Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: HP OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD 29.78.27 This Software Product Description describes Versions a mix of AlphaServer and VAX or AlphaServer and In- 6.2–1H3, 7.1–1H1, 7.1–1H2, 7.1–2, 7.2, 7.2–1, 7.2– tegrity server systems. In this SPD, this environment is 1H1, 7.2-2, 7.3, 7.3–1, 7.3–2, 8.2, 8.2–1 and 8.3 of the referred to as an OpenVMS Cluster system. following products: Systems in an OpenVMS Cluster system can share pro- • HP VMScluster Software for OpenVMS for Integrity cessing, mass storage (including system disks), and Servers other resources under a single OpenVMS security and management domain. Within this highly integrated en- • HP VMScluster Software for OpenVMS AlphaServers vironment, systems retain their independence because (through V8.3) they use local, memory-resident copies of the OpenVMS operating system. Thus, OpenVMS Cluster systems • HP VAXcluster Software for OpenVMS VAX (through can boot and shut down independently while benefiting V7.3) from common resources. • HP OpenVMS Cluster Client Software for Integrity Servers Applications running on one or more systems in an OpenVMS Cluster system can access shared resources • HP OpenVMS Cluster Client Software for Al- in a coordinated manner. OpenVMS Cluster soft- phaServers (part of NAS150) ware components synchronize access to shared re- sources, allowing multiple processes on any system in • HP OpenVMS Cluster Client Software for VAX the OpenVMS Cluster to perform coordinated, shared (through V7.3) (part of NAS150) data updates. Except where noted, the features described in this Because resources are shared, OpenVMS Cluster sys- SPD apply equally to Integrity server, AlphaServers and tems offer higher availability than standalone systems. VAX systems. Starting with OpenVMS Version 8.2, Properly configured OpenVMS Cluster systems can OpenVMS Cluster support for OpenVMS Industry Stan- withstand the shutdown or failure of various compo- dard 64 (I64) for Integrity servers was made available. nents. For example, if one system in an OpenVMS OpenVMS Cluster Software licenses and part numbers Cluster is shut down, users can log in to another system are architecture specific; refer to the Ordering Informa- to create a new process and continue working. Because tion section of this SPD for further details. mass storage can be shared clusterwide, the new pro- cess is able to access the original data. Applications can be designed to survive these events automatically. DESCRIPTION All OpenVMS Cluster systems have the following soft- OpenVMS Cluster Software is an OpenVMS System In- ware features in common: tegrated Product (SIP). It provides a highly integrated OpenVMS computing environment distributed over mul- • The OpenVMS operating system and OpenVMS tiple Integrity server, AlphaServer or VAX systems, or Cluster software allow all systems to share read and July 2006 HP OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD 29.78.27 write access to disk files in a fully coordinated envi- • Multiple OpenVMS Cluster systems can be con- ronment. Application programs can specify the level figured on a single or extended local area net- of clusterwide file sharing that is required; access work (LAN). LANs and the LAN adapters used for is then coordinated by the OpenVMS extended QIO OpenVMS Cluster communications can be used con- processor (XQP) and Record Management Services currently by other network protocols. (RMS). Coherency of multiple-system configurations is implemented by OpenVMS Cluster software using • The optionally installable HP Availability Manager (as a flexible and sophisticated per-system voting mech- well as the DECamds availability management tool) anism. allows system managers to monitor and manage re- source availability in real time on all the members of • Shared batch and print queues are accessible an OpenVMS Cluster. from any system in the OpenVMS Cluster system. The OpenVMS queue manager controls clusterwide • Cross-architecture satellite booting permits VAX boot batch and print queues, which can be accessed by nodes to provide boot service to Alpha satellites and any system. Batch jobs submitted to clusterwide allows Alpha boot nodes to provide boot service to queues are routed to any available system so the VAX satellites. Beginning with OpenVMS Version batch load is shared. 8.3, satellite boot support on Integrity server systems is available. • The OpenVMS Lock Manager system services op- erate in a clusterwide manner. These services al- • System services enable applications to automatically low reliable, coordinated access to any resource, and detect changes in OpenVMS Cluster membership. provide signaling mechanisms at the system and pro- Definitions cess level across the whole OpenVMS Cluster sys- tem. The following terms are used frequently throughout this • All disks and tapes in an OpenVMS Cluster system SPD: can be made accessible to all systems. • Boot node — A system that is both a Maintenance • Process information and control services, including Operations Protocol (MOP) server and a disk server. the ability to create and delete processes, are avail- A boot node can fully service satellite boot requests. able on a clusterwide basis to application programs and system utilities. (Clusterwide process creation is • System — An Integrity server, AlphaServer or VAX available with Version 7.1 and higher.) computer running the OpenVMS operating system. A system comprises one or more processors and op- • Configuration command procedures assist in adding erates as an OpenVMS Cluster node. An OpenVMS and removing systems and in modifying their config- Cluster node can be referred to as an OpenVMS uration characteristics. Cluster member. • The dynamic Show Cluster utility displays the sta- • Disk server — A system that uses the OpenVMS tus of OpenVMS Cluster hardware components and MSCP server to make disks to which it has direct communication links. access available to other systems in the OpenVMS Cluster system. • A fully automated clusterwide data and application caching feature enhances system performance and • HSC, HSJ — Intelligent mass storage controller sub- reduces I/O activity. systems that connect to the CI bus. • The ability to define logical names that are visible • HSD — An intelligent mass storage controller sub- across multiple nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster (Ver- system that connects to the DSSI bus. sion 7.2 and higher). • HSG, HSV/EVA, MSA, XP — Intelligent mass stor- • An application programming interface (API) allows age controller subsystems that connect to the Fibre applications within multiple OpenVMS Cluster nodes Channel bus. to communicate with each other (Version 7.2 and higher). • HSZ — An intelligent mass storage controller sub- system that connects to the SCSI bus. • Standard OpenVMS system management and secu- rity features work in a clusterwide manner so that the • MDR (Modular Data Router) — Fibre Channel to entire OpenVMS Cluster system operates as a single SCSI bridge allowing SCSI tape devices to be used security and management domain. behind a Fibre Channel switch. • The OpenVMS Cluster software dynamically bal- • NSR (Network Storage Router) — Fibre Channel to ances the interconnect I/O load in OpenVMS Cluster SCSI bridge allowing SCSI tape devices to be used configurations that include multiple interconnects. behind a Fibre Channel switch. 2 HP OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD 29.78.27 • Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) server — • Client systems cannot provide votes toward the op- A system that services satellite boot requests to pro- eration of the OpenVMS Cluster system. vide the initial LAN downline load sequence of the • Client systems cannot MSCP serve disks or TMSCP OpenVMS operating system and OpenVMS Cluster serve tapes. software. At the end of the initial downline load se- quence, the satellite uses a disk server to perform Interconnects the remainder of the OpenVMS booting process. OpenVMS Cluster systems are configured by connect- • Mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster system — An ing multiple systems with a communications medium, OpenVMS Cluster system that is configured with Al- referred to as an interconnect. OpenVMS Cluster sys- phaServer and VAX systems or AlphaServer and In- tems communicate with each other using the most ap- tegrity server systems. propriate interconnect available. In the event of inter- • MSCP (mass storage control protocol) — A message- connect failure, OpenVMS Cluster software automati- based protocol for controlling Digital Storage Archi- cally uses an alternate interconnect whenever possible. tecture (DSA) disk storage subsystems. The protocol OpenVMS Cluster software supports any combination is implemented by the OpenVMS DUDRIVER device of the following interconnects: driver. • CI (computer interconnect) (Alpha and VAX) • Multihost configuration — A configuration in which • DSSI (Digital Storage Systems Interconnect) (Alpha more than one system is connected to a single CI, and VAX) DSSI, SCSI, or Fibre Channel interconnect. • SCSI (Small Computer Storage Interconnect) (stor- • Satellite — A system that is booted over a LAN using age only, Alpha and limited support for Integrity a MOP server and disk server. servers) • Single-host configuration — A configuration in which • FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) (Alpha and a single system is connected to a CI, DSSI, SCSI, or VAX) Fibre Channel interconnect. • Ethernet (10/100, Gigabit) (Integrity serers, Alpha • Star coupler — A common connection point for all CI and VAX) connected systems and HSC and HSJ controllers.
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