THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, VOL 55, MAY_JUNE, 1970 NEW MINERAL NAMES Mrcnael Frprscupn Chaoite Anurn El Gonosv (1969) Eine neue Kohlneitofi-Modifikation aus dem NdrdlinEer Ries. N aturwis sens c haJten, 56, 49 3494. The previously described polymorph of carbon fAmer. Minerd. 54, 326 (1969)] is named chaoite for E. C. T. Chao, petrologist, U S Geological Survey, for his work on the mineralogy and shock phenomena of the Ries Crater. No new data are given. Chaoite has also been reported (by X-ray data) from the Goalpara and Dyalpur carbonaceous chon- drites by Vdovykin IGuk hi.mi.a,1969, 1145-1148 ( 1969)]. Unnamed Palladium Minerals I Norilskite : Mixture A. D. GnNrrr.r (1968) Minerals of the platinum metals and their associations in the copper- nickei ores of the Noril'sk deposits. Izdat. "Nauka," 1-105; labst. Zap. Vses. Mineratr. Obshch., 98, 321, 333 (1969)1. (Pd, Pb)3As forms microscopic rims around crystals of sperrylite. Analysis gave Pd 66.2,Pb 17.5,As 15.5,sum 99.2/o;Pd:Pb:As:3.0:0.4:1. In reflectedlight brownishrose, slightly anisotropic. Reflectivity (nm and /):460,44.0/6;50O,46.0; 540, 47 0; 580, 48.5; 620,51.0; 6ffi,52.5;700, 53.0;740, 54.8 Tests oI the mineral previously considered to be Pd+Pb lAmu. Minaal. 46, 4& (1961)l showed that it contained As in amounts less than present in (Pd,Pb)3As. (Pd,Ni):As occurs as small grains filling interstices between grains of sperrylite and pentlandite. Analysis gave Pd 70.0, Rh 3.0, Ni 6 0, Cu 2.0, As 20 0, sum 101.0/6; the ratios Pd:Ni:Rh:Cu:As:2.5:0 4:0.1:0 1:1. In reflectedlight, color is light creamy-whitewith a trace of rose tint, as compared to pentlandite Distinctly anisotropic, with gray-blue to brown color effects. Reflectivity(nm,/s):460,45.0; 500,47.8;540,49.0; 580,50.8;620,53.5; 660,55.0; 700, 55.0; 7N,54.57a. (Compare PdsNi3Asg,Amer. Minerol 53, 1063). Norilskite lAmu. Minud 25, 710 (1940)l is found to consist of intergrowths of several platinum minerals. Unnamed Telluride ; Unnamed Sulfosalt W. C. Knr,r,v, .lNo E. N. Gonneno (1969) Telluride ores of Boulder County, Colorado. Geol. S oc. A mu. M em. lO9, 1-237 (esp.p. 107-109). An unidentified mineral from the Gray Eagle mine, Boulder County, is gray with a tan tint, tarnishing blue-gray, streak black. It contains major Ag, Te, with variable traces of Cu; close in composition to hessite.The strongest X-ray lines are 2.6O (m), 2.21 (vs), 2.15 (m), 2.10 (s). Reflectivity 20.5-24.0, av. 228(,7o.Bireflectance nil, no internal reflec- tions. No cleavage, no twinning, fracture irregular to subconchoidal. Vickers hardness: 30 g load 39 6-86.2, av.56.4; 100 g load, 90.8-100 6, av. 10C.3.Polishes well, Talmage hard- ness,4. Etched by FeCls and HgCl2, turning iridescent to black; negative in 60 seconds with HNOa, HCl, KOH, KCN. The mineral occurs in dense anhedral veinlets and vug fillings in vein quartz. It is molded against pyrite and is veined by chalcopl'rite and Au. An unknown sulfosalt has been found from the Croesus, King Wilhelm, and Little Johnny mines. Electron probe analyses show Pb, Ag, Sb, and S. X-ray patterns are poor 1067 NEW MINDRAL NAMES but all show strong lines at 3.50,3.35,2.88, 1.98 A-, close to fizelyite. Moderately bire- flectant (yellow-white to violet-white), strongly anisotropic with blue-gray to yellow- white polarization colors, occasional red internal reflections. It occurs as irregular to fibrous clots up to 0 12 mm. in diameter in telluride ores and as fibrous vug linings with petzite, and nagyagite. , Plumbopyrochlore N. V. SxonorocATovA. G. A. SroonnxKo. K. A. Dorornnve aNo T. I. Srorv.cnove (1966) Piumbopyro.hlo.". GeoI. Mestorozhil. Retlk. EIem.30, 84-95 fin Russian]. Analyses of red plumbopyrochlore (T.I.S.) and of greenish-yellow yttrian plumbo- pyrochlore(K.A.D.) gave PbO 38.68,27.50; REzOs 4.87, 11.80;UOr 1.82,3.82;CaO 1.17, 1.71;Na2O-, 0 20; ThOr, 1.19; KzO-, 0.13; SrO-, 0.19' MnO-, 0.14; MgO-, 0.05; SbzOs-, 0.19; BizOs-, 0.32; Nb:Os 40.68; 35.00; Ta2O53.58, 4.16;TiOz 0.81. 0.68; FerO: 2.87, 1.10;Alroa 0.64, 1.28; SnOzO.61, 2.02; SiOz2.82, 2.9tl. PzOs-, 0 2l; HzO--,0.32; HzO+-, 4.28; HrO + 1.00,-; F-, 0.16; sum 99 55, 99.36Ta.The rare earths are predom- inantly Y, with minor Yb, Er, Dy; calcd. mol. weights 280.2,290.7. Formulas calculated [ideally ArBz(O, OH)] on the basis of B:2 are, resp.: (Pbo 80Y0z+Uo roCac un)(Nbr rzTao oz Fe617Als o;Sno ozSio rz)Os rs.0.52HzO, or A1 zrBzOaz.O.SHzOi (Pbo ozYorzCa6 15U0 q6Na6 e3) (Nbr s2TaoogTio osFeo oiAlo rgSio uPo or)OuzzFo oz2.45HzO, or Ar zaB.rOe: 2 5HzO. The second sample is therefore intermediate between plumbopyrochlore and obruche- vite. X-ray study showed that both were crystalline and cubic, with a 10.534*0.05 and 10.57+0.01A. The strongest iines of plumbopyrochlore are 3.02 (10)(222),2.615 (6)(400), 1.861(e)(440), r.s8r (e)(622), r.20e (7)(662),1.180 (6)(840), 1.077 (8)(844), 1.017 (8)(666, 10.2.0). When the mineral is heated to 1200", a decreasesto 10.52A. and a fergusonite phase appears. The mineral occurs as grains and zoned octahedral crystals, dark brown at the center, greenish-yellow to red cn the periphery. G. plumbopyrochlore not detd., yttrian variety 5.04 Isotropic, z 2.08 + 0.015 (plumbopyrochlore) ; 2.025 (yttrian variety). The minerals occur in metasomatically altered granitic rocks, Urals, associated with quartz, microcline, albite, and aegirine. Cornpare plumbomicrolite, Am. Mineral. 47, r220-r22r(r96s). The mineral was approved in 1968 by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, IMA, by a vote of 5-3 with 5 abstentions. Plumbobetafite A A. GaNzrav, A. F. Enruov, AND G. V. LvusoMrlovA (1969) Plumbobetafitej a new mineral variety of the pyrochlore group: lr. Mineralog. Muz. Akad.Ir'ozfr SSSR 19, 135-137 lin Russianl. Analysis by G. V. L gave NbzOs30.96, TazOs 1.65, TiO, 13.30,Fe2O3 1 14, PbO 20.70, ThO, 0.15, UOr 1.70, UO3 13.73,RE2Og 4.63, CaO 2.71, MnO 0.34, NazO 0.83, KrO 0 14, BgOs0.23, SOr 0 55, SiO, 2.15,H2O+ 2.62,losson ignition 1.75,F 1.51,sum 100.18(given as 100.34)-(O:Ft 0.63:99.55/e (given as 9971/). Excluding SiO2,this gives the formula (Pbo44U0:;Cao rsNao 1eRE0 r2)Nbr rzTioreFeo orTao or)Ou(OGo r.Fo "). Spectrographic analysis showed also Sb, Bi, Sr, andZr 0lX-O.X/o. The rare earths con- sist of La 2O.6,Ce 61 C, Pr 44, Nd 10.5,Sm 1.0, Gd 0 5, Dy 0.5, Y 157o A DTA curve showed an endothermic break at 300", two exothermic breaks at 625" and 7lO". NEW MINERAL NAMES 1069 The mineral is metamict; after being heated to 800e, the x-ray pattern corresponds to a cubic phase with a 10.33+ 0.01 A. The mineral forms rounded isometric grains up to 2-3 mm., rarely octahedral crystals with curved faces. Color yellowish, sometimes with brown- ish-black cores. Luster adamantine. Fracture irregular. p 4.64. The mineral occurs as an accessory in a microcline-quartz-albite-aegirine-riebeckite dike cutting nepheline syenite of the Burpala alkalic massif, northern Baikal. Norn.-The nomenclature of this mineral, plumbopyrochlore, and plumbomicrolite will be discussed by the IMA Committee on the Pyrochlore group. Hydrocalcite ( : Monohydrocalcite) Haxwrr,one Meascnxen (1969) Hydrocalcite (CaCOs.HzO) and nesquehonite (MgCO:' 3HzO) in carbonate scales. Sci'ence165, lLlg-llzl. The name hydrocalcite is proposed for CaCOs'HzO (hexagonal, a 6.092,c7'534 A.), found as a constituent of carbonate scale deposited in air scrubbers of air-conditioning plants and at the mouths of cold water pipes. X-ray powder data are given. DrscussroN.-Unnecessary name for monohydrocalcite lAmer. M'i'neral. 49' 1151 (1964)1.The name is doubly unacceptablebecause it was used in 1892for CaCO:'3H:O(?), seeDana's SystanTth fuL.,a. 2,p.227. Satimolite V. M. Bocuaa.ov, I. I. KnArrunrNa, N. P. Al'nove, nNn Yu. V. Sgrpovnr-ov (1969) The new mineral satimolite, a hydrous chlorine-containing borate of aluminum and alkalies. Tr. Minerol. Muz. Ako'd..lfozrhSSSR, lgt l2l-725 [In Russian]. I. V. Osruvsr<avn, The formula for the new borate satimolite. Tr. MineraJ. Muz' Aka'il. /fozft.SSSR 19,202-205 (1969) [in Russian]. Microchemical analysis was made by L N. Kuznetsova on 100. mg. of material which contained boracite. It gave BzOa 35.80, Ald\ 16.62, FezOa1.78, MgO 8.39, CaO none. NazO 4.97, KzO 4.18,HeO+ 19.33,HzO- none, Cl 11.48,sum 102.55- (0:Cl2) 2'59:999670 Deducting MgO and FezOaas boracite and deducting corresponding amounts of BzOa and Cl and recalculating to 100/o, this gave BzOs 24.76, AlzOz24.10, NazO 7.2l,KzO 6.06, HrO 28.03, Cl12.70, giving the formula- 2AlgOa'38zOs'2NaCl KCl'l3HzO or KNazAlnG:oJBCIB.
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