DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORT & PUBLIC WORKS Provincial Government of the Western Cape THIRD QUARTERLY EDITION 2011 • VOLUME 3 NO 3 • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS NEWSLETTER SAFELY HOME BEGINNING TO SHOW POSITIVE RESULTS NO NONSENSE! A traffic officer of the Western Cape Government issuing a fine after a motorist disobeyed a traffic rule. Stricter law enforcement is one of the reasons for the decline in road fatalities during Easter weekend this year. no doubt that the Safely Home Campaign reduced opportunities to break the law. According to Minister Carlisle the programmes of the campaign, from the naming and shaming of convicted drunk drivers to impounding unlicensed public The drop in deaths on Western vehicles, arrested those who drove transport vehicles, proved to be Cape roads during the 2011 Easter drunk, fined drivers who sped and effective. Weekend is an indication that overloaded their vehicles. “We are still losing too many the Safely Home Campaign is None of the public transport lives on our roads mainly because beginning to show positive vehicles that were stopped and of avoidable road crashes caused by results. checked had afterwards been some reckless motorists. We can Provincial statistics by the involved in any fatal accidents. save more lives if all road users do Departments of Transport and Public The Easter operations took place basic things such as not speeding, Works, Health and Community between 21 and 25 April 2011 and not driving drunk, not using Safety showed seven people died 350 officials were involved. Students cellphones while driving and wearing during the 2011 Easter period on from the Gene Louw Traffic College seatbelts at all times,” Minister roads in the province. In 2010, 28 took part and their involvement Carlisle said. people died during the same period assisted with the safety operations. Traffic officials from the Provincial and 21 in 2009. During Easter 2011 According to a joint statement by Government, from the Cape Town’s the police and traffic police all over the MECs for Transport and Public Traffic Services, Metro Police and the province worked jointly to make Works, Health and Community the Emergency Medical Services sure all road users travelled safely. Safety, the assistance of the student took part in the Easter Campaign. This they did by stopping and officers also caused minimum Their efforts were supported by pulling off drivers who were tired, inconvenience to drivers and members of the public who informed informing people on how to drive passengers. them of reckless and dangerous road safely, encouraging commuters The Western Cape Minister use. The South African National Taxi to constantly think of their safety, of Transport and Public Works, Council also played a role by making checking the roadworthiness of Mr. Robin Carlisle said there was their members aware of road safety. Oaklands school pg 4 Tokai Manor.... pg 5 Bursary programme... pg 10 Khayelitsha Hospital pg 13 Inqaku EDITORIAL REDAKSIONEEL ngeendaba zesebe Safely Home, the departmental Veilig Tuis, die departementele Iphulo lesebe uFika eKhaya campaign to reduce road deaths veldtog om teen 2014 padsterftes uKhuselekile lokunciphisa by 50 percent by 2014 is showing met 50% te verminder, toon goeie ukufa ezindleleni ngeepesenti good results. Provincial statistics resultate. Provinsiale statistieke ezingama-50 ngowama-2014 showed there was a decline in het getoon dat daar ‘n afname in libonisa iziphumo ezintle. the number of road deaths during die aantal padsterftes gedurende Ingqokelela yamanani ePhondo Easter 2011, compared to the Paasnaweek 2011 was, vergeleke ibonisa ukuba kuye kwakho same period last year. met dieselfde periode verlede jaar. ukuncipha kwinani lokufa Support for Safely Home is Steun vir Veilig Tuis kom uit ezindleleni ngexesha lePasika coming from all corners. A book alle oorde. ‘n Boek wat fokus op yowama-2011 keilonyaka that looks at our behaviour and ons gedrag en houdings op die ophelileyo kwangeli xesha. attitudes when using our roads was paaie is onlangs gepubliseer en Inkxaso kuFika eKhaya recently published and presented aan die Ministerie oorhandig. Die uKhuselekile ivela kuzo zonke to the Ministry. The World Health Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie van iimbobo. Incwadi ejongene Organisation of the United Nations die Verenigde Nasies het in Mei 2011 nesimilo nendlela esiziphatha launched the “Global Plan for the die “Globale Plan vir die Dekade ngayo xa sisebenzisa iindlela zethu Decade of Action for Road Safety van Aksie vir Padveiligheid, 2011 – isanda kupapashwa kutsha nje 2011 – 2020”, in May this year. 2020” geloods. Die veldtog waarin yaze yanikezelwa kuMphathiswa. The Name and Shame campaign is verkeersoortreders se identiteit KwekaCanzibe kulo nyaka uMbutho ongoing. openbaar gemaak word (Name-and- wezeMpilo weHlabathi noweZizwe The department’s job creation Shame campaign), gaan voort. eziManyeneyo waqalisa “isiCwangciso programme is ongoing. Eight new Die Departement se seHlabathi semiNyaka eliShumi apprentices started with diesel werkskeppingsprogram is goed kowama-2011-2020 sokuQinisekisa mechanic training and the Masakh op dreef. Agt nuwe vakleerlinge uKhuseleko eziNdleleni”. Liyaqhuba ‘iSizwe programme for Professional het met dieselwerktuigkundige- iphulo lokuChaza nokuHlaza izaphuli- Development continues to show opleiding begin en die Masakh’ mthetho. good results. iSizwe program vir Professionele Inkqubo yesebe yokuvula The Koeberg Interchange Ontwikkeling toon goeie resultate. amathuba emisebenzi iyaqhuba. project has been completed Die Koeberg aansluitingsprojek is Abafundi abasibhozo baqalise and the completion has eased voltooi en die verkeersopeenhoping ngoqeqesho lokulungisa idizile traffic congestion significantly. is betekenisvol verminder. kunye nenkqubo iMasakh ‘iSizwe Construction continues at the Konstruksie gaan voort by die yoPhuhliso loMsebenzi iyaqhuba Mitchell’s Plain and Khayelitsha Mitchell’s Plein en Khayelitsha ngokubonisa iziphumo ezihle. District Hospitals. In Kenwyn a new Distrikhospitale. In Kenwyn word by Iprojekthi yeKoeberg Interchange school is being built at Oaklands Oaklands Hoërskool in die plek van igqityiwe kwaye ukugqitywa Secondary School that will replace die ou voorafvervaardigde struktuur kwayo kuye kwadambisa the old prefabricated structure. ‘n nuwe skoolgebou opgerig. Die ukuxinana kwezithuthi ezindleleni. The school is expected to be skool behoort in Januarie 2012 Luyaqhubeka ulwakhiwo eMitchell’s ready for use in January 2012. The gereed vir gebruik te wees. Die Plain nakwisiBhedlele soMmandla Department handed over the Tokai Departement het op grond van ‘n weKhayelitsha. EKenwyn kwakhiwa Manor to the SANParks as an inter- inter-regeringsooreenkoms die Tokai isikolo esitsha samaBanga governmental agreement. Table Herehuis aan SanParke oorhandig. aPhakamileyo iOaklands esiza Mountain National Park started to Tafelberg Nasionale Park het begin kuthatha indawo yesakhiwo use Tokai Manor as its head office. om die Tokai Herehuis as hul esidala esasenziwe ngaphambili. hoofkantoor te gebruik. Kulindeleke ukuba esi sikolo silungele ukusetyenziswa kwinyanga yoMqungu 2012. ITokai Manor yanikezelwa liSebe kwi-SANParks njengesivumelwano samasebe karhulumente. IPaka yeSizwe iTable Mountain iqalisile ukusebenzisa iTokai Manor njenge-ofisi yayo kandlunkulu. 2 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS COMPLETED KOEBERG INTERCHANGE ENDS TRAFFIC JAM MISERY ONE LINK STILL TO GO: The aerial photograph shows how a piece of Ramp B of the Koeberg Interchange still needs to be put in place. Traffic flows easier since the completion of the ramp. For three years frustrated Boulevard cleaning and trimming of the sides motorists and commuters had • Street lighting of the road. to endure traffic jams, caused by • Landscaping The realignment of the Black the construction of the Koeberg The interchange was a unique River was one of the major Interchange in Cape Town. project for the Western Cape achievements of the project and Their misery came to an end Department of Transport and Public it required a lot of labour intensive on 29 July this year when Ramp B, Works as far as skills development work. A canal that was part of the from the M5 to the N1, was opened was concerned. The contract Black River had to be realigned and for traffic. Ramp A was opened in between the Department and the shifted 15 metres to make way for June 2010. Construction started in consulting engineers required that the expansion of the road. April 2008. labourers on site be trained in life The project focused strongly The project included the building and technical skills. The training on Broad Based Black Economic of flyover ramps for improved traffic was approved by the Construction, Empowerment (BBBEE). Targets for flow between the N1 and the M5. Education and Training Authority BBBEE companies, most of them The widening of the Table Bay (CETA). sub-contractors, were set in the Boulevard was part of the Koeberg The project was labour intensive contract. An amount of R100million Interchange project. The Table Bay and labour intensive activities of the tender was made available for Boulevard and one of the flyover included excavations, the building sub-contractors. Of that R100million, ramps of the Koeberg Interchange of sub-surface drains, the cleaning R10million or 10 percent was set were completed before the start of of drains, most of the patching aside for Women In Construction. the 2010 Fifa World Cup. and crack sealing, the installation The contract also considered
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