HOUSE OF' COM MONS CANADA REPORT FROM OTTAWA GIRVE FRETZ M.P. - ERIE RIDING AUGUST 1979 HOUSE OF COMMONS CANADA AUGUST 1979 Vea.It F1t,lend1.i : It ,{,1.i my plea.1.ia.nt duty to 1.iend to you my n,l1t1.it new1.i bullet,ln wh,lch 1.ie1tve1.i the pu!tpol.ie on ,lnno1tm,lng the con.1.it,ltuent1.i on E1t,le a.bout 1.iome on the even.ti.> on Pa.1tl,la.ment H,lll. We a.Jte na.ced w,lth many p1toblem1.i wh,lch need 1.ipec,la.l a.ttent,lon. Un.employment ,ln ouJt 1t,ld,ln.9 ,l1.i on pa.1tt,lcula.1t ,lmpoJtta.nce . My 1.ita.nn a.nd I ha.ve been 1te1.iea.1tch,ln.9 wa.y1.i to a.ttJta.ct 1.ima.ll bu1.i,lne1.i1.i a.nd ,lndu1.it1ty to ouJt 1t,ld,ln.9. In a.ny on my con.1.it,ltuent1.i ha.ve a. p!toblem that they th,lnk ma.y conceJtn my onn,lce, plea.1.ie do not he1.i,lta.te to con.ta.ct my 1.ita.nn oft me pe1t1.iona.lly . We a.Jte a.ll w,lll,ln.9 to help ,ln a.ny wa.y we po1.i1.i,lbly can. You ma.y con.ta.ct my onn,lce by phon,ln.9 oft w1t,lt,ln.9 to G,l1tve F1tetz, M.P., Room 356, Wei.it Block, Hou~e on Common.1.i, Ottawa. Onta.Jt,lo. K1A OA7. My Con.1.it,ltuency onn,lce ,{,J.i 12 Cla.Jten.ce St. PoJtt Colbo1tne Onta.Jt,lo, L3K ~F8. GIRVE FRETZ AND HIS STAFF IN HIS PARL IAMENTARY The phone numbeJt ,l1.i 835-2771 OFFICE IN OTTAWA It ,l1.i a.n honou!t no1t me to 1tep1te1.ient the people on E1t,le a.1.i you!t Membe!t ,ln the 311.it (LEFT TO RIGHT) •' ....... Pa.Jtl,la.ment on Ca.na.da.. I a.m look,ln.9 no1twa.1td to my 1te1.ipon.1.i,lb,ll,lt,le1.i ,ln the Hou1.ie on Common.1.i a.nd I ha.ve 91tea.t opt,lm,l1.im ,ln the nutuJte on MARY BROWNJ CORRESPONDENCE ASSISTANT ouJt new Gove1tnment. FRED DAVIESJ RESEARCH ASS ISTANT W,lth ve1ty be1.it w,l1.ihe1.i, GIRVE FRETZ J MEMBER OF PAR LIAMENT (SE ATED) HEATHER DAWEJ ADMINISTRAT IVE ASS ISTA NT »~T~ GIRVE FRETZ M,P, ERIE CONSTITUENCY On July 5, my assistant Fred Davies and I FIRST DAYS IN OTTAWA went on a tour of Fleet Industries in Fort Erie which build parts for Boeing Aircraft and Lock­ After the election on May 22, my wife heed Corporation and other major aircraft companie& Lenore and I spent a few days resting before The next day we again toured another aircraft we travelled to Ottawa for a caucus meeting plant, this time the McDonnell-Douglas plant in with the Prime Minister and a seminar for Toronto. the new Members of Parliament. We spent some My interest in the Aerospace industry is time in the capital city and familiarized due primarily to a desire to stimulate growth ourselves ,with the Parliament Buildings and and employment in Erie riding. Canada has got acquainted with many of the other newly­ immense potential in the Aerospace industry and elected Members of Parliament from other parts could well be a world leader in this field. of the country. I have just returned from a trip to Because I had not yet been assigned an California where I toured the McDonnell-Douglas office, all of my work was done out of my hotel p7ant and two Lockheed plants. After this, my room. I had met with various people in the riding wife Lenore and I Bpent a few days in Vancouver such as Doug Fletcher from Wainf leet and Sam for a short visit before returning to Ottawa Berkhout from Port Colborne. My staff and I where I have started on a caucus committee on moved into our new off ice in West Block on June 27 External Affairs and National Defence and also and quickly started on the business that had a committee on Economic Development. accumulated since the election. While back in the riding, I met with Regional Chairman, aohn Campbell and discussed issues of concern in our area. Shortly after, I attended a Business and Industrial Development Committee meeting held by the Regional Government of Niagara. It was a pleasure for me to meet with the Honourable Mike Wilson, Minister of State for International Trade and with the Honourable Allan McKinnon, Minister of National Defence. Mr. Bob Haack, Director of Aerospace Systems, Transportation Branch of Industry, Trade and Commerce met with me, as well as Brigadier General George MacFarlane, Program Manager of the Aurora Program. (The Aurora is a long range • Patrol Aircraft built by Lockheed) I attended the Hamilton Air Show where I inspected the Canadian built "Dash-7" and was introduced to the officers of the United States Airforce "Blue Angels" flying team. MR, FRETZ STANDING WITH OFFICIALS OF THE MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CORPORATION WHILE ON TOUR OF THE PLANT DURING HIS RECENT TRIP TO CALIFORNIA. THE CANADIAN MINISTRY The Honourable John Allen Fraser Postmaster General and Minister of the Environmen t The Right Honourable Charles Joseph Clark The Honourable William Jarvis Prime Minister Minister of State for Federal-Provincial Relation s The Honourable Jacques Flynn The Honourable Allan McKinnon Leader of the Government in the Senate and Minister of National Defence and Minister of Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Veterans Affairs The Honourable Martial Asselin The Honourable Sinclair M. Stevens Minister of State for the Canadian International President of the Treasury Board Development Agency The Honourable John Wise The Honourable Walter David Baker Minister of Agriculture President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of National Revenue The Honourable Ronald G. Atkey Mi n ister of Employment and Immigration The Honourable Flora MacDonald Secretary of State for External Affairs The Honourable Ramon J. Hnatyshyn Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and The Honourable James A. McGrath Minister of State fo r Science and Tech nology Minister of Fisheries and Oceans The Honourable Da~id Crombie The Honourable Erik K. Nielsen Minister of National Health and Welfare Minister of Public Works Th e Honourable Robert R. deCotret The Honourable Allan F . Lawrence Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce and Solicitor General of Canada and Minister of Mi n ister of State for Economic Development Consumer and Corporate Affairs The Honourable Heward Grafftey The Honourable John C . Crosbie Minister of Stat e for Social Programmes Minister of Finance The Honourable Perrin Beatty The Honourable David S. H. MacDonald Minister of State (Treasury Bo ?- ;t;:4 ), Secretary of State of Canada and Minister of Communications The Honourable J . Robert Howie Minister of State (Transport) The Honourable Lincoln Alexander Minister of Labour The Honourable Steven E. Paproski Mi n ister of State for Fitness and Amateur Sport The Honourable Roch LaSalle and Multiculturalism Minister of Supply and Services The Honourable Ronald Huntington The Honourable Donald F. Mazankowski Minister of State for Small Business a nd Industry Minister of Transport The Honourable Michael H . Wilson The Honourable Elmer M. MacKay Minister of State for I nternational Trade Minister of Regional Economic Expansion The Honourable Arthur J. Epp L~-0ted above a ~e the new memb e ~-0 06 the Fede~al Minister o f Indian Affairs and Northern Cab~net 60 ~ the 31-0t Pa~l~ament 06 Canada. Development PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE Of COMMONS -I Television in the House of Commons is now ::c rn an accepted part of the daily proceedings. In the beginning, Members of Parliam~nt were not :::0 sure how television would affect their work or G> ::c how it would be received by the Canadian public. -I Judging by the response members have ::c received from their constituents, televised daily 0 ::z: proceedings have generated a renewed interest in 0 c what goes on in the House of Commons. :::0 I sincerely hope that many of my constituents )> b:1 will watch the proceedings on televisron. In r rn our riding, the question period is most commonly c.... shown during the day. 0 The purpose of the question period is to allow rn the Members of Parliament to ask questions ("") concerning important issues of the day. The normal r )> daily pattern is for the speaker to recognize first :::0 :;;o;: the Leader of the Opposition £or an opening '· question and three suppl~mentaries. A second IJ member of the Official Opposition is recognized for :::0 three or four questions, and finally, Members for 3: other political parties ask their particular rn questions. 3: Members seek recognition by standing until ::z: "seen" by the Speaker of the House. In the early en part of the question period, Mr. Speaker accepts -I rn suggestions submitted in advance from the Opposit­ :::0 ion parties as to who should be recognized. )> ::z: I. Speaker ti 2. Clerk G> 3. Mace 4. Hansard Reporters :::0 < 5. Sergeant-at-Arms rn 6. Government Benches '"Tl 7. Opposition Benches :::0 rn 8. Prime Minister -I N 9. Oppositio~ Leader ... 10. Translation Booths 11. Press Gallery 12. Public Gallery 13. Official Gallery 14. Reserved Gallery 15. Opposition Gallery 16. MPs' Gallery 17. Diplomatic Gallery 18. Public Gallery AN OUTLINE Of THE HOUSE Of COMMONS r----------------------r ~.?' ', -~.' \! .,, ' ..
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