006 Ford dealership in Monroeville, and he opened ried to Darren Brown. Olivia Brown is their served as the voice of New Yorkers residing Sales Ford Lincoln Mercury in Grove Hill in granddaughter and a second grandchild is on on the East Side of Manhattan between 52nd 2002. the way. and 59th Street, from Second Avenue to the In addition to his professional successes, Due in no small part to Natalie’s violin play- East River. Founded to maintain and improve J.W. has long been an active supporter of nu- ing, Jane has worked to bring a beginning the quality of life in that historic neighborhood, merous community organizations. He served strings program to the Sulphur Springs I.S.D. Sutton Area Community (SAC) has united as governor of the Alabama District of Kiwanis This program has brought orchestral music to area residents on a myriad of concerns and its and was one of the seven trustees on the the lives of children who otherwise would not ranks now include over 2000 dues-paying Kiwanis International Board of Directors. have had the opportunity . members. On October 22nd, SAC celebrated He is also active in the Monroeville Cham- Rev. Randles has made a lasting contribu- its thirtieth anniversary at the internationally ber of Commerce and has served on the tion to his community, and in celebrating his renowned Perigord restaurant, at which its board of directors of the University of Mobile. retirement, I join his family, church, and members honored their community’s extraor- J.W. has also been an active deacon of the friends in expressing appreciation for the dinarily dedicated and effective representative First Baptist Church in Monroeville. many ways he has shared his music, faith, in the New York State Assembly, the Honor- Mr. Speaker, I commend J.W. Sales for his and fellowship. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my col- able Jonathan Bing. long-standing commitment to the community leagues join me in paying tribute to Rev. Fred The dedicated members of Sutton Area and for his many professional achievements. I Randles for his many years of service and Community, currently led by the estimable know his wife, Wendy, his family, and his wishing him well in his retirement years. Mary Clare Bergin, have been at the forefront of efforts the surrounding community. Its vol- many friends join with me in praising his ac- f complishments and in celebrating this latest unteers have spearheaded local beautification milestone. DEMOCRATIC PACIFIC UNION initiatives. Thanks to the tireless efforts of SAC’s members, seasonal planting and iron f HON. JOHN ABNEY CULBERSON fence tree enclosures have been installed be- RECOGNIZING REVEREND FRED tween Sutton Place and Second Avenue, and OF TEXAS RANDLES dozens of trees have been planted on and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES around First Avenue. In addition, SAC mem- HON. RALPH M. HALL Wednesday, December 6, 2006 bers serve as conscientious caretakers of three ‘‘pocket’’ parks at 54th, 57th and 58th OF TEXAS Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, on August streets. The carefully maintained greenery and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 14, 2006, the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Democratic Pacific Union flowers have created a ripple effect, inspiring Wednesday, December 6, 2006 was formally inaugurated in Taipei, Taiwan. owners and residents of neighboring buildings Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, today I have the The ceremony drew 76 dignitaries from 23 to make improvements to their own land- privilege of recognizing a dear friend of mine. countries, including the presidents and vice scaping, making a community already re- Reverend Fred Randles of Sulphur Springs, presidents of Taiwan, Costa Rica, Guatemala, nowned for its quiet elegance a charm an who is retiring as minister of music after serv- Nicaragua and Palau. even more idyllic oasis for residents and visi- ing the church and community for the past 25 The Democratic Pacific Union’s goal is to tors alike. The tranquil quality of life of Sutton Place years. promote democracy and encourage coopera- and its environs is rendered even more re- Reverend Randles has dedicated his life to tion among its 28 member democracies. So markable for its proximity to midtown Manhat- making music, for which he has received cer- far, the Union has planned regular regional tan, the most bustling and thriving commercial tificates of appreciation from 4 U.S. Presidents meetings in the East and the West Pacific re- district in the entire United States. A constant and the U.S. Congress. Additionally, the gov- gions, initiated the Pacific Economic Advisory ernments of Cozumel, Mexico, Bahamas, and concern for Sutton Area Community residents Group and the Pacific Congressional Caucus, is the considerable traffic congestion due to the entertainment division of Disney World established a training program for typhoon and have recognized him. the neighborhood’s close proximity to the flood disaster reduction, offered scholarships Queensborough Bridge and the Franklin Dela- His youth choirs have toured extensively, for students to study in Taiwan, planned a Pa- singing throughout the U.S. and in Ireland, no Roosevelt Drive. After the New York City cific university network in Taiwan, and invited Department of Transportation made an ill-con- Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and the Baha- women to Taiwan to discuss women issues in sidered decision to close the 48th street ramp mas as well as on a number of cruise ships. the Pacific region. onto the FDR Drive, forcing over tens of thou- The youth choir under his direction has also On December 8–10, the Taiwan Chapter of sands of motorists onto local streets, SAC appeared on Good Morning America and the the Pacific Congressional Caucus will be hold- worked with elected officials and civic organi- Early Show on CBS. ing a special symposium in Taipei, Taiwan. zations to overturn this ill-considered decision. Reverend Randles also has enjoyed many The symposium will examine critical issues Their persuasive and persistent lobbying ulti- achievements with the senior adult choir such as the legislature and democracy, the mately won the day, and the ramp was re- known as the Silvertone Choir. Under his di- legislature and electoral process, and the leg- opened. rection, this group has recorded for Benson islature and campaign finance. Fifty or more In addition, the members of Sutton Area Music Company and performed at a variety of legislators from DPU’s member states will be Community successfully fought a proposal to conventions and conferences. They have had invited. U.S. lawmakers are especially wel- eliminate local bus stops. Such a move would the privilege to perform at conferences in come to attend this symposium. have had very negative consequences on the Glorieta, New Mexico; Ridgecrest, North Caro- We should give encouragement to the lead- neighborhood’s significant population of sen- lina; and Williamsburg, Virginia. ers of the Democratic Pacific Union by endors- iors, and I was pleased to joined with SAC A particularly noteworthy accomplishment is ing its goals for democratic and economic co- members, other elected officials and Manhat- Rev. Randles’ assistance in originating the operation in the Pacific region. I am certain tan Community Board 6 to urge successfully Northeast Texas Symphony in conjunction that the Union will attract more members and that the bus stops be restored. It is a testa- with Sarah Smith, Scott York, and others from win even wider international attention and rec- ment to SAC and the strength of their organi- Texas A&M Commerce. This symphonic group ognition in the months and years ahead. zation that the stops remained in place. performed its first concert at First Baptist f Armed with the knowledge that clean and Church and has grown considerably with his safe streets are keys to maintaining the quality assistance. IN HONOR OF THE 30TH ANNIVER- of life in an intense urban environment, SAC Reverend Randles has been asked to con- SARY OF SUTTON AREA COMMU- works closely with the 17th Precinct of the duct funeral services of more than 1000 peo- NITY, INC. New York Police Department. Its members ple and officiate, sing for or do both at the have former one of the largest groups of vol- wedding ceremonies of more than 200 cou- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY unteer ‘‘blockwatchers’’ in New York City. SAC ples. He has also provided music for a variety OF NEW YORK also has contracted with the Doe Fund, a not- of functions, including the Dairy Festival, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for-profit organization that provides jobs for the annual Hospital Christmas Tree lighting, base- homeless, to improve sweeping and sanitation Wednesday, December 6, 2006 ball games, and area worship services. of the streets. Reverend Randles is married to Jane and Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, for three dec- Mr. Speaker, I ask that my distinguished they have one daughter, Natalie, who is mar- ades, Sutton Area Community, Inc., has colleagues join me in saluting the tremendous VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:03 Dec 08, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06DE8.103 E07DEPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS December 7, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2131 contributions to the civic life of New York City ber 28th he was honored as the Arkansas As- Along with serving his school district, Mr. made by the members of the Sutton Area sociation of Education Administrator’s (AAEA) Anthony also serves the community by sitting Community and their Assemblymember, Jona- 2006–2007 Superintendent of the Year. on numerous boards and commissions such than Bing, and in wishing them continued suc- The AAEA is an umbrella organization of as the United Way and Pine Bluff Chamber of cess at their vital mission in the years to ten constituent educational administrator Commerce.
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