toE BIXTE Ey WSBMEiSDAT. lA N U A R T 8; 19B«. ■biiiiieiiiiii THB WKATBCR AVimAOB OAILT' OIBOIIIATIOli Fnreeeet ot D, Jl. Weather Bsteen^' D A N C E TO THE Mr. and Mrs. CHarmico T. Ander­ Mm. UUloa Bfauchard o f Fair- 691 Portsr attaat; fourtii for the Month of December, YtiS Hertford son and small son, Alan, have moved flald street li confined to her home dUe prisa, llDen lunch set from 'Ilia nREcoMPiuaEsruN Rain probeUy mixed with aleeh er I"' CONNECTICUT from 85 Alton street to their re. with an atUck o f grip. NINE m NIGHT Textile Store, Mrs. F. Oetaewlcb, saow thin ofteneoB and teeight, lODBADORS’ ORCHESTRA cently completed home, at 167 168 Porter atreet; fifth merchsa- probably ending Friday merefiigt Princeton street, In the Elizabeth dlse prise, basket of food. Popular 5,852 The advlaoty committee of Town- DINNEIIS FOR m s MONTH Member ef tbe Audit not n n i^ change In temperatarou ^ M m>oI S t Bee., Friday, dan. 10 Park section. Contractor John R. eend Club No. 1 will bold an Impor­ PRIZES AWARDED Market, Mrs. James Wilson, 7U The .D.FF4 COUP. ^^SlIO to 12:80. AdmiMion SSe. Wennorgren built the house, which tant meeting tomorrow evening In Florence atreet; sixth merchandise' Porten od Ctrcaletioiie MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM pS.' Door Prize, Season Pass. Is an attractive Cape Cod style. the home of John Blackwood, 16 prise, box of powder from Beauty Each eompany o f tha Maaehester M aN csitna COhN*. Princeton street which rumi north Trotter atreet. Arrangementa will Nook, R. V. Anderson, 35 Benton fire department is planning a dinner and south from Oreen road to East street. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI be made for an entertainment which for its next meeting. No. 1 will have VOL. LV ~ NO. 85. (Ctaaotfled Advertlalng oa Page 10.) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1936. Middle Turnpike Is one of the high­ will take place at an early date. The Mrs. Job C. Torstenson^of a short business meeting followed est locations in that section of town. meeting will convene at 8 o’clock p. with a supper served in fire bead- See Pages 8 and .9 of To­ ABOUT TOWN Among the other new residences on m., with John Lyona officiating. 214 Hilliard Street Wins quarters Monday evening. Wednes­ this street are the homes of Henry POLICE COURT day evening, January 15, Company Tha annual meeting ot the Sec- E. Smith of Watkins Brothers and The Army and Navy club de­ No. 2 will have Its annual dinner. day’s Paper for Big News What Do You Mean, I Can’t Drive? Ray 8. Warren of the W. G. Glen GREAT BRITAIN ‘te d Congregatlcmal church, Inc., First Prize of $25. Chief Edward R. Coleman of the feated the Coast to Coast club In Walter C. McKaln, 23, a teacher trill take place tomorrow evening at ney company. the ninth game of their aetback ae­ Manchester fire department and CASH BONUS BILL at Storrs, was flned 310 and costs MORGAN CO. HANDLE! ^'2:80 In the parlors of the church. ries last night, picking up forty- by Judge Raymond A. Johnoon In Chlei Albert F. Foy of the South Of Our Annual January ^';H^H>rta ot the officers and various The annual meeting of the Man. nine points by winning 363 to 344. The following persons were pick­ Manchester fire department and a TRIES TO SAVE ^..'‘Organizations will be made for the Police CMurt this morning on a Chester Chapter, American Red The Coast to Coast still leada in to­ ed as prize winners In the third charge of speeding. He was ar­ few other guests of honor will be • Wear 1635, and officers wiil be clect- Cross, will be held Saturday after Invited. tal points scored with 3204 to 3222, drawing of names in the weekly rested last night on East Center Sale. _______________ NEARER THE VOTE ,v%d for the present year. A social noon at .'1:30 at the School Street a margin of 42 points. The final "Gift Night" program of the mer­ street by Policeman Joseph A. NAVAU»ARtEY fci'perlod with refreshments in charge Recreation Centpr. Officers for the game will be played at the Maple chants In the Rubinow building: Prentice who reported McKain was ALL OF ALLIES’ TRAD! Mrs. H. L. Tenney, Mrs. Harry year will be elected and other busl Double Green Trading Stamps Given Thursday- Street Tavern this Friday night. First prize of J25. Mrs. John O. driving 65 miles an hour. Tlander and Mrs. Nelson Smith ness proper to come before said Tonight the Coast to Coast team First Day of the Sale. Ul follow the business session. meeting transacted. All those who Torsterison. 214 Hilliard street; RUMMAGE SALE Honse Leaders Predict That HEAVY POLICE QUABD goes to Hartford to play the Y. M. second prize, 115. H. Sullivan, 96 ROW IS FEARED Eden Attempts to Break FOR NOTED FINANCIER contributed a dollar or more to the C. A. team there. Girl Scouts of Manchester have Thurs., Jan. 6, 10 A. M. on, Vast American War recent Red Cross campaign are wel­ McKee street; third prize, 810, Unns Lodge, No. 72, Knights of Simon Hildebrand, 105 Spruce been invited to 'attend a meeting to­ AD Differences Will Be DEATH STRIKES come to attend. Johnson Block, 705 Main St. New York, Jan. 9.—(A P )—J. |&‘4!pytbla8, will hold its regular meet- Mrs. Laura Morton and son Erwin atreet. morrow evening at 7 o'clock at the Deadlock As Japan Stands Y. W. C. A. on Broad street, Hart­ DURING PARLEY P. Morgan's appearance In the chases Arranged hy t^llag at Orange hall at 8 o'clock to- have returned to their home on Hud­ First merchandise prize, pair of A. L. Bronii Junior.Court of United States Senate chamber ^^'tfeht. A meeting of the amuse- William A. Burke returned today Kayser gloves, Theresc Angelo, 50 ford, when Mrs. Thomas H. Billings Cleared Up Before Night son street after an extended visit Maccabees. Pat On Its Demands for JOHN GILBERT, under heavy police guard re­ l^ tte n t committee will follow and all to the CCC headquarters in New with Mrs. Morton’s parents In Pine street; second merchandise of Greenwich will explain the Gold­ vived today the story of the Street Finn, Senate I® meinbers of the group arc asked to London after spending a few days Douglaavllle, Pa. prize, gift set from Arthur Drug en Eaglet award, the highest honor Thd JW.HAU CORR OVER FARM AID time the financier had no protec­ at his home on Woodbrldge street. In scouting, and other badges and With Victory Tomorrow. t preaent. Co.. Mrs. James G. Robinson, 14 _______________ M a w c m i s t i b C o m m *____________ Equality. tion In a fight for his life and awanl-a. Troop committees, lead­ MOVffi LOVER ers Are Told; Women of the Moose will hold Grccnhill. atreet; third merchandise came away with only minor their regular meeting tonight at 8 prize, pair of men's slippers from ers and mothers of Girl Scouts will RAPIDOL George N. Peek, Foe of Some eullet Injury. o'clock In the Home clubhouse on Norton Shoe store, Albert Gorman, be welcome to attend. Washington, Jan. 8.— (A P )— A London. Jan. 9 — Great Britain In 1916, shortly Mter his re­ Wanted the Matter Dl Hralnard Place. A full attendance HAIR DYE Shop In The SELF SERVE new cosh payment bonus bill rode turn from London, Morgan was of the members Is hoped for. threw its best diplomacy Into tbe Movie Star Passes Away attacked In hts Glen Cove,-Long Qidch, Wonderful Besults. today onto the House flobr amid the New Deal Policies, VTiO breach today in a final, desperate Island, home by Frank Holt, by One Concern. Mrs. Agnes Messier and Mrs. Guaranteed Not aarmfuL acclaim of supporters who predict­ effort to save the international who explained later he was iT GOES ROUND AND ROUND and HEALTH MARKET from Heart Attack; Began Edith Maihoney are also members ARTHUR DRUG STORE ed passage tomorrow by a huge Have His Views Read at naval conference from wrecking on seeking Morgan's Influence to of the committee that has charge of the rocks of disagreement. end the war. Be A Winner Yourself — Play majority vote. Washington, Jan. 6.— (A P I the card party being held In St. tor these A smooth legislative path ap­ Fearful that flat Japanese refus­ His Screen Career As a Holt fired into Morgan's abdo­ James's hall tonight. parently lay ahead. Once-hostUe the Meeting. als to discuss anything but total men, but the financier managed More evidence of cloa* Special Sale tonnage limitation might cause an to disarm the man and turned between J. P. Morgan and th* 1 BINGO House factions were In agreement immediate collapse of the confer­ Application is about to be made THURSDAY SPECIALS behind the measure. It had the Cowboy Extra. him over to nollce. Ish government wMl* this co NEW EXTRA SPECIAL PRIZES! ence and end all naval limitations, A few days Isler Holt commit­ by the Lithuanian Cooperation, united support of the American Le­ Washlngton, Jan. 9.— (A P )—^The was debating whether to enter ^ owners of Liberty Hall, for a club Anthony Eden, Britain’s new for­ ted suicide In jail by leaping One-quarter Ton of Coal or MEN'S AIX WOOL gion. Veterans of Foreign Wars liquor license.
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