THE TOREADOR Volume XXIV Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Wednesday, March 8, 1950 Number 41 Retired Navy Admiral Will Runoff Election Set Tomorrow Lecture In Rec Hall Thursday - Schier, Huckabay By CHARLOTTE BLACKBURN * * * * Tickets Go On Sale Toreador Staff Writer Brigham Awarded Have 50-50 Chance Rear Adm. Ellis M. Zacharias. 1 , - For Council Post tired naval intelligence officer and Friday, Saturday author, will speak at 7:15 p.m. to- Research Project Second runoff between Keith morrow in the Recreation hall, 0 , of cording to James G. Allen, dean For Dance School Schier, junior from Houston, and men. John Huckabay, senior from Second speaker on the spring se- At Iowa State Tickets for the square dance mester Rec hall program, Zacharias school to be held Mar. 25-25 will be Lubbock, will be held from 8 a. is author of the best-seller, "Secret Raymond D. Brigham, senior on sale for students and faculty en. to 12 noon and I p.m. to 5 Missions", and the recently released members at $2 each Friday and book, "Behind Closed Doors." Re- agricultural education student, p.m. tomorrow, Margaret Clark, Saturday in Tech gym, announced tired from the United States navy has been awarded a graduate Student Council secretary, an- in 1946. he has served or operated Mrs. Margaret Richards, assistant with all types of ships. research assistantship to Iowa professor of women's physical edu- nounced. Born in Jacksonville, Fla. in 1890 State college in Ames, Ia. The cation. Mrs. Richards stressed that Schier and Huckabay, nomi- Admiral Zacharias completed over assistantship will provide for these persons buy tickets on these nated for the business admin- 38 years in the United States Naval Service since entering the , Naval advanced study in forage crops, days since they will be sold to the istration vacancy on the coun- public Monday through Wednesday. Academy in 1908. During World Brigham said, cil, each received 98 votes in War II he commanded the heavy Last year many students and far- Dr. C. P. Wilsie, who is in charge the first runoff election Feb. cruiser, "Salt Lake City," and led ulay members were prevented from his ship on the famous Tokyo- of forage crop studies at the Ames 28. The tie issue, the first in attending the school because the bound bombing trip to "Shangri- college, has invited and encourag- Tech's history, was sent to the tickets were quickly bought by the La." After saving for a time as ed Brigham to work on his doctor's executive committee of the Deputy Director of Intelligence in degree after completing work on townspeople, so sneer special days Student Council. Washington, D. G., he commanded have been set aside, Mrs. Richards his master of science degree, Dr. the battleship "New Merrick)" in its said. The committee decided to hold operations in the Pacific. A. W. 'Young, head of the plant Jimmy Clossin of El Paso, na- another runoff to decide the win- industry department, said. Brig- tionally-known caller and instruct- ner. Other possible solutions which Saw Action President Wiggins ham, who is business manager of or, will conduct the school. Clos- had been mentioned were asking the Supreme Court for an inter- He was awarded the commenda- the Student Council, will be gradu- sin has directed similar schools at Tech for the past 10 years. pretation or calling in the council tion ribbon for his "bold and effec- Begins Lectures ated from Tech May 22 and is to be The women's physical education for a decision. The only provision tive handling of the "Salt Lake in Ames by June 12 to begin the found in the constitution Is that City" in action." He also has been department is sponsoring the school. Throughout Texas research work. the council has authority to make decorated three times with the The classes are to be conducted in the Tech gym, with both beginning supplementary laws for elections Legion of Merit according to press Pres. D. St. Wiggins leaves tomor- Research In Alfalfa and advanced square dancers par- when the need arises. releases received on the Admiral. row to begin a lecture tour at Executive committee members As a research assistant, the ticipating. Beginners' classes are The speaker recently went on points throughout Texas. Tomor- are Miss Clark; Marshall Gettys, scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. record as saying that the United row night, he addresses the Amer- avvardee will not be expected to president of the council; Raymond Mar. 20, 22, and 24. Advanced class- States possesses an atomic bomb ican Petroleum Institute at its teach undergraduate classes but Brigham, business manager; Bill es will be held at the same hours 50 times more powerful than those dinner in Dallas. His subject will Trenfield, vice president. will concentrate on forage crop Mar. 21, 23 and 25. A class at 9:30 dropped on Japan to end the war. be ''The Plight of American In- Douglas McSwane, business ad- research. Brigham has written a.m. daily will be open to anyone In March, 1941, he predicted the dividualism." ministration student from San Doctor Wilsie asking that his re- having a ticket. impending Japanese attack on Friday night. Doctor Wiggins search project be in alfalfa or red Angelo, wal— Thi only candidate Pearl Harbor, complete in every will address the Texas Tech Par- clover crops. who received enough votes to be detail except the actual date. ent's club of Fort Worth at its "I feel that an intense study of elected' before the runoff. John After his last sea duty. Zacharias annual dinner, and Saturday he alfalfa can he very useful since Tom Baker, junior from Denison, was brought to Washington to plan will return to Dallas to address that crop is of great importance Band To Present as elected to the arts and sciences Tech Engineers' and execute the campaign of psy- axes at the Texas on the South Plains," the student vacancy in the runoff. chological warfare against the annual banquet, This organization mid. The vacancies on the council is made up of engineering gradu- Japanese high command. This cam- Doctor Young, himself an alum- Program Sunday were brought about by the Janu- ates from Tech who now reside in paign had for its objectives the nus of Iowa State, said Brigham's ary graduation of Robert Lee Dallas, Fort Worth and Arlington, bringing about of unconditional assistantship is the first to go to Tech concert band will present Craig and Bill McCasland, business Doctor Wiggins said. surrender of Japanese armed forces a Tech student since before the a program of classical and South administration students, and the without the necessity of a forced Monday, Mar. 13, President Wig- ar. American music at 3 p.m. Sunday assumption of the vice presidency invasion of the main island of Ja- gins will attend the meeting of the in the gym, D. 0. Wiley, director, of the council by Bill Trenfield, pan, the press release stated. Council of College Presidents of Listed in "Who's Who" has announced. arts and sciences student. Institutions of Higher Learning The program will feature three Listed in "Who's Who in Amer- Authors Book in Austin. He is chairman of the graduate students who will con- ican Colleges and Universities" council and will preside at the duct various portions of the con- and "Who's Who on the Campus" In addition to writing, he is en- meeting. cert, These students are Ted Cra- both this year and last, Brigham New Monthly Issue gaged in a nationwide lecture tour "Cattlemen and the Principles of ger, Paul Lovett, and 0. T. Ryan. is also past president of Phi Eta and is a radio analyst on world Individualism" will be Doctor Wig- Cragor will conduct the first Sigma. freshman men's honorary news and foreign affairs, on a gins topic when he addresses the two numbers: "Martha 3 de Feb- fraternity, and is a member of Of Texas Techsan radio program titled "World In- Tex. and ,Southwest Cattle Rais- errs," by Simieon Roncel, and Alpha Chi, honor group for upper- telligence Reports". He is also ers association at their seventy- "Toccata and Fugue," by Bach. serving as narrator on the radio second annual convention in San classmen. Lovett will conduct "Valor Triste," Appearing Today dramatization of his book, "Secret Antonio Tuesday night. Brigham and his wife, the form- by Sibelius, and "Fantaisie Ballet," er Virginia Trenfield, who was 2/fissions." Last Monday night, Doctor Wig- by Pares. The three concluding The problem of the H-bomb as graduated from Tech last May and Published in the late fall of 1949, gins spoke at the Lions club ath- numbers will be conducted by viewed by Paul P. Elliott, assistant letic banquet, which was an annual is employed in the Placement of- Ryan. They are "Introduction to his latest book, "Behind Closed fice, will live in Pammel court, professor of physics, is discussed in affair before the war. Tuesday he Act III of Lohengrin," by Wagner, Doors" is based on authenic docu- the Iowa State housing project on the lead article in the second issue addressed the Crosbyton Chamber "Rumbalero," by Camarata, and ments, many of which are hitherto the camp.. of The Texas Techsan, which is unpublished and are assembled by of Commerce annual banquet. the national anthem. appearing today. him. This book is the result of in- * * * * * * Rublished by the Ex-Students' as- terviews with diplomats from both sociation, the monthly magazine aides of the Iron Curtain, high- Wilson Talks Start featurei articles on students and ranking political exiles, atomic faculty, the need for a new gym, the scientists, secret police, and spies, story of the adoption of a Greek On Campus Monday girl by DFD social club and the dedication of the Will Rogers sta- Contrary to previous notice in the tue.
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