Durham E-Theses Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis' life and works: a historical - critical study Strongylis, P.M.K. How to cite: Strongylis, P.M.K. (1994) Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis' life and works: a historical - critical study, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/5140/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk SAINT NECTARIOS OF PENTAPOLIS' LIFE AND WORKS: A HISTORICAL - CRITICAL STUDY BY P. M. K. Strongylis (Graduate of Theology of the University of Athens) The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. MA Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Arts UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM 1994 2 8 OCT 1994 To my Spiritual Father Rev. Dr. GEORGE S. VAYANOS, in gratitude for he inspired me with the idea of realizing postgraduate studies in England ABSTRACT The present study sketches the life, the thought and the work of Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis. It is divided into six chapters. The first comprises the Saint's childhood years in Selybria, the continuation of his high-school studies in Constantinople, his journey to Chios where he served as a primary school teacher, was tonsured as a monk and ordained to the Diaconate, as well as his study at the Theological School in Athens. The second chapter refers to the entrance of Saint Nectarios as deacon to the Patriarchate of Alexandria, his ordination as a presbyter and Metropolitan of Pentapolis, and his five-year fruitful contribution to the Greek Orthodox Community of Cairo, closing with his expulsion from Egypt and his returning to Greece. The third chapter includes the trials which Saint Nectarios underwent during the first period of his stay in Athens, his appointment as the Itinerant Sacred Preacher in the Province of Euboia, his activities there, as well as his transfer into the same position in the Province of Phthiotis-Phokis and his wanderings in this Province. The fourth chapter deals with the appointment of Saint Nectarios as the Dean of Rizareios Ecclesiastical Seminary, his pedagogical work, the rich extra-curricular activity and his resignation from his Seminary duties. The fifth chapter gives reasons for Saint Nectarios' claims for re-establishment of the Monastery of Zoodochos Pege in Aegina, his personal work in erecting the monastery, his benevolent deeds towards the islanders of Aegina, his last trials and concluding with his illness and dormition. The sixth chapter includes the period from Saint Nectarios dormition to the recognition of his sanctity by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. It starts with the presentation of the Saint's will, the translations of his relics, his canonization and the feast and celebration which took place for its cause. At the end of each chapter there is a brief presentation of the theological treatises which the Saint wrote, and the correspondence which he maintained during each one period of his life and ministry. In addition, I present an extensive anthology from them on diverse topics in my bibliography, in chronological oi'der. The list of his writings is the most complete and systematic presently available. There are, finally, two appendices to the present thesis consisting of a) seven previously unpublished interviews with eyewitnesses who met and spoke with Saint Nectarios, which refer to his whole life, and reveal unknown aspects of his life, personality and activities, and b) a catalogue of churches and benevolent foundations dedicated to the memory of Saint Nectarios throughout the world. ABBREVIATIONS E.A.I.A. EXXnviKO AoYorexviKo Km latopiKo Apxeio (E.L.I.A.: Association of Greek Literary and Historic Archive) E.K.A. EXXnviKH Koivorng AXe^av5peiag (Greek Community of Alexandria) E.K.K. EXXnvopedSo^og Koivdrnq Kaipou (Greek Orthodox Community of Cairo) 0.H.E. Qpr]OKtvT\.Kr\ Kai H0iKn EYKUKXo7rai5eia (Religious and Ethical Encyclopedia) A.Y.E. laropiKo Apxeio YTroupyeiou E^iorepiKcov (Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece) E.I.E. EXXnviKn laropiKti EraipEia (Greek Historic Association) P.E.I. PiCdpeiog EKKXriaiaaTiKii IxoXii ( R i z a r e i 0 s Ecclesiastical Seminary) TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREFACE INTRODUCTION PART ONE: THE FIRST GROWTH (1846-1885) 1. Childhood Years in Selybria 2. The Arrival and Stay in Constantinople 3. Teacher in Lithi of Chios 4. Monk and Deacon in Nea Moni of Chios 5. Completion of High School Studies 6. Theological Studies in the University of Athens 7. The Writings of this Period 1) Ecclesiastical Sermons on Faith and Confession 2) Ten Ecclesiastical Sermons on the Great Lent 3) Other Sermons and Preaching PART TWO: THE CLERGYMAN (1885-1890) 1. Nectarios as Deacon and Presbyter 2. Nectarios as Great Archimandrite 3. The Pastoral Work of Archimandrite Nectarios 4. The Writings of this Period 1) Ecclesiastical Sermon on the First Sunday of Lent 2) Ecclesiastical Sermon on Confession 3) Two Ecclesiastical Sermons on Faith and Miracles 4) On the Holy Synods and the First Two Ecumenical Synods 5) On the Revelation of God in the World 6) Sermon on Our Duties to the Holy Sanctuary 7) Other Homilies and Sermons 8) Correspondence 5. The Administrative Work of Archimandrite Nectarios 6. Nectarios' Election and Ordination to the Episcopate 7. The Pastoral Work of Metropolitan Nectarios 8. The Writings of this Period 1) A Sermon on the Feast of the Three Hierarchs 2) The Divine Liturgy of the Evangelist Mark 3) An Outline on Tolerance 4) Correspondence 9. The Administrative Work of Metropolitan Nectarios 10. The Expulsion from Egypt 11. Metropolitan Nectarios and the Archdiocese of Sinai PART THREE: THE PREACHER (1891-1894) 1. Appointment as Preacher in Euboia 2. Nectarios' Wanderings in the Province and his Trials 3. Candidate Archbishop of Chalkis 4. Preacher of the Province of Phthiotis-Phokis 5. The Writings of this Period 1) The Ecumenical Synods of Christ's Church 2) The Sacred Memorial Services 3) On the Revelation of God in the World 4) On the Formulation Concerning Man 5) On the Truth and False Knowledge 6) On the Care of the Soul 7) Correspondence PART FOUR: THE THEOLOGIAN (1894-1908) 1. Nectarios' Appointment to Rizareios Seminary 2. Nectarios' Effect as Dean of the Seminary 3. Nectarios' Extra-Curricular Activity 1) Recognition from the Church and State 2) Moral Support for the People of Chios 3) Candidate Bishop of Chalkis 4) The Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain 5) Candidate Patriarch of Alexandria 6) Founder of a Convent in Aegina 4. Nectarios' Resignation 5. The Writings of this Period 1) On the Divine Character 2) The Treasury of Sacred Sayings 3) Epic and Elegiac Opinions 4) Christian Ethics 5) Pastoral Study 6) Orthodox Sacred Catechesis 7) Christology 8) On the Immortality of the Soul 9) Evangelical History 10 Knowing Yourself 11 On the Sacrament of the Divine Eucharist 12 Contritional Prayer book 13 On the Mother of the Lord 14 On the Saints of God 15 Theotokarion 16 On Ordered Fasting 17 Digest of Holy Scriptures 18 Hieratical Manual 19 David's Psalter 20 On the Sacred Icons 21 Catechetical Letters 22 Correspondence PART FIVE: THE SPIRITUAL FATHER (1908-1920) 1. The Re-establishment of Zoodochos Pege tn Aegina 2. Nectarios' Activity in Aegina 1) His Work in Erecting the Convent 2) His Beneficial Deeds in Aegina 3) Nectarios as a Mystic of Christ 4) The Miracle-working Bishop 5) The Suffering of the Bishop 3. His Illness and Dormition 4. The Writings of this Period 1) Triadikon 2) Kekragarion 3) On the Causes of the Schism 4) Two Studies on Church and Tradition 5) On the Honorable Cross 6) On the Divine Sacraments 7) On the Church 8) Correspondence PART SIX: THE SAINT (1920-1961) 1. Nectarios' Will 2. The Translation of Nectarios' Relics 3. Nectarios' Canonization CONCLUSION APPENDIX ONE: INTERVIEWS OF EYEWITNESSES 1. Introduction 2. Interviews 1) Anastasios Ch. Kephalas (General) 2) Elizabeth Nikolaidou (Period of Selybria) 3) Archimandrite Gennadios Arnaoutelis (Period of Egypt) 4) Catherine Staikidou (Period of Euboia) 5) Nun Philothei Zirganou (Period of Phthiptis-Phokis) 6) Hieromonk Gregorios Danielidis (Period of Rizareios) 7) John Lazarou (Period of Aegina) APPENDIX TWO: CHURCHES OF SAINT NECTARIOS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 1. Introduction 2. Churches of Saint Nectarios 3. Chapels of Saint Nectarios 4. Monasteries of Saint Nectarios 5. Remaining Foundations of Saint Nectarios 6. Churches of Saint Nectarios (Old Calendar) 7. Monasteries of Saint Nectarios (Old Calendar) 8. Chapels of Saint Nectarios (Old Calendar) 9. Saint Nectarios Printers - Book shop 10. Saint Nectarios Hotel 11. Saint Nectarios Streets 12. Statistic List of Benevolent Foundations named after Saint Nectarios SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Primary Sources 1) Letters by Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 2) Letters to Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 3) Letters Referring to Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 4) Articles of Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 5) Published Treatises of Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 6) Unpublished Treatises of Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis 7) Other Primary Sources 2.
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