Westerittittiltraft Pr Ailing Commission METROPOLITAN REGION SCHEME Amendment 1100/33 Canning Highway, between Petra Street and Canning Bridge City of Melville Report on Submissions March 2009 Perth Western Australia I ;f r/11611/ Western Australian t I Planning GOVERNMENTdt Commission YVES fERN AUSTRALIA -± 01 0000 METROPOLITAN REGION SCHEME Amendment 1100/33 Canning Highway, between Petra Street and Canning bridge Report on Submissions City of Melville Western Australian ,1Planning L-Commission March 2009 O State of WesternAustralia Published by the Western AustralianPlanning Commission, Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington Street, Perth Western Australia6000 MRS Amendment 1100/33 Report on Submissions File 809-2-17-6 Pt. 1 Published March 2009 ISBN 0 7309 9676 X Internet: http://www.wapc.wa.gov.au e-mail: [email protected] Phone: (08) 9264 7777 Fax: (08)92647566 TTY: (08)92647535 Copies of this document areavailable in alternative formats onapplication to the disability services co-ordinator. Contents 1. Introduction 'I 2. The Proposed Amendment 2 3, Call For Submissions 2 4. Submissions and Hearings 2 5. Main issues in the amendment and raised inSubmissions 3 6. Determinations 11 7. Statutory issues 13 8. Recommendations 14 Schedule 1 Alphabetical Listing of Submissions Schedule 2 Summary of Submissions and Determinations Schedule 3 The Amendment Figure as Advertised Schedule 4 The Amendment Figure as Modified Appendix 1 List of Detail Plans as Advertised Appendix 2 List of Detail Plans as Modified Published under separate cover Submissions 1-45 Submissions 46-Late Transcript of Hearings » Introduction to Metropolitan Region Schememajor amendments The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC)is responsible for keeping the Metropolitan Region Scheme under review and initiating changeswhere they are seen as necessary. The Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) sets out the broad patternof land use for the whole Perth metropolitan region. The MRS is constantly underreview to best reflect regional planning and development needs. An amendment proposal to change land use reservationsand zones in the MRS is regulated by the Planning and Development Act 2005. That legislationprovides for public submissions to be made on proposed amendments. For a substantial amendment, often referred to as a majoramendment (made under section 41of the Act), the WAPC considersall the submissions lodged, and publishesits recommendations in a report on submissions. This report is presented tothe Minister for Planning and Infrastructure and to the Governor for approval. BothHouses of Parliament must then scrutinise the amendment before it can takelegal effect. In the process of making a substantial amendment to the MRS,information is published as a public record under the following titles: Amendment report This document is available from the start of the public advertising period ofthe proposed amendment.Itsets out the purpose and scope of the proposal, explains why the amendment is considered necessary, and informs people how they can commentthrough the submission process. Environmental review report The Environmental Protection Authority must consider the environmentalimpact of an amendment to the MRS before it can be advertised. Should it require formal assessment, an environmental review is undertaken and made available for information and comment at the same time as the amendment report. Report on submissions The planning rationale, determination of submissions and the WAPC's recommendations for final approval of the amendment, with or without modification, is documented in this report. Submissions This document contains a reproduction of all written submissions received by the WAPC on the proposed amendment. Transcript of hearings A person who has made a written submission may also choose to appear before a hearings committee to express their views. The hearings proceedings are recorded and transcribed, and the transcripts of all hearings are reproduced in this volume. Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1100/33 Canning Highway between Petra Street and Canning Bridge REPORT ON SUBMISSIONS 1 Introduction The Western Australian Planning Commission initiatedMetropolitan Region Scheme amendment 1100/33 for Canning Highway in the City of Melville in September2004, This amendment deals with the Primary Regional Road reserve for Canning Highway inthe City of Melville (between Petra Street and Canning Bridge).The location of the proposed amendment is shown below on Plan 1. tr FRE A TL PRIMARY WNW. 110/1 OM R REGIONAL ROAD PLANNED PRIOARY 0000101 ROAD 1 /101 MAI. NW NM? LOCAL 0000 tort( titarefli 80UNDARY 103T NOR1H CANNING HIGHWAY I 'RA STRELVFO KWINANA FREEWAY SCALE 1:1 DO LOCAL Y PLAN 0 1 Kilo ra 2 The proposedamendment affected by thisamendment (PetraStreet For the majority ofthe length ofCanning Highway is still based upon reservation is some 80metres wide and to Glenelg Street),the existing the amendment Metropolitan RegionScheme. In this area, legal interpretationof the 1963 existing reservation. proposes tosubstantially reduce the Glenelg Street andCanning Bridge, the of CanningHighway between the advertised For the section 30 to 35 metreswide. In this section, existing reservationis generally some amendment generallywidens the reservation. considered in twosegments.From plans for thisamendment may be The carriageway with continuous buslanes in both Canning Bridge,plans were drawn but plans Rise ley Street to Street, there are nocontinuous bus lanes directions. From PetraStreet to Rise ley The proposed jump lanes onapproaches to keyintersections. allow for bus queue lanes at the intersectingstreets listed below. reservation allowed forbus queue jump ® Carrington Street Stock Road North Lake Road full length bus lanes.) Rise ley Street (Onthe approach without 3 Call for submissions Region SchemeAmendment 1100/33 was Following the Minister'sconsent, Metropolitan advertised from 17 May2005 to 19 August2005. inspection associated documents weremade available for Copies of theamendment and during ordinarybusiness hours at: and Infrastructure; ® Department for Planning The Bettye Library; The City ofMelville; ® The City of Perth; O The City ofFremantle; O The Town of EastFremantle; ® Main Roads WA. the amendment. Individual letters notifiedlandowners affected by 4 Submissions andhearings Submissions included a range submissions on theamendment were received. A brief A total of 55 modification of theproposed amendment. of opinion andvarious requests for content is set outbelow. summary oftypical submission reservation / residents supportedthe amendment because ® Submissions from owners was removedfrom their property. to or expressedconcern about Submissions from owners/ residents objected O properties, often becauseof impact upon reservation remaining orproposed on their improvements or reductionof redevelopmentpotential. to and egress from Submissions expressed concernabout more difficult access private property as aresult of CanningHighway upgrading. 2 Submissions fromcyclingand sustainable transportorientedgroups sought additional space in the proposed reservation for cycle lanes and additional space on verges suitable for off road cycling by novices or children.These submissions included a strong interpretation of the Activity Corridor concept in Network City documents. All submissions are summarised and issues are addressed in schedule 2 of this report. In September 2005 the Metropolitan Region Planning Committee resolved to establish a Hearings Committee with the membership set out below. O Ms Verity Allan (chair) MemberoftheMetropolitanRegion Planning Committee O Mr Richard Graham Chairpersonof the South West DistrictPlanning Committee O Ms Susan Kreemer-PickfordIndependent Transport Engineer All people or groups who made written submissions were invited to verbally present to the Hearings Committee. Presentations could be made either publicly or in private. The Hearings Committee met to receive verbal presentations on 5 October 2005. Eleven people (or groups) elected to make a verbal presentation to the Hearings Committee. 5 Main issues in the amendment and raised in submissions 5.1 Canning highway as an activity corridor In Network City, an Activity Corridor is defined along Canning Highway.The Activity Corridor concept is not clearly articulated in the Perth context, however this section attempts to develop the concept well enough for reasonably clear judgement in respect of Canning Highway. Each Activity Corridor may be unique. Principles developed and used for Canning Highway in this amendment are not necessarily transferable to other Activity Corridors. Canning Highway is defined as an Activity Corridor within Network City. This means that it is to be developed as a place that accommodates all modes of transport and allows for a mix of land uses that maximises the community's access to a variety of services and facilities, whilst minimising need for car travel.This isin order to ensure the creation of active, vibrant, safe and sustainable neighbourhoods. As an Activity Corridor, Canning Highway will comprise several activity centres that will feature a concentrated mix of land uses and public transport facilities catered to the needs of the local population within an area covered approximately by an 800m radius from public transport stops. These activity centres are intended to become the focal points of the local communities by becoming places where local services are concentrated and at which public transport interchange occurs.
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