Wright State University CORE Scholar Martha McClellan Brown Ephemera Martha McClellan Brown Papers (MS-147) 11-13-1903 Thirteenth Annual Convention of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union Souvenir Program Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/special_ms147_ephemera Part of the Women's History Commons Repository Citation (1903). Thirteenth Annual Convention of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union Souvenir Program. This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Martha McClellan Brown Papers (MS-147) at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Martha McClellan Brown Ephemera by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. !~~~~~ ~ r ~• ~~~~~~~ ~ .•.SOUVENIR PROGRAM••• ~ ~,~ ~ ~ · ! Cbirtietb :Jlnnual national Convention i ! .Woman's Christian 'Ctmptranu Union · ! ~ r ~ Tor 6od ~ and native and 'Jjomt C:and. ~ ~ I ~ ~ ==Cincinnati, Obio, november 13th to 18th, 1903.== ~ ~ ,1.9-,~~~~~~~Com~pile!hd~by~M~A~RY1-aB~.Cll.!hOR"'W~IN...~'-11~~~~~~=-,.~i-.~~ Y. Frank R. Thompson. Why are W'olD.en G.•·· ·Hlh8P•uowell ·Mfg.-Co. Our• Best CustomersI No. 135 Sycamore Str~et, - Cincinnati, Ohio. for PHONE,· MAIN 2612. Coal and C_oke? ., USED· · Pound Cans, == 25 Cents. Cincinnati, 0., November 9, ' 1908. I have been a~d ai:n using your A~nt Jemima~=t~~k!~! 5i~;:::.• and take pleas- ure in recommending it to 0thers. Find it the b MRS. JOHN ANDERSON. Cincinnati, o., September 6, 1908. THE MARMET CO. , B kin Powder the results have been In my experience with Aunt Jem;mai5 a g MRS J Grr.B:itRT ISHAM. unfailingly good. It is safe and abso ute y pure. , Cincinnati, 0., July 10, 19~3- I have used Aunt Jemima's Baking. Powd er f or five andA. find GOODMAN it entirely. .Alw~ys at Your Service. satisfactory. ?rre:;~•w. >~)SOUVC IR PROGR/\M(~< --T11 IRT IETH==== ==. ====== /\NNU/\L NI\TION/\L CONVENTION Wot\/\N'S CHRISTI/\N TEMPER/\NCE UNION, FOR GOD /\ND /\ND HOME N/\TIVE L/\ND. CINCI N/\TI. OH IO. NOVC t\t\BCR 13Tt-l TO 18TH. '1903. NO ESSLER IIROS., flUHTERS , COMMERC IAL TRIBUl'fE B L OG., WALNUT 8T., C INCINIUTI. IVORYDALE, OHIO THE HOME OF IVORY SOAP DEDICA T ORY SONO. B righter Days are Coming. Wo rds a nd Music by CHM,. M . Fn,LMOHE. ~lz 4 - Ll----· - ==r1 ~ -4---~--=i- --~g : "'- --:-- t-- : c~---.-1--!!l= -1 ..,. --,----,;--,,.----,-.;---..........- ----•- -•---•-- ._;,,-- •- -...•-- ...•-- --::1 l . Moth-er! pray - ing for you r wayward boy, Source of grief, who 2. W ife! so lone - ly, des - o - late, for - lorn, Vig - ii keep - ing ' 3. Chil-dren! rag- ged, cry - ing fu r your b read, Pray-ing for a 4. Brave re - form - er! b attling 'gainst t he wrong, Yield not, faint not, - --I'-~-- - --=--=--=--::.".:.-::.-:::,__~ "' "' - ~ - 0 --- -e-__,,__ ... l';)i~~t--p-r-r-H=--¥~-==---E ~=---c:=EJdL---_L---f rj 1~P1z=F_-- : - : ~ ;=i-_~J ~ : ~t :z__:_·-r ~ =i ~.,, - •- 0- •- •• -~·-o- T• -----..----- •--•- -•--•--~,o - 3 onee was p ride and joy, Pray on, moth - er, God will h ear your cry, till the break of morn, Pray on, wife, fo r God will hear your cry, father worse than dead, P ray on, chil-dren, God will hear your cr y, tho the foe be strong, F ight on, pray on, God will hear your cry, __/l._ (f _ /1. II. -'---/1- ~ f: ~ 0 ! -,,,i . l'4a-z=J,- -lzj:1- I• --I~ - t~ -~=+---1-"~- I- --I - L-= -~==;;1==1;;1==;;1==9-- 11-- iill..___,~~-, ',I ,; ,; ,I I - ~-p~ -tij C· II O R IIS, ·--.----1 ~ !!l_ ..,,.,_ _./>,- ,o . I I I - t: - -,, - ~m----+--• - -,,- -+-~~~ ----IL:-.-,,..-- ~_ -,,.. _ -,,.._ ..,,.,__.,,___~ ; - jf•--c- ~--- --------- -.--- ---- -1- =,:-r.,=-•--- Brighter days are com-ing, by and by. Brighter days are corn -ing, Q-a--t!:...•-- •- --±11-- •- --t--•~--~-~: -c= t----=-.!. olt-i=t==-~--- •-·------ r ---~-,1-/1- - .!.-~.... I2=9- il- .l-- .l-- .l-- ',l.- •1--',I.- o-.!...- ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_.!. - - . r-- - :r- 7-:;,- ;;- t;-,- 'i 912=:::;:-1 2 -,,..-=========- -4',-7--<~-,,.. fi-__ -==--==--==--==--=...~1_..,_....,___..,_. --.-t-~~ ..,....=_,,.._..,,.,_....,._- ~ . ---!- •- •- -- ~- _________________J_____ ===-: • - oJ .......... -19- ... ... ... ... • ... coming by and by, All t he clouds will rnnish from tbe darkened sky, ,__/l. _ _ _ _ .,,r-._ 0---"t---- 11-•- -- "t-·- 11. -11--~II.~---- ~ I t ~ P'~ 8iE=:P--1z--l - .l----,l.•--~ ,'::::±::::::±~l::',l.~----=t,J-~ ',/- -,J- ,le.=:--l==E"-·-r-i - • - - - 1'- & ·=::l ~ ,; ,; ',I I ' -~------4--- -----~- " "' i-,~-- " - - --~'- - ~ -i:;:~-~-~........,__ I · ---•I q·l-~,__ --..,,.,_-~ , -A-- -------·---:- 11=.== ~ -r-6'---c-ijl* . - ,. ",-...J!,,-.,---+-;---c- ~ - - - - -- -- "'--~ - "'-~ • - -,t-- -- - - c- .,---,,- ,,- "(1--· ll- ll- ll- ll- ~0- - ~ --IJ - IJ- • ll II- -0---.-- - I ~.., ? T ',;,; P ray on. work on,h 1peon,God will hear your cry, Rri glitPr days an• e0ming by and by. __/l. _ ___ tl_fl. _.___.,__ ♦ •~ ♦ -,9- -;> i, •-±- P- -"'-~";__ #1 i:2-·- C\-;.c:;1.!. - !,'.h j:-I• - B I I I 1/1 _ . _ .,_ __L __ +,---L-,------<--- --- - - ·~ I. -~=! =-~=!=!=f.:::'::::-~•' - s.-'=-"7- ..-----;)~~ --•.l- .1 ----.1---- -,/ - -~,'--- ,/---- •) -•,/.f~ -~ -. ~- ,J ) ,/ ,; ,/ I Co pyrigh t , IS!J~. Uy t'illmvre lire:.. ---· The--- Union Central Life Insurance Co., of Cincinnati, Established 1867,. Pays the Largest Dividends to Policy Holders because of very low death rate, high interest realized and moderate expenses of management. Leads all companies in High Interest Realized on the Safest Investments. Assets Over $37,000,000.00. The .Great Policy Holders' Compaq.y. JOHN M. PATTISON, President. E. P . MARSHALL, Secretary. Porcelain, 6lassware, Jfrt Pottery. The Woman's Friend, Exclusi~e Jlgents for Royal B ~as 1Range. fopenbagen Porcelain and also for tbe J:ibbev tut No Dust. No Dirt. No Smok.e. mass.====== It Broils and Bak.es. No Home Complete Without One. Ube Jf. Scbult3e '-to. Cbe 6as ~ Electric Jfppliance to. 128:::::130 1€. jfourtb St., :fSet. ~atn ant, 'Wlalnut. ll)lum, aoutb of jfourtb Street. l MRS. Lucy W E BB HAYES, Who, while Mistress of the White;House, banished wine from the Presidential Dinner. LADY HENRY SOMERSET, World's President, W. C. T. U. Eastnor Castle, Ledbury, England. FRANCES WILLARD, Organizer of the World's W. C. ",T. u:·· MRS. ANNIE W. CI.ARK, Ohio State President. MRS. L. M. N. STEVENS. l National President W. C. T. U. Por Banquets. Por Dinners. WHITE ROCK W /\TER Is recognized the -world over a.s the --Leading Table Water-- WILMOT J. HALL, Distributer, Phone, M. 252· Por Clubs. For Homes. HEADQUARTERS FOR Delegates are invited to make themselves at home in the Cloaks, Suits, furs, LEADING BOOKSTORE IN CINCINNATt ln Our Retail Department we have a large and well-selected Skirts and Waists, stock of Miscellaneous and non-technical books, tmbracing full lines of all the standard and popular works in Belles- Let­ and Scarfs tres, Fiction, Memoirs, History, Travel, Poetry, Art, Bi­ ography, Science, and all the new books of the day at the o f every description lowest prices. A large assortment of the best and most pop-. ...at. .. ular Juvenile books. Our arrangements with the English and foreign publishers are such that we can import aay books POPULAR PRICED STORE, desired at very short notice. We do job printing, book print· BREWSTER'S 6:20 R.ACE STREET. ing and binding, in the very best styles at the most reasonable rates. Delegates to Convention will be allowed 10 per cent. di-count No. 222 West Fourth Street, upon mention of this Souvenir. JENNINGS & PYE,. --- CINCINNATI, OHIO. --- Phot0 by Young & Call. Photo by Young & Carl. MRS. H. H. H UN'fSMAN, MRS ELLA A. ROLLER, Lockland. 0. H43 Cha~e Avenue. Secretarv National Convention. President General Chairm~n W. C. T. U. President Local Unlon. Member Wayne Ave. M. E Hamillon County W C. T. U For six years Church. P, ei;;ident of Northside Union. Member of Christian Church, North,;;,ide. MRS. MCCLELLAN C. BROWN, Ph.D., LL. D., 102! Wesley Avenue. Chairman Pulpit Committee and Assistant to General Chairman. Organizer of first Temperance State Union at Colum­ bus. Ohio, Feb,ua,y 2-!, JS;,. .Founder of ~ oman·s Christian Temperance Union Chatauq11a Assemhly, August 12. 18i4 and Cleveland, 0. November l> ·lP. 1874. Plan of Work and Addre~s to Women of the whole \Vorld, copyrighted. Washtngton, D. C., January 1:I 1'76. Active on the public- platforn1 in Coad Templary al home and in Europe from 1,64. Graud Chief Templar of Ohio. 1873-4. Right Grand Vice-Temular, 1874-5. Supt. Juve­ nile Templars of the World 187 . The anf'St of the won1tn and their incarceration in the city w~s claimed to be in the inlerest of their pro­ tec1io11 . Mi~s Black, the very efficient and trustworthy Photo by Young & Cati. Chai, mi:1n of our I.ocal Financial Commit1ee. was among those taken in custody by our city &.uthorities. Photo by YonnR & \.. arJ. MISS SUSAN RENNICK, DR. LINKMEYER BRATE, ij08 W. Ninth Street. ~harondlle, 0. Treasurer National Couveotion. T~acher As~istant to General Chairman. For four­ in Public School. Charter member of Mathe­ teen years HvRiene and He,edity Superin­ sis. State lecturer and organizer. Writer of tendent of Ohio. Member M. E. Church. poems and stories. Sharonville. The Brom-well Co. Ma nufacturers and Jobbers of Brushes and Wire Goods, 'l))f Dealers in Household, Factory and Office Specialties. A Household Necessity. 129 E. Fift h St., Cinci nnati, 0 . The Dennison Hotel, From Factory to You. f ifth and Main Streets, Cincinnati, O. Open the. door o! a MO_N~OE and one is immediately impressed with the beauty and datntJ wlnt, uess ms1de. C~oser ins~ection and tapping of the walls reveals the fact that they are not an 1m1tat10n.
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