ItA~,.."~"'" s.,,,HtrMitflltlhtQIIHII,,,,. ,,,,,!,.,,., __ As Disraeli might have said, 1No Geutlemau cau do, Jrlithout a pack of playing cards I vote for De La Rue' 00 THONU D£ LA &1:& • CO. LTl>, O. Lo Aw II~M , ..... A•r"' ....... ........ • ·•• ' ' .. ,_. .,··:..-: ·~.' I . • • . ... • • ....··· . '~ . ., ·-.•· EVERY. .:,, . ·:.:., . ' SATURDAY. IN ·~~ .. ,. } I ' • THE . • ' • • • ., /' .- • .., .. - \. ,. \.. •• -. -·· lallu a!tltgrttplt .: - ' I·/·'. I·. .. j .' >·- . \ •• f~ • ~ l .-' .• ;_.. asked· South . • Stoking· that inretche~ b~iler of his again, • .· exqlaimed East. ' . ' . _. ·: ')vhy can't he get a fully automatic boiler like everyone else?" whispered West. - · . .... \, 'A boiler that doesn't need stoking and ·humouring,' ·-' ~ .. - . • I . ' . .,•• 1. · said So1;1th . · ' 'A 'Pcitterton'•Boiler!' ejaculated East. ,. '~he, v~ry t~~ng!' ~~reed., S~uth, . East and West ., .. together-'-which was not surprising considering \. , . .. · they'd all got 'Potterton' Boilers themselves. .·:... I ~ ·"' • ' They bt~w ho~ ' inq~h - comfort a' Potterton' Boiler bri~gs ~nd.' how very reas~nable are its I ,\ • • ._ • Ito. r~g costs. -. Others' ~ ~heth~r; North,·So~th, E~st or West- . ._-, . - who'd like"to know the same facts should get .. .- • I' • ~ • • • ~ '/ • '. • • " • in touch wi~h the_,'·. PC?tterton ~ p·eople post haste. , __ : I Gas-Fired or Oil-Fired : : ·'· 2 I • ••• r ....... , ;. , .. • I .The BritiSh . Bridge .World succESS~R . TO 1 THE CONTRACT BRIDGE ioURNAL; . MEDIUM FOR ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION NEWS • I -- Edited by 'I .. TERENCE .. REESE . I VOLUME 7 .- May-19.59 i NUMBER 5 • • ~ ! ,; : • ... .. ... .. I Editorial Board . ····. - ··l ~ I \ GEOFFREY L. BUTLER ' HUBERT : ~HILLIPS TERENCE REESE KENNETH- KONSTAM , . ADVERTISEMENT MANAGEMENT . L. ' TEMPIJE ROSSWICK LTD. BAY 5812 - · 3 QUEENS ' CO~T, : QUEENSWAY, .LONI)Ol'_l,' W~ .. I 'i: ,. .··.: .. .' - .+ I , · I • • •• .• - All other correspondence in~/;tdi11~ Subscriptions, to the Publishers: Hugh Quekdt Ltd., 35 Dover·Street, London, W.l ., - · . ·. \. ' ' Annual Subscription 30/- ·. 171t"British Bridge Worli is p~blis/;ed on the 1St!I of ~ach month . ~~d 1111 behoq o[the proprle~o;s, Thonuu De ~ Rut & Co: Ltd,, by Hugh Quek~tt Lld, - . • . '. '" Street, London, IV.T. • Printed by }.foore B(Jtlty Ltd., Retreat Ploct, London, £ .9 . ~ • I .. ",.. ! . .. ' \ . '·· . ' 1 ' I I~ 10 I ' .. May, 1959 ·,.i .: .I Contents ' Page ' . Editorial 5-6 , Rehearsal for Palermo, by J. Vanden Borre 7-9 Gold Cup Programme · ... ·- 10 Devonshire Cream, by Jeremy Flint ... 11-14 ·___ . Signalling Up,_Down-and Acros ~! by R. J. Parry ... 14-15 World Championship Diary-Part 3, by Eric Jannersten .. : 16-21 ' ' . London and the South; by Alan Truscott ... 22-26 One Hundred Up: Repeat of April Problems 21· More Hands from the World Champi~nship (1), by B. J. Beckerl30-33 ~ . E.B.U. List of Secretaries ... 34 Asleep at the Switch_, by Jerome Scheuer ... ... ' .... 35-37 · Second Showing ... 38-39 ... 40-42 You Say ... - ... 42-43 One Hundred Up: May Competition, ... 44-51 One Hundred Up: A~swers to April CoJ!lpetition 51 London Busincs~ Houses. League · .... 52 Result of April Competition , ... ... 53-5-1. Directory of E.B.U. Affiliated· Clubs (Part 2) . .... ' 5-I · Suh11cription ·Form .. 1 ... 5S.:56 n.n.u. Moster Points Register ... :... •.. •••• 56 • ••• 0 .... .... ' ))Jury' of Events · ~ .. ,. -.· t .. -:. ···· . ·,1, I '.; 4 , .. Editorial . SHORT LIST . boards were begun; our oppo- The full list of teams who will nents then began to slip. make up the last eight in the Gold Cup (see the announcement DARK VENGEANCE on page 10) is not known at the " The world championship was moment of writing, but the leading a topic of conversation . through­ three in popular estimatiqn. are out America", reports the Italian · - · likely to.be the holders (Gardener), .captain, Perroux, in the Belgian magazine. " Preside~t Eisen­ hower discussed it with General We have to report with much Gruenther and at the airport a· regret the death of Mr. J. W. coloured porter refused to carry Pearson, former Chairman of the the baggage of an American E.B.U. He was a person of great player because he had played a charm, kindliness, and distinction . hand badly." · A gay thought,_ anyway. Cer­ , the . redoubtable Lancastrians tainly the event passed off very (Franks) and my own te'am. Also happily, erasing ·memories of . I well in the reckoning (if it wins Como. Much of this was due in the fourth round) will be Dr. to the per~onality of the two lee's team, which knocked out . captains, Solomon and Perroux Konstam. · himself. The Italian team also express(!d formal thanks• to Baron TWO TINY ERRORS My team almost went out in de Nexon and Geoffrey Butler, the fourth round to G. W. Sut­ representatives of the European cli~e, of Bolton. · Jeremy Flint Bridge League, for their presence had the misfortune in a grand and support. slam. contract to spurn two .FIRST CHOICE finesses, both right, in- favour Apologising that owing to of a delusory squeeze, and in a pressure of work he has not sent small slam to mistime the play us his usual American News­ so that he had to take ·a finesse Letter, Alfred Sheinwold reports ~hich was. wrong before testing that ~he Vanderbilt Cup has been a .break which was right. Other- won by Crawford, Silodor, Rapee, Wise h · w e played a great game. We Stone, and Kay. This team will ere l4 down when the last 12 be the· powerful spearhead of the 5 ".. ' . ... ;: ~- ~· '. ~ ... :. ' I ' I' • Dubious moment in the fourth round of the Gold Cup between Reese and Sutcliffe, · played at the Heathercroft Club, Birmingham. (Photo by Birmingham Po!ll and Mail) ' .. Americarl' challenge for the EAGLE EYES Olympics. Those attentive readers who BRAINWORK were able' to point out one or Our other regular overseas two (or three) misprints in last correspondent, Jean Besse, is also 'month's issue will be gratified to a busy man now. He is being know that Kenneth Konstaro, · Ed't 0 rial trained to take charge of an already a member of the t • electronic brain that will com­ Board, has been appotn· te d Assts· mence its cerebrations. in Rome tant Editor as from next month. during the autumn. Meanwhile, Jea~ rends the heart with stories · . BELIEVE IT O.R . NOT of an 8 a.m. beginning to · his · . 'ddell' working day. In addition, he· is . BBC producer, Henry ~ ' engaged on a translation' of "Could we have more VOICe "The Expert Game " for Fayard. Major Fell? " 6 Rehearsal for -Palermo by J. VANDEN BORRE (Edited by- Terence Reese) Every year, in the . week after the ladies. France won by 8 Easter, there is a match between points to 2. Their A team w on the national Federations of France both.matches by about 20 I.M.P., and Belgium. Each country fields the Belgian A team won an ·easy two men's teams, A and B, and . match against the French B team, one ladies' team. The men's teams the two B teams drew, and the play 40 board matches against French ladies won .easily by 3.4 each of their opponents, and the I.M.P. ladies have a match over 80 ' boards • . In the match between· the A teams the sa~e two mistakes were ThiS year the event was played made in both rooms on the most happily anq sportingly in following hand: Brussels and both countries were North dealer . strongly represented. The French North-South vulnerable included five out of their ·six NORTH Palermo players: Jais...:.Trezel; + A64 Delmouly-Bourchtoff; Pariente­ \7 J "7 6 4 3 2 Boulanger; and very well they 0 KJ9 ,. all played, with Jais and Trezel + 6 as usual outstanding. In Palermo WEST EASt Svarc will replace Boulanger and + 10 9 8 7 3 + J the team will be ·very difficult \7 A 8· \7 K5 ~0 beat. -- ·0 A 8 3 0 Q 7 6 "4 2 io 7 5-4 3 The two Belgian teams also + J92, + SOUTH played well. If Comte de Henri­ K Q 52 court, Baron Forgeur, Savostin­ ·+ \7"Q109 Fmckelstein and Polak- Abend . show the same form at Palermo 0 10 5 they will finish high in the table. + AKQ~ Ten · VIctory· points were ·at At both tables North played stake, 8 for the ·men and 2 for in Four Hearts, . with no opposi- 7 Repeat,ed for com•enience with the Ace in order to give · NoRTH partner ·a ruff; but that would + A64 produce, .at best, only three tricks, . ~ J76432 0 KJ9 so th~ only hope was to find + 6 . part~er with Kx. WF.Sr EAsT The hand that caused most • 10 9 8 7 3 + J discussion in the course of the ~AS ~ K5 0 A83 "0Q7642 week-end was this freakish deal + J92 + 10754"3 from the ladies' match: SoUTH · North dealer + KQ52 Norih-South vulnerable . ~ Q 10 9 NORTH 0 10 5 • 10 + AKQB Vl6 0 AQJ96432 tion bidding, and the lead was + KJ6 the same-Jack of spades. How . WEST EAST· would.you plan the play, with the + KJ9643 + AQ752 b~st cha~ce of success? VI A K J 10 7 3 \? Q 8 · Neither declarer seemed to 0- 0 K 108 suspect a ru~- in spades, for this + Q + A98 is how he played: SouTH 8 First trick won by South, then + 4 2 three rounds of clubs, discarding 6~ ; two diamonds; now the 9 of +. io 7 5 4.3 ~ . the hearts, ·and at this point both . This was the btddmg 10 West players hopped up with the · 1 · was open room, where Be gtum Ace, losing all chance of defeating · North-South: the contract. NoRTH EAST SOUTH WEST The best play for declarer Mme. Mme. Miss .Mmt. seems to be a fourth round of Myrans Pouldjian Moulia A/eJ· clubs, discarding the last dia- andrt mond and so cutting communica- 40 Db)e.
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