University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 11-22-1919 Sandspur, Vol. 21 No. 05, November 22, 1919. Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 21 No. 05, November 22, 1919." (1919). The Rollins Sandspur. 244. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/244 iHemorial Athtettr Number The Rollins Sandspur Published by Students of Rollins College VOLUME 21 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 22, 1919. NO. 5 L DECKER HP- HUNDRED FIFTY ROLE L FITTING ME t MAY MEAN WATERWAY BE- TWEEN ROLLINS AND JACKSONVILLE PLAN PUT BEFORE STUDENTS Equipment Will Arrive Shortly AT CHAPEL ON ARMISTICE THE ROLL OF HONOR DAY On July 29, 1919, Honorable Sid­ SPECIAL SERVICE HELD ney J. Catts, Governor of Florida, l^S CLAUDE BRANNON Farmer Students Have Been Informed designated Rollins College as the only SUNDAY, NOV. 16. EBROL BRYANT of Plan and Asked for Subscrip­ educational institution in Florida, PAUL HARRISON tions (according to an act passed by Con­ KNOWLES HALL CROWDED TO WILLIAM HUNTER gress) to which naval equipment CAPACITY WITH TOWNS­ ROBERT LEWTER A call was sounded to all former be supplied by the Navy Department. PEOPLE AND STUDENTS MALCOM SAUNDERS students on Armistice Day, during Governor Catts applied to the Navy CHARLES STILLWELL the Chapel exercises, to respond to an Department for such equipment as "We are dead. Short days ago, appeal for funds for an athletic me­ the College Naval Unit would need We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, morial to our fallen heroes. Letters for instruction purposes. Assistant Loved and were loved, and now we lie come back to us" in memory thru a have been mailed to all former stu­ Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. In Flanders Field." mammoth memorial athletic field, dents throughout the United States, Roosevelt, then acting Secretary of plans for which were announced on Canada, Alaska, South America, Cen­ the Navy, approved the request and But the Rollins boys—Claude Bran- Armistice Day by President George tral America, Mexico, Asia, Europe, ordered the Navy Personnel to ship non, Erroll Bryant, Paul Harrison, Morgan Ward. Every college is rais­ Africa, and the islands of the sea, an­ the equipment. William Hunter, Robert Lewter, Mal­ ing some worth while memorial to nouncing the campaign and calling The naval officers in charge of colm Saunders, and Mason Stillwell— its fallen heroes and Rollins has de­ for subscriptions. the work of the Rollins Naval Unit did not break faith, in the words of rided to honor he r's in this way. The The plan is to raise a sum of $250, mean to give the students helpful John McRae,' with those who died, plans call for the raising of $250,000 000, with which to construct a new and interesting instruction in naviga­ and so they sleep among the poppies for the buildin? of the field, a new athletic field, a new gymnasium, and tion, seamanship, radio and landwire in Flanders Field. gymnasium, and the provision for to provide an endowment fund for telegraphy, military drill, setting-up And "even tho they die, they will (Continued on page 7) athletics. Former students every­ exercises, and signal work. At no where are being called upon to con­ time will the work become a burden tribute $75,000, which will be used for or will it interfere with the study the construction of the field and this program. will be their share of the greater sum The campus, plotted like all Naval to be raised. Stations, is divided into sections and Florida has been divided into com­ gives the Officer-of-the-Day exact munities and all territory outside of location of any disturbance, in case of Florida has been divided into states fire or general alarm. Seamanship and countries. A Chairman has been (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8.) STUDENT VOLUNTEER KEY C. ARTHUR LINCOLN, FORM­ ER EDITOR OF SANDSPUR, BIGGEST STUDENT CONVENTION NEW PASTOR OF LARGE IN THE UNITED STATES, TO BROOKLYN CHURCH BE HELD DURING CHRIST­ MAS HOLIDAYS Has Recently Accepted Call From Kings Highway Congregational Church; Former Pastor of Delegates From All Florida Colleges Large Buffalo Church Will Leave From Jacksonville December 28, In Special Car Rev. C. Arthur Lincoln, for many On "Dixie Flyer" years pastor of the First Congrega­ tional Church of Buffalo, N. Y., has Mr. II. Conrad Ostrom, Traveling recently accepted a call from the Secretary for the Student Volunteer King's Highway Congregational Movement, visited the campus on the Church, one of the newest and larg­ evening of November 6th and spoke est churches in Brooklyn, N. Y., and to a representative group of students will begin the work of his new pas­ concerning a selection of delegates for torate on December 1. the convention at Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. Lincoln was a student in Rol­ during the Christmas Holidays. lins for a number of years and was It was decided that Rollins would Editor-in-Chief of the Sandspur in send her full quota of delegates, two 1899, when the paper was published campus students, one town student as a quarterly. and one faculty member. (Continued on page 3) PRESIDENT GEO. M. WARD, D. D., LL. D. \y (Continued on page 10) THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR Saturday, November 22, 1919. THANKSGIVING BORROWING WITHOUT PERMIS­ GIRLS ATHLETICS Cbc Ifiollins Sandspur SION "STICK TO IT" Rollins will observe the traditional Time was when a girl who was con­ Established in 1894 with the following ed­ holiday on November 27 in recogni­ Friendly cooperation is a very fine sidered a "perfect lady" never touch­ itorial : "Unassuming yet mighty, sharp and point­ tion of America's national Thanks­ thing, and especially in a small school ed hands on a^basketball, played ten­ ed, well-rounded yet many-sided, assiduously giving Day. America has much to be it helps to bring the students together nis, or did anything else but sit at tenacious, yet as gritty and energetic as its name implies, victorious in single combat and thankful for this year, and we feel in a way which makes for a success­ home and look pretty. therefore without a peer, wonderfully attracts that this Thanksgiving Day has a ful school year. Perhaps this coopera­ Haven't times changed, tho? ive and extensive in circulation ; all these will be found upon investigation to be among the deeper significance for us and for the tion, which is so much in evidence at Look at the sport-girl of today. extraordinary qualities of The Sandspur." world, if such can be possible, than it Rollins, may be termed socialistic. At Isn't she of the very best kind? In did for our Pilgrim fathers on that any rate it necessitates a mutual gen­ the first place, as a result of all the day, two hundred and ninety-eight erosity. But it also means a mutual wholesome exercise she's taken, health years ago, when the ships of the RESPONSIBILITY. To come down to is assured, and being healthy goes a mother country sailed up the rocky plain facts, don't borrow someone long way toward enjoying life and New England harbor. else's property without asking the everything that's worth while in it. Thanksgiving Day was originated owner, whether or not you think that If popularity counts for anything she by the Pilgrims in 1621, at Plymouth, he will object and however great may usually has it, for she "get's in on" Massachusetts—a day for them of be your intention of returning it im­ swimming parties, tennis matches, prayer and thanksgiving for their de­ mediately. It is possible that he may skating sprees, basketball games, and livery from the clutches of famine have some special reason for wanting so on—everything that's going on. and cold by the providential ar­ the thing you wish to borrow, him­ The very fact that she's proficient in rival of ships from England. It is self, or that some situation may unex­ sports helps her to be admired and difficult, perhaps, for us to appreci­ pectedly arise, which may prevent liked by all. ate the deep significance of this sa­ your returning his property. Then, Everybody knows that sports make cred day to our forefathers, the in­ too, we haven't perfect memories, and good "sports" in that a girl learns trepid colonists of a cold, bleak, and our attention may be diverted in such fairness, consideration for her fellow hostile country, when, after a period a manner that we will forget to bring players, and the "on with the game" of ruinous want and sacrifice, an back the thing we have borrowed. As spirit. There's nothing like it. abundance of food was to be had. a result it gets lost, we forget about Perhaps athletics tend to make the Such was the relief from hunger, it, and when the owner of the prop­ "young ladies" more masculine and sickness, and death; such was the erty needs it, it isn't there. Then, too, not quite so "appealing," but who appreciation of God's providence, that some damage may, without our being isn't willing to admit a healthy muscle the Pilgrim Fathers declared the day able to prevent it, result to the prop­ is worth acquiring and not always sacred and set it apart as a day of erty.
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