University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-7-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 07-07-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 07-07-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/3121 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER FORECAST No. I 7.4S p. m. rrnfr , No 4 5.50 p. m. No; p. m 710.55 Deorer, Colo., Jul 7Toa!.M aid Tlors-tfj- y No. 8 6 , p. m.. ALBUQUEEQUE Pi generally fair except uBtfc-ea- ZEN showers it st No. vTm.'-'- 9. WE GET THE NEWS FIRST perlloa Unlght. v 1 ii 1 ivi r. x ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO WEDNESDAY. jtfLY 7. 1909. NUMBER 149 THE RADICAL SEiN FIGHTING SUGAR TRUST Wtl MEXICO CENTRAL KANSAS AND, MISSOURI Head of Tin Workers BLAMES THE FARMER MAKE LAST STAND ELECTS NEW BOARD TOWNS ARE AGAIN for not mm FOR REVISION OF DIRECTORS HIS CHILDREN Many Portions of Tariff Bill Two Rising Plttsburgers and Two Albu- Rivers are Rapid Quebec Educator Charges Reserved for Further querque Men Among lv as Result of Heavy That Not Enough Money Consideration the Directorate Rains In the Past Is Spent for the Today. Chosen Today. Few Days. Purpose. MEWLAND ADVISES Will TAKE TRIP SANTA Ft TRAINS CHICAGO TEACHER PRESIDENTS VETO TOjOtt FIELDS HELD AT TOPtKA ATTACKS COLLEGES He Is Not Pleased with Tariff BUI A v. j- Expected Party Will Reach This Water Is Over the Tracks and Declares That Higher institution and Would Make Some By-Fur- ther City Thursday Evenlng--The- y Trains Can't Get P. J. McArdle, President of Tin Has Failed In Its Purpose -- r m Changes -- Aldrlch w, I Workers Who Leads Fight for Decilne to Discuss Damage Is His I'nlon Against Steel and There Is Need lo Help La Plans of Road at Feared at Sev- Corporation. of Radical Follette The strike of tin workers In several This Time. eral Points. states Inst week begins the fight of Change. Ihe union against the Steel corpora- - Washington. Jul 7. Setiat-- g. tion, which owns the tin companies. When Kansas City, Mo.. July 7. Denver, July 7. Aldrlch moved today for an Santa Fe, X. M., July 7. Much in- P. J. McArdle, age 30, became presi- The farmer m Missouri, a town 1.500 charged with being parsimonious by on parn-grap.- ig terest was of dent of the amalgamated years and jgiee ment the Senate all manifest here today when three selfish dealing in tin- - inhabitants, sixty miles north of here, ago, succeeding Sehnffer, whom Mor- in with the education tariff bill which the the stockholders In the New Mexico of his son. in an st i.at rs did not care' to reserve fo:' is under ten feet of water and Chief gan and his associates whipped in address before the Central railroad held their annual 1901. rural and agricultural department of further amendment, there was a wido of Police Snow of this city has re- ei.read movement to reserve parts of meeting and selected the following McArdle comes from Indiana, the National Kdueatlon association ceived a telegram this morning ap- this morning. James W. Robertson, the bill against which the senators de- OKO H. board of directors: Harrison Nesbit, where he worked In the rolling mills a EARLE Jr pealing for boats to rescue the ma- of Muncie Wayne president of McDonald college at St. sire lo make last tetand for a change Receiver for the Real Estate Loan rust Company. Who Makes Charg- C. C. Murray, John B. Flnley and and Fort ns a heat- Anne of and many er. His principal schooling got de Bellevue, Quebec, declared schedule. es Against the Sugar Trust. ('eneral Francis J. Torrance of Pitts- rooned citizens, of whom have he that the wants fa ley reserved the corporation been driven to the roofs of their at night school. He is a ready farmer a little educa- tax amendment while Hughes reserv- Washington, July 7. Attorney settlement the trust admits this burg; W. S. Stricklcr and Col. W. S. an Irishman, a lover of a fight, tion for his son but does not want to-pa- that homes. The chief loaded fifty row and does more ed the Philippine tariff. La Follette. Cieneral Wickersham now has in his enormous amount was obtained by I- Hopewell of Albuquerque and Charles bouts on a special train and sent but always a fulr fight. He has held not want educa- paying no opportunity in- hands the evidence of crimes charged llegal methods the V. Kaslcy of Santa Fe. the amalgamated, tog. t:,oi tion because ha thinks his son will he hud to from Real Kstate them, with a of officers, 'or thrta leave him, spect the reprint of the bill as acted against the now notorious sug;.r trust. trust company which Hippie headed. The directors immediately elected to aid in the rescue work. years during all of which time labor "This is where is wrong.' n, cn in committee of the whole, insist- It was on evidence like this that the Karle. trying to interest the govern- Mr. Xcsbit president of the road; C. leaders were predicting that It was he According to the telephone opera- "bet-ant- ) If aon knew ed he would not respect sup-rose- d trust mid Its officers were indicted in ment in his evidence against the trust, C. Murray secretary going to pieces. the that the and treasurer; tor the water Is still rising rapidly and more the bv unanimous consent agreement New York by a federal grand Jury. began with Attorney lleneral Moody. 11. A. any farmer's acre would and Comer auditor. If r. drizzling rain Is falling, adding to worth more." unless he be a . Karle Pegged for government help. could assured of The crimes Involve violation of the changes aro contemplated in the ilne discomfiture of the sufferers. Dick Criwby, chance to present such amendments Sherman law and the responsibility At tho beginning of the fight when operating force of the railroad, they GERMANS DEMAND J. of the agricultural might he took Aided by a two inch rainfall here department, Washington, pleaded (or as he desire to introduce. He for embezzlement, extortion and sui- hold of the receivership he were not made public at the meeting a declared that the unanimous consent cide. wrote to the attorney general.: today. and rising rivers above, the Missouri closer relation between tho rural and Kansus showed , rises of schools and the community. He want- i was hnsty and consummated in such "I imperatively need your aid and Mr. Xesbit, the president is the vice rivers IRE PROTECTION When Frank Hippie, financier, blew . during past twenty-fou- r ed to make a knowledge good a way that many senators did not covopej-Htlolif'- With it I feel assured president one foot the of rook his brains out in 1906 in Philadelphia, of the Bank of Pittsburg fore- lug and ability understand. He might be called upon that JuitW will be done; without It I and in charge hours at Kansas City. The local the to make fences he died the victim of a conspiracy of of the active work of caster predicts Missouri will the goal of strife for community to reserve all paragraphs in the bill may be myself crushed In the effort to the institution. Mr. Finley and Mr. that the They Think America Is Taking' Too the ( lawyers and directors of the trust. reach Uli foot stage tomorrow. If as well as familiarity with the thre unless he could select the paragraphs obtain Justice for the smaller body of Murray are also bankers and coal op- the Many Plums Front Kaiser's Such is the shocking accusation I proves con tie dosired to amend, people I represent. Hut with it or erators in Pittsburg. Mr. Murray is this true and the Kansas SuhlcvlN. R. borne out by testimony which " Aldrich agreed to with has without It no consideration that I at present receiver for Enterprise tinues to rise, back water will be run College a Failure-.- been presented to the government by the ning into the lower streets of the west College La Toilette in obtaining an opportun- have been able to give this subject has -- -- "The American of Libera! Hip-pin- and Fort Pitt banks. All are reputed Berlin, July t Citing recent d CJeo. H. Karle, Jr. receiver for 's bottom tomorrow. Portions of the popu-th- at ity for the latter to offer amend- enabled me to feel that I can possibly to be men of wealth, vflopments in American Industrial Arts lias lamentably failed a" a request for a vote company. absolve myself duty little town of Harlem. river lrtltutloiv higlieV Iducall hi In ments. Aldrleh's from the of aolmr The directors and oiTS Interested " a.jd tcuiitlcai IJfe evidence ; ,'- - wno got vi from here, are under wnler. 14 trains-- ' the paragraphs iyirie, is me msn from the on, Ith you, if such good fortune In the road will lea.v here tonight or the l.ntted stalet is embarking upontJl that 4t ess than one per Vent sugar trust a settlement of his yon. Ha-g- ToK-k- of our young men women, then granted and the amendments suit awaits me; without must I act tomorrow for Morlarlty an I'I'XhIoI.
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