HI the yvtem iet^ WILLIAM BUCHANAN ________________________Editor-in-cliief FREDERICK SIEKER ______________________ Business Manager CAROL HURST _______________________________ Literary Editor BARBARA STINGEL Circulation Manager ANNA LEE DESERIO _______________________________ Typist CONSTANCE TONKIN _____________________ Activities Editor CATHERINE SMITH Photography Editor RICHARD HUEBNER ___________________________Sports Editor CAROL LEWIS Assistant Literary Editor CHARLES DOWNEY ___________ Assistant Circulation Manager JILL STIFFLER Assistant Editor EDWARD ECKFELD _____________Assistant Business Manager ROSELYNN LOGSDON Art Editor ROBERT MEESE ------------------------------ Assistant Sports Editor [ 2 ] WILLIAM ERICK BUCHANAN SIEKER IAROL BARBARA ANNA LEE CATHERINE CONSTANCE RICHARD HURST STINGEL DESERIO SMITH TONKIN HUEBNER :AROL CHARLES JILL EDWARD ROSELYNN ROBERT LEWIS DOWNEY STIFFLER ECKFELD LOGSDON MEESE MARVIN DAVIDSON SHIRLEY JONES ELEANOR MAUGHIMAN RICHARD CHESLOCK CAROL BAIR STANLEY MASSARELL1 GERALD LAFFERTY- Not in picture m m m e [ 4 ] cited c i i v e PUBLISHED BY te czyeniotc • C i NEW PHILADELPHIA HIGH SCHOOL NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO VOLUME XXXVI All through our childhood our parents guided oui steps and helped us get started on the path of life. Now, that we are going out alone, their teachings will con­ tinue to guide us along the way. And so, to our parents, we, the Senior Class, on this day of graduation, May thirty-first, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, wish to dedicate this poem. You have taught me how to live, As God would want me to. Your hands have ever guided me, In all the things I do. You have taught me to live for the future, For whatever tomorrow may bring, To live each day in beauty, Oh, thy praises I do sing! You have taught me never to forget T he wondrous things God made, The sun and rain, the dark and dawn, An endless cavalcade. You have taught me to believe in dreams, T o keep faith in high ideals, To keep striving ever onward, upward, Meeting the problems which life reveals. Most important, you have taught me I he difference between good and bad, So, with gratitude I say to you— I'hanks, Mother and Dad.” — Carol Hurst THE SENIOR CLASS THE 1949 DELPHIAN May the things which have brought us pleasure endure, bringing the same happiness to future students; and may their hopes and ideals keep alive the spirit and life of New Philadelphia High School. m LULiLt<ZLL&Ul i t t a t u at ^^cutcaua^ CHARLES GILGEN President RAYMOND C. RICE WILLIAM M. FRAZIER Vice-President Clerlc-T reasurer Chairman of Buildings and Chairman of Physical Education Grounds Committee and Athletics Committee Member of Physical Education Member of Finance and Athletics Committee Committee GEORGE H. WILLIAMS WALTER R. RITTER Chairman of Education Chairman of Finance Committee Committee Member of Buildings and Member of Education Grounds Committee Committee F. B. FU E R S T Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds [ 11] i j ~ s r ^ m if,-.'-m f-W THELMA E. BUSBY JOHN L. W. EVANS Secretary to Superintendent A. B., Rio Grande College M. A., Ohio State University t L U C L V a / J. B. R U D Y DOROTHY ARNOLD B. S. in Education, Wooster College Secretaiy to Principal M. A., Ohio State University C L K s [ 13] MARGRETHE WRIGHT . A. B., Ashbury College M. A., University of Michigan University of Kentucky University of Louisville Spanish and Public Speaking acaltu Dramatics Assembly Committee Adviser Spanish Club Adviser Cheer Leader Adviser BEULAH M. BARTON . HELEN E. BOFFO A. B., Western College Waynesburg College M. A., Columbia University Oberlin College English Strings De'phian Staff Adviser FLORENCE BEABER . MARGUERITE M. Ph. B., Wooster College CARROLL.. Ohio State University A. B., University of Pittsburgh English English Music-Arts Triangle Psychology Social Studies Girl Reserves Adviser RUSSELL A. BENDER . THEODORE FAIT . A. B., Wooster College Journeyman Machinist ^Education, Vocational Machine Shop Kent btate University A. M., Ohio State University Economics World History Civics Hi-Y Adviser Debate Club Adviser PAUL V. BLISS . SIG. N. GUCKENHEIMER . A. B., Hiram College B. S. in Education B. M . E., Northwestern M. A., Ohio State University University University of Cincinnati Band and Ensembles Related Subjects in Vocational Director of Senior Orchestra Education A cappella Choir Vocational Club RODMAN F. RALSTON B. S. in Education, Ohio University It Biology 7 Senior Class Adviser LEILA HELMICK . VIOLA KAUTZ . A. B., Wittenberg College B. S. and M . A., Ohio State Chemistry, Physics, and University Senior Science Home Economics Honor Club Adviser Cafeteria Management Science Club Adviser Home Economics Club Adviser MARY JANE HODDER. C. WILLIAM KIDD ... A. B., M ount Union College B. S. in Education, Capital Shorthand I, II University Typing I, II Ohio State University Senior Dramatic Triangle Health and Physical Education Adviser Football Coach Sophomore Class Adviser Assistant Basketball Coach Golf Coach HUGH H. HQWEY . JEROME H. KING . B. S., Wooster College Rochester Institute of Technology M. of Education, Western Reserve University University of Pittsburgh Akron University Mathematics Vocational Co-ordinator for New Athletic Equipment Managet Philadelphia-Dover Schools Junior Class Adviser ELIZABETH E. JAMES . THOMAS J. KINKADE . A. B., W ooster College B. S. in Education, W k Librarian Ohio State University I Sophomore-Junior Dramatic History Triangle Adviser Basketball Coach Assistant Football Coach [ 15] It i DELBERT C. PHILLI PS . .PAULINE SHUMAKER . B. S. in Education, A. B., Ohio Wesleyan Ohio University University Business Arithmetic M. A., Columbia University Bookkeeping English and Journalism Central News Adviser Quaker Highlights Adviser Honor Club Adviser GEORGE POLCE. .. DOROTHY SLATER . B. S. in Music Education, B. S. in Education, . University of Cincinnati Capital UniversifCj^ Cincinnati Conservatory Mount UnionAUaJJqje Kent State Umpersity of Music Physical Education Band and Ensembles Girls’ ,/3(tjlrefk Association Dance Band Adviser Advdjpf i wiarto-Teens Triangle Adviser Junior Class Adviser PEARSON PUGH . DEO G. STEFFEN . B. S. in Education, B. S. in Education, Bliss Collegi Ohio State University M. A., Kent State University Industrial Arts Cincinnati University Bookkeeping and Typing Business Organization Salesmanship Commercial Law Faculty Manager of Athletics STELLA RUTLEDGE CARL E. WILLIAMS A. B., Ohio Wesleyan A. B. and M. A., Ohio University University Harvard University German American History Latin Honor Club Adviser German Club Adviser Sophomore Class Adviser I 16) WSJ The king in all his glory . Tw o of a kind . W here’s the smile, Dorothy? . Can you find his Mrs? She’s there! . Laugh and the world laughs with you ... A Harvard M an . From me to vou . Small but mighty . lest tube Ralston . What’s so interesting, fellows? . [ 17] John Miskimen June Dixon Janet W illiam s James Bichsel P r e s i d e n t _____ James Bichsel V ic e -P r e s id e n t John Miskimen Sec r eta ry ____ _____________ June Dixon T r e a s u r e r ___ ____________Janet Williams A d v i s e r s ______ M iss Wright, Mr. Ralston COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Program _______________ John Miskimen D eco ratin g __________________________________ Shirley Tedrick, Richard Huebner Banquet Jane Miles Invitation June Dixon Play Selection_______________________________________________________Jane Kirk Finance _____________________________________________________ Janet Williams Advertising___________________________________________________ Connie Tonkin MOTT O—Live, Love, Think, Pray, Dare. FL O W E R — Yellow Rose COLORS—Blue and Gold [ 20] MARGARET ALEXANDER KATHRYN BEAVERS How she does drive? Likeable and lots of fun. A cappella Choir 10, 11, 12; Girl Reserves 10, 11, 12; G. A. A. 10, 12. GLENDA M ^BEEE/, W hy sle-epWnen I can dance. JAMES LEE BALL G. R. Chorus 11; Spanish Club 11 ; Girl Reserves Small in stature, great in wit. 10, 11, 12; G. A. A. 10. Hi-Y 12; Assembly Comm. 12; Science Club 12. JAMES EUGENE BEITZEL EUGENE TED BARNISH Never a dull moment when Jim’s around. Vocational Club 11, 12; Hi-Y 12; Cheerleader 12; Light haired, lightheaded, that’s me! Football Team 11; Jamboree 10. ANGELINE NORENE BATTALIO WILMA MAY BEITZEL Gentle in manner, quiet in nature. A ready smile for everyone. Home Ec. Club 11, 12. Orchestra 10, 11; Girls’ Glee Club 10; Jamboree 11. ZELMA GAE BEANS She has eyes for one man only. DONNA JEANNE BELL Girl Reserves 10, 11, 12; G. A. A. 10; Assembly Sweet and quiet in her ways. Comm. 10 ,11, 12. Honor Club 10, 11, 12; Girl Reserves 10, 11, 12; Girls’ Glee Club 10 ; Assembly Comm. 10, 11, 12; R. Cabinet 11, 12. ALEXANDER BALL BARN ISH BATTALIO BEANS BEAVERS BEER BEITZEL BEITZEL BELL [ 21] a a a 1949 BENDER BICHSEL BIRD BIRD BOWER BRADY BRICK BROCCO BUCHANAN BUTERBAUGI GEORGE EDWARD BENDER PATRICIA ANN BRADY One of Miss Helmick’s sidekicks. Girl about town, merry disposition. Honor Club 11, 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Hi-Y 10, Honor Club 10, 11, 12; German Club 11, 12; 11, 12; Scholarship Test 10, 11, 12; Debate Girl Reserves 10, 11, 12; Delphian Salesman .0 . Squad 12; Delphian Salesman 10, 11; Central News Staff 10, 11, 12; Chemistry Lab. Asst. 12; TREVA MARLENE BRICK Activity Comm. 12. Her future is settled. JAMES L. BICHSEL Girl Reserves 10, 12; Girls’ Glee Club 10. 11. The hand behind the senior gavel. LOUIS BROCCO Band 11, 12; A cappella Choir 10, German Club 12; Class Officer 12; i-Y I’m not lazy; I just hate work. 11, 12; Delphian Salesman 10, 11; Central New Football Team 10, 11, 12. Staff 10, 11, 12; Assembly Comm. 10, 11, 12 Jamboree 11; Science Club 12. WILLIAM VERNE BUCHANAN, JR. ALICE JOANN BIRD Industrious and well-liked. Honor Club 10, 11, 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Ger­ Easy going, reserved, sense of humor. man Club 11, 12; Hi-Y 10, 11, 12; Delphian Home Ec. Club 10, 11. Staff 10, 11, 12; Dance Band 10, 11, 12; Jam­ boree 11; Activity Comm.
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