the Register salinadiocese.org C A T H O L I C D I O C E S E O F S A L I N A June 26, 2020 Catholic Charities’ July 18 annual fundraiser moves online By The Register SALINA — The Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas fundraiser will take a new platform this year, going entirely online. On Saturday, July 18, at 7 p.m., the 2020 Annual Fundraiser for Catholic Charities will be streamed live on Catholic Charities website, www.ccnks.org. While the annual event Photo by Karen Bonar / The Register typically draws about 250 Gayle Mahin moved to rural Kansas during middle school, and never thought she’d return to north central Kansas to raise a family. people to Salina, unknown She is pictured with husband, Caleb, and children (from left) Hazel, Warren and Drake near their home in rural Formoso on June 17. gathering restrictions sur- rounding the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the Annual Fundraiser Commit- Rural life grows on small-town mom tee to move the 15th Annual Fundraiser online, so it By Karen Bonar “I love the city life,” she said. could be attended by every- The Register “There was so much to do.” one in the diocese. Gayle said she didn’t make regular “The Annual Fundraiser ORMOSO — On June 8, trips back to Mankato until her grand- is the main source of fund- the population of For- father became ill. ing for Catholic Charities,” moso grew by one when “My grandma was alone after he said Katie Platten, interim Gayle and Caleb Mahin’s passed away,” she said. “I slowly start- executive director and for- third child, Warren, was ed having more appreciation for mer board president of borFn. small-town life, but I never wanted to Catholic Charities. “We had “It wasn’t until we had kids that I go back. I didn’t think there was to find a way to make this was like, ‘Thank God that I’m here,’” grader. opportunity.” event happen this year. Our Gayle said. “(Before kids), I fought “I had culture shock,” she said of She pursued a master’s degree in expenses have drastically moving to the country.” the change from Sterling, Colo. to social work at the University of increased due to our The young family are members of Mankato. “(In Mankato), there were Kansas in Kansas City and Lawrence. COVID-19 relief efforts, and St. Edward Parish in Belleville, 20 probably only 13 in my class in sixth “Once I decided on a master’s in we are currently seeing a miles east of their rural home in the grade. I probably had 400 in my class social work, I never felt I could spike in people needing rent small, north-central Kansas town. in Colorado.” become successful or have a job I and utility assistance.” She dreamed of eventually return- enjoyed in a small town,” Gayle said. WHILE THE FAMILY IS NOW com- ing to Colorado. “I thought I had to be in a city to be WITH FOOD INSECURITY fortably settled in rural Kansas, it’s “I loved the mountains. I loved Col- successful and find a job I like and and evictions intensified by not where Gayle pictured her life a orado,” she said. enjoy.” the coronavirus, Eric Frank dozen years ago. Gayle attended Wichita State Uni- And she was right — for a time. Her said canceling this year’s Her aversion to small-town life was versity, and said the bigger city Catholic Charities Annual tied to moving to Mankato as a sixth- appealed to her. Please see APPRECIATION / Page 10 Fundraiser “was not an option.” Many of the people seek- Clergy changes announced; affects 17 priests, 22 parishes ing assistance at Catholic By The Register effective April 20. will come out of retirement in Hope and St. Columba Charities “have never asked SALINA — New or chang- The remainder of the and return to western Parish in Elmo. for help before in their ing assignments will affect changes will take effect July Kansas, this time to Atwood Additionally, a priest lives,” Frank said. “They 15 priests in the Diocese of 1. and Herndon. from the diocese of Gaylord, lost their jobs or had a Salina this spring and sum- Sacred Heart High School A few minor changes Mich., will assist at St. reduction in income, and mer. in Salina will have Father include reassigning parish Joseph Parish in Hays and through no fault of their Father Andy Hammeke Fred Gatschet and Father clusters, such as combining at the Comeau Catholic own, they now find them- and Father Joshua Werth Andrew Rockers teaching St. Andrew Parish in Abi- Campus Center (please see selves unable to provide have been named co-voca- religion classes. lene with St. John Parish in biography of Father food and other basic neces- tion directors, which was Father Norbert Dlabal Herington, St. Philip Parish Matthew Cowan on p. 12). sities and are at risk of Clergy assignments can be found on page 3. Priests’ biographies and other related stories may be found on pages 12-13. Please see GREEN / Page 15 Shuffling Bishop’s Waiting Teacher gives spring Annual students advice as they wait, fundraisers Appeal prepare to receive Schools around diocese Faithful support their First adjust efforts. annual fundraiser. Communion. Page 3, 5 Page 6 Page 14 2 June 26, 2020 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, salinadiocese.org The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, salinadiocese.org June 26, 2020 3 OFFICIAL B I S H O P ’ S C A L E N D A R July 2020 7-10 Seminarian trip 12 Baccalaureate Mass for Thomas More Prep-Marian High School, 11:30 a.m., Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hays 18 Catholic Charities Annual Fundraiser (online) 26 Confirmation, 1:30 p.m., St. Nicholas of Myra, Hays Confirmation, 6 p.m., St. Mary, Queen of Angels, Russell Schools in Salina The following clergy appointments are effective April 20, 2020: VOCATIONS DIRECTORS Diocese adjust Father Joshua Werth and Father Andy Hammeke as Co-Vocations Directors. The following clergy appointments are effective July 1, 2020 : annual fundraisers PASTOR PASTORAL CARE: PARISH CHANGES By Allison Ochoa Jr./Sr. High School in Sali- Father Norbert Dlabal will come out of Father Daryl Olmstead will no longer be the The Register na was also intended to be retirement. He is assigned Pastor of pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Parish in held on March 21. Renee Sacred Heart Parish in Atwood and Cawker City but will remain the pastor of When Kansas govern- Thompson, the school’s Assumption of Mary Parish in Herndon. St. Boniface Parish in Tipton, St. Mary ment officials imposed communication and events Parish in Downs and St. Aloysius Gonzaga statewide restrictions to coordinator, said the deci- Father Fred Gatschet will continue as the Parish in Osborne. slow the spread of the sion to move ahead with the rector of the Cathedral and St. Joseph in COVID-19 pandemic in event with changes to the Brookville, but will also teach at Sacred Father Mark Wesely will continue as pastor mid-March, school officials logistics, was difficult but Heart High School. of Immaculate Conception Parish in from the Salina Diocese’s positive. Minneapolis and St. Patrick Parish in Catholic schools had to wor- “Our chairs for the event, Father Jarett Konrade, Pastor of St. John Lincoln, with the addition of St. Mary ry about more than just how Dahx and Colleen Marrs, Parish in Beloit and SS. Peter and Paul Parish in Glasco. to complete the school year. were on a spring break trip Parish in Cawker City. Volunteers and staff from when this happened so we PAROCHIAL VICAR many of the Diocese’s were calling them asking schools scrambled to alter what they felt we should Fr. Gnanasekar Kulandai, HGN, pastor of St. Father Matthew Cowan, currently a priest of plans for their spring and do,” she recalled. “After a Francis Xavier Parish in Junction City. the Diocese of Gaylord, Mich., as early summer fundraisers, lot of discussion, we decid- Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish in some of which were sched- ed, ‘We’ve already got Father David Michael, HGN, Pastor of Our Hays and the Comeau Center at Fort Hays uled to happen only days everybody geared up for it Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Goodland State University. and Holy Ghost Parish in Sharon Springs. after Gov. Laura Kelly so let’s do it!’” issued declarations that Thompson said the work Father Peter O’Donnell, Parochial Vicar of St. shuttered schools and can- required to move from an Father Soosai Rathinam, HGN, Pastor of Andrew Parish in Abilene, St. John Parish celed large gatherings. in-person gala to an event Sacred Heart Parish in Esbon, St. Theresa in Herington, St. Philip Parish in Hope and The annual auction to held totally online was Parish in Mankato and St. Mary Parish in St. Columba Parish in Elmo. Smith Center. benefit St. John Catholic eased slightly by the fact School in Beloit was sched- that they had already Father Ryan McCandless is still assigned as uled for March 21. When planned to have the silent Father Damian Richards, Pastor of St. the chaplain at Thomas More Prep- the restrictions were imple- auction portion of the fes- Nicholas of Myra Parish in Hays and St. Marian High School, but will also be the mented by the state, school tivities online. Francis of Assisi Parish in Munjor weekend assistance at Immaculate Heart volunteers had just one “But now that we couldn’t of Mary Parish in Hays.
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