rq{ ps r{.t w'"t ffi Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh ff *f P Roads and Highways Departrnent Office of the Additional Chief Engineer Sylhet Zone, Sylhet. ffi0821-726755 e-m ail : acesyl@ rhd.gov. bd M emo no. S2254(WD 1)1577 Date-0{/03/2018. INVITATION FORTENDER 01. Ministry/Division Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges. 02. Agency Roads & Highways Department. 03. Procuring Entity Name Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Sylhet Zone, Sylhet. 04. Procuring Entity District Sylhet. 05. Procuring Entity Code s041 06. lnvitation for Works n7 l^.,i$^ll^^ Et^t f,l^ o7/otrl/l,1rn4\|E11 vl. il tvrtduuil nut. t\u. ozJz.iJ.t\vYlJ I jt\rl I 08. Date 2B-02-2A18 KEY NFORMATION 09. Procurement Method Open Tendering Method (OTM)- National FUND ING INFORMATION 10. Budget & Source of Fund Development (GoB) 11 Development Partners (if applicable) Not Applicable. PART ICULAR INFORMATION 12. Project /Programme Name (if lmprovement of Road from Jainta to Jaflong of Dhaka-Sylhet-Tamabil-Jaflong applicable) National Highway (lncluding famabil Land port Connecting and Ballaghat Connecting Road). 13. Tender Package No. 2 1 lOT M/D EV/AC E/RH D/Syl het/2 0 1 7-201 8 14. fender Package Name lrnprovement of Road from Jainta to Jaflong of Dhaka-Sylhet-Tamabil- Jaflong National Highway along with Tamabil Land port Connecting and Ballaghat Connecting Road by Construction of Rigid Pavement, Reconstruction of Flexible pavement, Strengthening & Surfacing of Existing Pavement, Construction of Culverts, Construction of Drainage structures, Development of lntersections and other Miscellaneous work under Sylhet Road Division of Sylhet Zone during the year 24fi-2}18 WD-1). 15. fender Publication Date On or before 03.03.2018 16. fender Last Selling Date 0n 03.0 4.2018 Upto office hour. 17, fender Closing Date and Time On 04.04.2018 upto 12.30 P.M. 18. fender Opening Date and Time 0n 04.04.2018, At 3.00 P.M. 19. Narne & Address of the Office(s) . Selling Tender Document 1 . Office of the Executive Engineer, RHD, Road Division, Sylhet (Principal) o Selling fender Document 1. Office of the Divisional Commissioner, Sylhet Division, Sylhet. {Others) 2. Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Sylhet. 3. ffice of the Executive Engineer, RHD, Road Division, Sunamgonj/ Moulvib azar I Habigonj. 4. Executive Engineer, RHD, Docurnentation & Procurement Division, Sarak Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka. 5. Office of the Executive Engineer, RHD, Planning Division-1, Sarak Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka. Receiving Tender Document 1" Office of the Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Sylhet Zone, Rainagar, . Primary Rajbari, Sylhet . Secondary 1. Office of the Divisional Commissioner, Sylhet Division, Sfihet. 2. 0ffice of'the Superintending Engineer, RHD, Road Circle Sylhet. 3. Office of the Superintending Engineer, RHD, Road Circle Moulvibazar. 4. Office of the Executive Engineer, RHD, Road Division, Sunarngonj. 5. Office of the Executive Engineer, RHD, Road Division, Habigonj. Opening place of Tender Document 1" Office of the Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Sylhet Zone, Rainagar, Rajbari, Sylhet Page 1 of 3 @ INFORMATION FOR TENDERER 20. Eligibility of Tenderers a" All Tenderers regardless of whether enlisted or not enlisted with the Ernployer may submit tenders provided that they are othenruise qualified. Eligibitity criteria in respect of legal, technical & financial are described in the TDS (Tender Data Sheet) of tender document. b. Only tsangladeshi Tenderers are eligible for this Tender. c. The rate analysis of items will have to be submitted with the Tender, as mentioned in TDS. d. Amendment of PPA-2006 on I't August,2016 and Amendment of PPR- 2008 on 24tt'November,201$ as shail be applicable forthe evaluation of this Tender. 21. Brief Description of Work Re-construction of flexible pavement, strengthening & surfacing of existing pavement and Construction of Rigid Pavement, Culvert, Drainage structures, Development of lntersection and other Miscellaneous work. 22. Price of Tender Docurnent Tk. 10,000.00 (Taka. Ten Thousand) only. Date & Time: 15 March'2018 at 1 1.00 A.M 23. Pre-bid meeting Place: Office of the Additlonal Chief Engineer, RHD, Sylhet Zone, Rainagar, Rajbari, Sylhet. 24. Package Details. I a. Tender Security Completion Period Package No. LOCaUOn {Taka in Lac} (Months) Dhaka-Sylhet-Tamabil- Jaflong National Highway (N-2) Ch.244t300 to 244+51S = C.216 km (Sukrobari bazar) 350.00 - Ch.251t090 to 251+390 = 0.300 km (Horipur bazar) (Three Hundred Fifty) 21IOTM/DEV/ACEIRH Ch.269+954 to 285+100 = 15.146 km (Jainta to Jaflong) (To be submitted in 24 {Twenty Four) DlSylhe U2017-201 B Tamabil Land poil Connecting Road (N-212): favour of Executive Ch.0+000 to 0+490 = 0.490 km Engineer, RHD, Road Ballaghat Connecting Road: Division, Sylhet) Ch.0+000 to 0+710 = 0]10 km (Mamar Dokan to Ballaqhat) PROCURING ENTITY DETAILS Name of Official 25. Md. Shah Nowaz lnvitinq Tender Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Sylhet Zone, Rainagar, Rajbari, Sylhet Designation & Tel.: -726755 26. Address of Official 0821 -710729 lnviting Tender Fax. 0821 E-mail: acesyl @rhd. com. bd 27. Special lnstruction t a) The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders. In any unavoidable circumstances, if the date of receiving & opening of the tender documents is disturbed, the next working day will be applicable keeping the venue & time same. This Tender Notice also be found in RHD website www.rhd.qov.bd, www.rthd.gov.bd & \ A nltl.cotu.oov.bd (Md. Shah Nowaz) . 1DNo,000239 Additional Chief Engineer (c.c), W|-,-,Sylhet Zone , Sylhetrrfoj,i6' J)lorol?r Page 2 of 3 Memo no. SZ/254{WD1 ySzT(3 S} Date-01/03/2018. Copy to (lrrespective of Seniority): 1. Secretary, Road .Transport and Highways Division, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. Secretary, ? Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. ptanning, - ? !99r9Fry, IMED, Ministry of tstock-12, Sherc-Bangta Nagar, Otrafa. I chief Engineer, Roads & Highways Department, sarak Bhabin, Tejgaon, Dhaka. Additional Secretary, 5. Road Transport and Highways Division, Miniitry of Roao Transport and Bridges, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 6. PS to Hon'ble l\4in,:t for Road j ]ranspqrt and Hlghways Division, Ministry of Road fransport and Bridges, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. He is requesteo to bring the matter to the kind attention of Hon'ble Minister. 7- Director Generai, CP-TU, IMED, Ministry of Planning, Block-12, Sher-+Bangla Nagar, Dhaka wfth a copy of IFT Notice for reference and records and requested to make ndessarf anangement for immediate publishing of the IFT Notice in the CPTU webiite. (soft copy is being senf to e-mail address: [email protected]) Divisional Commissioner, 8' Sylhet Division, Sylhet. He is requested to make necessary anangement for issuing the IFT Notice to the Tenderers. Additional 9. Chief Engineer, RHD, Technical Services Wing/ Planning & Maintenance Wing/ Bridge Managenrent Wing, Sarak Bhaban, Dhaka. 10' Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Road Zone, Dhaka/ Chittagong/ Comilla/ Barisal/ Rajshahi/ Rangpurl Khulna/ Gopalgan/ Mynrensingh. jfiuOenntending Engineer, RHD, MIS Circle, Sarak Bhaban, Te|?aon, Dhaka. sP,9T 2Z:t:: fnqtyt-t Road rransport and Highways Divi-sion, Ministry of Road rransport and oy'rY Bangtadesh .qndges, Secretariat, Dhaka. He is requested to publish this tFT Notice in the RTHD website. (soft copy is being sent ot e-mait address: [email protected]) _ ^ 13. Superintending Engineer, RHD, Road Circte, SyfreU l/offiIi: 14' Deputy Commissioner, Sylhet. He is requested to make necessary anangement for issuing the IFT Notice to the Tenderers. 15. Superintendent of Police, Sylhet. 16" Executive Engineer, RHD, Road Divislon, Sylhet/ Sunamgony' Moulvibazar/ Habigonj. He is requested to make necessary anangement for issuing the IFT Notice to ihe Tenderers. 17. Executive_ Engineer, RHD, Procuremeni & Documentation Division/ planning Division-1, Sarak Bhgban, Tejgaon, Dhaka. He is requested to make necessary anangement ror isiuinj ne irr ruotir. to the Tenderers. 18. Copy to Notice Board. 19. Cffice File" (Md. Shah Nowaz) lD No.000239 Additional Chief Engineer {c.e), RHD Zone, svme@pp b"JsYlhet Lri .6ivr Page 3 of 3.
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