http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society 337 . GENERAL INDEX. W. signifies that the party is witness to a deed. Abergavenny, Lord, lambs given him by Amys, George, pensioner of St. Augus- the Corporation of Rochester, 77; in tine's, Canterbury, 58. Sussex, 1580, 82; at Billing, 1580, Androwes, Christopher, Rochester ac- claims to appoint the under-steward counts, 76. of Rochester, 54. Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries, commoner Aceracio: see Steeling. than Romano-British, 145. Acworth, Mr., exhibits an ancient wood- Angon, exhibited by Mr. Humphry carving, xUu. Wickham, xli. Adam, Sir, Vicar of Bredhurst, 28. Annatoe, i.e. eldest, 134. Adekyn, WiUiam, 121. Ahnulis (rings), 125. Ainesfordia, Ralph de, and WUUam his Anthony, Robert, Prior of Christ brother, W., temp.'Hen. II., 29. Church, Canterbury, 60. Ainesfordia, WUUam de, and Ralph his Antoninus, second Iter of, 1. brother, W., temp. Hen. IL, 29. Anvil, Rochester Castle works, 121,129, Albon, WUliam, Pensioner of Rochester 130. Monastery, 58. Appevan, Henry, late Incumbent at Aldington was in two manors in time of Penshurst, a pensioner, 63. the Confessor; at time of Domesday Appultrefelde, MUdred, masses for, in Survey, it was only one manor, held by St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, left by Ansgotus, 31; only one or at most John Roper, 1523,162. two owners between Domesday and Archer, John, Leeds Priory, 64. Fitz Helte, 40; formerly distinct pa- Arms, a contribution of, 1643, 199. rish from Thurnham, united 1433, Arnold, James, Leeds Priory, 64. 29; lands in, belonging to North- Arnolde, alias SpeUhurste, q.v. wodes, descent of, 36-37. Array, the King's Commission of, 1642, Aldington Cobham, alias East Court, a 183. moiety of Aldington manor, held by Arundell, Earl of, and others, sent to the Cobhams, 31. Parliament by Edw. III. to soUoit a Aldington Septvans, a moiety of the supply, 216. manor of Aldington, 29, 31. Arundell, Hugh, Rochester accounts, Aldington Church, granted to Priory of 79. CombweU, by WUUam Fitz Helte, Ash Chantry, a late Incumbent of, 62. temp. Hen. IL, 10, 29; confirmation Ash Church, Laverock monument in, of, 40. 142. Aldynton, i.e. Aldington, q.v. Ash, Rev. D., exhibits an ancient Greek Aleyn, John, labourer, 127. picture, xliii. Allen'B Farm, in Plaxtol, 2. Ashford, the minister's house in, coats- AUington fields, Roman antiquities of-arms formerly in, 109. found in, 146. Ashford and Willesborough Churches, Aluuinus and Godwinus, in time of the brasses, etc., in, 103. Confessor, held Aldington as two Ashford Ohurch, defaced by S. Worthy manors,' 31. and another, 1644, 107; glass win- Amherst, Lord, exhibits a Saxon brooch, dows in, 109. xiii. Asphitel, A., Esq., his lecture on Ro- Amphora, or bottle, Roman, found at chester Castle, xxxvii. Plaxtol, 6. Asser's Life of Alfred, cited, 71. VOL. II. Z 338 GENERAL INDEX. Assheler stone, Rochester Castle, 127. Bardingelege, Roger de, Rochester, circa Asshelercoin stone, Rochester Castle, 1230, 228. 114 note, 127,130. Bare, Sfr John, temp. Ric. L, 110. Ashlar quoins: see Asshelercoin. Bare, Juliana, wife of Richmond, 110. Assizes held at Rochester, 1578, 74. Bare, Richmond, of Mote House, Se- Assizes for Kent, Committee of the vington, and Juliana his wife, in House come to, 1642,181. Willesborough Church, 110. Aucher, Sir Anthony, Kt., auditor and Barker, Edward, a messenger, Rochester supervisor of Christ Church, Canter- accounts, 78, 79, 83. bury, annuitant thereof, 59. Barker, WUUam, pensioner of Leeds Augmentations, Court of, instituted, 50. Priory, 58. Augurale of Roman camp, 67. Barker, WilUam, pensioner of Motten- Averenches, descent of coheirs of, 38-39. den Monastery, 59. Averenches, Agnes de, wife of John de Barling, Mr., of Maidstone, 147. Sandwyco, 1263,134 lis, 136. Barnham, Sfr Francis, member _ for Averenches, Elena or EUnor de, wife of Maidstone, one of the Committee Bertram de Criol, 1263,134 bis, 136 sent by the Parliament to the assizes, bis. 1642,181; of Boughton Monchensey, Averenches, Isabella de, wife of Henry 1642, 195. de Gaunt, 1263, dead 1313,134,136. Barny, John, trustee of Sir Roger de Averenches, Isolda de, wife of Nicholas Northwode, 1356, 21. de Lenham, 1263,134,136. Barrett, T h o m a s , pensioner of Folkstone Averenches, Matilda de, her heirs, 1263, Monastery, 55. 134 bis, 136. Barret, Thomas, late Incumbent of Folkestone fraternity, a pensioner, 63. BackechUde, i.e. Bapchild, q.v. Barrette, Thomas, masses for, in St. Bacon, Robert, a late Incumbent at Dunstaji'8, Canterbury, left by John Dartford, a pensioner, 62. Roper, 1523,162. Bacon, Robert, pensioner of Rochester Barri, Sir John, at Canterbury, mediates Monastery, 58. in a suit between Sfr John de North- Badecok, Thomas, of Upchurch, code- wode and his father's executors, 25. fendant with Sir Richard atte Lese, Barrows [siuer], Rochester Castle, 129 q.v., 1373, 36. lis, 131. Badlesmore, Bartholomew de, Kt., the Barrows: see Handbarrows. King grants him the marriage of Sir Bars, Rochester Castle, 125. Roger do Northwode, a minor, 13 Basilica of Roman camp: see Pra> Edw. IL, 14. torium, Badlesmere, Joan de, wife of S i r John de Batteracio: see Battering. Northwode, lady of manors of Horton Basyng, WUUam de, Master of Strode and Beansfleld, temp. Edw. IL, 12. Hospital, 1368, 111. BadseU manor, Henry Sfidolf's, 1474, Bath excavated at Plaxtol, 5. 231. Batricheseye, i.e. Battersea, q.v. BaiUez, i.e. dehvered, 1382, 98. Battering and steehng axes, etc., Ro- Baker, Hugh, labourer, 127. chester Castle, 125. Baker, James, a carter, 126. Battersea [Batricheseye], freight from, Baker, Sir John, present at the assizes, to Rochester, 121-122. 1642,186. Battle, Abbot of, Roper's bequest to, Baker, Richard, a setter-mason, 123 ; a for masses, 1253,154. labourer, 126. Bawdewyn: see Baldwin. Bal, Richard, mason, at Rochester Cas- Bawth, John, Leeds Priory, 64. tle, 123. Bayues, John, pensioner of St. Augus- Baldwin [Bawdewyn], Bartholomew, tine's, Canterbury, 58. clerk, trustee of S i r Roger Northwood, Bean, Thomas, codefendant with Sir 27. Riohard atte Lese, 1373, 36-37- BaUiums, aU, are of date Edw. I., 68. Beauchamp, Roger, and others, plain- Bands [vertinellas], Rochester Castle : tiffs, manor of Lamborne, Berks, 6 see VertineUffi, 125, 128. Ric. II., 13. Bapchild [BackechUde], Radfelde in, Beauchamp, Roger de, in Grandison po- q.v., 62. digree pleadings, 34, 35. Barbitousor, Christopher, Leeds Priory, Beauchamp, Sibilla, coheir to her mother 64. Mabill, Grandison doscent, 34,35. GENERAL INDEX. 339 Beaufoy, Agnes, wife of William, Roper and executor of his WU1,1523, daughter and coheir of Robert North- 155; and bequest to him, 161. wode, 36-37. Bery, John, butler, Leeds Priory, 64. Beaufoy, WUUam, pleadings in North- Bestcherche, WiUiam, mason, works at wode descent, 36-37. CowUng Castle, q.v., 1584,100. Beausfield, near Dover, Lady Joan de Betts, Mr., exliibits an ancient bronze Badlesmere (wife of Sfr John de cock, xUii. Northwode), lady of the manor of, Betyl, Paul, labourer, 127. temp. Edw. IL, 12,14; manor, set- Beverley, Joseph, late auditor of Favers- tled in marriage by Sir Roger de ham Monastery, his fee, 59. Northwode, 1331, 16; given by Sfr Bexley, John Roper's land in, entaU of, Roger de Northwode to his son Sir 1523, 159,160. Roger and. his heirs, 1342, 20. Bicknor [BUcenor], lands in, belonging Becheman, John, timber for Rochester to Northwodes, descent of, 36, 37. Castle, 117, 122. Bicknor [Bikenore], Sir Thomas de, his Becher, Rochester, 1580, 84. seal, about 1300, 41. Bedirsden, Sfr Robert, a brother of Bickorn [bicorne], at Rochester Castle, Leeds Priory, 64. what, 128,130. Beer stone : see Bere. Bicorne: see Bickorn. Beetles [tribulis], irons for tho, Roches- Biggs, Mr., his farm at Borough Green, ter Castle, 125,129. in Wrotham, 7. Beetles [tribul.], wooden, Rochester Bikenor, i.e. Bicknor, q.v. Castle works, 129,130,131. Bilets and speldes, for making a fire, Bek, WiUiam, labourer, 127. Rochester Castle, 119. Bekesbourn, Sepulchral Shaft, paper on, BUsington Monastery,pensioned monas- 43; more sepulchral remains found tics of, 55. at, 48. BUsington, Curate of, Mr. Crofton, Belherst, John, carrying timber from 1682, 94. Bokingfeld to New Hythe, 122. Binge, John, pensioner of St. Augus- Bell, a, Rochester Castle, 129,131. tine's, Canterbury, 58. BeUs, Church, information about, re- Birling, horse-hire from Rochester to, quested by J. R. Daniel Tyssen, Esq., 1580, 83. 286. Bland, Mr., his discoveries of Roman BeUows, an oxhide for covering a pair remains at HartUp, xxxix. of, bought for Rochester Castle, 120; Blande, John, pensioner of Wingham, see also 129,130. 61. Bending, Alice de, one of the five d a u g h - Blore, E., Esq., his drawing of monu- ters and coheirs of Stephen do Thurn- ment in Folkestone Church, 133 ; his ham, 32. opinion on the monument, 141. Benet, William, the carpenter, Leeds Blore, Richard, executor of Will of Sir Priory, 64. Roger de Northwode, and formerly Beneyt, Geffrey, a setter-mason, 123. his steward, 1361, 23, 24, 25, 28. Beneyt, John, a setter-mason, 123, Blower, Mary, pensioner of Dartford 127. Nunneiy, 56. Bengbery manor, distrained for five Boards caUed Weynscot, 130. marks due to Cobham CoUege, 28; Bocher, Adam, Rochester Castle works, entail of, in hands of ThomasBrumps- 121. ton, 28. Bocher, Thomas, labourer, 127. Bentham, Mary, pensioner of Dartford Bocton: see Boughton. Nunnery, 56. Bokingfold, a royal park, 120; oak tim- Bonyon, Sfr George, impeached and sent ber in, for Rochester Castle, 122,124, to the Tower, 1642,178. 128. Bere [Beer] freestone, used in repairs Boley HU1 [BoUyhill], Mr. Watts of, 81. of Rochester Castle, 1368, 112, 127, Boleye, William, labourer, 127. 129,130. Boll, i.e.
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