Curriculum Vitae Jean Ruppenthal Address: Bergische Universit¨at Wuppertal Fachbereich C - Mathematik & Naturwissenschaften Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany [email protected] www.math.uni-wuppertal.de/∼ruppenth Citizenship: German Research Interests Complex Analysis and Complex Analytic Geometry (MSC 32). Education 2006 October Doctor in Mathematics, University of Bonn, Germany. Summa Cum Laude (with Highest Distinction). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ingo Lieb Dissertation: Zur Regularit¨at der Cauchy-Riemannschen Differentialgleichungen auf komplexen R¨aumen 2003 March Diplom in Mathematics, University of Bonn, Germany. Sehr Gut (1,0). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ingo Lieb Thesis: Regularit¨at der Cauchy-Riemannschen Differentialgleichungen auf komplexen Kurven Scientific/Academic Honors & Fellowships 10/2009 - 12/2009 ESI Junior Research Fellowship, Erwin Schr¨odinger Institute Vienna. 10/2007 - 09/2008 Research Fellowship, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). 07/2004 - 06/2006 Doctoral Fellowship, Studienstiftung d. dt. Volkes (German National Academic Foundation). 10/2000 - 09/2001 Exchange Fellowship, Studienstiftung d. dt. Volkes (German National Academic Foundation). 10/1997 - 04/2003 Scholarship, Studienstiftung d. dt. Volkes (German National Academic Foundation). 1996 Award of the Minister of Education, Rheinland-Pfalz, in recognition of exemplary dedication and responsibility at school. 1 Employment & Longer Term Visits since 04/2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent), Department of Mathematics, University of Wuppertal. 10/2009 - 12/2009 ESI Junior Research Fellow Erwin Schr¨odinger Institute Vienna. 08/2008 - 09/2008 Visiting Scholar Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University. 10/2007 - 03/2008 Visiting Scholar Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan. 10/2006 - 09/2007 Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent), Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn. 04/2004 - 09/2006 Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn. 04/2003 - 03/2004 Postgraduate Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft), Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn. 10/2001 - 03/2003 Research Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft), Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn. 10/2000 - 09/2001 Visiting Scholar Department of Mathematics, University of Warwick (GB). 10/1999 - 09/2000 Research Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft), Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn. Publications & Preprints • L2-theory for the @-operator on compact complex spaces, preprint 2009. • On Hartogs' extension theorem on (n−1)-complete spaces (with M. Coltoiu), preprint 2009, to appear in J. reine angew. Math. • A @-theoretical proof of Hartogs' extension theorem on (n − 1)-complete spaces, preprint 2008, arXiv:0811.1963. • An explicit @-integration formula for weighted homogeneous varieties II, forms of higher degree (with E.S. Zeron), arXiv:0811.3742, accepted in Michigan Math. J. • The @-equation on homogeneous varieties with an isolated singularity, Math. Z. 263 (2009), 447{472. 2 • The Dolbeault complex with weights according to normal crossings, Math. Z. 263 (2009), 425{445. • An explicit @-integration formula for weighted homogeneous varieties (with E.S. Zeron), Michigan Math. J. 58 (2009), 321{337. • A @-theoretical proof of Hartogs' extension theorem on singular Stein spaces with isolated singularities, J. Geom. Anal. 18 (2008), no. 4, 1127{1132. • About the @-equation at isolated singularities with regular exceptional set, Int. J. Math. 20 (2009), no. 4, 459{489. • Friedrich's Extension Lemma with boundary values and applications in complex analysis, preprint 2007, arXiv:0803.0092, submitted. • Zur Regularit¨at der Cauchy-Riemannschen Differentialgleichungen auf komplexen R¨aumen, Dissertation, Bonner Math. Schr. 380 (2006). • Regularit¨at der Cauchy-Riemannschen Differentialgleichungen auf komplexen Kurven, Diplomarbeit, Bonn, 2003. Invited Talks 2009 May L2-theory for the @-operator on compact complex spaces Humboldt University, Berlin. 2008 November A @-theoretical proof of Hartogs' extension theorem on (n − 1)-complete spaces, Complex Analysis Seminar, University of Vienna, Austria. 2007 April H¨older regularity of the Cauchy-Riemann equations on certain singular analytic sets, S´eminaire d'Analyse, Universit´ePierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France. 2006 December H¨older regularity of the Cauchy-Riemann equations on singular complex spaces, Journ´eeComplexe, Universit´ede Sciences et de Technologies de Lille, France. Other Selected Talks 2009 September L2-theory for the @-operator on compact complex spaces, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2008 September L2-@-theory on arbitrary singular complex spaces, 3 talks, Texas A&M University. 3 2008 April About the @-equation on singular Stein spaces, AG Komplexe Analysis Bonn(MPI)-Bochum-K¨oln-Wuppertal. 2008 January A @-theoretical proof of Hartogs' Extension Theorem on Stein spaces with isolated singularities, SCV Seminar, University of Michigan. 2008 January Lp-obstructions for the @-equation on a cone with isolated singularity, SCV Working Seminar, University of Michigan. 2007 October About the @-equation at isolated singularities with regular exceptional set, SCV Seminar, University of Michigan. 2007 October The @-equation on singular Stein spaces, SCV Working Seminar, University of Michigan. 2006 October Zur Regularit¨at der Cauchy-Riemannschen Differentialgleichungen auf komplexen R¨aumen, Defense of my Dissertation, University of Bonn. 2006 September Characterization of weak boundary values of Lp-functions by approximation, Symposium on Global Analysis, Annual Meeting of the German Mathematicians Association, Bonn. 2006 June Weighted estimates for @ on strictly pseudoconvex domains and application to the @ problem on singular analytic sets, Oberseminar Globale Analysis, University of Bonn. 2006 May H¨older regularity of the Cauchy-Riemann equations on certain singular analytic sets, Conference on Degenerate Structures in Complex Analysis, University of Wuppertal. 2004 June Regularity of the @-equation on complex spaces - an example, AG Komplexe Analysis Bonn-MPI-Wuppertal (two talks). 2003 May Regularit¨at der CR-Differentialgleichungen auf komplexen Kurven, AG Komplexe Analysis Bonn-MPI-Wuppertal. Teaching Experience 2009 Summer Lecturer: Currents in Complex Analysis. Lecture for graduate students. 2008 Winter Instructor: Graduate Seminar on Complex Analysis. Instructing graduate students. Lecturer: Tutorial on Analysis I. Tutorial for undergraduate students. 4 2008 Summer Lecturer: Complex Analysis and Banach Algebras. Lecture for graduate students. Associate Instructor: Graduate Seminar on Complex Analysis. Instructing graduate students. 2007 Summer Instructor: Exercise Course for Analysis on Manifolds II. Designing exercises and teaching a small course. Associate Instructor: Seminar on Hodge Theory. Instructing graduate students. 2006 Winter Instructor: Exercise Course for Analysis on Manifolds I. Designing exercises and teaching a small course. Associate Instructor: Seminar on Spectral Theory. Instructing graduate students. 2006 Summer Associate Instructor: Seminar on Characteristic Classes. Instructing graduate students. 2005 Winter Instructor: Seminar on Boundary Value Problems. Instructing undergraduate students. 2005 Summer Instructor: Seminar on Distributions and Fourier-Transformation. Instructing undergraduate students. Course Coordinator: Exercise Course for Linear Algebra II. Designing exercises and exams, instructing teaching assistants. 2004 Winter Course Coordinator: Exercise Course for Linear Algebra I. Designing exercises and exams, instructing teaching assistants. Associate Instructor: Seminar on Complex Manifolds. Instructing graduate students. 2004 Summer Course Coordinator: Exercise Course for Analysis II. Designing exercises and exams, instructing teaching assistants. 2003 Winter Course Coordinator: Exercise Course for Analysis I. Designing exercises and exams, instructing teaching assistants. 2003 Summer Teaching Assistant: Geometric Measure Theory. Teaching a small class of graduate students. 2002 Winter Teaching Assistant: Complex Analysis II. Teaching a small class of graduate students. 2002 Summer Teaching Assistant: Complex Analysis I. Teaching a small class of undergraduate students. 2001 Winter Teaching Assistant: Partial Differential Equations. Teaching a small class of graduate students. 5 2000 Summer Teaching Assistant: Analysis II. Teaching a small class of undergraduate students. 1999 Winter Teaching Assistant: Analysis I. Teaching a small class of undergraduate students. Conferences & Workshops 2008 July Conference on Complex Analysis 2008: Several Complex Variables and Connections with PDE and Geometry (in honor of Linda Rothschild), Fribourg. 2008 June Conference on Complex and CR Geometry, Partial Differential Equations and Invariant Theory (in honor of Joseph J. Kohn), Prague. 2007 December Workshop on CR Geometry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 2007 June International Conference in Mathematics in honor of Gennadi Henkin, Institute Henri Poincar´e,Paris. 2006 December Journ´eeComplexe, Universit´ede Sciences et de Technologies de Lille. 2006 September Annual Meeting of the German Mathematicians Association (DMV-Tagung), Bonn. 2006 May Degenerate Structures in Complex Analysis, International Conference in Complex Analysis (in honor of Klas Diederich), University of Wuppertal. 2003 September Conference on CR Geometry and CR Analysis, Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn. 2001 September Summer School on Financial Mathematics, German National Academic Foundation, Molveno. 1999 September Summer School on Representation Theory, German National Academic Foundation, Alpbach. 6.
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