NEwS SPARKS Longtime Sparks fire chief Bill Farr dies at 93 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 Page 3 TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Volume 109, Number 13 Tuesday, March 28, 2017 95 cents SPORTS cover story 31-1 vote NFL owners approve Raiders’ move from Oakland to Cougars split Las Vegas two walk-off decisions By Barry Wilner Associated Press Page 8 Invoking his father Al’s name, and copying what the Hall of Fame owner did with the Raiders, Mark Da- vis is moving the franchise out of Oakland. NFL owners approved the Raiders’ move to Las Vegas 31-1 at the league meetings John Byrne/Tribune Monday. Miami was the Seven Troughs Distilling owner Tom Adams displays of of many products created at his lone dissenter. distillery in Sparks. The company is in its fifth year of production. “My father used to say the greatness of the Raiders is in the future,” Davis said. Musselman rejects “This gives us the ability to Cal, inks extension Sparks distillery combines achieve that.” The vote was a foregone at Nevada conclusion after the league Page 12 ‘old school’ process with and Raiders were not sat- isfied with Oakland’s pro- posals for a new stadium, Nevada’s ‘enthralling’ history and Las Vegas stepped up INSIDE with $750 million in public money. Bank of America Weather...............................2 Like many of the state’s desolate ghost also is giving Davis a $650 State Briefs..........................2 By Kayla Anderson Sparks Tribune towns, the company got its name after The million loan, further help- Seniors................................7 Seven Troughs Mining District that helped ing to persuade owners to Opinion............................14 Located on 1155 Watson Way Suite 5 in make Nevada what it is today. After gold allow the third team reloca- Puzzles..............................17 Sparks, Seven Troughs Distilling manufac- was discovered in 1905, four mining camps tion in just over a year. Advice...............................18 tures handcrafted small-batch spirits using soon emerged in the area and created towns The Rams moved from Classified Ads..................19 an old-fashioned 19th century fermentation around it. In the early 1900’s, almost $2 mil- St. Louis to Los Angeles Legals................................20 and distilling process. Currently celebrating lion in gold was extracted from the land be- in 2016, and in January the Food Nevada....................32 its fifth year in production, the distillery cre- fore the Great Depression set in. A lot of lo- Chargers relocated from ates moonshine, vodka, rum, gin and bour- cal economies took a dive and by 1940 many San Diego to LA. bon using local grains and talent. mining and milling operations completely “You know our goal is to Follow us on They openly admit that the old school dis- seized to exist. have 32 stable franchises for Twitter: tillation process is nowhere near efficient, A hundred years later, Seven Troughs is each team and the league,” @SparksTribune but that it gives the company more time to continuing the tradition of those who came Commissioner Roger Good- focus on the quality of the spirits that it pro- to Nevada seeking independence and for- ell said. “We work very hard duces. Using wooden hogsheads to ferment tune through its artisan spirits- each with a and never want to see the the grains, the spirit is then distilled in a di- special tie to the state of Nevada. relocation of a franchise. rect-fire pot still (which is pretty much an abandoned process in current times). > See DISTILLERY, Page 3 > See RAIDERS, Page 4 Visit our website at www.sparkstrib.com 2 March 28, 2017 yOuR SEVEN-Day fOREcast today wEDNESDAY THuRSDAY fRIDAY SaTuRDAY SuNDAY MONDAY 58/34 67/47 53/34 61/36 65/38 71/42 64/36 Mostly sunny and Partial sunshine Cooler with a little Mostly sunny and A full day of Spotty afternoon Periods of clouds warmer rain warmer sunshine showers and sun NEVaDa NEwS bRIEfS Associated Press Authorities say no one was injured Las Vegas that has offices and cham- arm, left upper arm and back of her in the robbery at the Tesorini store, bers for state high court justices and neck. which was closed at the time. appellate judges, and a larger court- California man dead in fall Hadfield says initial reports of gun- room for arguments. low-inTeresT loans from Tahoe Casino parking shots appeared to stem from people Elected and court officials are tak- aVailaBle for washoe garage CounTy flood Victims misinterpreting the sharp sound of ing part in the Monday event at the STATELINE — A 29-year-old Cal- hammers shattering glass jewelry two-story white marble-faced struc- RENO — The U.S. Small Business ifornia man has died from injuries he cases. ture, which has elements modeled Administration is offering low-in- suffered in a fall from the upper level Investigators are reviewing casino after buildings including the U.S. Su- terest federal disaster loans to busi- of a parking garage at a hotel-casino security video that Hadfield says is preme Court. nesses and residents affected by se- at Lake Tahoe. not being made public. Court employees moved in several vere storms and flooding in Washoe The Douglas County Sheriff’s Of- weeks ago, and justices are expected County. fice says the death of David Garcia of neVada offiCials Confirm to hear arguments April 3 in the new Gov. Brian Sandoval and state Fresno appears to have been acciden- firsT wolf in sTaTe sinCe 1922 72-seat courtroom. Emergency Management Chief Caleb tal. RENO — The Nevada Department The 26,000-square-foot build- Cage issued a statement Thursday Sheriff’s Sgt. Bernadette Smith of Wildlife has confirmed the first ing was built by EHB Companies. urging flood victims to take advan- said in a statement Monday that wit- sighting of a wolf in the state in nearly It increases space for the courts, tage of the assistance nesses told deputies that Garcia had 100 years. which moved from the 17th floor of Businesses can borrow up to $2 been drinking alcohol Saturday night Chief State Game Warden Brian the nearby Clark County Regional million for any combination of prop- at Harvey’s Casino in Stateline before Wakeling said Friday the wolf was Justice Center. erty damage or economic injury re- he left the casino on foot at about 2:20 spotted in northwest Nevada in early Justice James Hardesty projects sulting from last month’s flooding. a.m. Sunday. November near Fox Mountain just that the new lease will save about Homeowners can borrow up to Authorities responded to the scene west of the Black Rock Desert and $500,000 in rent over 10 years. $200,000 to repair or replace their at about 3 a.m. after a report of a man about 20 miles from the California primary residence. Homeowners and with a traumatic injury next to the line. Two female inmaTes walk renters also can get a loan for up to parking structure on U.S. Highway Wakeling says wildlife officials away from souThern neVada $40,000 to replace personal property. Camp 50. recovered scat from the animal. A Interested applicants should call Paramedics say Garcia was unre- conservation lab at the University LAS VEGAS — Officials say two the Small Business Administration sponsive and wasn’t breathing. He of Idaho confirmed the droppings female inmates walked away from a at 800-659-2955, or apply on line at was pronounced dead at the scene. were from a male offspring of a sev- southern Nevada detention camp. https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela en-member pack of wolves known as The Nevada Department of Correc- Vegas poliCe: 1 held, oThers the “Shasta Pack” in Northern Cali- tions says 32-year-old Krystal Smith man shoT, killed Through soughT in Bellagio sTore fornia. and 22-year-old Danielle First left the aparTmenT window in Vegas heisT Wakeling says the department oc- camp Sunday. The women were last LAS VEGAS — Las Vegas police LAS VEGAS — Police aren’t im- casionally receives reports of wolf seen wearing blue and white cloth- are investigating after they say a man mediately identifying a man arrested sightings, but this is the first time ing. was shot and killed through the win- while at least two other masked sus- one’s presence has been verified since Smith was serving an 18-48 month dow of his apartment near McCarran pects escaped following a weekend 1922. sentence for attempted possession of International Airport. smash-and-grab burglary at a luxury He says the observation of a lone a stolen vehicle. First was serving a 12- Officers had responded to reports watch and jewelry store at the Bel- animal does not mean wolves have 48 month sentence for grand larceny. of shots fired early Sunday to find the lagio casino resort on the Las Vegas established territories in Nevada. Smith is 5 feet 2 inches tall, 125 victim suffering from multiple gun- Strip. pounds with hazel eyes, dark hair shot wounds. He was taken to a hos- Officer Larry Hadfield said -Mon offiCials mark opening of and a fair complexion. She has tat- pital and later died. day that police are withholding the new neVada supreme CourT toos on her neck that read Mrs. Ro- Police say they believe the suspect Building man’s name while they try to locate mero, Sabrina and K. shot the victim through the apart- as many as three other male suspects LAS VEGAS — Officials are mark- First is 5 feet 6 inches tall with green ment window several times and fled who may have been involved in the ing the opening of a new Nevada Su- eyes, brown hair and a fair complex- the scene.
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