Jump TO Article The article on the pages below is reprinted by permission from United Service (the journal of the Royal United Services Institute of New South Wales), which seeks to inform the defence and security debate in Australia and to bring an Australian perspective to that debate internationally. The Royal United Services Institute of New South Wales (RUSI NSW) has been promoting informed debate on defence and security issues since 1888. To receive quarterly copies of United Service and to obtain other significant benefits of RUSI NSW membership, please see our online Membership page: www.rusinsw.org.au/Membership Jump TO Article INSTITUTE NEWS AND NOTICES Council’s Report on the Activities of the Institute for 2008-09 Last year, Council reported that it had been a busy year. This year has been even busier and your Council has worked hard to review the current standing and organisation of the Institute and, where appropriate, undertake improvement. The Council has continued to refine the management and development of the library and the website, and address the issue of membership. Improvement of management practices and development of the organisation resulted in a substantial increase in running costs. However, the organisation has weathered the financial crisis relatively well and, combined with a modest increase of membership, there has not been a deleterious effect on our working capital. In fact, the Institute opened the year with $70,497 and finished the year with a bank balance at 30 June 2009 of $75,383. We continue to be indebted to our Patron, Her Excellency, Professor Marie Bashir, AC, CVO, Governor of New South Wales, and our Vice-Patrons: Rear Admiral Nigel Coates, AM, RAN, Commander Australian Fleet; Major General D. L. Morrison, AM, Commander Forces Command; Air Vice- Marshal Mark Skidmore, Air Commander Australia; and Major General Craig Williams, AM, Commander 2nd Division; for their continuing support for the Institute. During the year Mr John Renfrew left the employ of the Institute and the Council has expressed its gratitude for his loyal and effective service to our organisation. Membership The past year has seen severe challenges across the community as a result of the economic crisis. In spite of these challenges, I am pleased to report that our membership has continued to grow from 825 on 30 June 2008 to 846 on 30 June 20091. This is a reassuring trend reversal from that of previous years. The success of our increased membership can be directly attributed to an improved website, the continued distribution of our journal United Service, the luncheon-lectures and the visits programme. However, the recruitment campaign conducted by Captain Noel Christensen, strongly supported by Mr Jim Braid and Flight Lieutenant Stuart Doyle, has without doubt provided a strong contribution. The campaign conducted by the team included leaflet distribution and briefings to other organisations supported by PowerPoint presentations. The Council congratulates this resolute team for their tireless efforts and their excellent results. Word of mouth continues to be a most effective advertising medium and members continue to be strongly encouraged to talk about our organisation and introduce new members. Council continues to urge members to invite guests to our luncheon-lectures and visits where they are able to showcase the Institute. The Ursula Davidson Library The Institute has an excellent library with a focus on military history comprising some 35,000 books and is arguably the best of its type in New South Wales. Unfortunately, it is much underutilised. Last year there were 600 loans – 404 non-fiction and 195 fiction. The Council urges members to avail themselves of this outstanding reference library. 1Membership, by class, comprised: Honorary Life 4, Life 95, Honorary 18, Ordinary 684, Family 36, and Corporate 9. United Service 60 (4) December 2009 Page 3 The Library Management Committee under the leadership Website of Lieutenant Colonel Peter Court, supported by Group The website has been established for nearly two years Captain Doug Roser, Major Laurie Hindmarsh, Captain Tony and the Council is pleased to report that it has developed into Walker and Mr Barry Collins, invested $3,991 in adding new an excellent asset for our organisation. Under the leadership editions to the collection to keep it up-to-date. of Captain Chris Skinner RAN, the development of the During the year, the Institute has been the recipient of website has been well managed and provides members of the generous donations of book collections bequeathed by Institute with the opportunity to access copies of addresses members. The Council wishes to publicly acknowledge by our guest lecturers; gain an update for coming events and donations from the John Laffin estate and the Neil MacArthur- the latest news; link to the RUSI Australia website; learn of the Onslow estate. The size of these collections has presented a latest acquisitions to the library; or purchase Institute significant challenge to the Library Management Committee. merchandise. Review and induction of them into the library is an ongoing The website is currently being reconfigured to enable process. There have also been generous cash donations to payments of membership subscriptions and purchase of support the library as enumerated in the Treasurer’s report2. merchandise using PayPal. Members already have the option Last year, the Council reported that a project to of using cash, cheque or direct debit when dealing directly computerise the library records had been launched. The task with the office. Shortly people wishing to join the Institute will has continued to grow to include the disposal of duplicate be able to do so on-line through the website. books or books that are not considered relevant to the library Importantly, the website continues to provide a link with collection. This is a large and demanding task and reflects a members of the community who share the goals and interests previous lack of husbandry of the library collection. A Library of the Institute and a portal for those members who cannot Development Committee3 was subsequently formed for this always attend the luncheon-lectures or visit the library. task and is led by Group Captain Doug Roser with The National Council of the Royal United Services membership comprising Brigadier Phil Carey, Captain Chris Institute (RUSI) of Australia at its meeting held in Melbourne Skinner RAN and Lieutenant Geoffrey Ellison. The Council is on 18 March 2009 agreed to proceed with evolving the pleased to advise that the progress made by the Committee national website to provide password-protected access for all has been considerable. The Committee’s first priority remains members of state and territory bodies. Work is underway to computerisation of the library records, recording the results in develop this website accordingly. At this stage, it is the a format that is compatible with the National Library of intention of the New South Wales Council to continue to Australia and thereby making the library much more widely maintain our own website and the links with the national available to the public (a condition of the Library’s Deductible website. In line with the national website, the Council is Gift Recipient tax status) – 1000 books have been recorded in considering providing a members-only section on our own this manner to date. The Committee also will continue with the site. Access to the members-only sections of both websites disposal process and will seek to identify a theme for our will require use of a password and the Council will keep you library so as to streamline the purchase, donation and the advised of developments. disposal processes. One of our members, Lieutenant Colonel John Howells, In April, Ms Jan Titcombe was employed as the Office has been the architect of the website and web manager. The Manager and Librarian. Ms Titcombe is well qualified and Council wishes to express its gratitude to Colonel Howells for brings a wealth of experience to both tasks. The positive effect his professional management of the site and the support he of her employment is already being noticed. and his company, continues to provide. Journal – United Service Luncheon-Lecture Programme This year marks the anniversary of 62 years of unbroken The lecture programme has continued to be successful, publication of United Service, a journal of which we as with the Institute attracting high quality and interesting members can be justifiably proud and one which reflects the speakers during the year. This year the Lectures Committee hard work of our dedicated editor, Brigadier David Leece. The has endeavoured to continue to provide a balance between Journal continues to be published four times a year and is contemporary issues and matters of historical significance. held in high esteem. It continues to be a link across the During 2008-09, audiences attending lectures have averaged membership and into the community. The Council is grateful around 100 to 120 members and guests. In response to rising to Brigadier Leece and his supporting team Brigadier Phil costs, the price of the sandwiches plates was increased by a Carey, Group Captain Doug Roser and Air Vice-Marshal Bob dollar to $8. Treloar. Lectures delivered for the period include: “Commentary The Council also wishes to express its gratitude to the on Defence and Security Matters” (Neil James); “Mine members who have contributed articles, commemorative Warfare” (Captain Martin Brooker CSC RAN); “The Year in features, book reviews, letters to the Editor and other Review” (Mr Rory Medcalf – Lowey Institute); “The Life and commentary for inclusion in United Service. It is also Loss of HMAS Perth, 1939-42” (Mr Mike Carlton); “Fighting appropriate to acknowledge the continuing high performance the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan” (Major General Jim Molan of the publishers, Pinnacle Publications, and the printer, AO DSC); “Afghanistan Reconstruction Work by RTF4” Galloping Press, for the presentation of the journal.
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