www.ukrweekly.com Iff Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association I I rainian J Vol. L No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1982. 25 cents Canadian delegation Ryan addresses Ukrainian lawyers; defends OSI by George B. Zarycky was in Canada getting depositions in to Madrid gets another denaturalization case. EAST HANOVER, N.J. - Allan A. (For full coverage of the UABA WCFU recommendations Ryan, director of the Office of Special meeting.and remarks by Julian Kulas and Myron Smorodsky, see page 3.) OTTAWA - The Canadian Council Investigations, strongly defended the of Captive Nations and the Human work of his bureau and fielded a host of Mr. Ryan, whose office is charged Rights Commission of the World Con­ questions from Ukrainian attorneys for with ferreting out suspected Nazis or gress of Free Ukrainians have presented nearly three hours during the sixth collaborators'who may have entered their separate recommendations to annual meeting of the Ukrainian Ame­ this country illegally after World War Ambassador R.L. Rodgers, the head of rican Bar Association held here on II, has been in charge of the OSI since the Canadian delegation to the CSCE Saturday, October 30. 1980. Since its inception in 1979, the Madrid Conference which reconvenes The meeting, attended by over 50 OSI has brought denaturalization on November-9. attorneys, began on Friday evening, proceedings against 28 suspected Nazi and ran through Sunday. sympathizers. Six of them have been The memorandum presented to the Ukrainians. The office has conducted ambassador from the Canadian Council The main topic of discussion at the meeting was the denaturalization pro­ over 600 investigations, 210 of which of Captive Nations, in which the Ukrai­ are still active. nian community is represented by the ceedings initiated by the OSI, a branch Ukrainian Canadian Committee, stresses of the Justice Department, against U.S. After being introduced by UABA four main tasks on which the upcoming citizens, mostly of East European president Ihor Rakowsky, Mr. Ryan meeting should concentrate. The me­ descent, for allegedly misrepresenting explained that he agreed to attend the thejr,W.pjrl(LWar lisejyicejrfien apply­ meetingL-^axtly. -because, aifthii morandum, presented by a -,l2-persen-- Allan A. Ryan delegation on October 19, in Ottawa, ing to emigrate to the United States. belief that "the taxpayers represented the Byelorussian; Czecho­ In addition to Mr. Ryan, the lawyers are entitled to an account" of and documents used by the government slovak, Estonian, Hungarian^ Latvian, heard from attorney Phillip Carlton of his actions, but mostly because, in his in the denaturalization proceedings Lithuanian, Polish, Slovak and Ukrai­ Florida, who is currently representing words, there is "much mistaken infor­ have been provided by the Soviet nian communities. accused collaborator Bohdan Koziy. mation around about what the OSI is Union, a fact that has led many emigre doing." The Canadian Council would like to Mr. Koziy is currently facing deporta­ groups to fear that the defendants are see the fifth session of the Madrid tion. In addition, Mr. Ryan said he wanted not getting a fair trial. Review meeting reaffirm a commitment Two other scheduled speakers, Brian to address the subject of the OSI's One misconception Mr. Ryan said he to the principles and provisions of the Gildea and Ernest Raskauskas, could "working arrangement with the Soviet wanted to clear up was that his office Final Act by all the signatory states. not attend the meeting. Mr. Gildea, who Union," an area that has caused grave has a "secret"agreement with the Soviet The council said it would like to see the represented Feodor Fedorenko in the concern and anxiety in the East Euro­ government. He said he went to Mos­ meeting used as a powerful vehicle for first case prosecuted by the OSI, was in pean and Baltic community in the cow in 1980 primarily because many of placing the conduct of the Moscow the midst of a trial, and Mr. Raskauskas United States. Many of the witnesses the eyewitnesses to Nazi atrocities in the regime and its Polish, Czechoslovak USSR still lived there, and that the and other supporters in the glare of Soviets possesed captured German international public exposure. This documents that could aid in the OSI's cannot be done by "quiet diplomacy" or Fenwick, Dougherty losses hurt investigations. The Soviets agreed to iby keeping the media away from the allow the OSI to depose witnesses, with proceedings of the conference, the Ukrainian cause in Washington defense counsels present, and videotape council said, adding that it finds it the proceedings for use in U.S. courts, Mr. Ryan explained, adding that they rather strange that the positions ex­ JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Several cumbent Charles Dougherty (R-Nfch also agreed to provide certified copies of pressed by the American or British supporters of Ukrainian causes went District), co-chairman of the Ad Hoc pertinent documents. delegations in Madrid are often better down to defeat in last week's off-year Committee on the Baltic States and known in Canada than those of the elections, most notably Senate candi­ Ukraine, was defeated, and Rep. James "The role of the Soviet Union should Canadian delegation. Thus, the council date Millicent Fenwick of New Jersey, Coyne (R-8th District) lost his bid for a not be exaggerated, particularly in the said, there is a substantial scope for but a number of key congressmen were second term. investigative phase of the case," said improvement in communicating Cana­ re-elected. In New York, Rep. Peter Peyser, a Mr. Ryan. "We alone determine when dian positions to the public at large. Rep. Fenwick, who declined to run Democrat, was defeated by Rep. Ben­ an investigation will be opened. The -5 The Canadian Councifiaid the third for re-election to her House seat in jamin Gilman in a battle of two in­ Soviets do not tell us whom to investi­ task is to bring about an understanding order to run for Senate, was upset by cumbents forced to run for the newly gate, nor does any other government." 'among the Western allies ^hat there is self-made millionaire Frank Lauten- drawn 22nd District. New York, which "In the course of investigations that no prospect for a comprehensive agree­ berg, a Democrat, who spent over S3 had 39 congressional seats, lost five as a involve the Soviet Union, we generally ment at this time and that chances for million on a formidable campaign. At result of ^apportionment. ask the Soviet Union through the agreement on new initiatives under the last report, he won by some 66,000 Both men were sensitive to Ukrai­ diplomatic channels of the State De­ CSCE process must await a more appro­ votes. nian issues. Rep. Gilman was an early partment if there are any witnesses to priate international climate. This would 1 An ardent supporter of human rights, supporter of House Concurrent Resolu­ (Coatiaaaa on pap 1) also serve notice to the Eastern bloc Rep. Fenwick was a prime mover tion 205, which asked the president to countries that disarmament proposals behind legislation which created the proclaim November 9 Ukrainian Hel­ This issue of The Weekly is cannot be seriously considered without congressional Commission on Security sinki Group Day, and Rep. Peyser was dedicated to Ukrainian Helsinki meaningful progress on the human and Cooperation in Europe. She was deeply involved with the Polovchak monitors on the occasion of the Irights issues. also an outspoken advocate of con­ case. sixth anniversary of the Ukrainian The final task presented by the sumer protection, environmental issues Despite these losses, Ukrainians still Helsinki Group and the designa­ council is to arrive at a consensus that and tax reform. have several congressional allies. In tion by President Ronald Reagan the third CSCE review meeting should Also in New Jersey, Republican Massachussets, Rep. Brian Donnelly of November 9 as a day honoring be convened not later than the fall of incumbent Harold C. Hollenbeck (9th (D-IIth District) was re-elected to a its members. 1983. District) was defeated in his bid for a third term. He is the co-chairman of the In tribute to these courageous Besides the presentation made by the third term in the House by challenger Ad Hoc Committee on the Baltic States rights activists, The Weekly fea­ Canadian Council of Captive Nations, Robert G. Torricelli. and Ukraine. tures a special pull-out section, the Human Rights Commission of the Across the border in Pennsylvania, In New Jersey, Reps. Chris Smith (R- encompassing pages 5 through World Congress of Free Ukrainians Ukrainians lost two important con­ 4th District) and Bernard Dwyer(D-6th 12. (Continued on pap 2) gressional supporters. Two-term in­ (Coatinaad on pap 3) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1982 No. 45 prohibited from following a certain line the work of his office reflect poorly on Supreme Court last week by U.S. Ryan... of questioning, he can raise the point the community and do not advance the Attorney General Benjamin Civilletti ^Continued doe pate 1) with the judge during the trial itself, he Ukrainian cause. was so weak on the facts and the law the events in question, or any witnesses noted. "I believe that the Ukrainian people that it should never have been appealed, wriphaTye pertinent knowledge of the As to the charge made by many in this country, the Latvian, Lithuanian, according to an internal Justice Depart­ events or persons being investigated," emigre groups that Soviet witnesses are Russian, Czech and Rumanian, and ment memorandum written two years sajd ME Ryan. "Many times the answer not trustworthy and say whatever the Croatian people in this country, have ago by the current head of the depart­ comes Sack negative, or perhaps a few Soviet government instructs them to seen too much of their family home­ ment's Nazi-hunting unit." witness statements forwarded tp us fall say, Mr.
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